Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Bao Zheng Fortune Telling Case _ Bao Zheng Fortune Telling

Bao Zheng Fortune Telling Case _ Bao Zheng Fortune Telling

What short stories does Bao Zheng have?

1, including five pots.

Li Hao, a businessman from Yangzhou, returned to his hometown from other places to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with his family. On the way, he met a man who sold pots and pans. Ding Gan saw that Li Hao was pregnant with a huge sum of money, tricked him into going home, hacked him to death with an axe, and burned the body with his neighbor Jiang Wanli.

It is mixed with clay to make a black jar. The next day, Ding Gan sold the blame and was bought by the scholar Wang Jin. The scholar brought back the black basin, and the water in the basin suddenly turned into blood. Li Hao's ghost even appeared to complain to Wang Jin, asking him to complain to Bao Zheng on his behalf, and Wang Jin agreed.

Li Hao asked Wang Jin to take his soul home, and at the same time, the news that five pots went to Kaifeng to redress their grievances spread all over the town. Jiang Wanli was very scared, so he discussed with Ding Gan to kill Wang Jin and take back Wupen. When Jiang Wanli tried to kill Wang Jin, Li Hao appeared and saved him.

Fled in a hurry and met Hao's wife, Yun Niang. When Li Hao came home, he couldn't help feeling sad when he saw his wife and children. Xiang Yunniang told the story of her lovesickness and murder. Yunniang and Wang Jin took five pots to Kaifeng House to complain. It's a pity that the ghost of Li Hao was blocked by two gods.

Bao Zheng, who was not allowed to enter the country, appeared in the Chen Yuan case, and Bao Zheng scolded them for talking nonsense and not accepting the case. Wu pen's rehabilitation case has become a much-told story in this city. Boss Wei, who sells five pots, went to Ding Gan's office to inquire and suspected that he was related to the murder case, hoping to get some benefits. Ding Gan suddenly thought of killing him.

Bao Zheng was also surprised by the case and sent Zhang Long Zhao Hu to visit. But the Wei couple have been killed, leaving only a blood knife. Bao Zheng ordered people from all walks of life to fully investigate the case. Zhan Zhao secretly discovered that Ding Gan and Jiang Wanli, who burned black pots, were the most suspected. Bao Zheng ordered a quick interrogation of them.

On the other hand, Ding Gan and others went to fetch five pots, but they refused to reveal the whereabouts of Yunniang's mother and son. Unexpectedly, one day, Wang entered Yunniang's family, and Ding Gan followed him and took the children back to five pots. Fortunately, Li Hao cast a spell to scare Ding Gan away.

Yunniang is going to Kaifeng House with five pots of nights again, and Ho Lee is finally going to make an appearance to announce it. Ding Gan clashed with Jiang Wanli, killed Wanli and fled, and met Yunniang and her mother in the temple.

Ding Gan confessed to Yunniang, hoping to write it off. At this time, all the people in Kaifengfu appeared. When they saw their confessed crimes, they immediately arrested them and sentenced them to death.

2. The story of two women robbing children.

In the early Song Dynasty, Wangzhuang, Henan, Li and Liu's daughter-in-law gave birth to a big fat boy on the same day. These two children look a bit like twins. But the Li family's child died in less than a month.

The Li family quietly buried their children in their backyard, not letting the neighbors know, and they were also prepared to find opportunities to steal the Liu family's children. One day, the opportunity came. Li's daughter-in-law took advantage of Liu's daughter-in-law and secretly took the child back to her home.

The Liu family and villagers searched Gezhuang around for two days, but there was no sign of the child. On the third morning, Liu's daughter-in-law went to the Li family. When she entered the room, she found that the child sleeping in the cradle was her own.

Two women quarreled bitterly in the house over their children. An old man suggested that they go to Kaifeng to find Bao Gong to give up. Two families came to Kaifeng with their children. Bao decided the case, and both families said that the child was their own.

But they can't produce conclusive evidence. At this time, Bao Gong spoke: "You rob the children in the lobby, and whoever steals the children will be returned." Two women began to rob the child, one took the child's little arm, and the child cried loudly as soon as he tried hard.

The daughter-in-law Liu immediately let go, and the child was taken away by the daughter-in-law Li. At this time, Bao Gong was shocked. "Bold Li, you took Liu's child, but you didn't tell the truth." Bao Gong saw everyone looking at him with puzzled eyes. He stood up and said, "think about it.

A child of more than a month is tender and tender, can his mother be willing to pull it hard? The mother who tried to rob the child must not be her own mother. At this time, I heard the Li family say, "We confessed that we stole the child."

3. Xiaoyou's wallet was stolen

During the Song Dynasty in Song Renzong, there was a boy named Zhang Xiaoyou on the outskirts of Duanzhou. His father made a living by speculating in Ciba. One day, after school, Zhang Xiaoyou helped his father take Bazin to the street to sell.

Business was so good that it sold out just after noon. On his way home, Xiaoyou saw a big rectangular stone under a big tree by the roadside and didn't sit down to have a rest. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't help falling asleep.

When he woke up, he felt the money in the basket and found that it had been stolen. Xiaoyou couldn't help crying. Just as he was crying sadly, Bao Gong happened to pass by here. Bao Gong asked Mahan to ask why.

Xiaoyou cried and said to Bao Gong, "Sir, I sold copper coins for fried rice cakes and was stolen." After hearing this, Bao Gong hesitated for a while and suddenly had an idea, so he asked Dynasty and Mahan to move the stone to an ancestral temple and said that he wanted to check it.

At the moment, the news of Bao Zheng's trial of the stone spread with great fanfare, and everyone knew about it. The next day, everyone rushed into the ancestral temple in a hurry, wanting to see the mystery of Bao Shenshi with their own eyes. Bao Qingtian sat majestically in the temporary court.

