Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Will you tell your fortune when you go to North Korea? _ Is it easy to go to North Korea?

Will you tell your fortune when you go to North Korea? _ Is it easy to go to North Korea?

Three major rumors on the Korean battlefield, how many young people are misled! Is it so hard to admit that the volunteers are powerful?

The author once saw someone on the Internet criticize the eight characters, break the yin and yang, analyze the fate, and pull out the five elements of Zhouyi. The following comments keep calling for the master, and even sum up MacArthur's true face.

The fortune teller went to a five-star general in the United States and analyzed the Korean War with the gossip of Yin and Yang in the Jianghu. It was really ridiculous.

After being ridiculed, the author can't help but reflect on whether we should have a correct understanding of the battlefield and the generals of both sides. Has our history education fallen to the level of feudal superstition?

So this article is written to clarify the public's misunderstanding of the Korean War and criticize those widely circulated rumors!

In modern times, military history is always full of all kinds of misunderstandings and misinformation, especially heroes on the battlefield, who are even slandered.

For example, a few years ago, the triangle army stabbed wildly. But in the real battlefield, the enemy's anti-aircraft guns were leveled, and 1500 meters formed an effective killing. Can our soldiers fight with bayonets? This is a completely impossible scene.

This rumor is widely circulated, saying that it has a nose and eyes, including the author who believed it, so he asked the veterans of 127 division. At that time, a dozen veterans in the room said, "No, we didn't use that thing;" Other troops may have used it, but we have not used it anyway. "

The veteran is old, conservative and cautious in speech and behavior, and has not refuted the rumors on the Internet. However, I believe you have your own opinions and judgments.

You know, in the war of hot weapons, how whimsical it is to start hand-to-hand combat with triangular army thorns?

Then there was the "special period", which had a great influence and impact on the quality of weapons used in the Korean War and the Vietnam self-defense counterattack.

As a result, there are rumors that one-fifth of our soldiers died not from enemy attacks, but from the quality problems of military industry such as shell explosion, even accurate to tens of thousands of casualties.

If we know the history, we can find that the Korean War was 1950, and the "special period" occurred in 1966, which was completely two time periods. What's the effect on it?

As for the weapons used in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the author interviewed three artillery members and nine members of the battlefield sharp knife squad, saying that they had never encountered a similar situation of chamber explosion. Our shells only blew up the enemy, not the artillery.

Veterans are angry at this rumor because it concerns the honor of comrades-in-arms such as military industry and logistics.

Various battlefield rumors are not only misleading to the public, but also insulting to the ancestors of heroes and heroes.

Therefore, when the widely circulated rumors about the Korean War were misled by one generation or even several generations, the author was particularly indignant at how many young people were misled and the common misconceptions in society. Is it so hard to admit that the volunteers are powerful?

The first rumor is the naval tactics of the volunteers.

Because of the spread of various online posts, netizens generally believe that volunteers rely on a large number of people to resist American planes and artillery.

Except for airplanes and cannons, a great era came to an end when machine guns went into battle. How many flesh and blood can stop the machine gun bullets fired wildly all over the mountains?

For example, 700 British soldiers, with four Maxim machine guns, repelled the charge of 5,000 Matabeli soldiers, most of whom were killed by intensive machine gun bullets.

Naked reality tells us again and again that millions of women in Europe can't get married after machine guns and rifles are put into battle.

There are countless similar examples. If the volunteers adopt sea tactics, American machine guns and submachine guns and so on, infantry weapons, like a battlefield meat grinder, can easily win without the cooperation of other equipment.

However, everyone can see the real success. The United Nations troops led by the United States used most advanced equipment except nuclear weapons, and finally lost.

Tactics such as circuitous infiltration, division and encirclement of volunteers are called "sea of people tactics" because Korean media adopt ulterior motives in international propaganda.

What they want to publicize is that volunteers do not cherish the lives of soldiers and win by flesh and blood; In particular, Korean films use a lot of lenses, which is the sea fee of the volunteers.

This malicious statement was generally accepted by many people in China, and even cursed the incompetence of our commander. What's more, it is said that the "United Nations Army" won more with fewer, not the failure of tactical command.

