Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Short fable story

Short fable story

Short fable 1 children and crows

One day, a woman went to tell the fortune of a dumb child. The fortune teller predicted that the child would be killed by a crow. She was very scared, so she made a big box and put the child in it for protection. She opens the box regularly and sends food and water to the children. Once, she was opening the lid of the box to give the child a drink, and the child poked his head playfully. Unfortunately, the crow beak buckle on the box hit the child's forehead, causing his death.

In other words, the coming disaster is inevitable, only to improve their ability to fight it.

Short fable story 2 Changhe died in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

Changhe River died in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Eastern Zhou Dynasty lost its feelings. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was overjoyed and the Western Zhou Dynasty was furious. Feng said, "I can kill it." You give 30 Jin of gold. Feng also made people fuck gold and books and let them be idle. The book says: "tell Chang that you can do anything, you can do anything;" If you can't do it, you will die, and you will die. After a long time and venting, I will die. " Because someone told Hou of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, "There will be traitors entering the customs tonight. "Ready to the eastern zhou dynasty, the eastern zhou dynasty will kill him immediately.

Short fable story 3 shepherd's mistake

One day, the shepherd drove a group of goats to graze on a grassy hillside.

As usual, the goats spread out and buried their heads in the grass, while the shepherd lay under a big tree and played his favorite flute.

At noon, the shepherd took out bread and cheese from a small cloth bag, ate his stomach, went to the clear spring to drink enough water, and then lay down to sleep.

When the shepherd woke up, the sun was setting. He quickly got up and shouted to gather the scattered goats together. But after counting, one sheep was missing. Finally, he saw the left-behind goat standing on a towering rock. The shepherd whistled at it, but the goat didn't seem to hear it.

The shepherd couldn't help flying into a rage and picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at the goat. He just wanted to scare the goat to get off the rock quickly. I didn't expect the shepherd to throw it so accurately that the stone hit a corner of the goat. Perhaps because he used too much strength, the horn suddenly broke in two.

The shepherd was at a loss for a moment, because he knew that if his master found out, he would blame him for not herding sheep with care, and he didn't know how to punish him, and might even drive him away.

In despair, the shepherd begged the goat to say, "dear goat, please help me." Don't tell my master what happened to you today, or I'll be finished! " "

"Don't worry, I promise not to complain!" The goat replied, "But how can I hide what happened to me?" Everyone will clearly see that one of my horns is broken. "

Goats are absolutely right, because some obvious problems can't be covered up.

Short fable story 4 Friendship conquers all fears.

In the stationery industry, becoming a detective is the dream career of all stationery, and the detective conference is the only way to the detective career. I like Sherlock Holmes' eraser and pencil sharpener since I was a child, and I was very happy when I heard that there was going to be a detective conference.

The annual detective conference was held. Detective Bao said, "If you want to be a detective, you must help others. We just got a case. The poor ruler was killed by a prisoner. Whoever can find the criminal and bring him to justice can become a real detective. You have to look for clues yourself. "

Aggressive rubber quickly pulled up a ruler and ran to the crime scene, which was a haunted house without sunshine all day. Legend has it that in this building, there is a pencil box that screams in the middle of the night. The neighbor's watercolor pen saw a pool of bright red blood on the ground, rushed in and never came out. ......

After the story was finished with the eraser, they pulled out the pencil sharpener and rushed into the haunted house. Pencil sharpener picked up a magnifying glass and looked left and right. They didn't find any clues. Just when they lost confidence and wanted to give up, suddenly the pencil sharpener found a small black spot on the wall, and the pencil sharpener was approaching. Suddenly, the little black spot jumped out and was about to stab the pencil sharpener. The clever eraser quickly ran over and blocked a knife, and the shadow took the opportunity to escape.

Through the analysis of pencil sharpener and eraser, it is determined that the prisoner is a pencil, because the size of the black spot on the wall is very similar to that on the tip of the pencil, and the shape of the pencil is particularly like a spear, which is consistent with the scar on the ruler.

