Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Fortune-telling copper _ fortune-telling copper

Fortune-telling copper _ fortune-telling copper

Is there a typo missing from the copper in this coin?

Yes, misprinted coins are appreciating, and some are as high as millions. After you find it, you must cherish it.

The identification of misprinted coins is mainly to compare the patterns and ornamentation with the coins of that year. The greater the difference between the two, the more serious the printing error and the higher the value. There is no need to find an expert. Secondly, instrument identification is fraud.

The collection, identification and sale of misprinted coins must be handed over to the industry.

There are many units dealing in antiques, so you must ask clearly before you participate. You think it is suitable to participate again. Once the auction is over, you should be able to accept the reality of cost loss, otherwise it will be too late to regret it, because no unit can guarantee that you will make a deal. If there is security, you will meet a liar.

Secondly, the safest way to trade collectibles is to sell them at stalls. Despite the hard work, the booth fee is 100 yuan per day, and cash transactions will be made immediately when you meet someone you like. The relative risk is relatively small. If you encounter an irregular auction unit, you have to pay one or two thousand yuan. If we don't close the deal, the loss will be too great. Secondly, if the family is in difficulty, try not to participate in the auction.

The following is the common sense of collecting transactions and participating in auctions:

Please read carefully to avoid being cheated. I personally participated in the auction for 78 years, and spent a total of more than 250 thousand, with blood and tears. The fair and objective answer here is to make more collectors less hurt. Amitabha Buddha, the sea of suffering is boundless, and turning back is the shore.

Tibetan friends asked if the company was formal.

Are you a liar? Is it reliable? Any unit is legally registered and operated. As for the service quality and charging standards, we have to examine and measure them ourselves, and we must be careful to avoid the damage caused by high fees and the failure of collection. In particular, companies that boast that they can make deals are nine times out of ten companies that cheat fees. The law stipulates that regular units cannot buy or resell antiques. Secondly, individual units let collectors identify antiques in the name of cash, and genuine products are purchased in cash. In fact, they have no buyers. After the collector paid the appraisal fee, what he deliberately told you during the appraisal was false. The appraisal fee is not refundable, nor is the deposit refundable.

Secondly, many salesmen claim to be managers, directors and Mr. Wang, and call for collection every day. In fact, it is an ordinary salesman, pimping, fooling honest people without knowledge, and then saying that I can introduce you to five or six auction companies and pay the fees. After you entrust the fee, the salesperson and the company will share your entrustment fee equally. You think this is a company?

In addition, photos of more than a dozen well-known experts will always be posted on the website to fool collectors, especially in a unit in the East Third Ring Road of Beijing. There is a device modified from used refrigerators on the website as a cultural relic identification instrument to fool collectors. Nine times out of ten, such a unit is deceptive.


1, domestic Poly and Guardian, followed by foreign-funded enterprises Christie's and Sotheby's. At present, they don't collect from outside and have not set up any offices. Some auctioneers said that I could send it in for you, which is a lie. Poly and Guardian belong to international auction brands, and ordinary people can't participate. Poly only accepts collectors who can afford the presidential suite, but you can't, so the living standard of ordinary collectors is too low to participate.

2. There is also a collector who deliberately said that he would not make a deal. Such people can't see others getting rich. Secondly, some collectors were not selected and deliberately said that the other company was not good.

3. The salesman of the auction company pimped, failed to make business and vilified other companies, resulting in few good units in China.

Collect auction transaction reference materials 1:

The industry is divided into antique auction, appraisal and trading. At present, most units are concentrated in Shanghai, Beijing and Qingdao. Collectors must compare and know more before participating, so as not to be deceived. I wish you a fortune.

Collection of reference materials for auction transactions II:

About the auction qualification and auction qualification of cultural relics "cultural relics" are collections that have been recorded and excavated by the state or purchased from cultural relics shops, which are called cultural relics. The collections in the hands of ordinary people belong to folk art collections, not cultural relics. Ordinary people can freely open antique shops, set up stalls and participate in transactions.

Some collectors asked, does your unit have the qualification to auction cultural relics? This is a question without much knowledge. As long as your collection is not purchased from a cultural relic store, 98% auction companies and art management companies in China can auction and trade for you.