This malicious statement is also widely circulated in the United States, especially the excuses made by MacArthur fans to cover up their great failure on the Korean Peninsula. Later, it triggered strong criticism from American veterans, and personally said: "The charge of the volunteers is professional and tenacious."

In modern warfare, if you believe in the sea of tactics again, you are deceiving yourself; In particular, it will affect young people who have just entered the society and do not understand history.

To sum up briefly, Americans are not good at playing sports and mountain warfare, but our army has its own tactics in War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and after liberation.

Especially in the early period of the Korean War, Americans were too underestimating the enemy and thought it was the Korean army for a long time, so that the infantry was surrounded.

The second rumor, questioning the spiritual armed forces and steel will of the volunteers.

It is that our generation is too far away from the war. I have been thinking, thinking and understanding that history.

It may also be that there are too many poor days, and the commander of the volunteer army who always feels that he is born in misery is definitely far less than the "United Nations Army" who is born in a famous family in all aspects.

In my opinion, there is no doubt about the spiritual armed forces of the volunteers. Take the 50th Army, which became famous in the third campaign and World War I, as an example. Its predecessor was the 60th Army of the Kuomintang.

When the Northeast was liberated, the 60th Army was called "60 Bears", saying that it had the lowest fighting capacity among the Kuomintang, and its military capacity and discipline were corrupt.

In fact, this is unfair to the 60 th Army. It should be the Yunnan army that is brave and tenacious on the anti-Japanese battlefield. After the Anti-Japanese War, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the Yunnan Army to go to Southeast Asia to accept the Japanese surrender.

The Yunnan army was flattered and thought that it had received the attention of the party and the country, so it went to Southeast Asia happily and was dumbfounded when it arrived. What should I do? Who should I go to?

The key is that Long Yun, commander-in-chief of the 60th Army, was arrested by Chiang Kai-shek as soon as the front foot of the big army left. It turned out that Chiang Kai-shek's plan to lure the tiger out of the mountain was won. What the headmaster really wants to do is to relieve Long Yun of his military power. Since then, the 60 th Army composed of Yunnan people has become a child without a mother.

Later, the 60 th Army was transferred to the northeast. Obviously, the war is hard, but there is no equipment and pay supplement. At that time, there were various rumors that Chiang Kai-shek wanted to use Yunnan people as cannon fodder.

Moreover, the officers and men of this command are also self-indulgent, harassing the local people and doing many things that violate the law and discipline, so they have a nickname called "60 Bear". These troops were caught in the power and profit struggle of warlords. What is their fighting capacity?

When the People's Liberation Army liberated Changchun, the 60 th Army surrendered, and the commander Ceng Zesheng continued to serve as the commander, maintaining the original establishment, but changed from the 60 th Army of the Kuomintang to the 50 th Army of the People's Liberation Army; Rectify military discipline and serve the people.

1950 65438+February 3 1, the third campaign to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea started. Our poorly equipped 50 troops, or Yunnan troops, pursued the U.S. troops on the battlefield.

Who can imagine that the poorly equipped Yunnan Volunteers, formerly known as the "60 Bears", were ridiculed by the US Central Army, a direct branch of the Kuomintang. However, after changing the name and color, they are now catching up with the American troops armed to the teeth.

In the process of pursuit, the American army was targeted, so it threw a flare at the British army, which means nothing more than: stop hitting me and go to fight Britain! Over there, over there, the British are over there.

At that time, the British army, the 29th Brigade of the Ace Force, was equipped with centurion tanks and a battery, and adopted the classic positions of World War II, thinking that it could completely crush the backward volunteers.

However, after the war, the 50 th Army wiped out the British ace troops and became the first volunteer army to enter Seoul on the Korean battlefield.

And since then, the British have learned the lesson of blood and tears-the tank top must be locked! Because the enemies in Asia are backward in equipment, but they are strong-willed and excellent in style, and tank bombing is very professional!

If we insist on wrangling, it is said that the 50 th Army wiped out the British ace troops because of American signal flares, but it is said that it was helped by Americans.

Well, in the next bloody battle in the Han River, the officers and men of the 50 th Army stood firm in Xiushan and beat the head of the 25 th Division of the United States.

