Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - The reaction of Fan Pengfei's family.

The reaction of Fan Pengfei's family.

Family members believe that the child was killed.

Fan Pengfei's hometown is Lainiu Village, Weiqiao Town, zouping county. Fan Pengfei's parents don't live in the village. His hometown is only his grandparents and three uncles who are over eighty. Fan Pengfei lived with his grandparents since he was a child, and his testimonials were plastered all over the walls of his home. Fan Pengfei is an only child. Father is 4 1 year old and mother is 44 years old. At present, both of them are emotionally unstable. "Both of them collapsed and are still infusion. Our brothers take turns taking care of them. "

Fan Tinglun denied that Fan Pengfei was a "sudden cardiac death". "This is just what the school said. Pengfei doesn't have a heart attack. None of our family has such a history. The child is usually in good health. How did he get a heart attack? " Fan Tinglun said that when he saw Fan Pengfei's body, his shoes, socks and glasses were gone, and there were obvious footprints on the buttocks of his pants. Fan Pengfei's second uncle told reporters that when the police conducted the autopsy, the three brothers were always present as supervisory family members. "There is a 7.5 cm crack in the front and back of the skull, the brain is obviously damaged, and there are blood stains on the right side of the neck and elbow. This is what I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears during the autopsy. "

Fan Tinglun's three brothers said that Fan Pengfei was killed by the head teacher because he said a rude word. According to Fan Tinglun, what he knows is that 1 1 that afternoon, Chai missed a ball that should have been thrown when playing basketball with several other teachers. Watching Fan Pengfei said a rude word, "It's a smelly ball, smelly hands and so on." This sentence happened to be heard by Chai, who became angry from embarrassment and began to beat Fan Pengfei. "It may be that I don't feel wronged, so I called Pengfei out to continue playing at night and killed the child." Fan Tinglun said: "We also heard about it, but we didn't see it with our own eyes."

Regarding the "demand for compensation of 700,000 yuan", Fan Tinglun's three brothers unanimously stated that they never asked for economic compensation. "What if the child has no money? We just want justice. " Finally, Fan Tinglun told reporters that the autopsy will take three weeks at the earliest. "There is nothing we can do until the results come out."

The local police intervened in the investigation on March 20 1 1, and the investigation is still in progress.

Media reports:

17-year-old boy talks to the teacher alone and dies strangely (suddenly fainting, leaning back, why is there soil on his knee); It is difficult for the family members of the autopsy to understand the remains (it is 7.5 cm from this crack to the back of the head, and I was personally at the scene when the forensic doctor measured it).

Please pay attention to this program-"Talking about the Truth of Death".

These days, the studio host posted a hot post on the Internet, saying that Fan Pengfei, a senior two student of No.1 Middle School in zouping county, Shandong Province, suddenly fainted and died while studying in the evening of March 1 1. Netizens also call it "chatting to death", and many people think that 17-year-old children die too strangely. Xinhua News Agency reporters conducted a follow-up investigation on this matter.

In Lainiu Village, Weiqiao Town, zouping county, the reporter met Fan Pengfei's grandparents. At the mention of their beloved grandson, both old people were heartbroken.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei's grandfather Fan Yuanling:

He doesn't like fighting, and he has been a very sensible child since he was a child.

One wall of the explanation room is plastered with various awards that Fan Pengfei won from elementary school. Now, these awards that once made the old people feel gratified and proud have become sad memories that they can't bear to look back.

Because the old man was old, his relatives didn't tell him much about Fan Pengfei's death, and Fan Pengfei's parents were taken away from other places because of grief. In order to know the truth of the matter, after many twists and turns, the reporter found the fans. Fan was involved in the aftermath of the accident on the evening of March 6th 1 1.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei Tang Bo fan Li Ting:

It was five o'clock. When I called him, it was 5 o'clock, 5 o'clock in the morning, 12 at 5 o'clock in the morning. (Reporter: When you know the situation, you will immediately ...) When you know it, drive immediately, find our family and we will go together. (Reporter: What's the matter? ) I went to the first hospital, which I just said was a Chinese medicine hospital. There was no one in the Chinese medicine hospital, so I went to his house when no one was there. (Reporter: Where was the person at that time? ) Everyone has gone to the morgue.

In fact, as early as seven or eight hours ago, when Fan arrived at the hospital, his nephew had passed away.

Feng Changchun, Vice President of zouping county No.1 Middle School in the same period:

At about 9: 30, I rushed to the emergency center of the county hospital. (Reporter: That night? ) Before 9: 30 that evening. (Reporter: What was Fan Pengfei like at that time? ) I was already in the emergency room when I went. I can't let anyone into the emergency room. I just saw that the doctor was busy and active in the treatment. What I saw at that time was like this.

Only half an hour later, on the evening of March 1 1, the doctor announced that Fan Pengfei died after being rescued.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei Tang Bo fan Li Ting:

Cardiogenic heart disease, he shouldn't draw big conclusions. (Reporter: Which Chinese hospital is it? ) It's our zouping county Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. (Reporter: Is this a medical appraisal? ) No (Reporter: What's that? ) is a death notice or death certificate. I don't understand what his basis was.

Explain that Fan Pengfei died of a heart attack, and Grandpa Fan Yuanling couldn't figure it out.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei's grandfather Fan Yuanling:

He is only 17 years old this year and is 1.78 meters tall. He also plays ball. Can he play with heart disease?

