Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Li Zongren's wife: Mother-in-law's funeral was slandered by her rival in love, and she lived to be 70 years old, and her son became a talent to help her father return to China.

Li Zongren's wife: Mother-in-law's funeral was slandered by her rival in love, and she lived to be 70 years old, and her son became a talent to help her father return to China.

In the winter of the 12th year of the Republic of China, that is, in the winter of 1924, Li Xiuwen in Shanghai was urged by her in-laws to go to Guiping to reunite with her son. And they do this because they know that their son is cheating in marriage.

It turned out that Li Xiuwen's husband, Li Zongren, then a senior general of the Kuomintang, secretly married another woman named Guo Dejie because of his loneliness.

This woman is a few years younger than Li Xiuwen, but not much better than her in appearance. In the family background, her father is only a plasterer, but she is much worse than Li Xiuwen. But Guo Dejie naturally has her advantages. She has read a book, is an enterprising young woman, and is determined to become an excellent new woman.

It can be said that in a sense, she is a woman completely different from Li Xiuwen's feudal conservatism.

For Li Zongren, who was on the rise in his career at that time, Guo Dejie, who was knowledgeable, knowledgeable and sociable, was just what he needed.

When Li Xiuwen promised to go to Guiping, she had learned the truth from her in-laws. Although three wives and four concubines are common in fashion, and she has been separated from her husband for many years, she is still full of bitterness in the face of this fact.

However, Li Xiuwen, who always knows wisely, will never let her in-laws know what she thinks. In the afternoon, she called her 4-year-old son Li Youlin to her room. She wants to explain a few words to her son, but she doesn't know where to start. After a long time, she gently took her son into her arms and said, "mom will take you to see dad." You should be obedient in everything, lest ... "

Li Youlin nodded with a pair of beautiful big eyes, then he hesitated and asked, "Can I sleep with you when I get there?" ? I don't want to be apart from you! "

Hearing her son's words, Li Xiuwen's tears immediately filled her eyes. She looked up and blinked a few times and replied, "Mom will always be with you." Hearing this, Li Youlin was completely relieved. In fact, although he was only four or five years old at that time, he already knew something. He has heard that his father has found a new mother for him outside.

When he first heard these words, Li Youlin was very angry, because he already knew from the joking tone of others that it was not a good thing. But he is only a child after all, so even if he is angry, he turns his back and forgets.

However, since then, the word "new mother" has never had a good impression on him.

The night before going to Guiping, Li Xiuwen thought a lot in bed. What she thinks most about is naturally how her husband will treat her. Before, she went to the army to reunite with him, just looking forward to it, but this time, her doubts were particularly heavy. She is afraid that going to Guiping will be left out in the cold, and she is even more afraid of falling into that kind of struggle between two women.

After arriving at Guiping Tourism Department, Li Xiuwen met her husband who had been waiting there for a long time. After seeing their mother, Li Zongren smiled and picked up her son and said, "Ha, my son has grown so big. Look at it. More like Laozi. "

Li Youlin looked at his father with wide eyes for a while, and then timidly shouted "Dad". Li Zongren immediately kissed his son and asked, "What happened after walking on the road for a few days? Those civilian boats hit the rocks in Pingle, which is really worrying ... "

After hearing the questions, the uncle who was in charge of seeing Li Xiuwen off was busy answering them one by one, while Li Xiuwen only glanced at her husband occasionally and didn't speak. For a moment, she even felt that her husband was still her former husband, but her skin was darker.

After sitting down in the living room, Li Zongren shouted, "Dejie, come out quickly!" After saying his word, a slim and handsome young woman came out. Li Xiuwen was dazed at that time. She realized that this woman was her husband's new love.

After seeing Li Xiuwen, Guo Dejie nodded generously to her, then turned around and poured her a cup of hot tea. Li Xiuwen took the tea, turned around and picked up Li Youlin.

To the surprise of Guo Dejie and Li Xiuwen, as soon as Guo Dejie hugged his young neighbor, he violently broke away from her and leaned on his mother at an extremely fast speed. Guo Dejie smiled shyly and then turned into the back room.

