Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Qin Shihuang is an emperor through the ages. What are his advantages and disadvantages?

Qin Shihuang is an emperor through the ages. What are his advantages and disadvantages?


1. Unify the six countries

In the late Warring States period, Qin became the most powerful country among the seven countries, and constantly annexed the land of its eastern neighbors through war. In 260 BC, an unprecedented fierce battle of Changping took place between Qin and Zhao. More than 400,000 people of Zhao Jun went to the State of Qin, and most of them were killed. From then on, the six eastern countries could no longer resist Qin Jun's attack.

From 230 BC to 22 BC1year, Ying Zheng, king of Qin, destroyed the six eastern countries successively and established the first unified and centralized feudal country in the history of China. The unification of Qin dynasty ended the long-term feudal feudalism, which was in line with the wishes of the broad masses of people.

The order of the unified war:

(1) Wei and Chu memorabilia in Qin and Han Dynasties:

In the first 290 years, Han and Qin Wusui were 200 miles apart.

In the early 280' s of Chu, Shang Yong lived in the north of Qin and Han Dynasties (now northwest Hubei).

Wei Yu (in present-day wen county, Henan Province) in the first 275 years.

Wei and Qin Nanyang in the first 273 years (now Jiyuan to Huojia in Henan Province).

【 Hint 】 As can be seen from the above table, during the first 60 or 70 years of the unification of China, the military power of the State of Qin had expanded to the Central Plains.

(2) The timetable for Qin to destroy the six countries: to destroy North Korea in the first 230 years; Destroy Wei in the first 225 years; Destroy Chu in the first 223 years; Destroy Zhao and Yan in the first 222 years; 22 1 year ago, it was eliminated.

(3) Memorabilia of Six Countries' Resistance to Qin at the end of the Warring States Period:

Zhao She, the former 269 general of Zhao, struck and defeated Qin.

In the first 257 years, Wei Xinling saved Zhao and Chi was released.

In the first 247 years, Xin led the five countries to defeat outside the river.

The first 233 Qin attacked Chili and Yi 'an, and was repelled by Li Mu.

In 232 years ago, Qin attacked me and was repelled by Li Mu.

In the first 227 years, Yan Taizi Dan ordered Jing Ke to stab the king of Qin.

It can be seen that the words in The Six Kingdoms, such as "Six countries mourn each other", "Qi eventually moved and destroyed five countries" and "Yan became a small country after the death", are all based on the above historical facts.

2. The establishment of authoritarian centralized rule

After Ying Zheng unified the six countries, it took a series of measures to strengthen centralization. He stipulated that the supreme ruler should be called the emperor.

The emperor, all state affairs are decided by the emperor alone, and the main officials are appointed and removed by the emperor. In the central government, there are imperial advisers below the Prime Minister, Qiu and the Emperor. At the local level, Qin Shihuang accepted the suggestion of Li Si, the minister, and implemented the county system, which divided the whole country into 36 counties, with the counties below the high counties. The county system has been used for a long time in China.

3. Unify writing, currency and weights and measures.

During the Warring States period, the writing, currency and weights and measures of different countries were different, which affected the economic and cultural exchanges of various places. After the unification of Qin Dynasty, Xiao Zhuan was regarded as a national standard character, and later it became popular among the people with simpler strokes. Qin Shihuang also stipulated that the Qin copper wire with round square holes should be used uniformly throughout the country; At the same time, the degree, quantity and balance are unified. These measures are conducive to the unification of Gong State and Qin Dynasty, to the economic and cultural exchanges between different places, and have a far-reaching impact on future generations.

4. Take Hetao area to defend Xiongnu.

Xiongnu is an ancient nomadic tribe in northern China, originally distributed in Mongolian grassland. At the end of the Warring States period, they gradually became stronger, occupied the Hezong Hetao area with abundant aquatic plants, and kept going south. Agricultural production in northern countries is often destroyed. At the end of Qin Shihuang, Huns formed a powerful country. Their leader is called Khan.

After the reunification of the Qin Dynasty, General Meng Tian led the army to seize the Hetao area from the Huns. The government also resettled some people from the mainland to farm and defend there. Qin Shihuang also recruited farmers and built a Yugoslav capital from Lintao in the west to Liaodong in the east to resist the Huns. This is the world-famous Great Wall of Wan Li.

5. The development of traffic water system in Yue nationality area.

The Yue nationality is an ancient nationality in the south of China, which is distributed in the southeast coast and the Pearl River Basin. After Qin unified the six countries, it sent troops to conquer the Yue region. There, several counties such as Guilin, Nanhai and Xiang Jun were established, and 500,000 people moved from the Central Plains to defend them and live with the Vietnamese. In order to solve the traffic difficulties, Qin Shihuang sent people to dig a canal to connect the water in Hunan and the two major water systems, the Yangtze River and the Pearl River.