On the way back to the base camp, they happened to see the evil pencil kill the compass. "Ha, it's really hard to find a place to get it." Pencil sharpener said.

The pencil seems to have found them and it rushed at them. Because the rubber is shaped like a shield, they played inextricably, regardless of the outcome. The pencil sharpener immediately dialed 1 10 when they were fighting.

The prisoner's pencil was taken away, the pencil sharpener and eraser became veritable detectives, and the mystery of the haunted house was solved. It's killing two birds with one stone.

This story tells us that friendship can overcome all fears.

Short fable story 5 lion and wild boar

In summer, the hot summer heat makes people very thirsty. The lion and the wild boar came to Koizumi to drink together. Who do they drink for first? They fought each other to death. When they were panting, they suddenly turned around and saw some vultures waiting. They know that whoever falls will be eaten. So they stopped fighting and said, "Let's be friends. Better than being eaten by vultures and crows. "

In other words, there should be no boring struggle between people, otherwise, it will bring disaster to yourself.

Short Fable Story 6 Lion, Prometheus and Elephant

Lions often complain about Prometheus, although Prometheus made him tall and powerful, equipped his jaw with sharp teeth as a weapon, and equipped his feet with powerful claws, making him stronger than other animals. But he still said, "But I'm still afraid of roosters." Prometheus said, "why do you blame me for no reason?" You have all the advantages I can create, but your character is too weak. " The lion lamented, blamed himself for cowardice, and finally wanted to die. Just then, he met the elephant, greeted each other and stood chatting. He saw the elephant flapping its ears and asked, "What's the matter with you? Why do you keep shaking your ears? " The elephant replied, "Do you see these buzzing mosquitoes? If they get into my ears, I'm finished. " Hearing this, the lion suddenly realized, "Then why should I die?

Cocks are much bigger than mosquitoes, and I am happier than elephants. "

Short fable story 7 young people and butchers

Two young men went to the store to buy meat. When the butcher turned and was busy with his work, one man stole a piece of meat and put it in another man's arms. The butcher turned around, looked around for meat and blamed them. The man who steals meat swears that he didn't take it, and the man with meat in his arms swears that he didn't steal it. The butcher saw through their trick and said, "Even if you lied to me with a false oath, you can't fool the gods."

This story shows that deceptive false vows will always be seen through.

Short fable story 8 young prodigal son and swallow

The young prodigal son squandered all his ancestral inheritance, leaving only one coat to wear. One day, he saw a swallow fly back earlier this season, thinking that spring had arrived and he no longer needed to wear a coat, so he sold it. Soon a cold north wind blew, making him hide everywhere. He happened to see the swallow freeze to death on the ground, so he said to him, "Hey, friend, you ruined us both."

This story shows that it is very dangerous not to act according to the laws of nature.

Nine weapons experts from the International Institute of Strategic Studies studied this short fable together. They believe that modern strategic weapons, such as atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, X bombs and Y bombs, are not small in power, but they have the same side effects. They seriously pollute the natural environment, destroy building facilities and cause terrible battlefield scenes. They want a more powerful weapon, but they don't have those side effects. Later, an expert announced that he had successfully developed such an ideal weapon, but the technical secrets must be kept before the test.

Later, everyone thought, since his weapons didn't pollute the natural environment, destroy the building facilities and cause tragic scenes on the battlefield, why not let him have a try? After the agreement was reached, the experts fired one such bomb into the restricted area. When the bomb landed, there was neither a burning flash nor a deafening sound, but there was an amazing miracle: when it exploded, countless well-dressed figures were scattered, including princes, Xu, censors, ministers, satrap, county magistrates, prime ministers, presidents, ministers, sub-officials, directors, chairmen and directors; Some of them are wearing belts, others are wearing suits and ties. It turns out that bombs have blown up various bureaucrats since ancient times. After they landed, they seized the territory one by one, vying for jobs, giving orders and collecting taxes; Before long, people in that area can't survive at all.

