Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - What worries you yesterday —— Thoughts on reading Niu Niu

What worries you yesterday —— Thoughts on reading Niu Niu

First, the quack misdiagnosed and took away Niu Niu's fresh little life.

Reading Zhou's Niu Niu is not only immersed in touching emotions, but also sad and heartbreaking. What's more, Niu Niu is sick, which is ruthlessly taking away fresh life.

What is more distressing is that the disease was caused by an unexpected medical accident. Zhou's wife, Yu 'er, suffered from pneumonia caused by fever. A distant relative, the so-called doctor of medicine, repeatedly used X-rays on Yuer who was pregnant for five months.

At this point, as a reader, I can't help asking: can't I take an X-ray if I'm pregnant? Isn't this common sense clear to the doctor of medicine? The symptoms of common pneumonia are obvious, do you still need fluoroscopy? So Zhou said in his book that he concluded that the X-ray was the murderer of Niu Niu. It is this kind of X-ray that causes the fetus to suffer from various diseases, including Niu Niu's retinoblastoma.

Heartache! Misdiagnosis by quacks leads to a vivid little life, and then disappears into this perhaps colorful world. The disaster only comes from such a trivial reason, only from the unnecessary X-ray examination of the five-month pregnant woman by the medical doctor.

Niu Niu in the book is cute and optimistic. She doesn't know that the darkness of the world is hanging over her silently, and she doesn't know that the disease is quietly pursuing her. She likes to laugh. She is a little angel. She read as if she could hear her laughter and smell the baby's milk. What a lovely child!

Reading and reading, I also hate, grieve and suffer with the author. More importantly, the heart of upholding justice rushes out and turns into a thousand things ... but in the end, you can only choose tolerance, as Zhou said in the book, "I can only tolerate, this is my destiny, and everyone who is tolerated by me will die!" . On the other hand, patients are still in a weak position. In the face of medical malpractice, in addition to prosecution, they are more unable to struggle, and finally they can only choose to tolerate and let go. Well, we believe in Buddhism, and Buddha will bless me. In the end, the dust settles and can only be attributed to fate. Well, this is fate. In the silence of God, we are all silent.

Believe it or not, the truth is there.

Do you know the job once and for all in a small city? My hometown is a small city on the 4th and 5th lines in Guangdong Province. There are not many employment opportunities in this small city. Everyone tried to climb the ladder. It is nothing more than testing doctors, teachers, career establishment or administrative establishment. Since then, everyone has lived a proud life. From then on, you can live on your high horse, enjoy all kinds of benefits, enjoy the admiration of everyone, and enjoy a job that looks less hard, but has a good salary and status. Just like the renovation of the old houses in this small town some time ago, when the list came out, it was nothing more than the renovation of doctors' dormitories and public security dormitories, or the benefits that people with units occupied in the first place. Is there really no once-and-for-all career? Big cities don't have once-and-for-all skills, while small cities have once-and-for-all jobs.

The doctor is one of them. A relative who is a surgeon was admitted to the hospital through hard work, which changed the fate of poor generations. While admiring your achievements, another thing followed. He has just worked and can buy a house in a small city in the fourth and fifth lines. As a result, everyone talked about it one after another, expecting young people to take a doctor's degree and get a doctor's degree to change their destiny.

The theory of changing fate is unknown and subtle, but what is certain is that our fate can be changed by doctors. I know that during the new pneumonia period, doctors were praised as heroes, and times made talents. There are indeed some talents and heroes who will come forward, but it does not rule out that "hospitals in China will only make me pessimistic about human nature." Zhou said to him.

Third, the fate changed by doctors.

The following is a real case that happened around us. Just like Zhou, the life around us is so vivid because of a doctor's medical mistake and a large number of prescriptions outsourcing, which has caused a heartbreaking disaster. As a result of the disaster, doctors lived a quiet life and patients paid the price of their lives.

Real case-the cost of life

Grandpa has passed away, and all I can think about is the way he is lying in his hospital bed and crying silently. His mouth and nose are bleeding, even his tears are bloody. As a grandson, in addition to grief, there is more helplessness and resentment. Don't ask the years in a hurry, just ask heaven, why are there such hospitals and doctors under Lang Lang Gan Kun? If it weren't for the torture of this hospital and doctors, the strong grandfather wouldn't have left in such a hurry.