He knocked on the gavel and shouted, "You stone, Xiao Zhang sat on you and took a nap, which caused him to lose the money for selling Ciba." You must have stolen it. Tell the truth quickly so as not to be punished. "

Bao Gong asked three times in a row, but the stone was silent. When Bao Gong saw that the stone was silent, he immediately glared at it and shouted, "If this stubborn stone doesn't speak, then it will be thirty boards." After the stone was hit, it remained silent.

Bao Gong shouted again: "If you hit 30 more boards, you won't move." At this time, onlookers crowded the ancestral temple. Bao Gong smiled and said, "Fellow villagers, this stubborn stone stole money and refused to admit it. I feel sorry for this little Zhang.

Let's extend a friendly hand and give him a dollar each, shall we? "Everyone said with one voice," Good! We listen to Bao Qingtian's music. " Bao Gong told Mahan dynasty to guard the small doors on the left and right sides of the ancestral temple, and no one was allowed to go out.

There is a wooden bucket full of water at the door. Bao Gong walked to the front of the barrel, took the lead in throwing down a copper coin, then sat in a chair, staring at everyone, and threw a money into the barrel when everyone came out. One person, two people and three people.

When a man threw a copper coin into the water, Bao Gong found an oil film on the water. Bao Gong shouted: "Catch this thief who stole money and take him to court!" " This big mouth made everyone puzzled and talked about it.

Everyone thought to themselves, "What makes Master Bao say that this man is stealing money?" Bao Gong returned to the hall and asked the man, "What's your name and where do you live?" My name is Wang and I live in?

"How did you steal Zhang Xiaoyou's money? Tell the truth. " "'m, little people didn't steal his money, it's really wrong! I still hope that adults can learn from it. ""The evidence is here, and you still want to deny it. " So Bao Gong picked up the copper coin with oil film.

He said loudly, "Dear folks, Zhang Xiaoyou sells fried rice cakes. Copper coins thrown into the basket are inevitably stained with oil stains. Once the money is thrown into the water, an oil film will appear. I want everyone to take money with them when they go out. If they find oil stains on the money.

Wash it in metropolis to avoid getting dirty. So, I made a plan to lure the elders and passers-by in the countryside to see the strange case of "judging stones", and thieves who steal money are likely to sneak in to see the wonders. If so, that's exactly what I want.

Dear folks, thanks to your support and cooperation, you can solve the case today. Thank you! Hearing this, Wang turned pale with fear. He quickly climbed on the ground, kowtowed like garlic, admitted the stolen money, took it out respectfully and obeyed the punishment.

4. Bao Gong Yin Yang Sentence

On the street of Beijing, a man dressed in blue chased a woman who was shot by an arrow in front of Kaifeng House and was saved by the people in the house. After catching up with the man in blue, Zhan found that the man and another woman were fighting.

This woman named Grandma Jiu was the maid of the escort head of Zhenyuan Escort Agency at that time. Grandma Jiu is admired by He Lv heroes in the Jianghu and enjoys high prestige. The woman who was shot in the arrow was named Zhang Yifen, a disciple of the divine operator, and also the person that Grandma Jiu was looking for.

The man in blue once again entered Kaifeng to assassinate Zhang Yifen and was saved by Zhan Zhao and others. At the critical moment, the man in blue released the hidden weapon, the bamboo dragonfly, and the chief escort of Zhenyuan Escort Agency died at the hands of the bamboo dragonfly, which shows the power of the bamboo dragonfly.

The man named A Xing is a member of the Privy Council and commander of the imperial army. He and Wen are brothers, both sent by Wen, and once killed the guards of General Wei together. Wen Yao Ting was afraid that things would be exposed, so he killed A Xing.

Zhang Yifen predicted that A Xing would be killed, so she told the reason why she was poisoned by poisonous arrows: Master was killed, the poison was stolen, and the poison put on the bamboo dragonfly was too poisonous.

Because he drank master's fairy dew. Therefore, all poisons do not invade. Later, he came to Luoyang to make a living by fortune telling, and was chased by A Xing. Finally, Zhang Yifen was left by Grandma Jiu to help her find the only successor of Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

5. Kill the cow and solve the case

A rogue sued an ordinary citizen to Bao Gong, vowed that he knew the old farmer was innocent, and promised to help the old farmer return his innocence so that the rogue could get the punishment he deserved.

Bao Zheng said to the farmers, do as I say, go home and kill the cows at home, keep some for yourself, sell the rest in the market, and then change some money for your own use.

According to the laws of the Song Dynasty at that time, it was illegal for people to slaughter the bull market privately, and they could sue in court. But with Bao Zheng's permission, the old farmer really went home and killed the cow.

The next day, Bao Zheng got the news that a farmer was accused of killing a cow. Bao Zheng smiled. Mahan, Dynasty, arrested my informant. People were cheated, saying that Bao Gong didn't catch the name of the illegal farmer.

Bao Zheng said, I allow farmers to kill cows, but you, why do you want to cut off the tongue of famous farmers and cows? The complainant was speechless and panicked by this sudden question, and could only tell the truth of the incident that wanted to harm the old farmer's name.

All the people present disapproved of Bao Gong's decision. It turns out that Bao Zheng used a trick to lure the snake out of the hole. He pretended not to know that someone was hurting farmers and deliberately sold a flaw to make this person's own strategy succeed.

Bao Zheng simply played along, playing hard to get, and finally caught the turtle in the jar and was caught off guard, giving the peasants justice and giving the criminals the punishment they deserved.

In fact, after Bao Zheng reported that the ox tongue had been cut, he made some achievements. It can be said that some of them are planned, just waiting to be trapped by legal factors. This series of coups is enough to show the superb means of Bao Gong's ruling.