The expert explained, "My missile is called a bureaucrat. Look, how amazing! "

Everyone was dumbfounded and said, "Indeed, the most terrible thing in the world is the bureaucratic explosion. Gentlemen, I hope this kind of disaster will never happen here. "

Short fables 10 children and painted lions

There was a timid old man who had an only son. He is brave, and he likes hunting by nature. Once, the old man dreamed that his son was killed by a lion. He was extremely afraid that this dream would come true, so he deliberately built a beautiful house hanging in the air and locked his son in it to protect him. In order to make his son happy, the old man painted all kinds of animals on the wall, including lions. However, the more the child looks at the picture, the more annoyed he becomes. Once, he stood next to the lion painting and said, "Hey, you hateful beast, I'm locked in this room, like a prison for your absurd dreams with my father." As he spoke, he shook his fist and knocked on the wall as if to kill the lion. Unexpectedly, a thorn went into his nail, and the pain was unbearable. Finally, inflammation caused a high fever, and he died soon. The lion painted on the wall actually killed the child. Father's careful arrangement is harmful to children.

In other words, people should face difficulties bravely and don't use any tricks to escape.

Fable story 1 1 A blind man is good at touching all kinds of animals with his hands, and he can tell what animals they are when he touches them. A man brought a little wolf, let him touch it and tell it what it is. He touched the little beast and said, "Is this a fox or a wolf? I'm not sure. But I know very well that it is always unsafe to let this animal enter the sheepfold. "

The story is that bad habits can be learned in years and hours.

A blind deer came to the seaside to eat grass. He watched the landing land with his good eyes to guard against the hunter's attack, and his blind eyes pointed to the sea. He thinks there will be no danger beyond the sea. Unexpectedly, someone passed by here by boat from the sea, saw the deer and shot it with an arrow. When he died, he said to himself, "I'm really unlucky." I am on guard against the landing side, but the maritime side I trust has brought me disaster. "

The story is that the facts are often contrary to our expectations. We think dangerous things are safe, but we think safe things are more dangerous.

The crow was so thirsty that he flew to a pitcher. There is not much water in the pitcher. He tried his best, but he still couldn't drink it.

So he pushed with all his strength, trying to push the jar down and pour out the water, but the pitcher couldn't move. At this time, the crow remembered the way he went to the pitcher to throw stones. With the increase of stones, the water in the pitcher gradually increased. Finally, the crow drank the water happily and relieved his thirst.

This story shows that wisdom often trumps strength.

A widow keeps a hen. The hen lays an egg every day. She thought that if she fed more barley to the chickens, she would lay two eggs every day. So, she feeds it like this every day, and as a result, the hen grows fatter and fatter, and doesn't even lay an egg every day.

This story shows that some people want to get more benefits because of greed, and even lose what they have.

Zeus wanted to make a king for the birds, set a date and ask all the birds to attend on time, so as to choose the most beautiful one as king. All the birds ran to the river to freshen up. Western Western jackdaw knew that he was not beautiful, so he came to the river, picked up feathers from birds, carefully inserted them all on himself, and then glued them on. When the appointed date came, all the birds came to Zeus together. Zeus saw the colorful western Western jackdaw at a glance, especially beautiful among the birds, and was ready to make him king. These birds are very angry. They plucked their feathers from Western jackdaw in the west. As a result, western Western jackdaw lost all its beautiful feathers and became an ugly western Western jackdaw.

The story is that you can get a beautiful illusion with the help of other people's things, but when something that doesn't belong to you is peeled off, it will reveal its true colors.

Short fable 12 cat's gratitude

In the beautiful autumn, leaves fall in succession.

Deep in the forest, there is a log cabin where a white-haired grandfather lives. The cabin is unique, because grandpa runs the only fruit shop in the forest alone. Kindness makes grandpa's business good. All the animals in the forest like to visit his shop, sunbathe and chat with grandpa. They bring grandpa all kinds of interesting things in the forest, and often make him laugh until his beard flies. Life will never be as lonely as autumn leaves.

Of course, occasionally poor kittens and deer come to beg for free food. At this time, grandpa always generously prepares a lot of rich food to entertain them. They never have to worry about being looked down upon and left out here. Gradually, grandpa's hut became a love hut in the forest.

