Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Exquisite Prose Works Describing Teahouses (2)

Exquisite Prose Works Describing Teahouses (2)

Exquisite prose works describing teahouses: There is a teahouse.

I want to have a teahouse, with powder bricks and tiles, with antique pavilions, quiet bamboo forests, streams, incense sticks, a cup of fragrant tea and a dense fragrance lingering in the sandalwood-flavored room. Sit quietly and meditate, and devote yourself to the clear and faint tea fragrance.

I want to have a teahouse, small and warm, with strings of glittering and translucent jade beads hanging in the pavilion, which reflect different extraordinary splendour under the mapping of lights, as if someone had a dream and accidentally spilled it in this quiet space.

I want to own a teahouse, under the cloud forest, under the pine moon, between flowers and birds, above the moss, where you can play the piano with your own hands and chat with elegant people, all of whom are very happy. How can such a beautiful teahouse not make people fondle admiringly and linger?

A teahouse, chasing dreams all my life. Push open the half-closed screen window, sit quietly, put on the tea set, and start a baptism of lips and a washing of the soul.

The charcoal in the charcoal stove is burning quietly, and the spring water in the jade book is churning. I gently scooped up a spoonful of charcoal-burning tea, slowly poured it into the teapot, and then carefully poured it into the teapot when the water boiled. At this moment, the tea leaves spread rapidly from the initial curl, from floating to slowly sinking, and the tea leaves gradually changed from colorless to light green, and the tea fragrance spread quietly in the house.

At this moment, quiet inside. I picked up the teapot and poured it symmetrically into the teacup. Tea soup is clear and light green, with rising smoke, such as purple smoke surrounded by an alchemist. Pick up the saucer and smell it with the tip of your nose before you feel refreshed. After a sip, a warm current flows from your lips to your mouth and from your throat to your whole body, before you feel refreshed, just like fresh and refreshing after a spring rain. A cup of tea, carrying my dreamlike flowers, in the time of a cup of tea, I can take off the mask of the past, regardless of fame and fortune, only care about physical and mental intoxication. When the tea is ready, even the breath smells of tea when there is tea, and even the heartbeat is no longer flustered because I have tea.

A teahouse has been sought after by generations. The steps are green with moss and the curtains are green with grass. I can tune the pipa and read Jin Dian to my heart's content. There is no secular interference, no earthly noise. Here, I can hear my heartbeat and feel the release of being born and entering the WTO. Tea is like life, floating and sinking, only for a moment. Or Jinse is fleeting, or bland, and finally returns to zero. I'm just an elegant woman, I don't want to be vigorous, I just want the water to flow forever, and the flowers will leave marks. The disturbance of the world will only confuse the mind and forget the original intention. Why not watch the ups and downs of life and meditate on the true meaning of life in a cup of tea?

I like teahouses, but there is tea fragrance and meditation everywhere. When you are physically and mentally exhausted, you can make a pot of tea here and your impetuous heart will settle down. It seems that everything is empty, which means twisting incense and crushing time in pleasant gentleness. When you are confused and helpless, you can stay here, take a guzheng and fiddle with the strings. You don't need to please others, you just need to cultivate your mind with the sound of the piano, bury the so-called negativity in the sound of the piano and songs, and make your whole mind bright in the picturesque realm. When you are at a loss, you can also read the Bible and touch the calligraphy and painting here, so that the faint ink can light up the haze in your heart and find the joy of life.

There is such a teahouse, a lamp of tea, a piano and some calligraphy and painting, where you can isolate all your feelings and return to nature. Is it better than Taoyuan?

A masterpiece of prose describing teahouse: Teahouse

Author: new art


There is a teahouse downstairs opposite, and Xiaoyan is often fascinated by it.

Xiaoyan lives on the second floor. Xiaoyan's room can clearly see people's every move in the teahouse.

Xiaoyan is quiet and introverted. He likes to watch the guests in the teahouse talk or drink tea alone to infer their character and identity.

The geographical location of the teahouse is not prosperous, nor is it too deserted. There are always a few guests in the shop. The hostess of that shop is a woman of about thirty, dressed simply.

