Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune teller looking for a fugitive _ Fortune teller looking for someone to find something.

Fortune teller looking for a fugitive _ Fortune teller looking for someone to find something.

How do I find out if I'm wanted online?

You can go to the police station and the local public security bureau to check.

Online wanted, also known as online pursuit and virtual wanted, refers to the investigation mechanism that all departments and police types of public security organs give full play to their respective responsibilities and advantages in daily public security work, and use the national fugitive information system or the national information CD of public security online fugitives to quickly query, compare and capture fugitives when suspicious persons are found.

Online pursuit is not the same as wanted. In the criminal procedure law, wanted is a special form of arrest, and its target is the fugitive criminal suspect who should be arrested. The targets of online pursuit include not only fugitives who have gone through the arrest legal procedures, but also a large number of fugitives who have been detained in criminal detention.

The wanted order can be released to the public through public media such as radio, television, newspapers and computer networks, and is known to the general public. However, the information of online fugitives can only be published on the public security network, which is only for public security organs to inquire and compare. It is confidential and its audience is limited to the people's police of public security organs.

According to the spirit of "Notice of the Ministry of Public Security on Relevant Matters Concerning Handling Wanted Orders" (No.99 [2000] of the Ministry of Public Security), the information of wanted criminals must first be uploaded to the public security network and entered into the "Information Database of Fugitives of the Ministry of Public Security". Online pursuit has absorbed some functions of wanted criminals. That is, the characteristic photos of the suspects who have not yet been captured are uploaded to the website of the Ministry of Public Security for everyone to identify and provide information for the arrest.

The so-called "online wanted" only means that the internal network of the public security department shares the information of wanted criminals nationwide. When the suspect appears in other places, the information can be compared immediately, which improves the efficiency of arresting criminals.

Three conditions

1 is a criminal offence, 2. The criminal facts are clear, 3. The criminal is at large. Meet these three conditions, you can want him online.

Not everyone can see all the wanted information from the internet. Generally, there are only some A-level and B-level wanted criminals.

The online wanted order is for internal use of public security and is not open to the whole network.

Two categories

One is that the Ministry of Public Security regularly issues chasing CDs, which contain relevant information of the pursued person, and local public security organs carry out chasing according to the information on the CDs; The other is published online on the private network "Public Security Network" within the public security. Because the police stations of public security organs in many places have not joined the "public security network", now two forms of online pursuit coexist.

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