Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Classical Chinese "Feixian"

Classical Chinese "Feixian"

1. When his mother bit her finger, Ceng Zi was heartbroken. The translation of Zeng's mother biting her finger refers to Zeng Shen, whose real name is Zeng, and the word Zixing, also known as Wucheng (now Feixian County, Shandong Province), the son of Confucius. She wrote the book "University", one of the representatives of Confucianism, filial to her mother. Legend has it that one day, he went to the deep mountains to cut wood and went home. I hurried home with firewood. It's really a mother-child heart-to-heart. Original: Zhou Zengshen. Yu Zi. I am very filial to my mother. Shen Zeng received a salary in the mountains. I have guests at home. There is nothing my mother can do about it. She bit her finger. She was heartbroken. She came back with negative salary. She knelt down and asked her mother. She said, suddenly a guest came. I bite my finger and feel your ears. Later generations recited poems and wrote poems. The poem says.

2. Zeng Mu's original translation of classical Chinese.

Yesterday, some Lu people killed people with the same name as Zeng Shen. People told their mothers that they had participated in killing people, and her mother was well-founded. After a while, a man told him that he was involved in the murder, but his mother was still very organized. Another man told him that he was involved in the murder, and his mother jumped off the plane and went over the wall. The husband believes in the sage who once attended the meeting with his mother, but if all three people doubt it, the loving mother can't believe it. If the sage of this minister is not Zeng Shen, the letter of Wang Zhi is not as good as Zeng Shen's mother's letter, and there are three people who doubt me, I am afraid of the king's ticket.

To annotate ...

Zhuan (zhù): Shuttle for weaving: the famous ginseng, a disciple of Confucius, weaves his own cloth: just weave his own cloth: live, live in Fei: the place name of Lu, and now the family with the same name in Feixian County, Shandong Province: the same name: surname: over the wall to escape: throw it back, throw it away: escape.


Once upon a time, Zeng Shen lived in the fertile land of Lu. Fei Di has a man with the same name. He killed a man. Someone ran to tell Zeng Shen's mother: "Zeng Shen killed someone!" " Zeng Shen's mother said, "My son won't kill anyone." After that, I began to knit my own cloth. After a while, another man came running and said, "I participated in the murder!" " "Zeng Shen's mother still weaves her own cloth as usual. After a while, someone else came running and said, "I participated in the murder!" " "Great-grandmother was afraid, threw away the shuttle of the loom and ran away over the wall.

3. The original and translation of ancient poems: Confucius and his disciples This quotation consists of 30 chapters.

Among them, the famous sentence is: "xian zai hui also, a food, a ladle of drink, in the doctrine of the mean"; "Quality is better than literature, literature is better than history, gentleness, and then a gentleman"; "Knowing is not as good as being good, and being good is not vk happy"; "away from ghosts and gods"; "I want to stand up and stand up. I want to touch people." There are several chapters about Yan Hui in this article, and Confucius spoke highly of him.

In addition, this article also involves the doctrine of the golden mean, forgiveness of benevolence and literariness, and also includes some ideas on how to cultivate benevolence. Original 6? 1 Confucius said, "Harmony can also make the South."

Confucius said, "ran yong can be an official." In ancient times, facing south was the most important position, and emperors, governors and officials all sat facing south when listening to politics.

So what Confucius said here is that ran yong can be allowed to be an official and run the country. In Advanced, Confucius listed ran yong in his first-class discipline "Virtue", and thought that he already had the basic conditions for being an official.

This is a typical example of Confucius' educational policy of "learning well and being an official". Original 6? 2 Nakamiya's son Sang Bozi (1).

Confucius said, "Yes, Jane." Zhong Gong said, "Is it ok to stay at a respectful distance (3) and do simple things (4) and serve the people (5)?" Keep it simple, keep it simple. Nothing is simple: "What you say is natural."

Note (1) Sang Bozi: A person's name cannot be tested all his life. (2) Jane: concise, not cumbersome.

(3) Ju Jing: Treat others with courtesy and be strict with yourself. (4) Simplicity: It refers to the implementation of simple but uncomplicated political affairs.

(5) Pro: face, face. It means "governance" here.

(6) nothing is: no (7) big: the same as "too".

Zhong Gong asked Confucius: What kind of person is Zi Sangbozi? Confucius said, "This man is ok, simple but not complicated."

Zhong Gong said, "Is it possible to govern the people with such respect and seriousness?" (But) So-so, is it too simple to do things simply? "ran yong, you are right." Comments on Confucius zhangfang is concise, not cumbersome, not procrastinating, decisive and neat.

