Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Humorous jokes, stories, ancient and modern jokes

Humorous jokes, stories, ancient and modern jokes

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes (7 selected stories)

If you want to achieve something, attract attention, succeed socially and be invincible in modern life, then you must learn humor and laugh with others. Humorous jokes hurt the stomach. The following are humorous stories and ancient and modern jokes I collected for you. Welcome to share.

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes, 1 snake turtle Shangguan

Under the throne of Zhenwu Emperor respected by Taoism, there are two generals, Tortoise and Snake. Once they chatted.

The snake said: I really want to donate money to buy an official.

The tortoise smiled and said, Look at your pointed face. Like a bachelor's body. How can I be an official? Let's learn from me and retract our heads.

The snake said: You don't know, which official in the world today is not a bachelor? As for the sharp tricks, not to mention.

Don't drill a pointed head, the official hat is red and the official position is high? If I get up, I'm better than them. I will learn from you when I become famous, find a good job and scrape the ground.

Who is not afraid of pain?

A group of people get together to discuss: what is the most painful thing for people who are least afraid of cold?

One person said: the face is the least afraid of cold. It doesn't have to wear clothes in winter and summer. Farts are most afraid of cold. It has been hidden in its stomach, accidentally released, and quickly got into its nostrils.

Another person said: the arm is the least afraid of pain. No matter who hits it with something, the arm always blocks first.

One person immediately objected: no, no, although the arm is not afraid of pain, it will retract when it is hit hard. In my opinion, the most feared pain is tears and runny nose. Do not believe, the more you fight, the more it will run out of your eyes and nostrils.

Niu's son

The cows used for offering sacrifices to the sage Confucius were first bowed to him by the Dian Shi (a local official) and then slaughtered.

Once, when offering sacrifices to a cave, the temple master bowed down to the cow. The cow looked around and was very proud. He said to the cow, "Today, I know that being a cow can be as happy as me." . The cows are secretly envious.

After a while, someone took the cow to the execution ground. The cow said very regretfully, "I just learned today that if you are very happy for no reason, then there will be an extraordinary disaster."

The cows also talked with each other: I think that official must be the son of this cow, because I knew his father was going to behead him, so I worshipped him at the altar first.

Unpredictability of source action

A person donated money to buy a lowest-level official position and reported it to the yamen first. When the boss accidentally asks questions, he can't answer Aidit fluently, and even his lips are shaking.

After class, colleagues sneered: the boss won't eat people. Why are you afraid of this? Answer: He is a tiger. How can I not be afraid of him?

People laughed at his absurdity even more, he said, it's not absurd. I once read the Book of Changes, which said that' great changes have taken place'. (adult, refers to the son of heaven; Tiger changes, a new one, like a tiger change, the literary color is rotten and brand-new. The man completely misunderstood the original intention. )

Monkeys brag

Small animals get together and talk about who they look like. The pig said, I am like an elephant. The dog said: I am like a wolf.

The cat said: I am like a tiger. Also boast:

Pigs say elephants are the cleverest, dogs say wolves are the strongest and cats say tigers are the fiercest.

The monkey smiled: don't brag, I am the most human. Everyone can subdue them according to who you look like, so I am the noblest.

No one can compete with it. So the monkey is complacent and often wanders in the valley, and uses this sentence to boast of the same kind.

All wild animals hate it.

One day, the lion passed by, and the elephant reported the arrogant behavior of the monkey to the lion. The lion was furious and said, although it looks like a man, it can't be called a man. Is it so presumptuous? !

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes 2 1. Three pairs of glasses

Teacher, why do you use three pairs of glasses?

Oh, one pair is hyperopia, one pair is myopia, and the third pair is used to find the other two pairs of glasses.

2. What do I need a computer for when the fast broadcast is uninstalled?

Let's say that the computer card is too slow

I said you uninstalled the fast broadcast,

He said something that puzzled me,

The quick broadcast was uninstalled. What do I need a computer for?

3. There are different opinions

At the beginning of school, a beautiful girl was walking on campus in the graduating class.

Several junior girls and boys came face to face.

Junior boy A: "Not bad, not bad, really beautiful!"

Junior boy B: "It's a pity, it's a senior, and she will graduate soon."

Junior girl A: "You look great!"