Among these small animals begging for free food, a little white stray cat has been here for a whole year. He and his grandfather live alone and get along like father and daughter. Grandpa takes good care of this little stray cat, teasing it during the day and putting it to sleep at night. Life in this family is sweeter than honey. It was not until the little white cat found her own "black cat prince" that the grandfather reluctantly married it.

As the saying goes, the weather is unpredictable. One morning, before dawn, the little creatures in the forest were still immersed in a beautiful dream. Grandpa's cabin suddenly caught fire. The fire spread quickly and turned into a raging fire in the blink of an eye. The beeping sound travels far and far, and the cabin may collapse at any time. But what is even more frightening is that the old man is old, his ears are heavy, and he is still asleep ... Seeing that a tragedy is about to happen, at this critical juncture, the little stray cat comes out of nowhere, and the fire reflects its fat and heavy belly-it is pregnant. Before the little stray cat came to the cabin, he shouted anxiously at the cabin, but grandpa was still unconscious. In the raging fire, the little stray cat got up and jumped into the sea of fire, and came to the grandfather's bed, screaming and dragging to wake the sleeping grandfather.

A disaster finally passed, and grandpa narrowly escaped. The fire burned the hut clean. However, in the ruins of the plumes of black smoke, the old man looked around and didn't miss any corner, but he couldn't find the kitten. ...

Soon, the old man built a new wooden house next to the old house, and still returned to his old job and opened a fruit shop. Now, while taking care of business, grandpa is always grateful and takes care of the small animals who come to beg for free food. More often, he can't help thinking of that little stray cat. He sometimes fantasizes that in front of the hut, there will be a sudden cry of stray cats begging for free food. How nice it would be!

This afternoon, the sun was lazily shining in the hut, and grandpa was taking a nap in the house. Half asleep, he vaguely heard the kitten's cry, and grandpa thought he was dreaming. Unexpectedly, in front of the hut, the stray cat appeared in grandpa's sight, and behind it, two lovely cat babies were chasing each other. Grandpa suddenly opened his eyes wide and pinched himself hard. Haha, he is not dreaming. His kitten is back.

Now, grandpa and the cat family live happily together. Whenever I look at the mother cat and the baby cat playing freely in the sun, my grandfather tells himself with satisfaction: "This is really a gift from God!" " "

Short fables 13 children who eat meat

The herdsmen sacrificed in the wild and cooked a goat, so they invited people nearby to share it. A poor woman came with her children. Just as everyone was having fun, the child had a stomachache because he ate too much meat. He said bitterly, "Mom, I want to spit out the meat." His mother said, "Son, it's not yours, it's just what you eat."

The story is like this. Some people take other people's things casually and owe others debts, but it is so painful to repay them.

Short fable 14 on grass leaves

A blade of grass complains to an autumn leaf, "What a loud noise you make when you fall!" " ! You interrupted my winter dream. "

Akiba said indignantly, "You are a creature of humble origin and humble residence! There is no sense of music, and the character is rampant! You have never been above, and of course you don't understand the beauty of the sound of nature. "

Then, the autumn leaves lay on the soil and began to sleep. Spring came and she woke up-she had grown into a blade of grass.

Autumn is coming again, and the grass is gradually falling into a winter dream. Above her, autumn leaves fall from the sky. She said to herself, "Oh, these autumn leaves! They were so noisy that they messed up my good dreams. "

Short fable 15 once, the donkey complained to the orangutan: "people always don't know me and always laugh at me as the stupidest animal in the world;" I've always longed for people to know how smart I am. "

The orangutan said, "This is your stupid performance."

The donkey said, "Why do you call me stupid?"

The orangutan said: "Fools always don't know their own stupidity, and always long for others to know how smart they are;" Smart people always know their ignorance, constantly improve themselves and become smarter and smarter. "

With these words, the orangutan left in a hurry.

Fools want others to know themselves and know themselves, but wise men are trying to know themselves and improve themselves.