In this scene, Li Zongren also all see in the eye. He realized that it was necessary for him to say something to his mother at this time. After a pause, he said, "I married Sister De to have more social activities outside and take care of me. You are here, let's be a companion, do you like it? "

Li Zongren deliberately downplayed this as much as possible, which is the usual method of all politicians. They want to cover up the seriousness behind the incident. Li Xiuwen was very uncomfortable after hearing this. Decades later, she wrote this scene in her memoir Li Zongren and I. She said:

In fact, at that time, Li Xiuwen couldn't say anything. After all, as a traditional woman, she has no confidence to reprimand them. After all, she has no education and has been in the countryside.

Everyone says that husband and wife are just two wheels on the same carriage. Once the wheels don't match, the car will inevitably have problems when moving.

In fact, the wheels of Li Xiuwen and Li Zongren didn't match from the beginning. Li Zongren married her at the age of 19 1 1. Although her family is fairly well-off, she has never received any education because her parents hold the concept that "a woman without talent is virtue". Li Zongren, on the other hand, is a well-read scholar, and he even went abroad to study.

Fortunately, Li Xiuwen knew how to behave when she was young, so she was unanimously recognized by the whole family when she was in her husband's family. No wonder she has been married to the Li family for so many years, regardless of farm work and housework, she has to work hard on everything she can. Aunt is always the first to help if she has something to do. Most importantly, she also gave birth to Li Zongren's only son Li Youlin.

It can be said that Li Xiuwen completely conforms to the traditional wife image of China.

It is also based on the recognition of the daughter-in-law's "good daughter-in-law" image that her in-laws will send Li Zongren back to her son for her after learning that she has a new lover.

Li Xiuwen naturally understands the kindness of her in-laws. The more she understands their pain, the worse she will do after her husband cheated on her. At the same time, Li Zongren, who knows that he is ashamed of his wife, has been trying to maintain this delicate balance.

But after all, when two women serve a husband, all kinds of unexpected things will inevitably happen. The first is how to address them in public. Before the arrival of Li Xiuwen, all officers and wives in the army called Guo Dejie "Li Furen". But when the first Li Xiuwen appeared, everyone didn't know what to call it.

Finally, everyone had to call the original matchmaker Li Xiuwen "Li Furen" and Guo Dejie "Second Lady" in the traditional way. When two ladies appear at the same wine table, officers and wives also respect "Li Furen" first, and pay little attention to the so-called "second lady".

Under this, Guo Dejie thoroughly nasty, naturally, she began to complain in front of Li Zongren. After overhearing this, Li Xiuwen began to cut back on social activities. After all, she didn't want to embarrass her husband. At the same time, Guo Dejie began to try to avoid appearing with Li Xiuwen at the same time.

These things are trivial, but she naturally made Guo Dejie, who is used to "Li Furen", strongly realize that she needs to become a full member as soon as possible.

Guo Dejie has never given birth to a child. After seeing Li Zongren's love for her son, she is more eager to have a child of her own. But she was vaguely aware of the reality that "she may not be able to have children", so she began to show kindness to Li Youlin in various ways. For a moment, she even thought about letting Li Xiuwen take her son and husband back to their hometown.

But the plan didn't succeed after all, because: Li Youlin and the woman who interfered in her family had a hard time. Therefore, even if his mother forced him to call her "aunt" countless times, he always pouted and turned away.

Li Youlin's attitude embarrassed the whole family. The most embarrassing thing, of course, is Li Xiuwen. She never taught her son or said anything to him. Why does she reject Guo Dejie so much? After a long time, Guo Dejie naturally began to suspect that Li Xiuwen was behind the scenes.

But Li Zongren's eyes are sharp. Having been married to his wife for so many years, he naturally trusts her character. So every time Guo Dejie told him about it, he always replied "You think too much".

Li Zongren really appreciates his wife's generosity and tolerance. Although he is a soldier on the battlefield, he is a kind person at heart. Therefore, he will never be like other soldiers in the army: when he has a new love, he will immediately abandon his original collocation. Although he never made a promise to his wife, he never really wanted to "straighten up" Guo Dejie.

More often, Li Zongren thought of accommodating the original match.

On one occasion, three people had dinner together, eating reddish and fragrant japonica rice, and Li Zongren repeatedly called it "delicious! Delicious ",Guo Dejie also followed suit.