Junior girl B: "Nothing! She is in the graduating class. She will leave school soon. "

Step 4: Problems

In the computer class, the absent-minded Luca was asked by the professor by name. Why don't you answer, Luca? Is my question difficult?

Oh, no, sir. I fully understand your question, but the answer stumped me.

5. Two idiots

In arithmetic class, the teacher asked the imbecile, 1 plus 1 what is it?

Xu Hua thought for a moment and replied, Sir! I don't know.

The teacher was angry and said, you are really a useless person! I can't even solve this problem. Let me ask you again: for example, how much are you and me?

I know, two idiots.

6. Is the child still alive?

One day, the teacher told us that great men like Beethoven have musical cells.

It happened that a gentleman was dating Duke Zhou in class. The teacher was furious and asked him what he had just said.

In the fog of a certain gentleman, everyone risked being killed by teacher K and sent him a message.

As a result, a gentleman smiled and said that Beethoven and other great men had music ... pustules. ......

7. This is your answer.

I especially want to see a teacher fall down as soon as she goes out, and then I help her up. She got up and gave me an answer, then turned to leave. I said to her, teacher, your answer.

The teacher said, no, it's your answer. ......

8. I am a priest

In high school, in English class, students are not quiet.

The teacher was unhappy and said, "Can you be a man?" ,

My boss is poor. He said, "I am God".

Then a voice came from the corner, "I am a priest",

Suddenly everyone was not calm, and the teacher said that he was helpless. ......

9. Everyone likes to eat Tangseng meat.

In Chinese class, the teacher said, "All goblins love to eat the flesh of Tang Priest, thinking that they can live forever after eating it, so Tang Priest is coveted by all kinds of monsters."

Ji Min said, "Teacher, not only do monsters like to eat Tangseng meat, but I also bought a pack of Tangseng meat at the grocery store."

Hu Li said: "Now, many departments want to eat private cars as Tang monk meat."

Zhang Chen said, "The golden cicada, also known as the reptile, is known as the Tang monk's meat."

10. This angle and this angle

In math class, the bell has rung, and the math teacher is still talking about the topic: "This corner and this corner …" Finally, everyone in the class answered, and the math teacher was still there asking "What corner? Then a voice suddenly came from the corner: "Hong Kong Foot!" The whole class laughed and the teacher's face suddenly darkened. He said nothing, unplugged the plug and left with the computer.

1 1. I already have a girl I like.

When taking Appreciation of a Dream of Red Mansions, the teacher asked, "Who do you like best?"

A boy stood up and said, "Teacher, I already have a girl I like."

12. Early death of talents

Our Chinese teacher talked about four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty: "Yang Jiong, Lu, He, Luo. The most famous Wang Bo died in his twenties. Talent dies young! Look at you, you are alive and radiant. "

How many chromosomes does a person have?

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. One day, the old man who taught biology asked slowly, "Students, how many chromosomes are right?" An idiot in the corner of the classroom replied loudly, "64 is right!" " The old man nodded calmly and seriously: "well, now tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to earth?"

14. After all.

One day, Xiao Ming and his classmate Xiaohua are having an open class on tourism laws and regulations in the ladder classroom. Because it is an open class, the classroom is full of students from other departments. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hua quickly squeezed two seats and sat down. I didn't expect Xiaoming to sneeze after class. It was an emergency. Xiao Ming instinctively turned his head to Xiaohua, and as a result, he sneezed earth-shattering and spit on Xiaohua. Xiaohua didn't know what to say at that time, so she quickly apologized and said that the fat water would not flow outside.

15. Make a sentence with "sadness"

The teacher said to the students, "Please make a simple, fluent and meaningful sentence with' sadness'."

A student raised his hand and said, "There are many cars on the way to school, which makes me very sad."

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes, three ancient heroes

One day, the Great Xia vowed to draw his sword to help him when the road was rough.

One day, I suddenly saw a beautiful woman being molested by the wicked. Heroes come forward and beat the wicked away. Beauty wants to thank her. The Great Xia stunned the beautiful woman with a hand knife and said with a sly smile, "It's the thousandth time, and magic is only the last step."

Just now, the wicked suddenly appeared, and the thief said nervously, "Congratulations, boss."

Suddenly paused and said, "Boss, this beauty ..."

Before he finished, he said, "Nonsense, this is your future sister-in-law ..."

The wicked man said to himself, "Shit, the thousandth sister-in-law."