The hostess has a young son named Xiao Lin, who is in the second grade of primary school. He often goes home with Xiaoyan, and Xiaoyan becomes a big brother in his heart.

Xiaoyan also sincerely regards Kobayashi as her younger brother. He sympathizes with Xiao Lin and himself. It turned out that Xiaoyan's parents and Xiaolin's father were both killed by a flood seven years ago. Xiaolin's only relative is her mother, while Xiaoyan's grandparents have taken the responsibility of raising Xiaoyan.


? Ding Rinrin, the bell for the fourth grade is ringing. Xiaoyan rushed out of the classroom like a gust of wind. He knew that Xiao Lin was waiting for him at the school gate. He is like a kitten, crawling around in the crowd. At last he crept behind Xiao Lin. He shouted patting Xiao Lin on the shoulder. In normal times, Xiao Lin always turns around and makes a face, and then they go home. Now, Kobayashi is still standing there quietly without saying a word.

Xiaoyan looked intently and saw a father and son in front. My son is holding a test paper with a score of 100, and seems to be ready to get a reward from his father. The father smiled, picked up his son and kissed him. You finally gave your father a long face. Dad promised to buy you an ultraman. ?

Such happiness is undoubtedly a luxury for an orphan and posthumous child. Xiaoyan doesn't have the luxury of Altman, but the love of her parents is enough. In his memory, his parents' appearance has long been blurred. He vaguely remembers his mother stroking his hair and the faint fragrance on his mother.

Xiaoyan sighed, touched Xiao Lin's head and said, let's go! ? Both of them understood each other's worries, and they walked silently in tandem.

After all, they were still two children, and their silence was quickly broken. It soon became a person running in front, chasing after, and chasing all the way to Xiaolin's tea shop.

These two men are panting like cows. Two cups of tea appeared in front of them. ? Thank you? Xiaoyan took it and drank it. Good tea became a tool for quenching thirst.

A wisp of fragrance wafted over, Xiaoyan felt Zheng, as if she were a mother in a vague memory.

? Come in and sit down. You're all tired from running. ? Suddenly I found Xiao Lin's mother touching her head. Xiaoyan saw Xiaolin's mother at such a close distance for the first time, and only thought that she had a beautiful face and a slim figure. More importantly, he seems to have never experienced another kind of warmth.

? Oh no, thanks, auntie. Bye, auntie. Goodbye, Xiao Lin! ? With that, he ran upstairs.

As night falls, the moonlight is bright. Xiaoyan leaned against the balcony with her chin cupped, lost in thought: What would it be like if her mother were still here? Must be as kind as Xiao Lin's mother?


After the flood, my grandparents came here with Xiaoyan to settle down. It is enough to support Xiaoyan and her basic life with government subsidies and surviving property. Although the pain of losing a child can never be made up, in the eyes of the neighborhood, the old couple are still optimistic and happy.

? Xiao Wang, come and try my fish. ? As soon as you listen, grandma Xiaoyan is greeting her neighbors.

? Grandma, I went downstairs to play. ? Taking advantage of this vacancy, Xiaoyan picked up a bowl filled with some fish and ran downstairs. He wants to pour it to the little stray cat downstairs.

? This child. I haven't eaten much fish yet. ?

However, Xiaoyan knows that when she comes back later, grandma will definitely heat herself a big bowl of fish soup.

Downstairs, the cat disappeared, and Xiao Lin poked his head out of the closed teahouse. Come in and play! ? .

Xiaoyan casually put the bowl on the corner of the table.

Kobayashi took out his newly bought gyro.

Xiaoyan's attention is not on the top. He glanced casually and saw a telescope on the windowsill in the back room. Xiaoyan remembers having one when she visited the museum. It was because of her classmates' urging that she didn't enjoy it at all.

Xiaoyan raised her glasses and looked at her kitchen. Xiaoyan couldn't help licking her tongue when she saw the hot fish soup still steaming.

Suddenly a black shadow jumped up and the bowl fell to the ground. Xiaoyan dropped her telescope and looked back to see that the black cat was eating fish, which was quite satisfactory.

? Children, it's time for bed. I'll clean it. ? Xiao Lin's mother came in from the outside.

