Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Is the astrological fortune-telling of emperors accurate?

Is the astrological fortune-telling of emperors accurate?

What are the mysterious constellations in the ancient history of China?

Astrology has always been considered a mysterious and strange thing in ancient times. The ancients often observed astrology to arrange things related to war, divination, fertility, marriage and sacrifice. It can be said that astrology was very important to the ancients. In particular, the emperor attached great importance to the astrology, so he also set up a astrology officer to observe the astrology and report it in time if anything happened. And in ancient China, there have been those mysterious astrology? Next, Bian Xiao will list them one by one.

1. Taibai market

/472309 f 7905298227 e 1 b 2 b 0 BD CCA 7 BCB 0 b 46 D4 c 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85。 This astrology means that the place near the Pleiades is too bright and too bright, and the Pleiades just can't see it, so it's called Taibai Food. Historical records? According to the biography of Lv Zhonglian and Zou Yangchuan, in the battle of Changping, Qin Jiang Lei Qikeng killed more than 400,000 troops of Zhao, but Zhao's army did not completely collapse. However, I want to completely eliminate Zhao. Because Tian Lei's sincerity touched the sky, this kind of astrology appeared. However, there are some mistakes in this statement. According to modern scientific calculations, the year when the two planets overlapped on the period of revolution was not after the Battle of Changping, so it was probably because people were superstitious about Tian Lei's ability at that time and deliberately passed it down.

/ 1b4c 5 10 FD 9 F9 d 72 a 7d 4 c 02d 5d F2 a 2834359 bbbc 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 852。

As the name implies, it means that the five stars of Jin Mu are connected in a line. In ancient times, this astrology was regarded as a symbol of good luck. This kind of astrology is generally difficult to appear, because from the scientific calculation, it is necessary to find the least common multiple of the period of revolution of these five planets, which is very large. According to modern astronomy, this phenomenon has appeared three times in the history of China. One of them appeared in the year when Wu Zetian was in power, but I don't know why such an important thing was not recorded by the historian. It may be related to the sensitive political environment at that time. After all, Wu Zetian replaced the Tang Dynasty, and then adopted a series of high-handed policies and policies, which made the civil and military officials at that time very disgusted, and the people also tended to be orthodox in the Tang Dynasty, rather than Wu Zetian's big week. In addition, Wu Zetian's status as queen also violated the ancient concept of son preference.

/80cb 39 dbb 6 FD 52667 a3 D2 edca 0 18972 BD 50736 e 7? X-BCE-process = image/resize,m _ lfit,w _ 450,h _ 600,limit _ 1/quality,q _ 85 3。 Mars stays in antares.

Mars staying in antares means that Mars is as bright as fire, and its whereabouts are uncertain, so it is called flickering, and keeping the heart means staying in the heart. There is an emperor, a monarch and a people in my heart. If Mars stays in the emperor and the prince, it will be very dangerous. Because this kind of astrology was considered as a sign of catastrophe in ancient times, it meant the failure of war or the collapse of the country, and emperors of all dynasties were frightened and afraid of it. And this more detailed record appears in Historical Records? Biography of Qin Shihuang-In thirty-six years, Mars stayed in Antares. There are meteors in Dongjun, and the ground is stone. "

/5243 fbf2b 2 1 193 13836 bed 786 e 380 CD 790238 DC 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85 At that time, Qin Shihuang was very frightened and couldn't sleep. Then the following year, Qin Shihuang really died. Of course, the death of Qin Shihuang can't be attributed only to this superstition, but it is indeed a harbinger, and it does not rule out the imposition and echo of future generations. Mars staying in Antares now seems to be a natural phenomenon, and there is no so-called catastrophe, but the ancients at that time did not know much about astronomical science.

/902397 DDA 144 ad 346297954 fdba 20 cf 430 ad 85 c 9? X-BCE-process = image/resize, m _ lfit, w _ 450, h _ 600, limit _ 1/quality, q _ 85, these three kinds of astrology were regarded as strange and mysterious in ancient times. Due to the lack of detailed records and textual research on these stars, coupled with the superstition of the ancients and the lack of scientific knowledge, there are many questions about them. Therefore, whether the appearance of these mysterious stars is related to the corresponding personnel depends on future scientific research!