It may be difficult to see two husbands singing women with their hearts. Li Xiuwen's depression and pain finally broke out, and she blurted out:

When Li Xiuwen said this, tears began to roll in his eyes. What's on a person's mind is sometimes known by what he blurts out unconsciously. It can be seen from this sentence that she has accumulated too much resentment because of her husband's infidelity. And in this resentment, there is also a kind of resentment against being a rural woman.

Faced with this situation, the clever Li Zongren naturally knew that his wife had something to say, so she walked over and said:

Li Zongren deserves to be a general who has been abroad. When he said this, Li Xiuwen's mood calmed down. So, she ate like this, and at this time, Guo Dejie on the side has turned into a big red face, and he dare not pull the food hard without saying a word. She wisely knows that she must be called "country woman" on weekdays, and she has heard it.

This time, Guo Dejie was more afraid of Li Xiuwen, and Li Zongren also understood that the reason why his wife has always been kind doesn't mean that she never cared.

Of course, women can't really convince people with pressure methods such as making a fool of themselves. This method can achieve the goal, but after all, it can't completely convince people. A daughter's true obedience to the law depends on virtue. It has always been like this.

This, Li Xiuwen also did it.

When Guo Dejie's father died, Li Xiuwen not only went to pay homage, but also personally attended his funeral as a junior. This practice naturally attracted jokes from local people in Guiping. Half-jokingly, they said to Li Xiuwen, "You are the original wife and gave your little father a funeral. Are you so honest because you don't talk about your identity? "

Li Xiuwen listened, but she didn't say anything. She always has her own judgment on what she has done, and she follows her conscience in everything she does.

Besides being polite to Guo Dejie's father, Li Xiuwen even gets along well with his mother. Later, Guo Dejie's mother often chatted with Li Xiuwen, saying that they got along like relatives.

Guo Dejie see Li Xiuwen, nature also no longer say what to do.

However, as the official of Li Zongren became bigger and bigger, Guo Dejie's desire to legally become Tang Huo's wife became stronger and stronger. In order to make her husband pay more attention to himself, she even convinced him that her bon voyage had a lot to do with her.

Li Zongren is certainly not a superstitious person, but Guo Dejie saw one thing after another and helped him solve some things afterwards. He really has this idea. So Li Zongren likes to take Guo Dejie with him wherever he goes.

On the contrary, with the continuous advancement of the war and Li Youlin's school age, Li Xiuwen had to be separated from her husband again. This means that their days are coming to an end.

When Li Youlin was in primary school, that is, after Li Zongren's Northern Expedition 1927, Li Xiuwen went to Hongkong for his son's studies.

Before Li Xiuwen and her party came to Hong Kong, Li Zongren had rented an apartment for her in advance. This apartment is located in Seymour Terrace, with beautiful outdoor environment, spacious and bright rooms and all modern facilities. In front of the apartment is a two-story building, followed by three bungalows. His son Li Youlin studies in Southwest Primary School.

Li Zongren's arrangement also shows that he values his original wife and son. No matter how much he cared, he finally left her to another woman. Did she complain? Of course! Shortly after moving into an apartment in Hong Kong, she even had some emotional problems. She once wrote in her biography:

From then on, Li Xiuwen put all his thoughts on his son Li Youlin. She realized that only her own son could truly be the support of her life.

In order to educate her son well, she not only checks his homework every day, but also often instills in him the concept of "defending the country and defending the country". In order to better influence her son, she began to tell him how her husband killed the enemy on the battlefield.

Under the influence of Li Xiuwen, Li Youlin not only achieved good academic performance, but also had a very positive outlook on life. When middle schools were faced with the choice of schools, Li Youlin chose Peizheng Middle School among many schools. The reason why he chose this school is that it is bilingual, which can lay a foundation for him to study abroad and serve his motherland.

Watching his son grow up day by day and become handsome, Li Xiuwen was filled with joy. Li Zongren was happy to see nature from ear to ear, but he was also distressed. He is bent on training his son into a general, but his son's ambition is not here. He is bent on becoming a completely different person from his father. As for what this "complete difference" is and why, he himself has no answer.

Li Youlin, 17 years old, went to study in the United States in the year when War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression broke out. It was also from this year that Li Xiuwen lost his son after losing her husband's company. On the day of seeing her son off, she never imagined that this farewell would be ten years.