Xiaoyan thanked her and ran upstairs, thinking about hot fish soup.

? Where have you been? Come back so late. ?

? Xiaolin's family. ?

? Don't go to other people's houses. ?

? Why?

? When someone loses their money, they will think you stole it. ?

? Then why can I go to Xiao Fang's house before?

? It's not too late to tell you. ?

Xiaoyan wondered: Since grandparents like tea, why have they never been to Xiaolin's teahouse? If they often go to tea and get acquainted with Xiao Lin's mother, then I can naturally go to Xiao Lin's house to play.


? You killed my son? What about you? You woman? But Xiaoyan vaguely heard two women's voices in her sleep, one was grandma's and the other was like Xiao Lin's mother.

Xiaoyan suddenly sat up, and their voices became smaller and smaller, so Xiaoyan couldn't hear clearly. He felt a flame in his chest, and Xiaoyan was determined to find out the truth for his father.


Night, quiet. The cold wind blew through the corridor, and Xiaoyan went downstairs step by step. He could only hear his own breathing. It was curiosity that prompted frozen and numb feet to come to the front of the teahouse with small stones. ? Kobayashi He gave a low cry, like a whisper. He put his body on the door, his ears on the door, and he could only hear the sound of the faucet and the heartbeat.

? Cheep _ _? The door opened, as if it had been deliberately locked, but it doesn't matter. Xiaoyan walked in gently step by step. Only the light in the toilet is on. It seems that someone is taking a bath.

Xiaoyan went straight into Kobayashi's mother's bedroom, accompanied by his heavy breathing.

He saw the telescope at a glance.

? She must be watching us. Hum! ? He thought to himself. As if the sneak into the private house made sense, he rummaged through the things in this room unscrupulously, hoping to find some clues.

When he opened the bedside table, he touched two bowls that were broken by the cat last time.

? This woman, even a broken bowl is rare. ? He is dismissive.

I took out a yellowed diary and opened it full of running scripts. Xiaoyan vaguely heard the meaning between the lines through the night? Xiaoyan? Two words.

? Look, this must be evidence that he is watching our house! ? Xiaoyan is satisfied.

Turning around, Xiaoyan found Xiaolin standing at the door of the bedroom in pajamas.

Xiaoyan said condescendingly like a victorious general. Get out of the way?


? I didn't expect that! I didn't expect that! Alas! This stubborn child. ? Grandma burst into tears when she picked up reading glasses to read her diary.

Grandma touched Xiaoyan's head and told a story slowly.

Xiaoyan's mother is Zhou Wen. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the village. Xiaoyan's parents are both in their early twenties and are in love. Xiaoyan's grandparents were satisfied with her future daughter-in-law at first, and later found a fortune teller. It's not that bad. I was shocked that the two of them ran into each other. Xiaoyan's grandmother is firmly opposed to their marriage.

Who knows that the two went to get a marriage certificate privately, and Zhou Wen was pregnant. Xiaoyan's grandparents reluctantly agreed to this marriage.

When Xiaoyan was one year old, there was a flood. When Xiaoyan's father hugged Xiaoyan and shouted: Go to the top floor. ? Time. Zhou Wen's first thought was to get a family photo. So she finally ran to the top floor. When she was about to reach the top floor, the flood came like a wild animal and swallowed her up. Xiaoyan's father immediately jumped into the water to save Zhou Wen. He miraculously dragged Zhou Wen ashore, but he was drowned by the flood.

Grandma Xiaoyan called Zhou Wen a stupid woman who didn't run for her life to get a family photo at a critical moment. He also said that he killed his son Zhou. Finally, Zhou Wen was kicked out of the house.

In fact, Xiaoyan's grandmother is also a kind woman, and she can't bear to let this little woman be widowed.

However, Xiaoyan's grandmother did not expect that this woman would be so stubborn.

She didn't expect this woman to have a second grandson when she left. She thought Xiao Lin was Zhou Wen's child after marrying someone else.

Is everything all right?


There is a teahouse for five people in the center of the town.

However, a police car came soon.


A teahouse with six people is becoming more and more prosperous.

It turned out that day

A survivor of a flood a few years ago was sitting in a police car, and his memory had just recovered.

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