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Laiwu fortune teller _ Laiwu fortune teller who is powerful?

Laiwu folk composition is 600 words.

Zhu Jianjun Laiwu comprehensive middle school

Perhaps some customs are fading out of people's memory, perhaps the ancient culture is gradually barren, but there is an emotion that comes down in one continuous line with us and is passed down from generation to generation. To this end, this newspaper has successively launched a series of special topics on Laiwu rural customs, which will bring you a deep aftertaste of rural customs.

There is an old saying: no wine, no table, no wine, no table. Wine is closely related to the lives of ordinary people and runs through the customs of life. Let's talk about the right to drink today.

China's folk drinking customs have a long history and splendid culture, which are distributed in many ethnic groups all over the country, and have brewed rich and colorful folk drinking customs. Some wine customs still exist today.

Legend has it that Du Kang made the wine, but it couldn't be made that year. Later, he consulted a fortune teller, who told him that at a certain place on a certain day, at the right time, taking a drop of blood from three people could successfully brew wine. So Du Kang went to the place designated by the fortune teller and waited for someone to draw blood. This is a remote path with small Woods on both sides. A little later, a scholar came and Du Kang came forward to explain the reason, so the scholar dropped a drop of blood in Du Kang's wine. After the scholar left, another samurai came. Du Kang stood up again and explained the reason. The samurai also dropped a drop of blood in the wine. After the samurai left, he waited for a long time, but no one came. Du Kang was in a hurry, and it was almost time to pass. If it passes, you can't make wine. What should we do? When I was in a hurry, I suddenly saw a man sitting under a tree not far away. Du Kang was very happy to run to the front. He turned out to be a fool and felt very sad. He doesn't want to make wine with the blood of fools, but the moment is about to pass. Du Kang just pulled a fool against his will and dropped a drop of blood, which resulted in this wine. Although it is caused by alcohol, people who drink in the future are affected by these three drops of blood. When they started drinking, they were all very polite, like scholars; After drinking for a while, I blushed, my neck was thick, my voice was loud, and my voice was high, just like a samurai; At the end of the drink, I drank too much, my tongue was awkward, I was shaking when I walked, and my head was in a mess, just like a fool.

In ancient China, drinking had the following etiquette: When drinking together, the host and guests should bow to each other. When the younger generation drinks in front of their elders, they usually bow first and then sit in the second seat. The elders ordered the younger generation to drink, and the younger generation could raise a glass; The elder hasn't finished the wine in the cup, so the younger generation can't drink it first.

There are about four steps in ancient drinking etiquette: worship, sacrifice, vomiting and death. Is to make a gesture of worship first to show respect; Then pour a little wine on the ground to thank the earth for its richness; Then taste wine and praise it to make the host happy; Finally, I raised my glass and drank it.

Laiwu also has some drinking habits and customs: "full moon wine" or "hundred days wine": this is one of the most common customs in Laiwu. When a child is born, several tables will be set up and friends and relatives will be invited to celebrate. Friends and relatives usually bring gifts, and some people give red envelopes. "Shoujiu": Chinese people have the custom of celebrating birthdays for the elderly, generally calling them 50, 60 and 70 years old. Generally held by children or grandchildren, friends and relatives are invited to dinner. "Liang Jiu" and "Entering House Liquor": Building a house is an important event in rural China, and Liang is the most important process in the process of building a house. Therefore, Liang Ri should serve Liang wine, and the custom of pouring Liang wine is popular in some places. When the house is built, when the whole family moves into the new house, there must be wine in the house. First of all, they celebrated the completion of the new house and brought joy to the housewarming. Second, they offered sacrifices to immortal ancestors for protection. "Open a bottle of wine" is a festive wine bought in shops and workshops. When the shop opens and the workshop starts, the boss will hold a banquet to celebrate. "Hard liquor" is also called "farewell wine". A friend came from afar to hold a banquet in his honor to express his farewell. During the war years, when the warriors went to the battlefield to perform important and life-threatening tasks, the commanders would pour them a glass of wine and use it to see them off bravely. "Welcome wine", also called "welcome wine". My friend came back from a long trip covered in dust. Let's make an appointment with our good friends for a drink. On the one hand, we can listen to what our friends have learned from their long journey. On the other hand, we can also take this opportunity to get together and enhance friendship.