Commentators learned through online inquiries that many people who died of sudden cardiac death had no signs of heart disease before their death, and the physical examination report could not show heart disease. The high incidence of sudden cardiac death is 45-55 years old. So, what happened on the night of March11,the last night of Fan Pengfei's life, a middle school student aged 17?

Feng Changchun, Vice President of zouping county No.1 Middle School in the same period:

On March 1 1 day, at about 8 pm, the class teacher found that Fan Pengfei and another student violated the discipline of self-study and asked them to go out and talk for about 15 minutes. (Fan Pengfei) suddenly fainted and immediately called 120 ambulance for treatment. 10 or so, the hospital doctor declared that the rescue was invalid and died, and the initial diagnosis was sudden cardiac death. (Reporter: Where is the dialogue? ) On the west side of the classroom, on a sidewalk.

When the reporter asked to have a look at the sidewalk on the west side of the classroom, the school refused the reporter's filming on the grounds of stabilizing the students' mood. According to Feng Changchun, vice principal, there was a classmate besides the head teacher and Fan Pengfei on the night of the incident. What this classmate saw should be the key to solve the mystery of Fan Pengfei's sudden death. After careful consideration, the school agreed to the reporter's request.

Students from Fan Pengfei in the same period:

That night, the head teacher came out to talk to the two of us. When the head teacher asked about Fan Pengfei, he denied it. He said that he had done nothing. (Reporter: Why talk to him? When we were studying, we didn't study hard, and then because of this, the class teacher called us out. Then the class teacher asked about the specific situation, and he denied it. Then the class teacher was very excited and slapped him. At that time, the bell had just rung and the class was over. It should be that the head teacher thought there were many people outside, so he led him to the west side of the teaching building to talk, and then let me stand at the back of the classroom.

Commentary Xu told reporters that he didn't know what happened after the class teacher called him to the west corridor of the teaching building. It seems that in the absence of a third person, if you want to know what happened between the class teacher and the monitor Fan Pengfei, you can only rely on the surveillance video installed in the school.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei Tang Bo fan Li Ting:

(Reporter: Have you ever thought about asking the school for the video of the day of the incident? ) We asked for it many times but didn't give it to us. (Reporter: What did he say? They said there was nothing there, but there was something in the corridor. There was something we asked to see in the corridor, and he wouldn't let us see it. The vice principal said that there was no monitoring and nothing in that place, so we couldn't see that place.

Feng Changchun, Vice President of zouping county No.1 Middle School in the same period:

The surveillance video has been retrieved by the public security organ and the hard disk has been taken away.

Fan Pengfei's family couldn't bear the sudden loss of their child, but what worried them more was the cause of death. According to Li Ting, a Tang Bo fan in Fan Pengfei, when he saw Fan Pengfei's body in the hospital, the child's head was injured. The school explained that Fan Pengfei fainted backwards and was injured when he fell to the ground. Fan does not agree with this.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei Tang Bo fan Li Ting:

I suddenly fainted and asked this question. That is to say, I suddenly fainted and leaned back. Why is there soil on my knee? Reporter: Did you see the dirt on your knees? I didn't see the soil on my knees. When I took off my clothes, everything was there. Why is there soil on my knee? If you kneel first and then lean back, you will probably have to lean forward or sideways. This is my question. Just fighting for this cause of death, I can't fight the school.

Because the cause of death was controversial, the local public security organ intervened in the investigation on March 14, and zouping county Hospital performed an autopsy with the public security departments of Shandong Province and Binzhou City on March 18, with Fan and two other family members present.

At the same time, Fan Pengfei Tang Bo fan Li Ting:

At first glance, alas, what a pity. Suppose there is a fracture opposite this place. From this place to this place, there are about 1 1 and 12 cm fractures. From here to this eye socket, the transverse fracture is 7.5 cm, which I heard when I measured it. From this crack to the back of my head, it is 7.5 cm. ) I was in person when the forensic doctor measured it. Remember when I was there.

It is understood that as the monitor of the class, he has been assisting the class teacher Chai to manage the class work. So, in the eyes of students, what kind of people are Fan Pengfei and the head teacher?

Students from Fan Pengfei in the same period:

He (Fan Pengfei) is backward in study, but he works hard.

Students from Fan Pengfei in the same period:

(Reporter: How does the class teacher usually treat the students? ) The class teacher is usually very kind to the students. He speaks seriously in class, is responsible for his work and is humorous.

Students from Fan Pengfei in the same period:

(Reporter: Have you ever beaten or scolded your classmates before? )

I have never beaten or scolded students this semester. And even if the grades in the class are chaotic, he never loses his temper at class meetings.

At present, Mr. Chai, our class teacher, has been under the control of the police to assist in the investigation. How can we know the truth before the autopsy report and the final investigation results of the public security organs come out?

Feng Changchun, Vice President of zouping county No.1 Middle School in the same period:

After the truth comes out, he will never shirk his responsibility, regardless of the school or the parties. He will have an account to the society, teachers and students, including his family.

/kloc-The sudden death of Fan Pengfei, a 0/7-year-old studio host, made everyone feel sorry, but the real cause of his death remained a mystery. At present, the surveillance video of Fan Pengfei's private conversation with Mr. Chai, the head teacher, has been sealed by the zouping county Public Security Bureau, and will be released after the final investigation results come out. Well, thanks for watching this program. Goodbye.