Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Anderson data

Anderson data

Hans christian andersen (1April 2, 805-1August 4, 875), a Danish writer and poet, is famous for his fairy tales. His most famous fairy tales include Little Tin Soldier, Snow White, Thumbelina, Little Match Girl, Ugly Duckling and Red Shoes. Andersen was treated by the royal family before his death and was highly praised for bringing joy to a generation of children all over Europe. His works have been translated into 150 languages, and thousands of fairy tale books have been published all over the world. His fairy tales also inspired a lot of movies, stage plays, ballets and movie animations.

Andersen's fairy tales reflect the democratic tradition and realistic tendency in Danish literature. His best fairy tales are well known, and today they are told by many adults and children all over the world. Some fairy tales, such as the little match girl, the ugly duckling, the gatekeeper's son, etc. , not only truly describes the miserable life of the poor, but also permeates the romantic mood and fantasy. Because the author was born in poverty, he deeply felt the inequality between the rich and the poor and the law of the jungle. Therefore, on the one hand, he enthusiastically praised the working people, sympathized with the unfortunate poor, and praised their noble qualities such as kindness and purity with sincere brushwork; On the other hand, he angrily lashed the cruel, greedy, weak and stupid reactionary ruling class and exploiters, exposed the ugly behavior of church monks and the people's bad habits, and spared no effort to criticize the ugly phenomenon of society. "The Emperor's New Clothes" satirizes the ugly state of the emperor's incompetence and courtiers' flattery; The Nightingale and The Princess on the Pea mocked the ignorance and fragility of the nobility. Dairy queen shows the author's view on human ideal, that is, his optimistic belief that "truth, goodness and beauty will eventually win". In his last work, The Gardener and the Master, he also made great efforts to create a true patriot image, which reflected the author's unswerving patriotism.

Some of Andersen's fairy tales, especially some of his later works, also show his ideological limitations. Although he showed full sympathy for the poor, he couldn't find a way out of his misfortune. He looked at the world with sad eyes and showed negative emotions. He believes that God is the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty, and can lead people to "happiness". In his works, he preached morality, Christian fraternity and the spirit of tolerance and reconciliation.

Andersen's fairy tale The Little Match Girl is related to folk literature, which inherits and develops the simple and fresh style of folk literature. Most of his early works were based on folk stories, and many folk songs and legends were quoted in his later works.

In terms of genre and writing techniques, Andersen's works are diversified, including fairy tales and short stories; There are fables and poems; It is suitable for children to read and adults to enjoy. His artistic images, such as naked emperor, determined tin soldier, Thumbelina, ugly duckling and red shoes, have become allusions in European languages.

As far as language style is concerned, Andersen is a very creative writer. In his works, he used the daily spoken language of the lower class people in Denmark and the structure of folk stories. The language is vivid, natural, fluent and beautiful, full of strong local flavor.

Andersen's works were introduced to China a long time ago, and Zhou Shuren's version of The Little Match Girl was published in the issue of New Youth191. From 65438 to 0942, Beijing Xinchao Society published the Travel Guide translated by Lin Lan and Zhang Jinfen. Since then, the Commercial Press, Zhonghua Book Company and Ming Kai Bookstore have successively published translations of Andersen's fairy tales, biographies of Andersen and comments on his works. Translators include Zheng Zhenduo, Mao Dun, Zhao and Gu. But before liberation, all the translations were from English, Japanese or other national languages. After liberation, Ye Junjian made a systematic study of Andersen's original works and directly translated all Andersen's fairy tales from Danish into Chinese. People's Literature Publishing House published Ye Junjian's Selected Fairy Tales on 1955, 1958 and 1978 for many times.

[Edit this paragraph] The author's life

1805 In April, a baby was born in a bed made of coffin boards. He cried loudly, as if to protest against God's demotion of angels to earth. The priest comforted his frightened mother and said, "The louder you cry when you are young, the smarter you will be when you grow up." Sure enough, many years later, this angel showed his intelligence to the whole world. Even Santa Claus won't be more famous than him. His name is hans christian andersen.

Andersen's father was a poor shoemaker in odense. He has read many books, and his imagination is rich and romantic, but these are nothing to be thankful for. His wife is a simple woman-not beautiful, but hardworking and easy to believe in everything, including God.