Crying poor old rice breeds worms.

Women like to cry poor, but they are afraid that the old rice at home will grow worms, so they put the rice in the spittoon.

The child got up at night and peed all over Meng.

That day, when the woman heard that the house smelled bad everywhere, she quickly lifted the jar to see the rice. Rice turned into a bowl of porridge.

The woman called her son to ask, and the son said, "Mom, I got up late last night and peed in it. I was afraid that you would blame me, so I had to put Meng on the stove. I never thought that the urine was not dry and the rice had been cooked into a bowl of porridge. "


The master said to his black servant, "Go and kill a sheep and bring us the best part."

So the servant brought the sheep's tongue.

The next day, the master said to him, "You kill another sheep and bring us the worst part."

This time, the servant brought the sheep tongue.

The host asked him why? He said, "Nothing is better than a good tongue, and nothing is worse than a bad tongue."

Master of impatience

There was a man who was impatient. His servant was wrong. He made the servant kneel down, ready to be beaten, and even shouted, "Get the board!" " ""get the board! "He's worried sick because he didn't bring the board.

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, the servant thought of a way for him and said to his master, "Then hit me on the mouth first to solve the urgent need!" " "

The cow's ass is covered with paper.

Once upon a time, there was a Mr. Cowhide who thought he was good at talking. He heard that there was a farmer in the neighboring village who could speak better than him. He boasted in public: "Hum, it only takes half a mouth to beat him."

The next day, Mr. Cowhide went to the farmer and deliberately pasted his mouth in half with paper. He happened to meet the farmer's child and asked, "Where's your father?"

The child said, "My father went to plow the fields."

"Where to farm?"

"The pot is on the side."

"What kind of fields?"

"Plow the rice crust!"

"Hee hee," Mr. Cowhide was amused. "Aren't you afraid of cow dung falling into the pot?"

"Never mind, the cow's ass is covered with paper."

Beautiful maid

The beautiful young maid resigned from the hostess: My family are all good to me, and I am so embarrassed. The hostess is puzzled.

The maid is shy: the old man wants me to be a mistress, the old man wants me to be the youngest, and the young master wants to elope with me. ...

Poor rich man

Once upon a time, there was a miser and a rich man. Before he died, he called his two sons to his side and asked his boss, "What are you going to do with my funeral after I die?"

The eldest son replied, "Dad, you have regarded money as your life. I dare not spend it. I want to do your funeral well and spend less money. " I'm going to buy a sesame seed cake for two people and hang one for you. Find two more wild dogs and you can tow them away. "

The rich man was furious: "mixed, two sesame cakes are free!" " "After that, he asked the second child," What are your plans after I die? "

The second child can't see the boss. He thought for a moment and said, "Although you are frugal, you are old and fat, and you can cook and sell meat, which not only gives you a funeral, but also makes you a sum of money."

"good! Good! " The rich man exclaimed, paused, and then said, "Be careful not to sell meat to your uncle."

The second son asked, "Why?"

"Because he always gives money on credit!"

Humorous joke story ancient and modern joke 4 1, cat

My wife goes abroad to study, because she is busy with her studies and writes less letters. On this day, she called home and asked her husband to be caring and attentive. Finally, she asked:

"Honey, what happened to my lovely kitten?"


"Oh my god, this news is terrible! Why didn't you tell me such sad news gently? For example, the kitten climbed a tree to catch birds and accidentally slipped down to heaven, understand? "

"I see."

"Dear, is there any news from my hometown? Is my mother better? "

"Her old man's house also climbed a tree ..."

2. Introduce your sister

One day, my brother said that he would introduce me to a beautiful girl, dress up at home for an hour and meet that MM, the ultimate beauty, and Stephen Chow's upper body in the coffee shop. He tried his best to amuse his sister, thanked her and wanted to develop further. Brother doesn't understand the times, so he sat next to his sister and kissed her loudly in public, saying, we all know your sister-in-law. Is she beautiful? I cried. This is my own brother. No, it's a lie!

I want to count the stars

At the end of the year, a colleague who was usually very calm drank his eyes red that day. When the leader saw that the situation was not good, he quickly asked me to take him home. But when I reached for a taxi, my colleague didn't get on the bus anyway, but sat on the side of the road with great interest. He looked up at the sky and said, Who said there are countless stars in the sky? I'll count them all tonight!