The greatest contribution of the 50 th Army is to cover the retreat of the volunteers. As the least favored army on the battlefield at that time, it stubbornly resisted bloody battles and did not flinch. Why is Britain's retreat from Dunkirk boasted, while what the 50th Army did to cover the main force of the United Nations was selectively forgotten by history?

Regarding the significance of quitting the volunteer army, you can enter, retreat and stick to it, because it has nothing to do with this topic, so I won't go into details here.

From the 60th Army of the Kuomintang to the 50th Army of * * *, they are all the same Yunnan people on the Korean battlefield, but they have changed their previous decadence and become ruthless warriors who are not afraid of death.

At this time, ask yourself, why can the same army and the same soldiers, placed in the Kuomintang, have low combat effectiveness and placed in * * *, resist the world's strongest Coalition?

After the 50 th Army retreated, there was a nickname called 50 Meng, also called 50 Yong! If the author summarizes their changes, it is the spiritual armed forces of * * *!

For example, some time ago, I questioned Qiu's story of stopping bullets with his body, and even thought: "Under the torture of physical pain, it is impossible for human beings to move forward."

The author once came into contact with a veteran who was born as a grass-roots farmer. He said with his own ideological consciousness: "If you hit an American, he will hit you if you don't hit him, so when you meet an American on the battlefield, you must never back down."

If you use gorgeous rhetoric, behind it is the country and the people; If you use naked reality on the battlefield, retreat will only encounter a worse ending.

Moreover, Americans have never given preferential treatment to prisoners. As we said in the last issue, even if prisoners are exchanged, all kinds of reactionary slogans will be tattooed on volunteers, which shows their malice.

What's more, after being captured, facing the narrow-minded South Korean army, there is only one dead end. What is the way out? Only World War I! Details can be found in American prison camps during the Korean War.

Therefore, in the battlefield, in order to win in the war, it is often the perseverance and spirit of one combatant that is superior to the other; Especially when our equipment and logistics are far behind.

So writing here, those who talk about sea tactics and denigrate the spiritual armed forces and fighting will of the volunteers can end; You can't question that passionate era with your own feelings about pain.

Third, vilify the commander of the volunteer army and describe the evidence that is obvious to all as false and exaggerated propaganda.

Comparing the commanders of both sides, let's talk about MacArthur, the commander-in-chief in the early period of the Korean War.

MacArthur and his son are both demolition teams, and they are the kind of violent demolition. His father's name is Arthur MacArthur. He took part in the westward movement in the United States and demolished the Indian homes.

MacArthur Jr., the commander-in-chief of the US Pacific, douglas macarthur, demolished the Korean Peninsula, and the father and son really explained what it meant to demolish it.

MacArthur was born in the second generation of officials. He is the youngest president at West Point, the highest-scoring West Point graduate, the youngest brigadier general, the youngest army chief of staff, and the most sensational officer ... Not to mention MacArthur's record, in short, a halo is enough to envy his colleagues.

During the Korean War, most think tanks and analysts believed that the president of the United States gave orders and MacArthur carried them out, and there was a superior-subordinate relationship between them.

For example, meeting with Chiang Kai-shek, bombing the Yalu River Bridge, provoking volunteers in public and clamoring for expanding the war situation. To arrogantly publicize the strength and advantages of the United States with only one purpose, and to run for president in the future, Truman is actually an opponent.

MacArthur's remarks at that time were not recognized by people today, and there were even rumors that he was the second generation of officials on paper.

However, judging from the presidential dream of running for president and MacArthur, his exultation, deliberate self-packaging and excessive exaggeration in his speech are all reasonable.

Looking back at the world situation at that time, it was not until MacArthur was dismissed that the differences between President Truman and MacArthur gradually emerged.

According to the declassified materials disclosed later, we do know that Truman called MacArthur the most eloquent liar.

To sum up, the United States does not want to expand the war, and any move may trigger a third world war; MacArthur believes that this will only become a stepping stone to his own presidential road.

MacArthur concluded that China could not go to war, represented the United States and easily stepped on the Korean People's Army. Even if China goes to war, he will easily crush it and continue to publicize his absolute correctness.

At that time, President Truman had smelled the danger and wanted to talk to MacArthur, and he prepared a grand welcoming ceremony in the United States, hoping that MacArthur would return to the United States to report on his work. Leaders are so low-key to their subordinates.