I. Memorabilia of Grandpa's Treatment

/kloc-On the evening of February, 2002, Grandpa was taken to Bed 48, No.1 Neurology Department, zhujiang hospital by ambulance, and the doctor in charge was Guo Xihua.

/kloc-On the morning of February, 2004, grandpa intubated under the leadership of Guo Xihua.

On the afternoon of February 20th, the doctor on duty, Dr. Yan, announced that Grandpa's condition was getting worse and told his family to prepare for the funeral.

On February 2 1 day, at about 0: 30 in the morning, the family picked up Grandpa by ambulance and left zhujiang hospital.

On February 2 1 day, at about 3: 30 in the morning, grandpa was admitted to Dongyuan County People's Hospital for final hospice care.

Grandpa died on February 2 1 Sunday morning 12: 55.

Second, the status quo of zhujiang hospital is not flattering.

Zhujiang hospital ward was poorly equipped, and there was no heating in the cold weather, which caused grandpa to catch a cold and had a low fever the next day (February 13). The responsible doctor is not responsible and shirks responsibility; The nurse's care is not in place. It takes 10 minutes to ring the bell, and 30 minutes to ring it, with an average of about 10-20 minutes. This is not a good hospital phenomenon. 17 February, the application for chest X-ray issued by the doctor on duty was delayed until Grandpa was discharged from the hospital in the early morning of February17, during which no patient was admitted to the hospital at all. In addition to the inaction of doctors and nurses, the dirty environment of the hospital is even more heinous. As soon as the cupboard in front of the bed was opened, a group of cockroaches fled in panic. On February 15, the uncle in the next bed left a complaint: "This is a garbage hospital with a bad reputation, so we can't be hospitalized here" and rushed out of the hospital. After leaving the hospital, my uncle's urine was still under the bed, and the foul smell of urine accompanied my brother and sister for several days. It was not until the morning of February 17 that Auntie cleaned the ward with disinfectant. /kloc-On the evening of February, 0/6, a new patient came next door. Of course, the bedding and sheets have not been changed, and uncle's urine smell is still there. Fortunately, the new patient only stayed for one night, and his son was transferred to Zhongshan No.1 Hospital by using local resources in Guangzhou in the early morning of February 17. When he left, his son left a sentence: "Who said this hospital is good? It is simply a refugee camp, how irregular it is! " After listening to the comments of two uncles coming in and out of the bed next door, my brother and sister were silent. Looking at grandpa with a long tube in his hospital bed, we were anxious and helpless. After knowing this situation, Dad intended to transfer Grandpa to Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, but because Grandpa's condition became more and more serious, he was full of tubes and dared not move easily. In the case that the illness is getting worse and worse and cannot be transferred to hospital, the younger brothers and sisters can only pray to God to protect Grandpa from this disaster. It's a pity that Grandpa can't get well any more, because on the afternoon of February 20th, Dr. Yan, the doctor on duty in zhujiang hospital, gave instructions to our families to prepare for the funeral. In desperation, we had to transfer Grandpa to Dongyuan County People's Hospital for final hospice care. However, the small Dongyuan County People's Hospital is actually many times better than zhujiang hospital in terms of health environment and nurses' attitude. At the very least, there are no cockroaches, the ward is clean, tidy and bright, there is no situation in which no one rings the bell to change the needle water for more than 20 minutes, and there is no nurse aunt who yells at the patient's family because grandpa leaks urine. Unfortunately, Dongyuan County People's Hospital couldn't be better. Grandpa could only wait silently for the moment to go to Elysium.

Third, Dr. Guo Xihua, a neurologist, was disappointing.

(1) It doesn't matter that Dr. Guo Xihua has a low professional title (general attending physician). What is important is that he is extremely irresponsible, his medical skills are poor, and he is suspected of serious dereliction of duty.

