Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What's the story of the hungry millionaire?

What's the story of the hungry millionaire?

Deng Tong was rich in the world for a long time, but in the end he died of cold and hunger.

Deng Tong was originally just a boatman. Whenever he sails, he often puts the yellow flag in the bow, so he is called the yellow-headed wolf. Because he was good at rowing, he was chosen as a sailor in the palace.

One night, Emperor Wendi had a dream that he had ascended to heaven. However, Wendi Deng tried her best. Although he is close to the worse gate, he has never boarded it. Just then, a man in a yellow hat pushed him behind his back and finally let him ascend to heaven. He looked back at the man who pushed him and found that his belt was tied behind him. Wendi Deng tried to stop him, but he was awakened by a crow.

The next day, Wendi came to the terrace built by Cangchi in Gongxi, and saw a royal boat with a yellow hat and a tie behind it, which was the person he met in his dream. Call to ask, the man's name is Deng Tong. Wendi thought, since he can push himself to heaven, he must be a wizard. And Deng and Deng are homophonic, yes, that is to say, they must pass. He decided that the person who helped him ascend to heaven in his dream was Deng Tong, so he specially promoted Deng Tong and loved him very much. Deng Tong is also honest and cautious, and does not associate with outsiders casually. Wendi gave him money many times, totaling hundreds of millions, and sealed his position as a doctor.

In fact, Deng Tong knows nothing but rowing. However, he is very cautious about his own affairs. Although he can't recommend wise men, he is good at flattering Emperor Wen, so he is favored by Emperor Wen, and his official position is to cure too much.

On one occasion, Emperor Wen ordered a very famous fortune teller to interview Deng Tong. After meeting, he said to Wendi, "Deng Tong will die of poverty and hunger in the future." Emperor Wen of Han said angrily, "Only I can make Deng Tong rich or poor. How can I make him poor?" Therefore, Wendi ordered Deng Tong to build a copper mountain in Yandao, Shu County, and let him cast copper coins himself. From then on, Deng Tong made a fortune, and his copper coins spread all over the world. Everyone knows that there is "Deng's money".

Deng Tong was also very grateful to the emperor for his love and always wanted to repay Wendi Deng. Later, once, Wendy had a sore on her back and purulent blood kept flowing. Deng Tong thought it was time to be filial to the emperor, so he went to the palace every day, waited on him personally, invited him to take medicine, and was very diligent. In order to alleviate the pain of Emperor Wen, Deng Tong ignored the stench and even sucked out pus with his mouth. Wendi Deng was very moved by this. One day, Deng Tong finished sucking pus for him. He asked Deng Tong, "Who loves me the most in the world?" Deng Tong respectfully replied, "It should be said that no one loves your majesty more than the prince." Wendy didn't answer after listening.

It happened that once Qi came to visit Wendi's illness, Wendi wanted to test the filial piety of the prince and let him suck pus. When the prince saw that the purulent blood in the wound was vague and smelly, he couldn't help but feel sick, but he didn't dare to disobey. He had to bite the bullet and suck, but his face was ugly. Emperor Wen could not help sighing when he saw this. "Deng Tong loves me more than the prince!" The prince was ashamed to know that Deng Tong often sucked pus for Wendi, so he was jealous of Deng Tong.

After the death of Emperor Wendi, Liu Qi succeeded to the throne, which was called Han Jing in history. Jingdi dismissed Deng Tong and sent him home to live in seclusion. Soon, it was reported that Deng Tong had stolen money from overseas actors. Jingdi sent someone to investigate, and the result was true, so he confiscated all the money of Deng Tong's family. Deng Tong suddenly became poor and owed hundreds of millions of dollars. Jingdi's sister princess royal remembered Wendi's last words and gave him some money. But officials immediately used the money to pay off debts and even refused to let him stay. When princess royal knew this, he asked his men to lend him some food and clothes, but the guards confiscated them. In this way, Deng Tong, once rich, finally died of hunger and cold.