Cultural relics auction qualification, the state-designated trading court confiscates assets and non-performing assets, and operates antique companies. The collections in the hands of ordinary people have nothing to do with cultural relics, and they are not qualified to buy and sell freely. In 20 15, in order to encourage the development of cultural market and eliminate all kinds of qualification obstacles, the state simplified everything, as long as any unit registered in industry and commerce can have the right to operate art collection business.

Collection of reference materials for auction transactions III:

Crazy Chaos Appraisal About the current chaotic antique appraisal, an antique can be shown to eight experts respectively, and four different results can be obtained. Every expert has his own opinion, so don't dwell on it. If the collection is put on the market and someone buys it, it is genuine. Many experts cheat people by charging appraisal certificate fees.

There are also machine tests that are artificially operated, mainly to defraud the appraisal fee. Many collectors bought a bunch of appraisal certificates for their collections, but they couldn't sell them in the end. In view of the crazy and chaotic appraisal market, buyers believe their eyes to buy the collection. As a collector, as long as you can put the collection in a reliable unit, it is equivalent to more than half of success, and there is no need to buy any useless certificates.

Collect auction transaction reference materials 4:

The risk of auction is risky. I suggest you be careful to participate. The real paid transaction rate of top brand units in recent years is less than 50%, and the overall market is not optimistic. If there is a collection, try to find the owner of the antique city to sell it or set up a stall to dispose of it. "Auction" belongs to the venture capital of the rich and is not suitable for ordinary people to participate.

Especially for companies that call you every day, what is valuable is not your collection, but mainly your catalogue fee, appraisal fee, customs clearance fee, transaction deposit and so on. And there are traps waiting for you to go in.

Regular units in China, who wants to talk to you and who will call you? Personal collectors with low income and financial difficulties, wake up, millions, tens of millions, dreams are not so good.

Collect auction transaction reference materials 5:

Correct judgment and learning Many collectors are annoyed only after being cheated in the auction, and then complaining, reporting and defending their rights are useless, which will only make things worse. Before joining, we should make an investigation in March to compare the corporate culture and service characteristics of each company. Secondly, you should know your weight. You ask for money by auction, which is similar to borrowing money from a bank. You have seen that rich man condescending to those who have no money. Many small companies call you five times a day, which is to fool you into being mentally ill and paying your bills. A good company doesn't need to be fooled. It is often full of guests and crowded.

Collection of reference materials for auction transactions VI:

Abnormal wealth mentality Because many ignorant farmers have no concept of money because of lack of knowledge and family difficulties, under the temptation of huge valuation by auction companies, they value a collection of 20 million yuan and pay a service fee of 500,000-200,000 yuan first. Such farmers think that as long as I raise enough 200 thousand, it will soon be 20 million. Therefore, if they have real estate mortgage, they will sell their production tools, livestock, cattle and sheep, borrow from the east and borrow from the west, and hand over 200,000 yuan to the auction company. Nothing grows in the field, and I am busy booking a BMW. As a result, the auction ended, and the failure to clinch a deal was a blow, and 200,000 yuan was wasted. Blind participation led to the destruction of the family.

It's a simple question. Many collectors have problems when analyzing it. Imagine that if you entrust at least one of the four things, you will soon be a millionaire. If it's so easy to get rich, sell the 600,000 house, and entrust 100, and at least two things will be sold, and it's also a good deal, right?

In this year's auction, only two of Qi Baishi's ten paintings were sold. Is that a liar? If you want to sell antiques, you have to participate more. Paulie, Guardian, why don't you accept things from low-end collectors? Because everyone is happy about the deal and everyone says they are liars when it fails, so the bill collector pays. Some things are not easy to trade, which makes collectors very depressed. It is unreasonable to conclude that they are cheating.

Collect auction transaction reference materials 7:

More powerful formal units, such as Poly Guardian, are offices of several hundred square meters, and their collections are placed in offices and displayed in display cabinets. In addition, 95% of the small auction units in the industry rent small offices with an actual use area of 60 square meters. After signing the collection entrustment contract, nearly a thousand collections were piled up in the damp basement and stored in the dark for half a year. Then, they waited for a few days after the auction, took out the collection and rented the space in a small hotel for five or six thousand yuan.