However, nothing should be overdone. It is not appropriate to pursue simplicity while doing things carelessly.

So Confucius listened to Nakamiya's words and felt that Nakamiya's words were very reasonable. Original 6? 3 Aigong asked, "Who is a studious disciple?" Confucius said to him, "Those who have Yan Hui are eager to learn, not angry (1), and die short (2).

Today is also death. I have never heard of a good scholar. Note (1) Don't be angry: Don't take it out on this person.

(2) Make no mistakes: "two" means repetition and repetition. This means not to make the same mistake.

(3) Short-lived death: Yan Hui was only 365,438+0 years old when he died. (4) Death: the same as "nothing".

Lu Aigong asked Confucius, "Who is the best student among you?" Confucius replied, "There is a student named Yan Hui who wants to study very much. He never takes it out on others and will never make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, he died short-lived

There are no such people now, and I have never heard of anyone who is eager to learn. "Comments here, Confucius spoke highly of his disciple Yan Hui, thinking that he was studious and enterprising. Since the death of Yan Hui, there has never been such a studious person.

In Confucius' evaluation of Yan Hui, he especially talked about two points: never losing heart, never losing heart, from which we can see that Confucius pays attention to cultivating students' moral sentiments. It contains profound philosophy.

Original 6? (1) Li, Ranzi ② invited Sue as the mother ③. Confucius said, "Use a pot ④."

Please benefit. Yue: "Yu and it (5)."

Ranzi and Sue. Confucius said, "Red is symmetrical, riding a fat horse and wearing light clothes.

I also heard: Gentleman Week (6) is in a hurry to get rich. Note (1): Gongzi, a student of Confucius, is 42 years younger than Confucius.

(2) Ran Zi: You Ran, there are only four or five people called "Zi" by Confucius disciples in The Analects, and You Ran is one of them. (3) Millet: In ancient Chinese, when millet and rice are used together, millet refers to the grain with shell, which is called rice after hulling; When the word millet is used alone, it means rice.

(4) kettle: sound f incarnation, ancient name, one kettle is about equal to six buckets and four liters. (5) Yu: Yin, as the ancient saying goes, one Yu equals two buckets and four liters.

(6) Week: Giving alms. Hanako went to Qi, and Ran Qiu Confucius bought some Gu Mi for his mother.

Confucius said, "Give him six buckets and four liters." Ran Qiu is more.

Confucius said, "Give him two more buckets and four liters." Ran Qiu gave him eighty welcome.

Confucius said, "When Gongxichi arrived in Qi State, he rode in a carriage with a fat horse and put on warm and light fur. I heard that a gentleman is only a person in urgent need of help, not a person who helps the rich. "

Comment on Confucius' proposition of "a gentleman is eager for quick success and instant benefit" is based on the Confucian thought of "benevolence". Confucius' theory of "love" is not narrow-minded to love his family and friends, but has certain universality.

But he also believes that only the poor, not the rich, should be "timely help" rather than "icing on the cake". This idea accords with humanitarianism.

Original 6? 5 I thought (1) was slaughtered for it (2), and Xiaomi was nine hundred (3). Confucius said, "No, it's good to be good to your neighbors." Note (1) originally thought that the surname was Xian and Zisi was from Shandong.

Confucius' students were born in 5 15 BC. When Confucius was a magistrate in Lu, he was the head of his family.

(2) Slaughter: domestic slaughter, housekeeper. (3) 900: What is the unit?

(4) Neighboring township party: According to legend, in ancient times, five families were neighbors, 25 families were neighbors,12,500 families were townships, and 500 families were parties. This refers to the original fellow villagers, or people around their hometown.

Originally, I wanted to be the general manager of Confucius' family. Confucius gave him 900 yuan, and I wanted to refuse. Confucius said, "Don't refuse.

Give it to your relatives (if there are many). It is a Confucian tradition to be kind to others.

Confucius advocated giving alms to the poor, which is a very compassionate practice. This can be related to the content of the previous chapter.

Original 6? 6 The son called Zhong Gong, saying, "Farming cattle (1) is for it, and the angle is (2). Although I don't want to use 3, the mountains and rivers 4 insist on 5? " Note (1).

4. Ban Chao, a classical Chinese translator, was born in Pingling County, Fufeng County, and was the youngest son of Ban Biao, the magistrate of Xuxian County. He is ambitious and informal, but he has a good moral character. He is not ashamed to do hard work at home. Ban Chao is eloquent and well-read.