During this decade, Li Zongren continued to fight in the battlefield and Guo Dejie continued to join the army. On the other hand, Li Xiuwen returned to his hometown in Guangxi. The year after Li Xiuwen returned to his hometown, namely 1938, Li Zongren won the battle of Taierzhuang. At that moment, when everyone in her hometown was busy celebrating, she was also excited. But at the same time, her heart is also somewhat lost. After all, she is not the original wife among the people who fought alongside him.

Loneliness and loneliness have almost always been the main theme of Li Xiuwen's life. 1942, with the death of her mother-in-law, her loneliness became more serious.

After her mother-in-law's death, Li Zongren's second wife, Guo Dejie, will naturally go back to her hometown to attend the funeral. At this time, Li Xiuwen has been half a century, while Guo Dejie is in his prime. The most important thing is that because I have been with my husband, my position has been quite stable. In the eyes of army officers and soldiers, she almost became the only "Li Furen".

Most importantly, here, she and her husband adopted their second son, Li Zhisheng.

But legally speaking, Guo Dejie is not a Tang Fireman after all. She knows this, and some people who are familiar with the Li family also know this. So, how can we really become the main room? The answer naturally lies in Li Zongren. Only he is really qualified to decide everything.

At the funeral, a war without smoke is about to begin.

On that day, when Li Xiuwen held a memorial service at the opening ceremony, Guo Dejie, who knelt behind according to the rules, had to kneel in front of her. Guo Dejie knelt in front of him, naturally dissatisfied with his "smallness" behind Li Xiuwen.

When Li Xiuwen saw her kneeling in front of him, he didn't make any noise. After all, she has always been a sensible person. So, she could only continue to bow down silently, but Guo Dejie stroked Li Xiuwen's hair with her hand when she bowed down. In this way, every time Li Xiuwen bowed his head, she would tear him to pieces.

People always feel emotional when they feel physical pain, so Li Xiuwen blocked her hand, glared at her and said, "Behave yourself." . Li Xiuwen's voice dropped, and an unexpected scene happened: she saw Guo Dejie suddenly stand up and shouted "She hit me".

This happened in the mourning hall, and everyone naturally saw it. At that time, haven't react Li Xiuwen natural blindsided. But think about it. After all, this is a mourning hall for her mother-in-law. She really scolded her, so Li Xiuwen had to submit to humiliation.

After that, the clansmen who understood all this had to arrange Guo Dejie to pay homage to the man. After this incident, Guo Dejie naturally told Li Zongren in every way that she even embellished it in order to make things big. Li Zongren is Li Zongren after all. Although he thought Li Xiuwen had done something wrong, he didn't fully believe what Guo Dejie said.

In the next few days, Li Xiuwen had mixed feelings. But she didn't ask anything, and Li Zongren didn't tell her about it later. However, since then, everyone has been rumored that Li Xiuwen hit Guo Dejie in the mourning hall that day. More than half a century later, when it comes to this matter, she wrote in her memoirs:

Li Xiuwen never explained this to her husband, but she believed that he must believe that although she was a country woman, she would never hit anyone.

After the funeral, Li Zongren took Guo Dejie to Li Xiuwen's room and left. He told her to take good care of her health, especially her stomachache. He also said:

Later, Li Zongren took out the prepared HK$ 30,000 and said, "My young neighbor is getting married soon. Send him some money, and you can keep half. I'm going back to Chongqing soon. These ten-day holidays are hard-won. "

On that day, before Li Zongren finished, Guo Dejie sent someone to earnestly urge Li Zongren to leave. At that moment, holding the stack of money given by her husband, she finally burst into tears.

Watching her husband leave in a hurry, she sighed: "I don't know when he will see you again this time!" " Yes, at this time, the mother-in-law who had been with her and was worried by her husband died, and her son was in the United States all the year round. Will he come back to see her?

He has a battlefield, comrades in arms, a new wife and even a new son. ...

At the end of this year, when he left Li Zongren, Li Xiuwen moved into a new house. This is the most fashionable villa in Guilin. After that, she moved a lot of houses. So, naturally, Li Zongren is out of consideration for her safety.

After Li Xiuwen moved to Shanghai Yijing for the first year, she was surrounded by loneliness. Finally, she waited for Norda's hope: her son finished his doctorate and will soon return to China to reunite with her.