Collect auction transaction reference materials 8:

What is an unreliable auction? At present, 90% auction companies frequently trick brainless people into participating in the auction. After collecting 65,438+0,000 pieces, they began to prepare for the auction. The whole process of auction is to go to the hotel to rent a space for two days and show 1000, which is equivalent to a two-day preview. If you look closely, dozens of people will go to see the collection. On the third day, the auction began. 95% of the people who appear at the auction venue are collectors' customers, that is, people who sell things. In order to cover up the collectors, such auction companies pay 100 yuan to hire some unemployed people, the elderly, the sick and the disabled as buyers and hold brands.

I have participated in seven auctions, and I often see some big buyers of auction companies grab milk and bread at noon. Uncomfortable, I secretly inquired after the auction, which was hired by unemployed low-income households. Ordinary people with a little thought can see the doorway.

Secondly, a small auction company rents an office of 80 square meters without attracting investment, and hires people to call collectors every day to fool collectors into sending photos. To tell the truth, buyers of such units might as well set up their own stalls.

A reliable auction is to observe the actual business model of this company and provide real visible services for collectors. Invisible services are fake and unreliable.

Auction transaction reference set 9: service and market situation

Reference 1, China Guardian Auction Company,

Bad phenomena need to be resisted, and everyone should learn from each other, discuss and learn, and change the atmosphere. Collectors should improve their own level, further deepen the collection culture and enter the cultural field, rather than simply collecting. Collection should not focus narrowly on economic benefits, but should focus on hobbies and inheritance of Chinese culture. The economic benefits it will bring you in a few years are only added value.

References 2. Qingdao Daqianmen Group Auction Company:

On the valuation of the collection: in a popular way, you have a beautiful daughter at home, so it is more casual to marry an ordinary person. Marry the village head, and there will be a village head. You can have the opportunity to marry the county magistrate and look forward to it. Do you think it is easy to marry the mayor? -Many immature collectors have an ideal in terms of the appraisal requirements of their collections, which is not as simple as marrying their daughters to the governor. They demand that a low-end collection be auctioned for millions or tens of millions, which is undoubtedly that their daughter must marry the president. (Reasonable valuation, if the collection wants to be traded, it must be properly valued, the price is in line with the market, and there are opportunities for trading everywhere. )

Reference 3- Poly Auction Company

Collections are becoming more and more popular. The market value of collections is created by the collections themselves, so gold will shine wherever it is placed.

* * * Collectors note that there are currently 2,000 auction units in China, 98% of which are pre-charged, and the charging companies can be divided into the following three types.

Companies that don't complete transactions and don't charge any fees (there are five or six such companies in China)

There are 20 companies in China that don't charge upfront fees, but charge streaming fees after streaming.

There is no charge before entrustment, but there is hidden charge after entrustment (fraud companies always say that there are buyers to collect, you go to identify, and the genuine products will be collected. Secondly, the buyer has paid and needs to pay a certain deposit, and finally find a reason not to refund, or the company runs away and the collection is gone. )

At present, some units don't charge any fees for some collections.

Beijing Poly Auction (not for ordinary collectors)

Beijing Guardian auction, (not for ordinary collectors)

Beijing Hanhai auction, (not for ordinary collectors)

Beijing Shi Kuang auction house

Nanning Zhongjing Art Museum

Shanghai Rong Baozhai auction house

Shanghai Old Town God Temple

Shanghai duoyunxuan

Shanghai Ming Dow auction house

Shanghai Jiahe auction

Qingdao Xintiandi auction,

Qingdao Zhong Yi auction house,

Qingdao ginza auction,

Qingdao Daqianmen auction,

Qingdao Qilin pavilion auction,

The collections of the above units have not been sold before, and there is no pre-and post-payment fee, so they can be taken away on time without charging a penny.

Secondly, the safest way to trade collectibles is to sell them at stalls. Despite the hard work, the booth fee is 100 yuan per day, and cash transactions will be made immediately when you meet someone you like. The relative risk is relatively small. If you encounter an irregular auction unit, you have to pay one or two thousand yuan. If we don't close the deal, the loss will be too great. Secondly, if the family is in difficulty, try not to participate in the auction.