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Examples of different views in life

Half a glass of water:

Punctual: There is at least half a glass of water to drink.

Negative angle: there is only half a glass of water left, which is not enough to drink.

An old pioneer lost his horse-a blessing in disguise.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle.

A scholar went to Beijing to take an exam and stayed in a hotel. Two nights before the exam, he had three dreams: the first dream was that he planted cabbage on the wall; The second dream is that he wears a hat and an umbrella in rainy days; The third dream is to lie naked back to back with my sweetheart. What do these three dreams mean? Scholars can't understand them. The next day, he went to a fortune teller to explain his dream. After listening to his three dreams, the fortune teller patted his thigh: "I think you'd better go home, it's hopeless." Don't you think it's white to grow cabbage on a high wall? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? Isn't it that you can't take off your clothes with your sweetheart, but back to back? The scholar listened, and his heart fell into the ice cave. After returning to the hotel, he packed his bags and was ready to go home. The shopkeeper felt a little strange and asked him how to take the exam before going back. The scholar told the fortune teller about his dream interpretation. The shopkeeper said happily, "in my opinion, you must stay this time, which is very promising." "You think: isn't it very high to grow cabbage on the high wall? Is it unsafe to wear a hat and an umbrella? Don't you lie back to back with your sweetheart, which means that your chance to turn over has come? " Hearing this, the scholar felt quite reasonable, so he changed his disheartened appearance and took the exam happily. As a result, he found a flower. Imagine: If this scholar trusts Mr. Meng Jie, can he rewrite his life? And the owner's words made him look at the problem from a different angle, and thus achieved unexpected success. Like two sides of a coin, life has a front and a back. Happiness, light, happiness, hope ... this is the positive side of life; Sadness, darkness, misfortune, despair ... this is the back of life.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle. People who are full of complaints might as well look at the problem from another angle.

According to legend, the abbot of a temple made a special rule for the temple: at the end of each year, the monks in the temple should say two words to the abbot. At the end of the first year, the abbot asked Xinhe what he wanted to say. Xinhe Shang said, "The bed is hard." At the end of the second year, the abbot asked him what he wanted to say most, and he replied, "Poor food." At the end of the third year, without waiting for the abbot to ask, he said, "Goodbye." The abbot looked at the back of the new monk and said to himself, "It's a pity that you have a demon in your heart and it's hard to achieve positive results! Unfortunately! " The new monk chose the opposite of life. He has a negative attitude towards the world. He doesn't know how to look at the problem from another angle, and he always complains. It is because of his complaints that he lost the opportunity to make a positive result. Whether you complain or not, it's because you have the wrong attitude and look at the problem from the wrong angle. If we can look at the problem from a different angle with a positive attitude, I believe people's mood will suddenly get better. The quality of a thing in a person's mind lies not in the thing itself, but in the person's mentality. As Mr. Wang Guowei said, "Everything looks at me, so everything is my color." People who are full of complaints might as well look at the problem from another angle and let optimism dominate themselves, and their mood will definitely be different.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle. 3. Is wealth incomplete or boundless?

Yu, a famous painter in China, is good at painting peonies. Once, someone asked for a peony he painted. When he came back, he happily hung it in the living room. A friend of this man saw it and shouted unlucky, because the peony was not painted completely, and a part was missing, and the peony represented wealth and a corner was missing. Isn't it "getting old before you get rich"? This person is also very surprised at first sight, and thinks that peony is always inappropriate without one side. He took it back and prepared to ask Yu to draw a new picture. After listening to his reason, I had a brainwave and told the buyer that since peony represents wealth, if one party is missing, wouldn't it be rich and boundless? After listening to his explanation, the man felt reasonable and went back happily with the painting. The same painting has different views because of different mentality. Therefore, we should take a positive attitude in everything, think on the bright side, don't look at anything unpleasant, and learn to look at the problem from another angle, so that we will have less troubles, pains and complaints, and more happiness and peace.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle. 4. Is there anything interesting on the mountain?

