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Qingdao Jimo Fortune Telling _ Qingdao Jimo Fortune Teller

Divination and fortune telling

What are the similarities and differences between divination and fortune telling? About divination and fortune telling [transferred from chinatarot]

Divination is a mysterious activity to explore things with supernatural methods. If you want to do something with fortune telling, fortune telling has ritual or social characteristics, usually related to religion; On the other hand, fortune telling is a daily activity for personal service. Divination is often questioned by some people. This is just superstition. However, advocates will say that there are many anecdotes to prove the effectiveness of divination. Divination is a universal cultural phenomenon. Anthropologists have found that divination can be found in religions and cultures from ancient times to the present. However, the Christian Bible says that divination is forbidden by God.

In ancient Chinese, "Zhan" of "divination" refers to Zhan Ji, and "divination" refers to tortoise divination. Zhan Ji and Guibu are ancient divination methods in China, among which Guibu has a longer history, but it has been lost. Oracle Bone Inscriptions in Yin Ruins is the direct archaeological evidence of its existence. Zhan's method has been preserved since it was recorded in Cohesion.

In China, there has been a philosophy of harmony between man and nature since ancient times, so the rise and fall of personnel can be expressed by natural changes. On the one hand, divination is a kind of mysticism, on the other hand, it is the practical application of various natural science experiences.

Scientific research has been able to successfully predict some future events, such as solar eclipse, weather forecast and volcanic eruption, but these are not divination. Strictly speaking, divination presupposes the influence of some supernatural force or fate, while scientific prediction comes from a mechanized, emotionless world view and relies on the natural laws of experience. Therefore, from the definition of operational research, any activity that uses methods that scientific research considers ineffective to predict can be said to be divination.

In addition to simple explanations of anecdotes, there are some serious theories about how divination works. One of the theories based on empirical science is based on the subconscious. According to this theory, divination is a process of decoding information in the subconscious. Believing that the source of this information is supernatural or mysterious forces is the difference between this theory and scientific explanation.

Julian Jaynes divided divination into the following categories:

Prediction and prediction "the most primitive, clumsy, but also the most lasting method is to record a series of strange events." (1976: 236) The ancient history of China always records the information such as the occurrence process and natural changes of those strange things, and the ancient * * * institutions in China also predicted the long-term strategic issues accordingly. Many modern sciences also come from these "divination". Needham's research shows that it is.

Draw lots. This can be made of sticks, bones, stones, beans and other things. Modern board games are developed from these "divination".

Omen. It is divination that provides predictions, which can be qualitative (such as shape, proximity to something, etc.). ) prospecting (divination with a stick) developed from this. In the Etruscan civilization of ancient Rome, the ritual anal divination was used (in fact, it was an Extispicy), and monks wanted to check whether the sacrificed meat was fresh.

There is no specific method for free divination, but it is actually a derivative of other divination methods. The revelation comes from what the fortune teller saw and heard by chance. Some Christians and other religions use the divination in the Bible. They ask a question, grab the holy book, or use the holy book to guide people to unknown places. Others, such as watching air feng shui in the new century, like intuition and Taoist symbols.

Astrology is the most common one, which is generally divided into Vedic astrology, Western astrology and Chinese astrology. In addition to these three factions, many civilizations have their own astrology.

In China, divination can be done in the following ways:

Physiognomy refers to the observation of a person's manner, temperament, face and body parts. Predict good luck or bad luck and other things.

Astrology, astrology in China can mainly show the fortunes of the country and the monarch, governance or not. It was closely related to astronomy in the early days, and then gradually separated.

Oracle Bone Inscriptions's divination refers to using tortoise shells and grass to predict certain things. Different times use different methods, and all previous dynasties have innovations. For example, it is said that Dong Fangshuo's Lingqi Jing uses special chess pieces and special formulas to predict.

The life of a star is predicted by comparing the geographical location of the date of birth with the natural location.

Occupy a dream, according to the situation in the dream, borrow natural or other personnel for analogy, and get a >>

What's the difference between fortune telling and divination? What do they mean? Fortune telling is to look at your life according to your eight characters, four pillars and five elements. Divination is divination, simple and easy to learn.