This spring, the stork flew again, and the gooseberry tree in the yard grew new leaves. Little Andersen knew he was six years old. Pretending to be serious, he went to his father's side and pointed out how to clean up the storks in the old nest. When he heard that after summer, the weak young storks would be pecked to death because they could not fly to Egypt for the winter, he became sad: "Let them come to our attic, and I will definitely give them something to eat in winter."

Odense is a closed town. People believe in God and witches. Many mysterious legends ripple in the air. The grandmothers in the spinning room sometimes tell the strange stories in The Arabian Nights to the little Andersen who came to play, enriching this originally dreamy brain. How strange the little guy is: many people will sigh and feel scared after hearing these terrible stories, but then they seem to be fine. For him, everything he heard was full of bright magic colors, as if it were true. Sometimes, he will be frightened by the imaginary elves in the forest and run home out of his wits. Years later, these ancient legends and childhood fantasies became the source of his creation.

The mother is very sympathetic to her weak only son. Six-year-old Andersen was sent to the young Kathy to study in order to escape the physical abuse of his grumpy old aunt at school, and became the youngest student. This teacher, who is respected for her fairness and gentleness, likes her quiet new classmates who like girls very much. He often walks around the campus holding his hand between classes, and shouts at frolicking students from time to time. "Be quiet, naughty children, don't push the child over."

Andersen often peeks at Sarah, the only girl in school. He imagined her as a princess in a fairy tale, eager to get close to the little girl with black eyes. Once, they went home together. In fact, his home has already passed, but he didn't say a word. Sarah, who was also born in poverty, vowed to be a farm housekeeper in the future. Andersen opened his eyes wide: "How boring that is!" How can a princess make decisions? "When I grow up, I will take you to my castle." He told the girl that his family used to be a branch of the nobility, but for some reason ... one day ... Sarah smiled, and the little guy must be crazy. The next day, Ollie, the miller's son, grabbed Andersen's hair and shouted, "Hello, Duke! Where is your beautiful castle? " The people around you burst into laughter.

Andersen's love suddenly retreated. But in his fantasy, he let himself save Sarah from the fire and accepted her apology. He even forgave Ole for bullying and mocking him. When the urchin was punished for standing on the table, little Andersen put himself in the position of imagining Ole's humiliating situation, so that he cried before the punished person cried and begged the teacher to forgive his "hostile actor". After this incident, the son of the workshop owner became the patron saint of little Andersen.

Time flies and Andersen is very happy at school. However, the difficult times closed the school and he had to go home. The puppet made by his father brought great satisfaction to his son. He sewed beautiful clothes for young people and let the puppet give full play to his fantasy on the "stage".

Soon, something better came into his life-he read william shakespeare's works, and the magical and magnificent plot deeply attracted him. Soon, he can recite the whole paragraph of King Lear; His puppets are also immersed in the ocean of william shakespeare's passion.

He began to want to make up a play by himself-he told the puppet a few words of German that his father taught him. Listen, "Besson!" How loud this word is, but you can't imagine it anyway. The puppet's favorite word actually means "broom".

18 13 years, Napoléon Bonaparte launched a war, and the shoemaker was pushed to the battlefield by the embarrassed family and the desire for adventure. Two years later, he returned home and never recovered. When the snow was falling, the ice girl in little Andersen's fantasy took away his father, leaving his helpless wife and children and biting cold.

After my father died, my mother's only way to make a living was to wash clothes for others every day. In the cold winter, the temperature of the river was unimaginable, so she had to drink a few drinks to drive away the cold. In the eyes of decent people, how rude this is! Bitter rumors are endless, and people in the city are whispering-"The shoemaker's wife Maria is a woman who is addicted to alcohol!" "Andersen felt infinite humiliation for his mother. Many years later, in the fairy tale "She is a Waste", he expressed his deep indignation.

Maria wanted to support her family independently, but the gossip in the town laughed at her son's idleness, so the mother had to reluctantly send her thin and shy son to the factory for child labor. Andersen, 1 1 years old, was dizzy by heavy work, but his singing saved him. He sang during the interval. The workers will never let him work again. As long as his crisp and loud singing can break the dullness of the construction site, what else do you ask this little guy to do? Little Andersen was very satisfied, because he always liked to perform in public, and he even played Macbeth in william shakespeare's plays alone.