4. Delicious

My deskmate fell asleep doing the paper, and put an earth-shattering fart in her sleep, which smelled extremely bad. Everyone stopped looking at him at once, but he didn't mean to wake up. Looking at the teacher's livid face on the platform, we all tried to hold back our laughter. But at this time, the deskmate actually talked about talking in his sleep, only to hear him say: it's delicious!

Step 5 change money

In the public toilet, I suddenly heard someone talking in the toilet. Friend, do you have any toilet paper? I searched my pockets. I'm sorry, I don't know. After a few seconds, the man asked again, friend, do you have a small newspaper? I smiled helplessly, sorry, no, I just came to pee. A few seconds later, a piece of RMB 10 was stuffed under the toilet door. Friend, can you break it into 1 10 pieces? Then I gave him 10 coins.

Step 6 write an article

Look at your sad face. What happened? Write an article entitled "What did I do yesterday". Well, what did you do yesterday? Have a drink. You are so stupid! Let me tell you something. If you keep writing, why don't you just change the word drinking to reading? Zhang Wen was inspired. He wrote: "I got up early in the morning and read for a long time. I thought about it and ate the second half in one breath, but I didn't think it was enough, so I went to the store and bought another one. " I met Li Da head-on on the way back. When I looked into his eyes, I knew he had read the same thing.

7. Let's talk about it again

My wife and I have been married for more than ten years, and the romantic age has been a long time! This morning, I suddenly said to my wife on a whim: Let's talk about love again and pretend you don't know me. My wife said: ok, I will tell her: hi! Little bitch, who knows that this product slaps me as soon as it raises its hand, and still curses: I'm tired of harassing my aunt!

8. Go to the bathroom

Once on a plane, the lady by the window wanted to go to the toilet and needed me to stand up and give up her seat. I was afraid she was in a hurry, so I unfastened my seat belt and stood up suddenly. However, I didn't get up, as if a powerful force had stopped me. I resisted, resisted, resisted, but was firmly locked in my seat. What's going on here? I looked down and my seat belt was tightly tied to my body. What I untied was actually a belt.

9. Humorous stories

Three people went to new york for a holiday. They booked a suite on the 45th floor of a high-rise hotel. One night, the elevator in the building broke down and the waiter arranged for them to spend the night in the lobby. After discussion, they decided to walk back to their rooms and agreed to tell jokes, sing songs and tell stories in turn to reduce the fatigue of going upstairs. After telling jokes and singing songs, we finally climbed to the 34th floor, and everyone felt exhausted. All right, Peter, tell a humorous story. Peter said: the story is not long, but it is extremely sad: I left my room key in the hall.

10, should I come?

Once upon a time, there was a man who wanted to entertain his guests. There are four guests. After all three guests arrived, the host said, the one who should have come didn't come! The first guest thought: I shouldn't have come if I should have! So as to leave; When the host saw it, he thought that the first guest misunderstood his meaning and immediately said, Don't go if you should! The second guest thought: I should go, but obviously I should go! So he also left; The host looked even more anxious. In desperation, he said, I'm not talking about them! The result can be imagined.

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes, the fifth chapter has soared.

A man in Zhejiang wanted to become an immortal, so he lived in seclusion for a long time.

He absurdly thought that he was as light as a swan and could soar in the sky, so he piled up several tables in the back garden and climbed up to test his soaring. But as soon as the arms were opened, people quickly fell down and broke their bones and muscles. I went to the doctor to take medicine, and it took a whole month to recover.

Please be beaten

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a secretariat, Mu Ning, who dominated the party and asked several officials' sons to take turns to support him. If he is not satisfied at all, he will scold them.

Once, a son made a dish of bear oil and venison to commemorate him. Muning thought it was delicious and liked it very much. Other sons think that their father will praise them greatly, and they are envious.

Who knows that after Muning was full, he beat his son and scolded: Hum, why did you give me such a good thing until now?

Can't help but rob the tomb

A scholar is pedantic and works in Longmen County, Union House. A man named Xue has lived here for a long time.

One day, I suddenly saw the pine and catalpa trees on my ancestral grave being cut down, so I reported it to the county government. After reading the complaint, the courtiers decided that without further research, all people could go to firewood and graze in Zhou Wenwang. What's so great about you in Xue's grave? Should chopping wood be banned? !