What does swordsman love 3 mean by novice village Yu? What's the difference between different hexagrams? Dry divination is heaven (upper divination)

Gangua is the first of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes. This is a divination; The emperor's divination, so it should be ranked first. The divinatory words of this image are: Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement. Explain that this is a hexagram that needs constant efforts, when your efforts have been achieved. The purple witch, the orange witch and you are both floating clouds, and you have dominated the Wulin! It also shows that people who get this image are very tired, and you have to keep working hard to succeed!

(2) Kun hexagrams for the ground (hexagrams)

Kun Gua is the second of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes. It is the divination above, not the divination on the ground. So it should be ranked second. The main idea of this hexagram is: the terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. Like the divination of Heaven, it is also a divination that needs constant efforts. Unlike divination, the success of this kind of divination depends on the strength of others. If you want to make friends with your own personality, Kungua can also be regarded as a smooth person on the road to Woods.

(3) Turn hexagrams into principles

Dugua is the fifty-eighth of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, and it is the upper hexagram. Change the jersey! This is also the only divination in the Book of Changes that tells a happy story. People who get divinatory symbols can get the maximum benefit with the least effort. It is smooth sailing on any road. Congratulations to the friend who changed his mind! Remember that the copywriter should try to touch the boss!

(4) Leaving hexagrams as fire (on hexagrams)

Li Gua is the thirtieth of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, and it is an upper-middle hexagram. This divinatory symbol mainly belongs to attachment, and it inherits the divinatory symbols associated with the first three. Therefore, if you want to achieve great success, you must attach yourself to the person who has three hexagrams. Those who deviate from divination should not be narrow-minded or forced! Those who deviate from divination should remember that sometimes it must be predestined, and there is no need to force it in life! Forcing can only lead to a lose-lose structure, remember to remember!

(5) Thunder divination (upper-middle divination)

The true divination is the fifty-first of the sixty-four divinations in the Book of Changes, and it is the upper-middle divination. This hexagram is a blockbuster if you don't sing it! Usually nothing will come out. If you think about it, something good will come out. Belongs to which faction's black hand, but the popularity is extremely high. When it is dark for a long time, good things will come out, such as Xuan Jing and Woods. Come out or not! Get out! It's full of goods!

(6) Yi Gua is the wind (upper-middle Gua)

The sea divination is the fifty-seventh of the sixty-four divinations in the Book of Changes, and it is the upper-middle divination. This divination is lucky. But it is easy to use. Sow discord, come and go in a hurry. It is a semi-fierce divination, which carries out upper-middle divination and lower-middle divination; Play divination! In other words, even if you touch Ziwu, it is someone else's. You can't get it! I am also Xun (Xun; Two tones) hexagrams. Even if I touched the purple arm, it was basically taken away by others ... tragedy ... so the people in this hexagram should be villains, not gentlemen! Remember to change the distribution of copies!

(7) Gengua is a mountain (middle divination and lower divination)

Gen hexagram is the sixty-fourth of the sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, and it is the middle and lower hexagrams. The friend of this divination is not just a black hand. And it will be dark all the way, and it is easy to meet villains. It's not going well, so this divinatory symbol person had better pay attention to his words and deeds. Otherwise, there will be a murderer!

(8) Divination is water (the next divination)

Kangua is the twenty-ninth of the sixty hexagrams in the Book of Changes, and it is the next hexagram. The elephant said: a bright moon shines on the water, but there is no shadow. A foolish man should go down and take it as money. He won't touch it. Although this kind of divination is the lowest level of divination, it is fatal. However, this divination chart is also a turning point, and it is a very Thai person. You are already a tragedy, and only after a long tragedy will you have a small success. Get this image of people had better not touch the BOSS, even if the purple martial arts is the lowest quality, Xuan Jing should not consider anything. So it's unfortunate that your friends and brothers got this image. If there is no Jukui seal, you'd better delete it and come back. ...