In the fifth year of Han Yongping, Ban Chao's brother Ban Gu was recruited as a school extremely by the court and went to Luoyang with his brother and mother. Because of his poor family background, he was often employed by the government and made a living by copying books, which took a long time and was very hard. He once stopped his work, threw his pen aside and sighed, "As a gentleman, although he doesn't have any outstanding strategies, he always has to learn from Fu Jiezi and Zhang Qian, which have made great achievements abroad, in order to be promoted. How can he always make a living by doing this kind of pen and ink? " Colleagues around laughed at this. Ban Chao said: "How can ordinary people understand the mind of people with lofty ideals?" Later, he went to see a fortune teller, and the fortune teller said to him, "Dear senior, although you are an ordinary scholar, you will be shut out thousands of miles away in the future." Ban Chao wants to know. The fortune teller pointed to him and said, "Your chin is like a swallow, and your head and neck are like a tiger. Swallows can fly and tigers eat meat. This is the fate of Wan Li. " After a long time, Ming Di once asked Ban Gu, "Where is your brother now?" Ban Gu replied, "I am helping the government copy books to support my mother." So Ming Di appointed Ban Chao as an official of Lantai. Later, he was dismissed because he made a mistake.

In the 16th year of Yongping, Dou Gu, a captain in the car, led troops to crusade against Xiongnu, appointed Ban Chao as a fake Sima, and asked him to lead an army to attack Yiwu. The two sides fought in the Prey Sea, and Ban Chao killed many enemies. Dou Gu thought he was very talented, so he sent him to the Western Regions with Guo Yao, the chief of staff.

When Ban Chao arrived in Shanshan, the king received them politely, but soon he suddenly became careless and ignored. Ban Chao said to his entourage, "Haven't you noticed that your attitude towards light has become indifferent? This must be because an emissary of the Northern Xiongnu came here, which made him hesitate and didn't know who to obey. Anyone with a clear head can foresee what hasn't happened yet, and it's obvious now? ! "So Ban Chao found a good man to serve the Han envoy and lied to him, saying," I know that the envoy of the Northern Xiongnu has been here for many days. Where do you live now? " When the waiter panicked, he confessed all the facts. Ban Chao detained his attendants, and gathered all the 36 people sent together to have a drink with you. When they were very happy, they incited them with words and said, "You and I are both in a foreign country, and we want to make contributions and get rich. But now, just a few days after the messenger of the northern Xiongnu came, Wang Guang of Shanshan was rude to us. If King Shanshan had bound us to the northern Xiongnu, wouldn't we all become food in the mouth of the jackal? What do you think this should do? " Everyone said with one voice, "We are in danger now. It's up to you to live or die. " Ban Chao said, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Now, the only way is to attack the Xiongnu emissary with fire tonight. They don't know how many of us there are, and they will feel very scared. We can take this opportunity to destroy them. As long as we destroy them, the light will be scared to death, and we will be finished. They suggested, "Let's discuss it with Guo." . "Ban Chao said excitedly," it depends on today's every move. Guo is a mediocre civil servant. When he hears this, he will expose our action plan because of fear, and we will die in vain and have a bad reputation. This is not a strong person. " Everyone said, "good".

As soon as it got dark, Ban Chao led the troops to attack the residence of the northern Xiongnu emissary. It was windy that night, and Ban Chao ordered ten people to hide behind the house with little snare drum. Meeting: "As soon as I saw the fire, I immediately beat the drums and shouted." The rest of the people with swords, bows and arrows, lie in ambush on both sides of the door. So Ban Chao lit the wind himself, and the people around him beat drums and shouted. Xiongnu people are in panic. Ban Chao personally killed three people, and his men also chopped more than 30 messengers and followers of the northern Xiongnu, and more than 100 people were all burned to death in it. Early the next morning, Ban Chao went back and told Guo Yao. Guo Yao was shocked, but his face changed again in a moment. Ban Chao saw through his mind and raised his hand and said to him, "Although you didn't act together, how can I, Ban Chao, have the heart to take the credit alone?" Guo Yao is happy. Then, Ban Chao invited Wang Guang and Shanshan, and showed him the heads of the northern Xiongnu messengers. Shanshan shocked the country.

5. Complete translation of classical Chinese in junior middle schools. 1. Tong Qu (Shen Fu) Yu recalled that when he was a child, he could stare at the sun and observe the details of autumn. When he sees something small, he has to check its texture carefully, so he sometimes plays outside.

In summer, mosquitoes turn thunder, and privately plan to let a group of cranes dance in the air. If you want it, you will have a thousand, and if you want it, you will have a crane. Look up, Xiang Qiang. Mosquitoes stay in the tent and smoke, making them fly towards the smoke, making them look like white cranes in Qingyun, like cranes in the clouds, and happy.