Wear a hat askew

In the Yuan Dynasty, Hu Shitang applied to enter Beijing, and Yuan Shizu Kublai Khan summoned him. Hu Shitang is wearing a hat made of brown leather, slightly askew. Kublai Khan asked him what he had learned, and Hu replied: Governing the country is the best way to learn the world.

Kublai Khan said with a smile, how can a hat of his own be even with the world? So I don't need him.

Retreat to filial piety

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, during the Yellow Scarf Uprising, Xu Xiang offered a plan to the court, saying: I have a plan to make the Yellow Scarf Army retreat without lifting it.

People ask: What is this plan? Please tell us quickly.

Xu Xiang said: As long as people are sent to the Yellow River to read the Book of Filial Piety and face the north, the soldiers can retreat.

The man asked again: what is the basis of your saying this?

Xu Xiang said with a smile, haven't you heard of it? Zhao Pu ruled the world with half of The Analects of Confucius, but why can't a Book of Filial Piety beat off the Yellow Scarf Army?

Filial piety and pity lice

Jiang Bi's words are profound and he likes to talk about filial piety. Because there is a person with the same name and surname in the same family, others call him Xiao Bi for the sake of distinguishing.

Xiaobi refuses to eat cabbage every time he eats vegetables. He said: Chinese cabbage can't be eaten, it can continue to grow, and eating it violates filial piety.

Every winter, his cotton-padded clothes are broken into pieces, and lice always like to hide in them to live and reproduce. On one occasion, Xiao Bi took out cotton wool with lice from his clothes and put it in a crack in the wall. After a while, I was afraid that lice would starve to death, so I put the broken cotton wool with lice back into my clothes.

Half-day leisure time

An official visited the temple and the monk gave him a banquet. After the official was full of wine and food, he was in high spirits and immediately recited two poems from the Tang Dynasty: because of the words of the monks in the bamboo garden, he had to stay for half a day.

The monk smiled bitterly, and the official asked him why he laughed. He said, your official stole a long time, and my old monk was busy for three days.

Without saying a word.

When Pei was appointed magistrate of Pixian County, he was appointed county magistrate. They are both prestigious and like to talk about current events. A small official joked privately that there were many disharmonies between county officials.

Someone asked him why, and the junior official replied: The chief said it was raining (feather) and praised the house for its smooth roads, and it was like this all day. Where can I reconcile?

Humor joke story ancient and modern joke article 6 I am not as good as

A gentleman went out and sat in a pavilion. After a long time away from home, he occasionally saw a dog practicing and sighed: I might as well.

Ants bite.

When people in Shangjiang go out to sit in the pavilion, they need to use hand milling instead of bamboo tubes to take everything. It is a centipede for a long time.

One day, his excitement returned and he was doing something. Suddenly, he was caught by a centipede, and his teacher was very scared. When I came home at the end of the year, I felt my wife was covered in hair, but I was surprised loudly: there were centipedes in the bare bamboo tube, but there were no snakes and insects!


There is a scholar who likes silence very much. Unexpectedly, there is a blacksmith shop and a coppersmith shop on both sides of his house. He was disturbed by jingling all day. So, he said to people, "If one day my two neighbors want to move, I will treat them as masters."

One day, the blacksmith and the coppersmith visited together and said to him, "We will move in two days, so I came to inform you."

The reader immediately said, "OK, I mean what I say, please!" "

The next day, the scholar prepared a rich banquet to entertain him.

The blacksmith and the coppersmith had a good meal. After the meal was full, the scholar remembered to ask where the two families had moved.

The blacksmith and the coppersmith said in unison, "I moved to his house and he moved to mine."


Every time Lu Bu and The Story Of Diu Sim fall in love, The Story Of Diu Sim always says, "No ..."

Lu Bu suddenly became discouraged ... Depressed, he had to ask Zhuge Liang, "Why does The Story Of Diu Sim always say no?"

Zhuge Liang thought for a moment and hit the nail on the head: "Because the general's surname is Bu!" "

Three levels and three lakes

There was a county magistrate who asked the housekeeper to buy three bottles of wine, but it was written as "three bottles". The housekeeper said, "Sir, it is not the word" flat "."

The magistrate raised his pen, put a tick under the word "Ping" and said, "Three pots" will do. "

Second Children's Debate

When Confucius traveled eastward, he met two children arguing and asked them why.