Is Zhouyi used for divination? When it comes to Zhouyi, many people's first reaction is to calculate divination and look at Feng Shui. If we walk in the street, we will find that people who are shouting fortune-telling in the streets and alleys all claim that they use Zhouyi to tell others' fortune. The purpose of saying this is nothing more than to convince others that they are not talking nonsense, not bluffing, but have a theoretical basis. So far, it is estimated that there are still many people with a grain of salt: Is the Book of Changes really that magical? Is it allowed or not? Of course, some people say that this is totally superstition. Fortune tellers are really ignorant. People with two eyes are fooled by people without eyes (most of them are blind, even if they are not blind). What a pity! So, what kind of book is Zhouyi? Is it used for divination? If it is used for divination, can it really be accurate? Speaking of this, many people may shudder ―― their own destiny can be "calculated"! This view is estimated that few people will believe it. In Ai Zi's story, there was a magician who cheated by fortune telling: Wang Qi met each other happily, and there was a man who claimed to be a god, and said that he was a student of Guiguzi and a teacher of Tang drama. The King of Qi respected him very much and wanted him to die together. God said, "Don't worry, I must talk for a whole day before giving people a life." So I chatted with the king of Qi. After chatting for a while, someone came to report that Qin Jun had surrounded Jimo for three days. The king of Qi's face changed greatly. God looked at him and said, "I see a black breath in his brow, which indicates that there will be a war." After a while, the guard tied a man up and said that he had stolen many things from the national treasury. At the same time, the physiognomy said, "I think the king's chin is blue, and he must break the money." The king of Qi was unhappy and said, "What you said has happened. I want to know what will happen in the future. " God looked at it for a long time before saying, "I think the king is square and majestic, and he must be no ordinary person!" " King Qi was very angry. In a rage, he killed God. It seems that cheating under the guise of fortune telling will reveal the fox's tail sooner or later. However, is this really the Book of Changes in our ancient eyes? Is it as simple as a simple divination to predict fate? Definitely not. It seems absurd to us today that our ancestors were very serious. It is said that ancient divination had many rules. They had to fast, eat vegetarian food, take a bath, take a bath, and read divination respectfully. Eating meat all day, you are dirty, and you certainly can't read divination. In addition, you can't play divination when you encounter trivial things. For example, if you lost a chicken at home today, you can't figure out who stole your chicken when you play divination. Only when something important happens can the secret be revealed. Otherwise, you will encounter bad luck. "The reflection records the story of Zhou Wenwang's divination for the treacherous court official Fei Zhong in Shang Dynasty. Fei Zhong is a traitor around Zhou Wang. He does all kinds of evil. At that time, Zhou Wenwang was singing a song and once had a drink with Fei Zhong. He drank a little too much. Fei Zhong knew that King Wen could divine, so he asked King Wen to calculate his fate. King Wen was unwilling at first, but he couldn't resist Fei Zhong's repeated requests. In addition, Fei Zhong was a red man in Zhou Wang at that time, so he couldn't be offended. In desperation, King Wen played a divination for Fei Zhong. Fei Zhong couldn't wait to ask Wang Wen what the result was. Wang Wen was speechless and frowned, but he didn't know how to answer. Fei Zhong nasty, urged again and again. King Wen said, "This divination is very strange. My Lord, it is strange that you are going to die in the future, although you are enjoying all the splendor today. " Fei Zhong asked, "But I don't know how he died? King Wen replied: "Although there is a destiny between life and death, some people died of disease, some died of fire and water, some died of sword soldiers, some died of falling, or died of hanging a beam into a well, my Lord, freezing to death in June!" Fei Zhong's face changed when he heard this. He asked King Wen, "Have you ever occupied your life? King Wen replied, "I also occupied it." . ""But I don't know the date and the way, "asked Fei Zhong. King Wen said, "Talented people die naturally, while ancient philosophers die. Much better than adults. "Who will be annoyed at this. You're dead, and I'm dead! Isn't this an obvious irony to me? In addition, the ancients were very taboo about life and death, and Fei Zhong was a narrow-minded and vengeful villain. Therefore, Wang Wenzhan's divination doesn't matter, but he offended Fei Zhong. Fei Zhong thought King Wen had cheated him, so he held a grudge and went to Zhou Wang to severely accuse King Wen. King Wen suffered for this, and was imprisoned in country H for seven years, and suffered a lot. In addition, in order to rescue King Wen, his eldest son Bo Yikao was killed. King Wen let the cat out of the bag because he was drunk and played divination at will. Pay ... >>

How to calculate the Book of Changes Du knows that the army actually said it. . At present, the mainstream is the Na Jia technique and the plum blossom easy number, which is also called the six hexagrams and the plum blossom easy number.

