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Love Collection: Why don't some couples quarrel?

It's not just couples who quarrel. Couples have been together for a long time, and there are some small frictions every day, and quarrels naturally appear. After the quarrel between husband and wife, there are families and children, and they learn to understand and tolerate each other. To be honest at home, I really don't want to care. But couples are different. They haven't reached the point of "being lazy", so the quarrel will really get more and more fierce.

But why don't some couples quarrel all day? Do you know why? If you want couples not to quarrel, do these things well. Do you want to try:



Don't quarrel over trifles.

In fact, many couples quarrel over trivial matters, such as seafood or beef for dinner. You will get tired of arguing like this all day. Remember, feelings are not as noisy as possible, that's a myth.


Don't say hurtful things.

When people are angry, they will not be easy to control themselves, and they will also say some unpleasant things to each other. Smart couples don't, because they both know that words can't be taken back, and once they are sad, they will never heal. Therefore, lovers should not say hurtful words at will, so as not to make it worse and hurt more deeply.


Don't test for no reason

This is something that many girls like to do. Do something or say something to make the other person say something or do something they like and lose it. Or some nonsense that looks strange, let the other party guess, so you can stop quarreling.


Never provoke each other.

Once there is a contradiction, lovers will immediately show each other what you can do to me. Conflicts between lovers are only caused by different habits, but if you make such a gesture, you will anger each other at once, which will lead to greater contradictions.


Can't turn over old scores

Because of a little contradiction, Mashan dug up some things when he first met you, such as how bad you were, how unreasonable you were, and so on. So, who is not angry? Therefore, between lovers, don't turn over old scores.


Apologize in time

Once you feel that you have gone too far, you will immediately apologize to the other party and admit your mistake. Calm each other's emotions in time. Even if it's not your own fault, if you are too excited when you quarrel, you will apologize in time and show your mistakes, so there are not so many contradictions between you.


Will not turn around and leave.

Many couples feel very angry when they quarrel, so in order to express their emotions, they will ignore each other and turn around and leave. In this way, there is no contradiction, there is a big contradiction. At least your attitude is wrong. Therefore, when a smart couple quarrels, they definitely turn around and leave.