A child said: I was born in Shandong, Japan, so I belong to the East.

A child said: When the sun goes down, it is clear that Japan belongs to Shanxi, so it belongs to the West.

Confucius couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Laozi later.

Lao Tzu said with a smile, who is more Zhihu than you? Japan has no foundation, how to calculate! !

I can't find the nail clipper.

Master Bao: "Zhan Zhao, lend me your sword."

Zhan Zhao, send the sword.

Lord Bao drew his sword and praised, "What a good sword! Sharp enough! "

Zhan Zhao: "I wonder what kind of sword your Excellency uses?"

Lord Bao: "Well! Sorry to say, I can't find my nail clipper! "

There is nothing wrong with this.

Once upon a time, a rich man took his servant out and walked halfway. The rich man said to his servant, "Did you wear the wrong shoes when you went out today? It seems that shoes are high and low. "

So he asked the servant to go back and see if it was wrong. After a while, the servant ran back and said, "Sir, that's right. The shoes at home are also high and low. "

The landlord's will

A landlord was dying, and he added this sentence in his will: "The two missing bulls can be disposed of like this: if they are found, they will be owned by my son;" If I can't find them, they will belong to my housekeeper. "


There are two apprentices in the museum, one is clever and the other is stupid. In the evening, the teacher goes out to class and plants plum trees in the appropriate yard, which means: Lao Mei. When a disciple saw a cypress planted in a pot, he replied, Xiaobai.

Teacher: Good. Why don't you order another disciple? Disciple said: Dad. The teacher used their rights to talk nonsense and was furious. Disciple cried and said, "He Xiaobai (homonym) didn't fight, but came to fight Dad." .

Humorous joke stories, ancient and modern jokes 7 1. Bullshit

Anyway, Zhuge Liang is a versatile man.

Especially good at ventriloquism, once, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang discussed in the account. ...

What about this Zhuge Liang! Suddenly want to fart ... he felt embarrassed. ...

I thought of a trick: "Master, why don't I imitate a bird song for you ..."

Liu Bei nodded ... Zhuge Liang learned a few birds at random ... and farted by the way. ...

Zhuge asked, "Master, how was your performance? ..."

Liu Bei said, "Ah? You farted so loudly that I didn't hear what you were imitating. ...

Still want a double.

Once upon a time, there was a big family who did good deeds and distributed rice!

A nun came to pick it up, and the publisher said, "I want a double copy!" " Master told me that one family can only receive one. Go home! The monk came to collect it ... "

2. Cao Cao swore

On the eve of Chibi War, Cao Cao swore to the moon. God saw it and said, "I just want to satisfy your three wishes, and I can't do any of them."

Cao Cao said, "I want to beat Battle of Red Cliffs."

Just after that, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, etc. They all became prisoners of Cao Cao.

Cao Cao added, "I want Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to be my concubines."

Blink of an eye, Da Qiao and Joe stood beside Cao Cao. At this time, Cao Cao was worried that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao would change their minds because they were too old, and said, "I want Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to like me forever."

In an instant, Cao Cao became the best cosmetic at that time.

3. Female assassins and eunuchs

The female assassin held the eunuch's head and said, "Now, I'll give you another chance to be a man! Tell me, where is the dog emperor? "

The eunuch said with a dead look in his eyes, "Beauty, you gave me a chance to be a man, but unfortunately I have lost my ability to be a man!" You'd better kill me! "

Let the emperor hold his breath for a while.

As soon as the eunuch began to wash the toilet, the emperor thought of convenience.

The emperor was really anxious and kept urging.

The eunuch thought, "Usually the emperor is not in a hurry. Now, I will let the emperor get old and hold your breath for a while! "

Do you want to call me sister-in-law

"Your son, I recently heard that you and the teacher get too close. Is this true? "

"Back to my father, my son and I have long been interested in a teacher ..."

"ridiculous!" What a scandal! "

"Father ... you have been chasing the general all day ..."

"Damn thing! You know the general is the teacher's brother. Do you want to call me sister-in-law? "

6. My poem must be lucky.

In ancient times, there was a couple across the river. This man likes to write poems. Every time he finished writing a poem, he folded it up and hid it in a piece of duck feathers, so that the ducks could swim to the other side and let the women enjoy it. His friend suggested, "Isn't it faster to take pigeons?"

The man explained, "This is her request. My poem must be lucky. "