February 12, visiting grandpa at night. Without giving a detailed account of the patient's condition and making a scientific treatment plan for the patient, he was discharged from the hospital on 14 and went home for the New Year on 15. Results During the treatment, no one connected the patient and ignored the doctor on duty. It can also be seen that zhujiang hospital is poorly managed and doctors lack cooperation. Because of this, grandpa missed the best treatment opportunity. Everyone in the industry knows that the best treatment time for cerebral infarction is three to five days after onset, and missing it will increase the difficulty of treatment. In addition, in Dr. Guo's team, no one can insert a catheter for grandpa, and intubation has failed many times. Finally, I invited the help of the secret urine surgery and finally plugged it in. This is really a big joke! In addition, Dr. Guo's treatment of grandpa is purely a headache. He has always only grasped his grandfather's cerebral infarction and kept dredging blood vessels, but he has never paid attention to grandpa's original diabetes and the cold, fever and lung infection caused by hospitalization. Finally, grandpa collapsed a lot, and his nose, mouth and eyes bled a lot, and his high fever persisted, and his lungs were seriously infected until he died. During the treatment of grandpa's cerebral infarction, Guo Xihua didn't even do the most basic blood routine, sputum culture, urine test, stool examination and chest X-ray. But only EEG, brain enhanced CT and brain magnetic resonance imaging were done. Basically, they are all inspection items done in Heyuan People's Hospital. Because of the mistake of Guo Xihua's treatment plan, grandpa suffered from nosebleeds, low blood pressure and worsening lung infection for several days. Later, when Guo Xihua saw that the situation was not good, he had to consult the second-line doctor (Dr. Wei) to modify the treatment plan: stop using low-molecular-weight heparin sodium, give plasma, and use the most advanced antibiotic drug-"Meiping", but it was too late, and grandpa was powerless now. The reason is that Guo Xihua's whole treatment plan is mainly to dredge blood vessels, and excessive blood-activating drugs (butylphthalide and low molecular heparin sodium) lead to grandpa's respiratory bleeding, persistent high fever, aggravated lung infection and death. Can this be understood as a treatment error?

In order to go home for the New Year as soon as possible, Guo Xihua prematurely inserted the trachea into his grandfather. On February 13, Guo Xihua told our brother and sister: "Your grandfather's most critical problem is blood oxygen. I will go home for my holiday tomorrow. If I intubate, I can at least guarantee his blood oxygen for the New Year. " Dr. Guo repeatedly emphasized the benefits of tracheal intubation, but evaded the importance and lightly told us that tracheal intubation was extremely painful. /kloc-On the morning of February, 0/4, it was doctors and nurses who drove their families out of the ward and refused to let us see the upper trachea. All we know is that it was a group of doctors and nurses. Three doctors and five or six nurses inserted trachea according to grandpa in the hospital bed ... Later, my brother and sister couldn't imagine grandpa's pain in the hospital bed. Only a long and hard tube was inserted in grandpa's nostrils and extended to grandpa's lungs. Seeing grandpa's pain after tracheal intubation, I can only hold grandpa's conscious left hand tightly. Grandpa's left hand was shaking, grandpa was sweating ... and then grandpa's normal blood pressure began to plummet, once dropping to 72/38. When my brother and sister saw that the situation was not good, they called the doctor to come and have a look. After a long wait, the doctor on duty, Xie Fen, finally appeared. She walked over unhurriedly, took a look and said coldly, "Maybe." Say that finish, and roared off. And what about the real responsible doctor Guo Xihua? I didn't answer the phone. My aunt contacted him and promised to "come over". After waiting for a day, he didn't show up. He was supposed to have a holiday in February 15, but he disappeared after inserting the trachea in February 14. How can he be a responsible doctor in treating high-risk patients? Is there any serious dereliction of duty? In addition, the trachea has been inserted, regardless of whether it will cause more serious lung infection or not, and regardless of Grandpa's physical endurance, it is to go home for the New Year as soon as possible. Is this a treatment decision that a conscientious doctor should make? Afterwards, it was proved that grandpa died of uncontrollable bleeding, high fever and severe lung infection caused by tracheal intubation for many days.

Conclusion: Can overdose of blood-activating drugs and traumatic tracheal intubation be understood as the dual causes of respiratory bleeding and aggravating pulmonary infection?

(2) Dr. Guo Xihua prescribed outsourced medicine, which failed to cure the disease, shirked responsibility and excused himself.

/kloc-in February of 0/4, grandpa became seriously ill, and Guo Xihua put all the responsibility on our family. At first, he didn't give grandpa food, so he was hungry. Excuse me, is it really so important to feed the patient's stomach with liquid food under the condition of intravenous drip every day? Why don't patients after surgery give food or drink for a few days? Moreover, doctors and nurses have not taught us how to feed liquid food to patients, nor have they explained to us what to eat. Nurses ignore these things and leave them entirely to the patients' families. Who should do the work of zhujiang hospital patients eating liquid food through stomach tubes? Nurses, nursing staff or family members? If the family members did it, why do you recommend us to hire a nurse every day 150 yuan? At first, we didn't know what to eat for grandpa. We went to ask Guo Xihua several times. He asked us to buy solid protein powder (more than 300 yuan a bottle) and nutrients (more than 200 yuan a bottle) in the old building of the inpatient department, and asked our family members to pump the prepared protein powder and nutrients into grandpa's stomach like milk powder through the stomach tube. However, on February 14, Dr. Yan, who has been in charge of the ICU for many years, came over and directly opened a bottle of liquid protein solution (more than 70 yuan a bottle). Isn't it more direct for this liquid to enter the stomach tube?