A worker said to him, "Why don't you become an actor?"

Yes, that's perfect for him. If you can't direct fate, wouldn't it be nice to perform on the stage? What a great idea! So, when Andersen was confirmed at the age of 14, he showed amazing stubbornness about his mother's plan to arrange him as a tailor apprentice-"No, mom, I want to be an actor."

Although Andersen promised his mother that he would become famous, he begged and her mother never gave in. However, the fortune-telling witch helped him; "The flower of children's happiness is not here, we have to leave here and look far away!"

With 30 pieces of Arabian Nights and beloved puppets, young Andersen went back to his hometown in a carriage. He once wrote this sentence: "When I become great, I must sing praises to odense. Who knows, will I become a miracle of this noble city? At that time, in some geography books, under the name of odense, there would be such a line: A lanky Danish poet Andersen was born here! "

This is an accurate prediction. However, at this time, on September 6th, 2009, 18 14-year-old boy, with a schoolbag in his hand, looked at Copenhagen in front of him, but his hometown seemed out of reach. This huge and strange city made him feel small and lonely. But he immediately dried his tears and told himself that now is not the time to cry, to act, to act with confidence.

This boy from a small town, like Aladdin, a poor boy in The Arabian Nights, began to fight for his magic lamp.

He painstakingly asked for a letter of introduction from the famous ballerina Madame Schell, but it didn't achieve the effect of being an apprentice, so he went to see Holstein, the manager of the Royal Theatre, and asked to be an actor. The manager looked at the child as thin as a stork and said, you are too thin, and you will be booed off the stage by the audience. Still not disappointed, the teenager suggested, "This is easy to handle. As long as you give me 100 yuan a month's salary, I will soon get fat. " The manager was angry-if the poor boy was either an idiot or having fun, he immediately issued an eviction order, and frustrated Andersen had to leave.

The dance school didn't enroll students until May, and Andersen had little money left. Introduced by an acquaintance, he worked as a coolie for a few days, and had to leave the workshop angrily because the local accent was regarded as a joke. Wandering in the street, he was at a loss. It suddenly occurred to him that he saw in the newspaper that the Italian singer Professor Siboni was performing in Copenhagen and opened a singing school, so he broke into the professor's home at the wedding. Curious guests were attracted by the young man who struggled alone in Copenhagen. More importantly, his singing shows a heart that loves the muse. Everyone donated money in succession, and Andersen finally got his wish and entered the singing school in Siboni.

However, luck does not always follow a person. Although Andersen was diligent, a serious illness damaged his voice and there was no hope of learning vocal music. The next setback made him find that he also lacked the talent for dancing and acting. He finally realized that he didn't belong on the stage.

After four years' struggle away from home, Andersen deeply felt this broader society full of joys and sorrows. At school, he read Shakespeare, Goethe and other Danish classics, and deeply realized the charm of writing. He suddenly knew clearly what he wanted to pursue-literature. As long as you have indomitable courage and a sincere and susceptible heart, you will surely climb the peak of literature.

1822, several critics read a play called Afsol, which was sent by a bold young man. The script has irregular rhythm and many grammatical mistakes-of course, it is obvious that the author has not done a good job in Andersen's fairy tales. But wait a minute, there are many sparks flashing really and vividly. Maybe this humble little guy can bring something clear to the drama world. So hans andersen, the author of the play, was sent to a Latin school for further study, and Mr. Gu Lin, a national consultant, applied for a royal fee to pay for him.

/kloc-Andersen, 0/7 years old, is tall and thin. It is not a pleasant thing for him to sit in the junior classroom and have classes with the children. The children laughed at him as a hillbilly because he didn't know the manners of the upper class at all. In their eyes, he is an unwelcome "ugly duckling"; At the same time, how boring those complicated Latin modifiers are: an empty language has no soul even if it is artificially modified, and he must recite it!

However, after the storm, he finally passed the graduation exam at 1828. Moreover, he has read many works of poets and writers in recent years, such as Byron, Heine and Scott. They are real treasures!

At school, Andersen did not forget to write, and his poems Twilight and Dying Children were published in the magazine Writer Heidenborg, which was well received. 1829, Andersen's comedy Love on the nikolayev Tower premiered. Listening to the applause of the audience, the young playwright was in tears. More than ten years ago, he was sharply despised and denied in the same theater. Today, he finally succeeded and was recognized and cheered by the public.

