Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Why should people be divided into men and women? What's the point?

Why should people be divided into men and women? What's the point?

In costume TV series or movies, we often see such a scene: the male host of a family sits on the left side of the high hall and the female host sits on the right side; In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, doctors also require that when taking a patient's pulse, men extend their left hand and women extend their right hand; And fortune tellers who read palms also pay attention to men and women. Even the current public toilets are built according to the rule that men are left and women are right. So, why should people be divided into men and women? How did the custom of male left and female right come from? The concept of male left and female right existed as early as the Warring States period. Primitive philosophy holds that everything in the world has its opposite, and there is a difference between yin and yang. Anything invisible, dark, hidden and weak is yin. On the contrary, seeing light, seeing light, seeing nudity, seeing strength, etc. , is Yang. If the sky is sunny, the earth is cloudy; The mountain is yang and the water is yin; Living is yang, and after death is yin; The sun is yang and the moon is yin, so the sun and the moon are also called the sun and the moon respectively; Male is yang, female is yin; Yang on the left and Yin on the right. Therefore, when a man corresponds to the left, he belongs to the left, and when a woman corresponds to the right, he belongs to the right. There is also an old myth and legend to prove it.

Pangu is a hero who created the heavens and the earth, and after his death, he incarnates everything: the air becomes clouds, the sound is thunder, the left eye is the sun, the right eye is the moon, the five limbs are four poles and five mountains, the blood is rivers, the tendons are geography, the muscles are fields, the hair is stars, the fur is vegetation, the teeth are stones, the essence is pearls and jade, and the sweat is rain. The sun god is Fuxi, and the moon god is Nuwa. Fuxi and Nuwa are brother and sister. They are responsible for the movement of the sun and the moon. Because Fuxi is Pangu's left eye and Nuwa is Pangu's right eye, we can find that Fuxi is always on the left and Nuwa is always on the right in ancient murals. Perhaps this is the origin of male left and female right in the first place. It can be seen that the initial male left and female right is only a philosophical division, and there is no distinction between high and low. Later, with the concept of class and the sexism that men are superior to women, Left was gradually respected. Therefore, in a feudal family that pays attention to class status, men always sit majestically on the left side of the high hall, while women just sit humbly on the right side. Finally, due to established reasons, people accepted and recognized this division of male left and female right.