Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Self-transformation method

Self-transformation method

Self-exchange is another way to trigger bodhicitta. The theory that Yoshida Bodhisattva entered the Bodhisattva belongs to the inheritance of the deep view system of Manjusri Bodhisattva and Dragon Tree Bodhisattva. The practice of communicating with people in Daoci Emperor can be divided into three aspects. The meaning of self-communication. The second is the principle of self-exchange. The third is how to change from others.

Turn the pursuit of personal happiness to all sentient beings, no longer care about their own happiness, but care about the happiness of all sentient beings; Turn the heart that ignores all beings to yourself, no longer ignore all beings, but ignore yourself. This is the main idea of self-exchange.

Practice is a kind of healthy training for the mind. Just because the heart can be trained, so long as the practice is correct, the heart that changes from others can also be trained.

Let's share my heart.

Although I have studied Buddhism for many years, I find it difficult to master its essence. I think the original intention of learning Buddhism is to get pleasure from suffering. I can study, but I find that there are not many ingredients of pain, but not many feelings of happiness. On the other hand, the brothers who entered the class at the same time, their great changes, especially their heartfelt happiness on their faces, are really enviable. After learning this lesson, you can also know a little about the cause by comparing your own condition.

The fortune teller said that I am a person with strong subjective consciousness, and I can't remember the specific words clearly. I remember so many lines: "Pisces people are too subjective, easy to live in their own world, and can't listen to different opinions ..." At that time, I nodded on the surface, but my heart was full of admiration. "You know a hammer, I am a Buddhist, and the fate of Buddhists is generally uncertain." Now it seems that there is some truth in what he said. I tend to live in my own feelings or emotions. Many times, I still cling to what I like or hate. Because they care too much about their feelings, they either turn a blind eye to the suffering of others or are ruthless. If I hadn't learned this lesson, I would have been reincarnated in the inherent practice.

Although the epidemic was rampant this holiday, I had a poker addiction that lasted for more than a month. I have never been so presumptuous since I graduated from college. Speaking of the three elements of the game, the right time, the right place and the right people. The difference between our game and other places is that people in time and place are fixed. If people often change places, the harm is too great. One is hard to blend together. Second, I didn't have a good time. In late February, a little friend was away, so I couldn't play alone. I remember calling him and knowing the situation. It turned out that he had a terrible toothache and was really not in the mood to play. Instead of comforting him, I invited him again and again, and he didn't go in the end. I was unhappy and scolded him for his almost absent-minded behavior on the phone. The result was very unpleasant.

On the other hand, isn't my behavior just ignoring the pain of others and only caring about my own feelings? By doing so, I not only increased his pain, but also increased my troubles. If I regard his pain as my pain, I will actively help him find a way to comfort him. Although I can't suffer for him, at least his heart is warm and our relationship is harmonious. I found that the best way to make myself really happy is to make others happy through my own efforts. Just as the happiness of parents comes from the happiness of children.

The reason why I can't change myself is that I and everything attached to me are too real. You know, all this is impossible. This is a wrong setting. The master said in the Dharma that "the five elements are impermanent and there are many relationships. I am the essence of my parents and the essence of the five grains." I found this. I think that since the so-called "I" is a wrong setting, then non-I is also a wrong setting. Since the previous setting is wrong, it is necessary to correct it now.

I am nourished by my parents' blood and food, and he is nourished by his parents' blood and food, so there is no difference between me and him in essence. I can be him, or he can be me. Just because I am obsessed with intimacy, competition and inequality between me and what I do. Only in this way can there be a separate opposite. When these settings are removed, everything is equal. So I think we can fix it by changing it from others.