MacArthur, however, rejected President Truman on the grounds that the situation in Japan was complicated. The deeds committed by the following officers are amazing to read so far.

As we all know, the People's Army launched a war against South Korea on June 25, 1950, and started a war to unify the peninsula. South Korea soon fell, leaving only a few areas to temporarily resist its northern neighbors.

Li Chengwan panicked and called MacArthur at three o'clock in the morning. However, MacArthur's assistant said bluntly that the phone would be back soon. The general is resting and doesn't want to disturb his sleep.

From this point, we can once again see MacArthur's misjudgment and contempt for the situation on the peninsula at that time. It has long been warned that the situation on the peninsula would get out of control, but he thought he was invincible in the Far East and despised all his opponents. From the secretary, it is also reflected.

On the other hand, the White House doesn't want to lose the Korean Peninsula, but it doesn't want to confront China directly. In this extreme tangle, it issued a more tangled order, asking MacArthur to fight a limited war and not to expand the scope of the war at will. On the side near China, only Korean troops are allowed to carry out combat missions, apparently for fear of stimulating China.

From this point of view, the White House's policy is pragmatic and long-term, avoiding the expansion of the battle, but the wise decision-makers met a short-sighted and arrogant MacArthur, which caused the situation to get out of control in the later period.

This not only seriously stimulated the leadership of China, but also stimulated President Truman, because Truman was deeply saddened by the corrupt Chiang Kai-shek Kuomintang, and lost the 100-year operation of the United States in the mainland in just a few years. This kind of * * * is useless, and it is a joke to counterattack the mainland.

MacArthur met Chiang Kai-shek privately, and Truman flew into a rage, but he could only hold it in his stomach. From the outside world, MacArthur must have met with the Kuomintang authorities after Truman ordered.

MacArthur naively believes that this war will be one of his chips in the presidential dream. 1950, 10 in June, a five-star general commanded an invincible army in a luxurious apartment in Tokyo, Japan, and thought that the division of steel was invincible.

MacArthur scolded Truman, saying that he didn't understand the battlefield situation and thought he was absolutely right.

As we all know, the volunteers have entered the Korean battlefield. If Peng said at this time, "MacArthur's army should advance from the north to the south of the 38th parallel"

Of course, no one in the world believes it, but the final fact is obvious to all, three out of three.

And set a pocket array. In order to prevent MacArthur from getting suspicious, he deliberately released thousands of prisoners of war, saying that China only wanted to leave the hydropower station at the border and hoped that the Americans would stop bombing us with napalm.

The final result of the war is obvious to all the world, and MacArthur really fell for it.

Combined with the above history, some people ridiculed our commander for his incompetence. We won because the American generals underestimated the enemy and the second generation of officials talked on paper. Our victory was purely accidental.

Here we ask ourselves, since we mocked the talent of the commander-in-chief of the Volunteers, saying that MacArthur underestimated his enemies, that led to failure. Crucially, Li Qiwei, who was concerned about the Korean War, also failed to win.

I repeat, MacArthur underestimated his enemy, so he lost. Li Qiwei pays attention to the war situation, so why didn't he win? Can't this prove the intelligence of our commander?

So why did MacArthur underestimate his enemies? This stems from the confidence of Americans, from their understanding of China's equipment and national strength, and from their understanding of American equipment and national strength. After comparison, the two sides reached the final conclusion.

According to the American idea, the army, navy and air will crush the volunteers in an all-round way, and the battle can be over before Christmas. In fact, after three years of fighting, the United Nations army failed to cross the 38th parallel.

But it also shattered MacArthur's presidential dream, and made the war madman, the madman who clamored for the third world war, lose the opportunity to compete for the White House.

The author believes that such a record is enough to prove the superior combat capability of our military commanders and seize the shortcomings of the enemy's arrogance, thus obtaining a record that shocked the world.

Even Europe, America, Japan and other powers have written all kinds of examples of the Korean War into the compulsory courses of military schools, but why should we question General Peng's contribution and heroism? Why mislead young people with false information? Is it so difficult to enroll China Volunteers?

There are no quiet years, but someone carries the burden for you. Today's happiness is hard-won, never forget the martyrs and forge ahead.