On the way to climb the mountain, a group of enthusiastic people met the tired people who came down from the mountain. So, the climber asked the people who came down the mountain, what's the matter? Is there anything interesting on the mountain? Some people who went down the mountain said disappointedly, no, nothing, just a ruined temple ... while others said that the scenery on the mountain is very good and the scenery in the distance is infinite! If you are a climber, after hearing these words, are you stagnant, disappointed, or continue climbing? At this time, you should learn to look at the problem from another angle. Everyone may have different views on the same thing. Give yourself a smile and a chance to climb up and have a look. In fact, the scenery you see is the same as what others see, but it feels different.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle v. inventor Edison

Edison, a great inventor, after studying more than 8000 kinds of materials that are not suitable for filament, someone asked him: You have failed more than 8000 times. What's the use of continuing to study? Edison said, I have never failed. On the contrary, I found more than 8000 kinds of materials that are not suitable for filament. Looking at the problem from another angle, the problem is completely different. Sometimes, coming out of failure is also a kind of success. The real gain is to see the gain from failure. If you are immersed in the pain of failure all day, you will never succeed.

Look at the story material and examples of the problem from another angle. 6. An old lady who worries all day

An old lady has two daughters. The eldest daughter married an umbrella shop. The second daughter became the supervisor of the laundry. In this way, the old lady was afraid that her eldest daughter's umbrella could not be sold in sunny days, and that her second daughter's clothes could not be dried in rainy days, and she was on tenterhooks all day. Later, someone said to the old lady, "Old lady, you are really blessed. The second daughter's home is full of customers on sunny days, and the eldest daughter's business is booming on rainy days. " The old lady thinks so, alas, really! Simply looking at the problem from another angle, the old lady who has been worried all day has become carefree.

Look at the problem from another angle;

1, a dream of red mansions, the scholar saw the Book of Changes, the Taoist saw lewdness, the gifted scholar saw lingering, the revolutionary saw fullness, and the gossip saw the secrets of the palace. -Lu Xun

2. Looking horizontally, the ridge edge becomes a peak, and the distance is different. -Su Shi

Sometimes you need to leave the usual avenue and dive into the forest, and you will find something you have never seen before. -Bell

If matches burn in your pocket, you should be happy, because your pocket is not a fire bucket. If you have a thorn on your finger, you should be happy, because the thorn didn't go into your eye. If your wife changes her mind about you, you should be happy because she betrayed you, not your country. -Chekhov

5. With our position, our specific attitude towards all kinds of concrete things will happen. Like praise or exposure? This is the attitude problem. Mao Zedong

6. There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand audiences. -belinsky

7. Looking at the problem from another angle, life will present another kind of beauty. Life is not a lack of beauty, but a lack of discovery. rodin

8. Although pessimists are still alive, optimists are always young. -English proverb

9. Optimists see hope in disasters, while pessimists see disasters in hope. -English proverb

10, short and long. -Proverbs

1 1. A river has two sides, and everything has two sides. -Proverbs

12, a blessing in disguise? -Proverbs

13, a candle, is about to "turn to ashes" but it illuminates the way forward for people; A piece of chalk only needs three strokes and two pictures, and life ends here, but it sows the seeds of knowledge in students' hearts.

14. Everything has advantages and disadvantages. There is no uniform scale to measure whether it is true or not. Looking at one thing from different angles, you will see different scenery and have different feelings.

15, look at the problem from another angle and treat things around you in a different way of thinking. Isn't that what life needs? Just like a clear spring in the desert, a ray of sunshine in winter and a ray of light at night will give you more surprises. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 16, a fallen leaf, you may see the tragic fate of "falling into the mud and grinding into dust", but as long as you think about it from another angle, you will find its noble morality of "turning into spring mud and protecting flowers more";

Look at the problem from another angle:

An example of looking at the problem from another angle: 1 and Russell's trip to China.

