Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Can palmprint really predict the future?

Can palmprint really predict the future?


Palmprint refers to the lines on the palm. Palmprint lines are composed of thick lines and thin lines. Lines are born in the mother's body and are not easy to change. It reflects the innate conditions of the body. If the lines are changed, the internal organs will definitely change a lot. "Stripes" are mostly acquired, which are easily changed due to physical and chemical changes. The change period of "stripes" is generally more than 3 months, and the fastest time is 8 days (acute lesions).

What can palmprint tell us?

Palmistry has suddenly become popular in recent years. In the streets and tourist attractions, people often wink at passers-by and tell people that the stripes on their palms are lifelines and career lines. It is claimed that it can be concluded that you live to dozens of years old, have a developed career and a harmonious family, and even you can predict the good or bad of your family from your palm.

In a tourist attraction, I met an example that made people laugh and cry. A fortune teller took a female tourist in her forties to read her palm. It seems that what she said is: You are a rich man who doesn't have to worry about food and clothing (press: you can travel without worrying about food and clothing! If it is not family planning, you should have three children, at least one of whom can go to a key university. There is still a sign hanging behind the fortune teller, which reads: "The true story of Guiguzi, scientific fortune telling". It's strange, where did the key universities in the Guiguzi era come from?

What is the scientific basis for palm reading? What can palmprint tell people? This can neither be completely denied nor completely affirmed, and there is some truth in it. Everyone's palm prints are different. As far as fingerprints are concerned, there are more than 10 thousand subtle features such as structure, branches, starting and ending points, etc. Combining these characteristics, it is really an astronomical figure. So far, no one with the same fingerprint has been found in the world.

Face, palm print, fingerprint and blood type are all genetic products. The face will be aged, damaged and changed due to surgery, but the dermatoglyphics and blood type will remain unchanged for life. Because of this, in ancient times, people used fingerprints and palm prints as evidence to conclude a contract, while in modern times, people used them as a means of investigation. Dermatoglyphics and fingerprints are related to diseases caused by chromosome aberration. For example, an important symptom of congenital stupidity is the "customs clearance hand", and in the usual saying, the "customs clearance hand" is considered to be a ruthless person. Actually, it's not like this at all.

1979, a dermatoglyphic research collaboration group was established in China to conduct a general survey and analysis of dermatoglyphic characteristics of various ethnic groups such as congenital stupidity, schizophrenia and diabetes.

On the other hand, through the observation of complexion and palm color, we can understand personal health status, such as liver palm and even spider nevus of patients with liver disease. Therefore, Chinese medicine hopes, smells, asks and feels, while western medicine hopes, touches, knocks and listens, and observation (looking or seeing) is the first of the four diagnoses. But this is only a symptom from the appearance, and scientific diagnosis depends on various physical and chemical detection methods.

Seeing a doctor is one thing, but fortune telling is another. However, now some people confuse two things. First, they talked about their illness by seeing a doctor to arouse people's trust, and then they began to tell fortune and cheat money. In fact, people are members of society, studying, working and undertaking. They are closely related to people's subjective efforts and social environment, and are not predestined. We must never believe that we can tell whose future is good or bad from the palm print. Your "career line" will be "developed" again, and your career will not succeed if you are not aggressive. No matter how long your "lifeline" is, it is difficult to live for a hundred years without scientific living habits. As for the outline of the palm of your hand, it is even more nonsense to get married several times or have several children. Most of these palm readers have no education or professional knowledge, but they are lazy and lazy. They rely entirely on a set of deceptive statements as a means of making a living, but cheat some educated, knowledgeable and stable people to follow suit. Our friends don't believe that palm reading can determine your fate and future, and are shrouded in superstition, thus losing confidence in learning and progress.

Third, can palmprint diagnose physical health?