The Book of Changes itself is a divination about the laws of Yin and Yang. The words of Confucianism are filled in by Confucianism as its own attitude towards life, but now street vendors or Jiangxiang School are using the resignation of Confucianism as divination. . Then, relying on the concept of "word" as an afterthought leads many people to think that divination is linguistics or psychology. . .

Whether it is divination, fortune telling or geomantic omen, it is very rigorous, and it is derived step by step from the rise and fall of Yin and Yang, just like from the most basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to calculus. . You can't learn it in a few months or days.

What tools are there for divination? There are many tools for divination, from salt, tea and plates to tarot cards, constellation compasses and many other things. The most important thing is the method and content of your divination, such as divining love, so you can use different tools and methods. Personally, I am good at Tarot divination, but I also like interesting divination methods, such as my omelette divination in the morning. If the convenience of frying eggs is burnt, then today's fortune is not good. If the fried egg yolk is in the middle, you will have good luck today. If the yolk is on the right, then you will be very lucky. Let me introduce several simple methods for your reference: tea can be used for divination, which is a relatively low-level divination method.

Make tea with boiling water, drink tea carefully, turn the cup clockwise and counterclockwise for three times, and read the shape of the tea. Unskilled divination is better than books. Yarrow: This is a wild plant in Shan Ye, with knobby, hollow ends and white hair. After autumn ripening, choose those with similar thickness and similar node length, each with 12 nodes (not limited to this number), totaling 50. It's not just yarrow. Because the divination method based on 50 Achilles heads is mainly based on numbers. So what you use is not very important. Wooden sticks and bamboo poles are ok, but not too thick. It is wise to hold the sum of 50 trees in your hand. Choose the same texture, color, thickness and length, which is convenient for collection and use. 2, coins (money instead of money) In fact, this is not limited to coins, anything of the same size can be separated from the opposite side, (such as shells) Why did the ancients use coins? Money is widely used because it is the most widely circulated thing, used by everyone and everywhere, and meets the requirements of the same size, the same texture and the ability to separate the whole face. The reason is not in the outer circle! The outer circle is like the sky, and the inner image is a design concept when the ancients made coins, but the outer circle is very important because it is elastic, which makes divination more arbitrary. According to this principle, some people later used "Tai Chi Pill" to shake divination. As for what kind of coins to use? The selection should follow the following principles: 1, three coins are the same (homogeneous, the same size, the same pattern) 2, and there can be no defects. 3. It is best to have a big difference between the front and the back (for example, one side is flat and the other side has characters). Most of the money before the Song and Yuan Dynasties was flat on one side. After the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially in the Qing dynasty, the coins were Chinese characters on one side and Manchu on the other, which was the worst. In modern times, Qing coins, especially Qianlong coins, were mostly used, not because they were good, but because they were large in quantity and easy to obtain. But some scholars mistakenly think that only dry dragon coins are the best, which is really a big mistake. They even wrote in a book that "six hexagrams" used money instead of money, and this theory became the standard. I really didn't know that the method of substituting money for divination was created by Fang Jing inheriting the knowledge of his teacher Jiao Yanshou. At that time, several dynasties in the early Qing dynasty, where can I find dry money? This is not ridiculous! The fundamental principle lies in yin and yang. Because gossip is made up of yin and yang. As long as the hexagrams used can separate yin and yang. The more obvious the difference between yin and yang, the better. What is Yin and Yang? For example, the circle is yang, the square is yin, the rigidity is yang, the softness is yin, the male is yang, the female is yin, the convex is yang, the concave is yin, the slip is yang, the texture is yin, the texture is less yang, and the texture is more yin. Then, for coins, the smooth side is positive, and the side with words (textures) is negative, while the texture of the full text of Qianlong Money is less, and the texture of the four Chinese characters is more. One side of Manchu is Yang, and the other side of Chinese is Yin. The ancients used shells for divination. The concave side of shells was yin and the convex side was yang. This teaching method applies this principle. It can be seen that Liu Yi can use not only coins, but also other things. However, when using coins to shake divination, we should also follow the above principles in choosing coins. Money with words on both sides, including money from the Qing Dynasty and other dynasties, is not the first choice. When you have no money, you will use it with a bare face. There are not many modern RMB coins, not because there is no square hole in the middle, but because both sides are covered with characters and patterns, which are almost inseparable from yin and yang. This kind of coin reflects information late and is difficult to understand. So it's not available. Taiji pills are not good either. This is a method of divination by grinding three spheres of equal size into six symmetrical facets, and carving two symbols (-,-) on every two symmetrical facets. This method of displaying yin and yang is not obvious. Material: gold, copper, aluminum, etc. It is not affected by magnetic field and is the best material for making coins. Iron coins are not suitable for use because of the great influence of magnetic field. Under this influence, there will be influence between coins. Therefore, gold, silver, copper and so on. Selected >>