I often crouch in the concave and convex parts of the earth wall, in the grass on the flower platform, so that it is flush with the platform; Look carefully, take shrubs as forests, insects and mosquitoes as beasts, convex ones as hills, concave ones as valleys, and enjoy yourself wandering among them. One day, I saw two insects fighting in the grass. When I watched it, it was in full swing. Suddenly, a monster came down from the mountain and fell from the tree, covering a frog. My tongue spit out and both worms swallowed it.

I was young and lost in thought, but I was surprised. God decided to catch frogs, whip dozens and drive them out of the hospital.

I recall that when I was young, I could look straight at the sun with my eyes wide open and my eyesight was excellent. Every time I meet something small, I have to observe its texture carefully, so I can often feel the happiness beyond the thing itself. On summer nights, mosquitoes make thunderous calls. I compare them to cranes flying in the air. When I think about it, there are really hundreds of white cranes ahead. Looking up at them, even the neck became stiff.

I left a few mosquitoes in the white curtain, slowly spraying smoke, making them fly and screaming at the smoke, forming a picture of a white crane in Qingyun, which really made me feel very happy. I often squat down where the earth wall is uneven and where there are flowers and plants, so that my body is as high as the table. I regard bushes as trees, insects and mosquitoes as beasts, the protruding parts of clods as hills, and the sunken parts as gullies. I am happy and satisfied with my imaginary journey in this realm.

One day, I saw two bugs fighting in the grass. I squatted down to observe. I am very interested. Suddenly, a huge beast came from the mountain and fell from the tree. It turned out to be a frog. When its tongue spit out, it ate both bugs. At that time, I was still very young, so fascinated that I couldn't help but exclaim.

When he came to his senses, he caught the frog, whipped it dozens of times and drove it to other yards. 2. The Analects of Confucius X 1. Confucius said, "What's more, learn from time to time? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Isn't it a gentleman to be unhappy and not know it? " 2. Zeng Zi said: "I am in three provinces (xǐng): I am unfaithful to others, but I don't believe in making friends, and I don't learn to make friends." 3. Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher." 4. Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." 5. Confucius said, "Because, goddaughter." Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, and knowing is also. "6. Confucius said:" See the sage Si Qi Yan, but if you don't see the sage, you will introspect. "7. Confucius said:" In a threesome, there must be my teacher; Choose the good to follow and change the bad. "8. Zeng Zi said," A scholar must be unfaithful and has a long way to go. Benevolence is not only more important than death, but also far from it. "9. Confucius said:" Cold tells the pine and cypress withered. 10. Zi Gong asked, "You can live your life in one sentence. "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you." Confucius said: "isn't it fun to learn (knowledge) and then practice (review) at a certain time?" Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Others don't know me, but I don't dislike it. Isn't it also a gentleman? " 2. Ceng Zi said: "I will reflect on myself many times every day: Have I tried my best to work for others? Is it honest to associate with friends? Have you reviewed what the teacher taught you? " 3. Confucius said: "Only by reviewing old knowledge can we have new experiences and discoveries, so we can be teachers."

4. Confucius said: "If you only read and don't think, you will be confused and get nothing; It is dangerous to dream without reading. " Confucius said, "I will teach you the attitude of knowing and not knowing: knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing-this is wisdom."

6. Confucius said: "When you see a wise man, you should look up to it. When you see an immoral person, you should reflect on whether you have similar problems with him. " 7. Confucius said, "When several people walk together, there must be a teacher. I will choose 7A68696416FE58685E5AEB93133330336430 to learn their advantages and I will correct their shortcomings (when I see myself). "

8. Ceng Zi said: "A scholar must be broad-minded and determined, because he has a great mission and a long way to go. Isn't it important to realize the ideal of' benevolence' as your mission? Until death, isn't it far? " 9. Confucius said, "Only in the cold winter do we know that pine trees and cypresses are the last to shed leaves."

10. Zi Gong asked: "Is there a sentence that can be pursued for a lifetime?" Confucius said: "That is probably forgiveness (Tao)!" ! Don't impose what you hate on others. "3. Five ancient poems 1. Look at the sea (Jieshi is in the East) Author: Cao Cao looks at the sea facing Jieshi in the East.

The sea is so vast that the islands stand high on the sea. Trees and paraquat are very lush. Autumn wind makes trees make sad sounds, and the sea is surging.

The movement of the sun and the moon seems to come from the vast ocean. A trip to the sun and the moon, if unexpected; Han is a talented star, if you take him by surprise.

I am glad to use this poem to express my inner desire. Agree with 0| comment.