On the second day after Grandpa was admitted to the hospital, Dr. Guo Xihua prescribed 65438+100000 yuan of purchased drugs at one time, and asked us to go to zhujiang hospital Heying Pharmacy to buy them. This is 28 bottles of butylphthalide (one bottle in 300 yuan) and two bottles of human albumin (one bottle in 500 yuan) every day. As we all know, there is no human albumin when blood pressure is unstable, and Dr. Guo Xihua has never considered all this. February 2 1 Grandpa left, but there was still a box full of butylphthalide. Should Dr. Guo Xihua consider the dosage of the medicine when prescribing it? Why do you prescribe so many outsourced drugs at once? Isn't there a suitable medicine to dredge blood vessels in zhujiang hospital?

(3) Did Dr. Guo Xihua conceal his illness from the patient's family? Is there any misleading treatment behavior for economic benefits?

When grandpa was admitted to the hospital, Dr. Guo said plausibly after checking his condition: The patient is in good condition! My left hand is very strong, it hurts his thigh and will hit me. I fully believe that this situation will be cured and he will be able to speak and walk. And told us that grandpa's critical period is three to five days, and it will be fine after three to five days. However, after the treatment of Dr. Guo, there is no sign of improvement, but it is getting worse. Later, I asked a number of doctors on duty, and they all said that Grandpa's critical period was at least one week, ten days or even longer. After the first stage, there are two stages and after the second stage, there are three stages. However, how did Dr. Guo say that the critical period was three to five days? Does this hide grandpa's illness? Is there a subjective consciousness of misleading treatment? Finally, he sent grandpa to hell. How did Dr. Guo use brave words in the first place?

Unfortunately, my father had an operation years ago, and the day after he was discharged from the hospital, my grandfather had a cerebral infarction. My brother and sister can only take good care of him on behalf of my father and stay by his bed during the New Year. Because the nurses in the hospital have very poor service attitude and are very irresponsible, many things are pushed to us, so in the process of taking care of grandpa, my brother and sister learned to atomize him, feed liquid food through the stomach tube, wash the bladder and pour urine. And we silently endured all the bitterness of seeking medical treatment. But at that time, I just thought: as long as grandpa gets better, it's worth it to be bitter and tired again!

For grandpa's death, if he was seriously ill at the beginning, he could not return to heaven after correct treatment. As a family member, he can fully understand the limitations of modern medicine. But when grandpa is admitted to the hospital, he will stick out his tongue, tighten his face, hold his left hand hard, lift his legs and not have a fever. It's Dr. Guo Xihua, who suffers from poor medical skills in zhujiang hospital and only cares about going home for the New Year, regardless of the patient's safety. After all kinds of tossing, he finally cured his grandfather and became a yin-yang gap between people and money. How can he be tolerated as a victim?

However, as a vulnerable group in the doctor-patient relationship, despite all kinds of anger, we can't fight and make trouble, and it is difficult to obtain evidence. Only through this article can we question Guo Xihua's treatment plan and treatment behavior, hoping to attract the attention of relevant departments! It is even more important to warn patients' families not to go to the hospital if they are sick. Choosing the right hospital is very important, and choosing the right doctor is more important. If you make a mistake, you will only pay the price of your life!

Finally, I wish grandpa happiness, no pain, only peace. ...

After watching Niu Niu, I saw the innocent, lovely, lively, optimistic and smiling little angel and the baby who was tortured by the disease and made people sad. At the same time, books can also heal people's hearts. It turns out that Zhou is not the only one who has experienced such injustice. "Hospitals in China really make people feel pessimistic about human nature." . May the living be strong and the dead rest in peace. Pray for God to worship Buddha all my life. God bless you. May the Buddha bless you-don't get sick, get sick less. Being sick is too painful, too lonely and too dangerous. Once you get sick, your fate will be handed over to the hospital and you can only save yourself.