How to learn divination! The first type: I ching divination

This formulation seems a bit strange. Are other methods not based on the Book of Changes? In fact, the word "Book of Changes" here emphasizes that after divination, the basis for judging good or ill luck is the scripture of the Book of Changes (of course, the Book of Changes, which was later directly called the Book of Changes), that is, the words of divination and written words.

According to the method of divination, there are two kinds: large number of divination, that is, divination with 50 pieces of grass (shi 1); The second is the well-known money divination, which uses three copper coins to calculate divination (of course, after divination with copper coins, you can also use six hexagrams or plum blossoms to explain the analysis, which is another matter).

To use this method, you need to be very familiar with the hexagrams in the original Zhouyi, and at the same time be very skilled in the analogy of Yi Xiang in order to use it freely.

The second type: five elements divination

This method combines the concepts of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and some also combine the factors of heavenly stems and earthly branches.

There are mainly three kinds: the big six expensive occupation method, the six expensive occupation method, and the plum blossom easy number I often use.

This method judges the quality according to the birth date and grams of the five elements. In general, you don't need to refer to the original Zhouyi.

The third type; Constellation divination

This method is very common, and it is the most common one in the streets (including TV dramas), and its forms are also various. However, the essence is the same. They all write a meaningful signature on a piece of paper or bamboo stick in advance, and then extract and select these signatures in some way. There are usually people who specialize in interpreting these signatures.

For example, some people ask for a sign face to face, some people peck the sign with birds (called picking birds, which is different from picking birds with plum blossoms), or divination with playing cards, and there are other methods.

This method is the most common among people, mainly because it is easy to master and because it is short, flat and fast. If you use the "Great Liu Ren" or "Six hexagrams" method to help others calculate divination in the street, please wait until you finish the analysis and explanation.

I'm afraid it will take a long time, and I'm afraid the people who ask for help have already left impatiently.

The fourth method: other methods.

There are mainly Taiyi and Qimen Dunga. These methods are the so-called unique skills, extensive and profound, and of course they cannot be ignored. Because I don't know much about it, I just mention it and apologize to those who know it. If there are any omissions in other methods, I also hope that Mr. Wang will add and correct me.

Nowadays, many people in the society often come to online self-help divination (operating on the web page by themselves) to directly produce results. This kind of divination belongs to sign divination, which I believe many people have used. These results are directly generated by computer programs.

At present, the commonly used divination methods are six hexagrams and plum blossoms, and some people use methods such as Qimen and Liuren. It can also be said that each has its own chances of winning, and a hundred flowers blossom.

You'd better go to the bookstore and buy a copy of Zhouyi yourself.

What does divination mean? Divination is one thing when combined, and two things when separated.

In a word, divination is divination.

To separate words and possess them is to possess them. You can make divination by counting yarrow and shaking copper coins, and then draw a conclusion. Bu, that is, bone bu, is burned with tortoise shell or cattle scapula to see the cracks.

What schools of divination are there? Plum divination, chicken divination, bird divination, bird divination, water divination, star divination, card divination, mutual sound and word divination in Zhouyi (word divination includes one word, two words ... eleven words), as well as China folk foot divination, dynamic divination and still life divination.

Fortune-telling, divination, divination, you take your date of birth.

Born there

Where do you rank your brother and sister in the household registration book?