"Travel is life", Andersen said. From 183 1, Andersen began his first overseas roaming. Throughout his life, he traveled all over Europe with an umbrella, a crutch and simple luggage, and successively completed works such as A Roaming in Amag Island, Fantasy Sketch and Travel Silhouette. Starting from 1835, he was appointed by.

Andersen is a poet, playwright and travel writer. He is versatile and can cut paper well. In the museum to commemorate him, there are all kinds of patterns he cut, dancers hanging on the Christmas tree, all kinds of flowers and animals, and even the gate emblem on the gate, which is also a paper-cut of his head.

But fairy tales are the crown of all Andersen's creations. 1835, Andersen wrote to his girlfriend and said, "I want to create for the next generation." From his childhood experience, Andersen deeply realized the loneliness and pain of poor children's lives. He believes that in the field of poetry, nothing can be infinitely inclusive like fairy tales. Fairy tales will give children some happiness, hope and lessons, right? He began to create with all his feelings and thoughts.

1835, Andersen's first collection of fairy tales was published, which contains four fairy tales: Light Box, Little Klaus and Big Klaus, Princess Wandou and Little Ida's Flowers. These fairy tales come from Andersen's own life experience. "They are hidden in my mind like seeds. A trickle, a beam of sunshine or a drop of bitter wine can make them break through the ground. "

Starting this year, children will hear a new fairy tale every Christmas. He wrote for 43 years until the end of his life when he created 168 works. Poetic language and tortuous stories made his fairy tales the most widely read books in the world before his death. The Ugly Duckling, The Soldier, The Wild Swan, The Nightingale ... He endowed everything with fresh souls and made them sing. He dedicated them to everyone-the children were fascinated by this strange and touching story; Adults wander between his profound philosophy of life.

Andersen's fairy tales are not only full of fantasy sparks, but also the writer who grew up from suffering has deep sympathy for the working people and those children who live in pain. In The Little Match Girl, the little girl who hasn't sold a match all day curled up in the corner and lit a match. In the dim light, she imagined the joy of Christmas Eve: the roast goose with a white tablecloth and a knife and fork staggered in the heat ... but the illusion soon passed. On the morning of New Year's Day, people found her frozen to death in the street. No one knows how many of the same children go barefoot on winter nights. Andersen could not solve this profound social problem, so he had to place his hopes in heaven with deep sorrow.

Andersen wrote the longest fairy tale Lucky Bell in his later years, which is autobiographical. Bell, the hero of fairy tales, has been pursuing the ultimate beauty and artistic realm full of beauty all his life. When he succeeded, when the audience cheered for him, when his beloved girl threw a bouquet at him, "just like when Sophocles participated in the competition in Olympia, just like when Mr. Dova listened to the symphony in the theater ... the arterial pipe in his heart burst." Like lightning, his days here are over-in the joy of the world, after completing his mission to the world, there is no pain. He is luckier than thousands of people! " This is Andersen's own life pursuit.

Andersen is not beautiful, nor is he a noble family. He has a deep sense of inferiority in front of women. When he was studying, he lived in Gu Lin's home. Louisa Gu Lin, the daughter of Mr. Gu Lin, is gentle and beautiful. She has a deep literary accomplishment and goes deep into the hearts of young people. He loved her every move and smiled. In view of the failure of communication with women in the past few times, Andersen no longer wants people to know the love contained in his heart, even the slightest bit. But passionate and sincere feelings cannot be sealed. It blooms in the moist atmosphere of fairy tales and condenses into the bleak and beautiful daughter of the sea.

In fairy tales, the beautiful, noble and wise prince is the embodiment of Louisa; And Andersen is his daughter, looking at the sea from a distance. The beautiful little mermaid is naive, kind and selfless, and her rich love is so tenacious and pure. She pursues the most precious thing in life-the soul at all costs. This is also Andersen's artistic pursuit-eternity, sincerity and human soul.

[Edit this paragraph] List of works

"In order to strive for the next generation", Andersen decided to write fairy tales for children and published A Story for Children. In the next few years, such a collection of fairy tales will be published every Christmas. Later, he continued to publish new works, and it was not until 1872 that he gradually stopped writing because of cancer. In the past 40 years, * * * has written 168 fairy tales.

