Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - 8 1 year-old scavenger: I can't die unless she dies.

8 1 year-old scavenger: I can't die unless she dies.

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Someone in Zhihu asked, When was your hardest time?

Someone replied, I couldn't finish my homework when I was a child, so I ran away from home for half a month and ate and drank everywhere.

Someone replied that the most bitter thing is acacia.

Someone replied that the 20-year-old parents cut off financial support. I earned my junior and senior tuition. When I was poorest, I didn't eat in the morning and evening, because my workplace only included lunch.

Others say that people who belong to sheep suffer the most. ...

These answers remind me of the first half of Xin Qiji's poem: teenagers don't know the taste of sorrow and fall in love with the building. Fall in love with the floor and worry about adding new words.

Many post-80s and post-90s will say helplessly, I dare not die because there is no one behind me.

Many people who say this, their parents are in good health, have savings and have medical insurance, which will not only not drag down their lives, but also help them.

When they say this, they are just a kind of moaning and self-righteous self-pity and self-love that have never experienced great sorrow and sorrow in life.

What do you want to do after retirement?

Traveling around the world, helping children to take care of their grandchildren, dancing in square dance, participating in activities for the elderly, drawing and writing ... Yes, I have worked hard all my life, and I can finally live for myself after retirement.

At this time, I have passed the year of knowing my destiny, experienced the ups and downs of life, and tasted the ups and downs.

At that time, who would think that playing truant as a child, falling out of love in middle school and taking a part-time job in college were all suffering?

Young time, like a breeze, is full of subtle beauty. We will laugh, because we have had such an experience and feel that life at that time was really carefree.

As the saying goes, it is not bitter when you are young, but bitter when you are old. Just like the second half of Xin Qiji's words: Now I know the taste of sadness and want to say it. I want to say I'd better have a rest, but I said it's cold and autumn.


There was an 8 1 year-old grandmother who had a hard time in her later years.

The grandmother's name is Jiang. Although there is a word "expensive" in her name, her life is not expensive at all

Her husband has been unable to do manual labor for many years because of lung disease. Her daughter, at the age of six, became stupid and paralyzed by meningitis.

This kind of life is bitter enough, thinking that life has reached the bottom, but fate has changed, and people are easily pushed to a deeper bottom.

At the age of 62, my son-in-law got cancer and gave her a newborn grandson, weighing less than three pounds.

At that time, she couldn't work hard, so she had to go to Chengdu to find her way.

I found a restaurant to help wash dishes, and I was fired after only one month. The boss dislikes her age and is afraid that something will happen to her. The store should be responsible.

Because of poor health, my husband helped people sweep the floor and brush their shoes, but it didn't last long.

A family of four, two patients and a child, still have to live. There is no way to go, but to scavenge. Her scavenging is not as romantic as San Mao's, because she is burdened with heavy reality.

At first, I was sneaking around for fear of meeting acquaintances. After all, picking up garbage is too "secret" (dialect, shameful).

"In my hometown, only beggars go to pick up garbage, but the whole family has to eat." Speaking of the past, Jiang's grandmother also shed sad tears.

Jiang goes to the streets to pick up garbage every day, holding a doll on his chest and carrying a bag of garbage on his back, so he walks in the streets of Chengdu.

The price of waste products is not high: plastic bottles are 80 cents a catty (16), paper shells are 40 cents a catty, cans are the most expensive, and 3 yuan is the most expensive.

"At that time, the goal I set for myself was to bring back 3 kilograms of rice every day, enough for a family to eat."

The food is the same every day, two porridge and a bowl of pickles. "I tremble at the smell of sauerkraut."

When my grandson was young, he couldn't afford milk powder, so he was fed rice paste.

Now, the vegetable market is in front of their residence, but she never goes shopping in the morning because it is expensive to buy food in the morning.

Three cabbages in the morning, only one at night, and the store also sent three celery.

Cut a catty of cheap meat every week and eat some oily taste.

The reporter rummaged through the food at home, only one cabbage, three celery, a handful of dried noodles and a little rice.

Yes, they don't eat oil. Noodles and rice were sent by good people.


She was reluctant to eat half a bag of raw peanuts sent by her relatives and kept it for her guests.

The reporter ate one, and the peanut has been left for too long, and it has become soft and moldy. Grandma didn't eat, she didn't know, and waited for the reporter's praise with anticipation.

She seemed to think it was too shabby to entertain guests in this way, so she went on rummaging through the boxes and found only half a bottle of white wine and said, I'll pour you some.

The reporter can only refuse on the grounds of poor liver.

Lunch at home is just a bowl of semi-dry porridge for one person. Jiang invited the reporters to have dinner together. Reporters saw that their lives were bitter and cold, and they really couldn't eat.

After several persuasion, the grandmother's voice trembled and her eyes were full of tears. She reached out and turned it over to the reporter: "Look, I washed my hands carefully, and the bowl was washed, clean and not dirty."

Grandma thought that the reporter disliked her dirty and pitied the thin self-esteem of an 80-year-old man.

Because she has had many such experiences: in the past, the route of scavenging was far away, and she had to take a bus and was rejected by the passengers on the bus.

The rented house is very humble, and the sewer at the door has a pungent smell.

On one occasion, good people came to see them with several young people in spring. Just as the toilet was blocked, the feces overflowed and the young man ran away with his nose covered.

And the list goes on.

Grandma's words are so sad that the reporter can only stay for dinner.

Seeing that the reporter was willing to have dinner together, the grandmother happily walked out of the alley and asked for a bowl of Maoxuewang in the opposite restaurant. I ordered some cooked food and rushed over to pay.

The boss gave them two bowls of rice, and the grandmother was very happy. On the way back, she kept saying, "This meal is free."