In people's daily life, diseases will continue to invade the body, and palm prints will continue to change. When some diseases are not fully recovered, the corresponding pathological lines on the palm will not completely disappear. Over time, palm prints will become disordered. By observing the shape, color, texture, nails and dermatoglyphics of the palm, the purpose of diagnosing physical diseases and hidden dangers of diseases can be achieved. In addition, acupoint stimulation of the palm can directly regulate the body. The greatest advantages of palm medicine are: scientific, convenient, easy to learn and easy to popularize. In particular, the diagnosis is painless, non-invasive, time-consuming, does not need expensive equipment, and saves money. These small but dangerous lesions can be found completely and clearly, and can be prevented early. Still an old saying goes, we should try to avoid the diagnosis regret that "cancer is already late when it is discovered"!

At present, Parma medical research has been gradually recognized and valued by relevant state departments, and China has taken the lead in approving two full-time scientific research institutions.

Fourth, can fingerprints determine a person's fate?

People have ten fingers, and fingerprints can be roughly divided into two categories: one is threaded, commonly known as "bucket", and the other is open, commonly known as "dustpan". In my grandmother's grandmother's time, some people said that the "fighting" on a few fingers could determine the fate of my life. For example, "One bucket is poor, two buckets are rich, and three buckets are pawnbrokers ..." Is this credible? Of course not. In the past, a psychologist, Zhang Yuexiang, made an interesting survey all over the country and found that opinions from different places were completely different. The above is the view of Anhui Province, Hubei Province and Hunan Province. When you arrive in Jiangsu, you will become a beggar. The story about nine fights and ten fights is even different. In Jiangsu, it is "nine fights between the official ship and the white horse." Hunan is "a big official with nine fights and ten fights." Hubei is "nine fights and ten meals in prison" and Zhejiang is "nine fights and ten begging". Therefore, this idea of using buckets to decide one's future seems to be a fabrication and an ancient superstition. However, just today, some fortune-telling pamphlets have been published, which continue to promote the view that buckets determine the future. Of course, this is absolutely groundless.

It should be pointed out that fingerprints are fixed at birth and will not change in old age. And everyone's fingerprint details are different, so it can be said that it is difficult to find the same fingerprint in the world. So in ancient China, in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, there were documents with fingerprints. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, fingerprints have been widely used when making documents and signing contracts, because it is the most reliable seal. Until 19 1 1, President Sun Yat-sen also instructed: "Everyone is different, and he will not change for life. No matter how clever and deceitful he is, he will never cheat. " 1949, after the establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC), the fingerprint analysis methods were further unified.

Fingerprint is one of the important clues for public security personnel to solve crimes. After the case occurs, it is necessary to obtain the fingerprints left by the criminals when committing the crime, which can be used not only to examine the suspects, but also as evidence of the crime.

It should be pointed out that the understanding of fingerprints abroad was in the middle of19th century. 1892, Argentina solved a murder case with fingerprint identification for the first time, which caused a sensation. All countries in the world have begun to attach importance to fingerprints and regard fingerprint identification as an important evidence for judging a case.

Because everyone's fingerprints are different, in the computer age, scientists invented the fingerprint security lock, and fingerprints became the key. As long as you press your finger on the recognizer, the computer can quickly recognize the fingerprint to determine whether you should open the door. If you have a fingerprint lock at home, you don't need to bring a key as long as you input all the fingerprints of your family into the computer. Everyone can open the door with a touch, which is very safe. Don't worry about losing your keys.

5. What do you think of palmprint?

1) Lifeline:

Lifeline-the line from the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger to the bottom of the palm.

The length of life tattoo does not represent the length of life, but the strength of vitality, so life tattoo should actually be taught as life tattoo.

Lifeline is long, deep and rosy-strong vitality, strong disease resistance and not easy to get sick; On the contrary, if the lines are shallow and weak, they will be weak.

Thick line-suitable for labor or sports, thin line suitable for brain.

The palm mound surrounded by lifeline has a wide range, sufficient energy and strong love; Weak in a small range, easy to fatigue.

There is a chain pattern at the beginning of the life pattern (near the palm of your hand), and you are sick at an early age.

Tattoos like tassels at the end of life should prevent the elderly from getting sick.

There is an island line on the life line, which represents illness or hospitalization at a certain time. The size of the island line represents the severity and length of illness.

2) Smart line

Smart lines, also known as brain lines, are the most important lines in the palm. In the palm of China's hand, this line represents yourself, also known as the human line. The starting point is the same as the lifeline, and it is best to stop between the ring finger and the little finger. If it is too short, it means that it is not smart enough. If it's too long, it's too smart, not good.