Andersen's fairy tales have a unique artistic style: poetic beauty and comedy humor. The former is the dominant style, which is mostly reflected in eulogistic fairy tales, while the latter is mostly reflected in satirical fairy tales.

Novel (6): Impromptu poet, Ault, just a violinist, two baroness, life? Death "and" luck "

Script (25):

☆ Poetic plays: Afsol, Love in the Bell Tower of St Nicholas Church, and The Mermaid in Gernat.

☆ Opera: Norse Goddess, New House, Sandman, Sprue God, Half-Blood, Moor's Daughter, Flower of Happiness, Andersen's Fairy Tales, Bride of Rammore and Crow.

☆ Light music: parting and meeting

☆ One-act poetic dramas: The King's Dream, Birds in the Pear Tree, Little Kirsten, Wedding by the Como River.

☆ Four-act comedy: More Precious than Jewelry

☆ Comedy: Guerder et Moore, an elderly mother, was born in a noble family, Longbridge.

☆ Three-act drama: Spanish guests

☆ One-act drama: Newcomer, Night at Roskilda.

Travel Notes (6): 1828, 1829 Walk from Hollmen Canal to the eastern corner of Amar Island; A trip to Sweden; Spanish scenery; Visit Portugal.

Autobiography (3): Biography, the true story of my life and my fairy tale life.

Poetry anthology (3): Poetry anthology, fantasy and reality, twelve months a year.

Andersen has been traveling all his life, and the sources of his works are endless. He wrote six novels, six travel notes, five poems, 25 plays, three autobiographies ... and fairy tales, which were compiled by later generations because of fragmentation.

Andersen's creation can be divided into three periods: early, middle and late. Early fairy tales are full of beautiful fantasy and optimistic spirit, which embodies the combination of realism and romanticism. Representative works include Light Box, Flowers of Little Significance, Thumbelina, Daughter of the Sea, Wild Swan and Ugly Duckling. In the middle fairy tale, the fantasy component is weakened and the reality component is relatively enhanced. In lashing ugliness and praising beauty, it shows the persistent pursuit of a better life, and also reveals the melancholy mood of lack of self-confidence. Representative works include The Little Match Girl, Shadow, A Drop of Water, Mother's Story, Puppet Player and so on. Fairy tales in the later period are more realistic than those in the middle period, focusing on describing the tragic fate of the bottom people and exposing the coldness and darkness of social life [1] and the injustice of the world. The tone of the work is low. His representative works include Dream under the Willow, She is a Waste, Nightcap of a Bachelor, Lucky Beauty, Daughter of the King of the Marsh, Little Klaus and Big Klaus, etc.

[Edit this paragraph] International Andersen Prize

The International Andersen Award was established by the International Children's Reading Alliance (IBBY) on 1956. It is awarded to children's book writers and illustrators every two years to reward and thank them for writing a good book, My Fairy Tale Life. The award is sponsored by Danish Queen Margrethe II and named after the fairy tale master Andersen. IBBY is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting children's books all over the world. IBBY was founded in 1953 and its headquarters is in Basel, Switzerland. At present, IBBY has more than 60 branches around the world, and the China branch is located in China Children's Publishing House.

Andersen wrote three autobiographies: 1832, 1847, the true story of my life and 1855, my fairy tale life.

Most of his novels and fairy tales are autobiographical, such as The Impromptu Poet, Oort (1836), Just a Fiddler (1837), Two Baroness (1848) and To be or not to be (66. In Liu Xia Dream (1853), Ibrahimovic and Little Christine (1855), She is a waste (1853) and other works, he also wrote about the lives of workers such as shoemakers and washerwomen, reflecting his unfortunate life experiences.

1843, Andersen met the Swedish female singer Yan Ni Linde. Sincere friendship has become an inspiring force in his creation. But he is not satisfied with his personal life. He has never been married. His closest friends in his later years were Henrik and melcher. 1875 On August 4th, Andersen died in his mansion in melcher, Copenhagen. The fairy tale master worked tirelessly all his life and dedicated his genius and life to the "future generation". Until three years before his death, * * * wrote 168 fairy tales and stories. His works have been translated into more than 80 languages.