1947, when he was reunited with his son, he had grown from a young boy to a steady young man, with his wife Jenny and daughter.

After his son came back, Li Xiuwen was very happy and could not help feeling deeply. Later, she also wrote this feeling into her memoirs. She said:

To Li Xiuwen's surprise, Li Zongren finally came to reunite with them as soon as her regrets fell. Family reunion is naturally enjoyable, and this long-lost joy makes Li Xiuwen feel the long-lost happiness.

In later memories, about this reunion, Li Xiuwen wrote:

During this period, Li Zongren also complained to her again and again that Guo Dejie was ambitious and tried every means to contain him. He sighed: "Dejie is getting more and more ridiculous. She is in charge of me all day. She goes back and forth to Guilin alone, and I don't care about running around. "

And these, as the original Li Xiuwen actually heard a long time ago. She often hears the couple quarrel, but what can she say and do?

After that, Li Zongren went in and out of his wife's son's house very frequently. Perhaps because they are husband and father after all, Li Youlin and Guo Dejie were not excluded when they met. He even nodded politely, but still refused to call her.

1949 After a short reunion, Li Zongren went to the United States after being the vice chairman of the Kuomintang for a while, and then he stayed in the United States in a near exile 16 years.

1958 may 1 1, after all kinds of difficulties, Li Xiuwen, who stayed at home alone, finally came to the United States to reunite with his son. She went to Cuba to attend the party alone five years ago.

After Li Xiuwen came to the United States for more than a year, her son, who had been raised for a lifetime, finally achieved something: he became a famous boss on Wall Street, and he ushered in the most proud period of his career.

At this time, Li Zongren, also in the United States, was filled with emotion. Only then did he realize that it was most correct for his son not to choose the same road as him.

The success of his son provided a great guarantee for Li Xiuwen in his later years. 1965, when Li Zongren and Guo Dejie returned to China, Li Youlin prepared a lot of money for their father. When he got a large sum of cash from his son at the critical moment, Li Zongren was even more grateful to their mother and son.

Li Zongren received great courtesy at home after returning home. Later, he telegraphed that his son and wife lived in China. But just as they were preparing to return to China, Guo Dejie died of cancer.

It turned out that Guo Dejie, who had long been diagnosed with breast cancer, could have had an operation, but she kept it a secret because she was afraid that people would think that she had "this kind of cancer" as retribution for taking away her husband. Plus, she didn't want to be affected by the operation, which finally delayed the best treatment. ...

When learning the news of Guo Dejie's death, Li Xiuwen's mood was very complicated. She thought a lot, but she was more worried that her husband was left unattended in China.

But just a few months after Guo Dejie's death, Li Xiuwen and his son received the news of their husband's marriage. This time, he married a young nurse, a legendary illegitimate daughter Hu Yousong from Hu Die and Dai Li.

Li Youlin was very depressed after hearing the news. He thought: Guo Dejie died, and his parents can finally be together again, but in a blink of an eye, he married another woman.

Li Xiuwen refused to believe the news. It was not until 1973 that she and her son Li Youlin returned to China and Hu Yousong came to see her that she finally believed this fact.

Maybe God is dissatisfied with Li Zongren's remarriage. Shortly thereafter, Li Zongren died on1October 30th, 65438+ 1969.

Perhaps because of her dissatisfaction with her husband's third marriage, when she returned to China for the first time, Li Xiuwen, who was passing by Beijing, didn't personally or send someone to visit her husband's grave. It was not until 1983 that she told Jiaqiu and his wife to go to Babaoshan to visit Li Zongren's grave.

After returning to his hometown in Guangxi, Li Xiuwen was deeply loved by the state and lived a stable life in his later years. Her life is taken care of by the government, and she has always been accompanied by nephews and nephews. Her son and four or five grandchildren will come to accompany her from time to time. In the meantime, she also planted melons and fruits in her yard.

Because of proper living arrangements, there was always a special doctor to take care of Li Xiuwen, who unexpectedly lived to be 100 years old. 199 1, the government commemorates Li Zongren and her centenary birthday. On that day, as the wife of the anti-Japanese general, she received blessings from all over the country.

1992, Li Xiuwen died in Guilin at the age of 102. There was a serene smile on her face when she left. ...

The link is: Li Zongren and his third wife, Hu Yousong.