Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - How did Su Daji die? Su Daji's tragic life story seeks answers.

How did Su Daji die? Su Daji's tragic life story seeks answers.

Su Daji was killed by Zhou Wuwang.

BC 1056, Zhou Wenwang Ji Chang died and his second son Ji Fa succeeded him. Taking Jiang Ziya as the counselor, Duke Zhou as the fu,, and his colleagues as the assistants, following the legacy of King Wen, keeping a low profile and making great efforts to govern.

Became more and more chaotic and autocratic, killed Wang Shu, imprisoned his brother, master Pi He and Zhou with their musical instruments. The king of Wu discovered that it was time to attack the merchants, watched the soldiers and tested the juxtaposition of the merchants, and announced the top ten crimes.

So he joined forces with the princes of the world, marched into Beijing, sang songs and waved the banner of righteousness. Wei's younger brother led an army of170,000, which was made up of the Yi people in the southeast, and kept the allied forces out of Muye four miles away.

Unexpectedly, the army composed of these barbarians suddenly mutinied and collapsed overnight. As easy as blowing off dust, Zhou led the crowd straight into the city.

Di Xin retreated into the city, boarded the deer platform, put all his jewels on his body, and set himself on fire and died. After Di Xin's death, Zhou Wuwang symbolically cut off his head with Huang Yue, and da ji was also killed.

Extended data:

There are many folk sayings about da ji's surname. Some people say her surname is da ji, others say her surname is Su, and others say her surname is Ye and da ji. There is even a saying that da ji was originally surnamed Yang, and later married a young man named Ye, and changed his surname Ye with her husband.

Later, da ji entered the palace and changed his surname to Sue. In the Romance of Gods, da ji was born in the family of a big merchant and a vassal, and was the daughter of General Hou Suhu in Jizhou. There is a brother named Su Quanzhong in the world, and his daughter takes her father's surname. As the daughter of Su Quanzhong's sister, da ji's real name is Su.

Later, in many TV plays, the witch was known as an important role, and da ji, surnamed Su, was naturally accepted. However, according to the description in Guoyu, da ji has the daughter of Su, whose surname is da ji.

China has a long history and profound culture. Once, in ancient matriarchal clans, women's surnames were all followed by praise, such as praise, which is very different from our current surname system.

And now both da ji's surname and her own surname are extremely rare, so subconsciously, people reject this possibility.

According to historical records, da ji was Su's daughter, and later she was killed, and da ji was given instead of the girl waiting in Jizhou as mentioned in the Romance of Gods.

None of the women in the Su tribe are surnamed Su. Therefore, the witch who is a fox and brings disaster to the country is not named Su, but da ji is named Ji.

Baidu Encyclopedia-da ji