Deep and thin brain lines are better, indicating that the mind can concentrate and the mind is smart.

The island line on the brain line indicates inattention, weak memory or brain frustration.

There is a chain at the beginning of the brain tattoo. The external environment affects learning. Intelligent tattoo and life starting point tattoo are combined into one, separated after a certain distance, indicating introversion, caution and consideration.

Too long connection, too much worry, easy to make up your mind.

If the lifeline and the starting point of the smart line go together and then leave immediately, it is decisive and can improvise.

If there is a distance between the two lines, it is a bold, outgoing and fearless personality.

If the starting point of the two lines is more than half a centimeter apart, it will become a reckless character without thinking.

3) emotional line

Emotional line, also known as antenna or paternal line, starts from the palm of the little finger to the direction of the index finger and walks into the seam between the index finger and the middle finger, which is the golden mean.

If it reaches the index finger, it belongs to the field of soul and pays more attention to spiritual love; The middle finger goes down, which belongs to physical love and does not pay attention to vows of eternal love.

If you bend down under the middle finger, you will love willfully, not philosophically.

If the emotional line is long, forked and bent down, it is to sacrifice everything for love.

The emotional line is deep and thin, delicate, shallow and extensive;

If there are feather-like twill above and below the emotional line (palm margin), it means that this person is very enthusiastic.

If there is no feather line under the line, only the line, it is a witty line, which means that you react well and improvise.

If an emotional tattoo is a chain, it is sentimental.

The emotional line has an island line. If it appears under the ring finger, it means that there is something wrong with the eyes, myopia, amblyopia or flashing.

If the island pattern appears in other places, it is emotional trouble.

The emotional line is broken, which symbolizes great frustration.

4) Wedding photos

The wedding line is on the palm side under the little finger, between the little finger and the emotional line. Some people have only one line, while others have several.

The number doesn't matter, there will always be deeper lines. If there are two lines with the same depth, it proves that this person's fertility is intact.

If there are more than six marriage lines and the main line cannot be found, the marriage relationship will be longer than the messy marriage lines, the conditions for choosing a spouse will be harsh, and the requirements for spouses will be high, and marriage will be under pressure.

If you grow under the ring finger and meet the sun line, you can have good in-laws and bring wealth and prestige.

If you break through the solar line, it will have a negative impact, so that it will affect your reputation and wealth.

If the tail of the marriage pattern is forked, it is easy to break up.

If you have an island pattern, it may be separated for some reason.

The end of the marriage line is upturned, lacking the will to get married.

5) Career line

Career line is a line rising from the bottom of the palm. Some people can reach the root of the middle finger, which can also be called fate line.

Some career lines are not straight lines, but intermittent, indicating that the work is unstable or the working environment changes frequently.

The professional tattoo stops when it reaches the brain tattoo (smart line), which means that it is decided by your own intelligence and you stop working.

If it rises to the island mode, it stops, and the watch stops working because of emotional problems.

There are two career lines, you can work part-time or develop another sideline.

6) Solar line

The straight line of the sun tattoo under the ring finger is parallel to the career line. If the sun tattoo is double-lined, it is called "fame tattoo", which means that it can have a good reputation in society.

There are too many stripes in the sun, which will have a wide range of interests, but it is easy to be distracted.

The sun stripes have island stripes or cross shapes, which destroy the sun stripes and represent the loss of prestige or money.

7) healthy lines

A tattoo from the bottom of the little finger to life is actually an "unhealthy tattoo" because it is healthy without a healthy tattoo.

If the healthy lines are intermittent, it means indigestion in the stomach; If there is a chain, it is a problem with the respiratory system.

If there is an island pattern, it is a throat or head problem at the head end of the pattern and a urinary problem at the line end.

8) Creation mode

The two diagonal stripes between the ring finger and the little finger show that this person has the ability to speak and create, can do research, write and draw, and must achieve something.

9) Wealth model

Thumb in the second quarter, regardless of horizontal or vertical lines, the more lines, the more money accumulated.