Russell, the most influential British thinker in the 20th century, came to Sichuan, China on 1924. At that time, China was divided by warlords, and the people were in dire straits. It was summer and it was very sultry. Russell and several people accompanying him went to Emei Mountain in the kind of bamboo sedan chair carried by two people. The mountain road was steep and steep, and several porters were so tired that they were sweating. This situation makes Russell not in the mood to see the scenery, but to think about the mood of several bearers. He thought, the bearers must hate their sedan chairs, and they have to carry them up the mountain in such hot weather. Even they may be thinking, why are they sedan chair people and not sedan chair people? Arriving at a small platform halfway up the mountain, Russell got off the bamboo sedan chair and carefully observed the expression of the sedan chair bearer. He saw the bearers sitting in a row, taking out their pipes, talking and laughing, and didn't mean to blame the weather or the people in the sedan chair. They also told Russell jokes about their hometown with great interest, asked Russell some foreign things curiously, and laughed happily from time to time during the conversation. Russell told this story in his article The Character of China People. And he came to the conclusion that it is wrong to look at other people's happiness with self-righteous eyes.

Look at example 2 from another angle. China students in the United States

An American China student and a friend talked about the change of their perspective. Because of his excellent grades in primary school, he was admitted to the middle school in the county. He found that he could no longer hold the first prize as he did in elementary school, so he became jealous: all the students who were better than himself had six-edged pencils, but he didn't. This is unfair in heaven! After several years of hard work, he actually became the first in the county middle school. And he thinks: people are still unequal, why don't you have a good pen? After graduating from high school, he was admitted to a university in Beijing, but the good times did not last long, and his academic performance could not even be maintained at the middle level. See the classmates in the city are piles of good pencils and pens, cakes and milk in the morning, fragrant tea and fruits in the evening, think about yourself. I still can't bear to eat a steamed bun in the morning, and I have to leave half at night. "Reasonable" and where to start? ..... Five years later, he went to the United States and saw colorful westworld with his own eyes, but all his jealousy, inferiority and resentment were swept away at once. The comparison standard I choose has changed. What I see is no longer my classmates, colleagues and neighbors, but the whole world. Some people fight on the snail's horn, while others walk hand in hand in space. There is only one result in the struggle of standing by, and that is standing still. When you learn to look at the problem from another angle, you may find a whole new world.

Look at the problem from another angle. 3. drunkards and bugs

One day, a doctor called a group of alcoholics, and he did an experiment in front of them: the doctor put two cups on the table, one filled with water and the other with alcohol. He first threw a caterpillar into a glass full of clear water, and everyone watched the caterpillar swim around in the clear water, and then slowly climbed out. Then, the doctor caught the caterpillar again and threw it into a cup full of alcohol. The bug struggled in alcohol for a few times and then died. After watching the experiment, the drunkards looked at each other and there was a long silence in the room. Just as the doctor was about to explain to them that alcohol is harmful to human health, a voice came from the last row of the room: "Doctor, I understand, as long as you drink more, there will never be bugs in your stomach!" " "Even if it is a correct concept, there are always people who look at the problem from a negative perspective.

Look at example 4 from another angle. A traveler in the desert

Hot sun, desert. Two thirsty and tired travelers took out their only kettle and shook it. A traveler said, "Oh, too bad, we only have half a pot of water left!" " "Another traveler said happily," really? Luckily, we still have half a pot of water! "In fact, many things in life are like that half pot of water. Looking at the problem from another angle will lead to different moods and different answers.

That is the reality. We must face it calmly, not just complain. Otherwise, if we miss the punctual bus in our life by complaining, we will miss the next opportunity to take the punctual bus by complaining. Looking at the problem from another angle, you can stretch your eyebrows optimistically and confidently and face everything. And if you blindly see the negative side of the problem, you can only be unhappy, accomplish nothing, and eventually become a loser in life. Therefore, if you look at things from a different angle, you will be optimistic about all kinds of setbacks and hardships in life, because there are always unsatisfactory things in life. If you always worry about something unpleasant, then you will never be happy. So when you are in a bad situation, you might as well look at the problem from another angle. ...