The reporter ate a bowl of rice, which was left by the grandmother to her grandson.

Jiang mixed half a hair in porridge and fed it to his daughter.

If it weren't for entertaining reporters, they might not have had such a good meal during the New Year.


How much can be harvested by scavenging depends on the road section, time and season.

Downtown, summer, before six o'clock in the morning, the harvest will be more.

There are many drinks in summer. Before six o'clock, the sanitation workers haven't cleaned the trash can, and there will be bottles overnight in the trash can.

The warmest period of grandma's scavenging career was spent in Chunxi Road.

With the growth of age, grandma's memory is getting worse and worse, but she remembers all the people who helped her.

Take bus No.6 from her home to the second section of Hongxing Road, and Chunxi Road is not far from the bus.

In the urban area, business is good, and it is a pedestrian street. The car can't get in, and it is safe for the grandson to follow her.

Master Wang of Bus No.6 knows her family's situation, so she doesn't need her money to take the bus, and other teachers don't charge her money under his leadership, so she can save 4 yuan a day, which is half a day's income for her.

Grandma said, "I still want fame." I want to give money, I can't sit for nothing. "

"The master said that they were driving for the country, and the country didn't want your money."

Some passengers dislike her dirty and don't want her to get on the bus. "Cars are used to pull people, not to pull garbage."

Master Wang went to the Lion Roar once and told the passengers about her grandmother's house. The passenger never complained again and helped her carry her bag and give up her seat.

Master Wang often takes his colleagues to her house to help.

"One is just a few people, delivering things, cleaning, and not resting."

"I told them to eat, and they all said, which one do you eat! I finished my work and left. "

When Jiang was on Chunxi Road, he only ate two meals a day, morning and evening, because of the long journey.

The owner of Chunxi Road Hotel invited her to dinner for free. There were so many meals that she couldn't finish them and asked her to take them home.

"I went to eat a few times. I didn't go because I was afraid that I was dirty and would affect people's business. If the boss asks again, I will say that I have eaten. "

Residents in supermarkets and communities near her home keep bottles for her. When she went out to pick up garbage, they also looked after her grandson and sent him food.

There are also enthusiastic urban management to buy her noodles to eat.

One year on New Year's Eve, she took her grandson to pick up garbage, and the city management drove them back to let them have a good New Year.

Later, Guanjiayan was demolished and Jiang moved, which was far from Chunxi Road. I can't find a bus to Chunxi Road, and sometimes the driver won't let her get on.

Now I am old, weak, and often dizzy. I dare not go too far and disappear from Chunxi Road.

She will never forget the warmth given to her by those kind people on Chunxi Road.

Helping Jiang is also the owner of the "Sichuan Peer" QQ group-Spring. More than 3000 members of this charity raise money to help those in need.

It's very cold. In spring, I brought a dozen volunteers to see Jiang, bringing her cotton wool, winter clothes, cotton shoes, towels and grain and oil.

Those friends who didn't come also greeted Jiang with their mobile phones.


Grandma is 8 1 year old this year, and her health is getting worse. Now she is dizzy.

Her daughter can't take care of herself. She must wait on Lazar to eat and drink.

Every morning, Jiangdu will carry her daughter to an outdoor stool, feed her, take medicine, and then go out to pick up garbage.

The stool was picked up by Jiang and a hole was dug in the middle. Her daughter can solve the problem of defecation directly in the cave when she goes out.

Her husband is seven years older than her, 88 years old, and his lung disease is very serious. I can't sleep recently, panting against the wall until dawn, like pulling a bellows. Can't help her take care of her daughter at all.

She picks up garbage every day and comes back to help her daughter clean up the feces. Because of dizziness, it takes a long time to stand up.

She said: "Dizziness is still scary. The eyes are colorful and the house is turning. "

I fainted while mopping the floor at home two days ago, and I woke up after lying on the ground for a long time.

Her husband could do nothing but stand by and cry in a hurry.

Now Jiang's grandmother is only 68 Jin. Holding her daughter out of bed, she held the bedstead, moved a little, took a few steps and had a rest.

It took her nearly 2 minutes to take a few steps.

The doctor said that she was dizzy from overwork and malnutrition.

I can't go far now, because I'm dizzy and I have to have a rest.

At dawn in winter, she dare not get up too early to pick up garbage for fear of fainting. It's cold and there are few people, so I'm afraid of an accident.

When her grandson grows up, she feels that the task of life has been completed. The future depends on him, and she can only help him here.

But looking at her daughter who was lying in bed, she felt that this kind of suffering was endless.

"I am 80 years old, and I am a person who is fully qualified to die."

She pointed to her daughter. "Without nerves, worries and worries, she wouldn't have died."

"I can't die until she dies."

Life is too bitter for her to bear. So I took out two or three days' income-12 yuan and saved my life. This money is a lot of money for her, and she is reluctant to buy washing powder at ordinary times.

She only asked two questions: Why is it so tiring to live? How long will you be tired?

The fortune teller said, in a word, everyone has his own life.

There are five brothers and sisters, Jiang, and only one is left, leaving the most bitter one.

The doctor said that Jiang's husband's health will not last long.

"When he's gone, send him back to his hometown in Ziyang. Me too. "

"There are trees on the mountain. You can cut them to cut materials (make coffins) and spend less money. "

This is Jiang's arrangement for the afterlife. Although it is bitter to live, it is still necessary to return to the roots and reunite with the family after death.


What moves me most is that Grandma Jiang's life is hard, but she still keeps clean and tidy. Although it is eighty years old, it gives people a clean and refreshing feeling.

It was suggested that she take her daughter to beg. Jiang's grandmother disagreed. No matter how hard it is, she wants to live with dignity.

Life is heavy, but she lives with a strong attitude.