"Wedding wine", also known as "wedding wine". This is different from ordinary drinking. Newlyweds should toast, and the number of toasts is usually 4-8 times. When drinking, you should drink it all at once, and say congratulations: grow old together, have a baby early, have a harmonious family and love each other. Take Qi Mei as an example. The unified saying is that wedding banquets are not intoxicating.

Others include "finished wine", "celebration wine" and "toast".

Our local drinking is also exquisite, always in line with etiquette. But there must always be a name for drinking, even if it is a gathering of relatives and friends, there must be a lot of reasons. Everyone knows that we Shandong people are generous and hospitable. In fact, we Laiwu people are even worse. When we greeted each other, we all said we were free for a drink. There is no elegance of the ancients in the countryside, but there are habits of "mountain drinking", "water drinking", "suburban drinking" and "wild drinking". They like drinking quite a lot during their sightseeing, and most of them bought food and drinks, so please come home. The highest courtesy in the countryside is still the Eight Immortals table. The name Eight Immortals is lucky enough, so people know there are eight people at a table. Generally speaking, there is no present stress, it is the main and deputy, only the host and guests. The north of the square table is facing up, that is, facing the door, and the guest of honor is sitting on this side. This side is the main side on the left and the auxiliary side on the right. The distinction between primary and secondary depends on who is the subject and guest, so who sits in the position of subject and guest. If you belong to this family, it depends on seniority and age, in order of left and right. The host's position is at the bottom, that is, with his back to the door and face to face with the host and guest, to show respect and to facilitate pouring water and wine. The rule in the countryside is: tea should be shallow and wine should be full. Why not always say "full of wine, full of wine" and "full of wine" is actually a way for younger generations to propose a toast to their elders. The custom in the countryside is that a full glass of wine is two cups. In Laiwu, we basically don't drink odd-numbered wine, while in the yes-men, even numbers are auspicious. The younger generation fills the elders with wine, holds the bottom of the cup with his left hand, holds the cup wall with his right thumb and forefinger, raises it to the height of his forehead, and bows to the elders. Have a drink, and then fill the second one. Even numbers generally refer to 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. Generally speaking, it means that yes-men, sixi dishes, Liu Liu Dashun and Baba are homophonic and perfect. Even numbers come when drinking and clinking glasses. Two glasses at a touch, and you have to drink them all at once. Shallow feelings, lick it; Feelings are deep and boring, which reflects the boldness and simplicity of our Laiwu people.

Drinking needs food. In rural areas, the order of serving food should not be chaotic. You don't drink the first chicken, the second fish, the third meatball, the fourth elbow, and the last dish. You won't start drinking until you have two dishes to accompany you. Generally speaking, it is not so elegant, and most people will say: Come on, let's be angry. When serving fish, the fish head is usually directed at distinguished guests, so you should drink "fish head wine" and the guests with fish tails should drink "fish tail wine". When four or six dishes are served, this is the real beginning of the banquet. If it is four, four or eight, it will be more exquisite. I drank tea when I served snacks, and I didn't start warming wine for a cup until I drank a small cold dish.

If it is a gathering of friends, there is also the habit of "drinking and ordering food". In the countryside, it's not called calling in, it's called punching in. The rules are simple. Both people who "clock in" should count off, and the number is 0- 10. Fingers are flexible and constantly changing. When two people's fingers add up, it is exactly what some people say. When a game is over, you will be fined for losing wine. For example, one said: three peach orchards, one said eight horses, and the fingers of two people add up to exactly eight. The person who said "three peach orchards" is the loser, and he is fined a glass of wine.

Perhaps it is because farming was the mainstay in ancient China, so people have a special feeling for wine, saying that wine is the essence of five grains, and there are many opinions related to wine: steamed bread is wine, and the more you drink it, the more you have it; Drink after dinner, never; Wine makes heroes. ...

In fact, wine is the carrier of people's feelings and the tradition of China's food culture.