Build a vehicle

On the basis of the original six-country road of chariots and horses, Qin built a wide and unified road with Xianyang as the center.

7. The emergence of private ownership of land

Since Shang Yang abandoned the mine and opened the building, Qin gradually allowed private ownership of land and free trading. After the reunification of the whole country, Qin paid more attention to agricultural production, allowing people who occupied land to declare the number of fields they occupied and pay taxes, and formally recognized the legitimacy of private ownership of land.


1. Over-collection and over-taxation.

In order to maintain the huge military expenditure and project construction and meet the extravagant life, the first emperor did not hesitate to levy heavy taxes on the people, and there was a serious situation in the whole country that "men kept plowing, women didn't have enough food to eat, and women were naked, exhausting all resources in the world to serve their government", so that the people were poor, and they were "naked, cattle and horses were naked, and they didn't have enough food to eat". "

2. Overjoyed, abusing people's power

Qin Shihuang was eager for quick success and instant benefit and showed no sympathy for people's feelings. He built Epang Palace and the tomb of Mount Li near the capital for his own luxury, consuming more than 700,000 civilian workers. It is estimated that at that time, the number of people performing military service far exceeded 2 million, accounting for more than one third of men in their prime. Such heavy taxes and heavy labor are really unbearable for the people.

3. Severe punishment, boiling public resentment.

Since Shang Yang's political reform in Qin Dynasty, laws and regulations have been very strict. One person was sentenced to death and three families were punished. A family breaks the law and people are often punished by hard labor or torture.

4. Restrain your thoughts and burn books to bury Confucianism

In order to prevent the people from rebelling, Qin Shihuang also exercised strict ideological control, such as issuing a ban on books, burning books on a large scale, and killing more than 400 Confucian scholars who failed to criticize state affairs, which is known in history as "burning books to bury Confucianism."

Comprehensive comments: Qin Shihuang was the first talented monarch in the history of China, and only a few emperors in China could compare with him in extraordinary achievements. Although he built great buildings in his later years, which brought heavy disasters to the people, his contribution to the history of China far outweighed his mistakes. As Sima Qian commented in Historical Records: "As for the king of Qin, after VI, he continued to be fierce and made a long-term plan to conquer the palace and swallow the princes who died two weeks ago, taking the supreme position to make Liuhe, whip the world and inspire the world. Take the land of Baiyue in the south, think that Guilin, the king of Baiyue, has tightened his neck and appointed officials. So Meng Tian built the Great Wall in the north and guarded the fence, but the Huns were more than 700 miles away. The conference semifinals dare not go south to herd horses, and the scholars dare not bow to their knees. So Wang Zhidao was abolished and the words of a hundred schools of thought were burned. Capture the famous city, kill Hao Jun, take Xianyang, the land where soldiers gather in the world, and sell the front to cast a lot of money, thinking that the Golden Man is twelve, so as to weaken the people first. Cut Warwick City again, because the river is Tianjin, according to the city of 100 million feet, unexpectedly solid. A good general will guard the key points with a strong crossbow, and a loyal minister will be Chen Libing. Who is who? The world will make a decision. The heart of the king of Qin thinks that Guanzhong is solid, Jincheng is thousands of miles away, and the descendants of emperors are also eternal. " Qin died in the second year, and the historical lessons are enough to warn future generations and learn from them.

The most important historical achievement of Qin Shihuang was to complete the great cause of reunification and establish the first feudal centralized state in history.

Of course, the unification of Qin is an inevitable trend of historical development, and the objective situation has created conditions for reunification. Qin Shihuang came to the orchard when the unified fruit was ripe. But this historical inevitability does not mean that the role of individuals is insignificant. Why was reunification achieved by the State of Qin? Why should reunification be completed in 22 1 year BC? In these respects, it shows the personal role of Qin Shihuang.

Qin Shihuang's contribution to reunification, in addition to making decisions of great historical significance, also lies in making good use of people and being brave enough to make up for it. Some critics praised Qin Shihuang's "military command ability", and there is not much basis for this evaluation. Compared with his predecessors such as Qin Mugong and Qin Wugong, Qin Shihuang almost never directed the war directly; However, Qin Shihuang made more brilliant achievements than his predecessors, except for the luck caused by history, mainly because he was good at employing people and brave in change. On the eve of China's reunification, Qin gathered almost all the first-class military strategists and politicians in China. There are Wang Jian, Wang Ben, Liao Wei, Li Si, Yao Jia and Dunwei. Most of them are not from Qin, but they are all fighting for Qin. All military offensives and political strategic plans to defeat the enemy were formulated and realized by them. The role of Qin Shihuang is to give full play to their role, listen to their advice and be brave in correcting mistakes. For example, when Chu State was destroyed, it began to misuse Li Xin. After the failure, he immediately changed course, invited Wang Jian to go out and delivered all the soldiers in the country to Wang Jian. As a result, he won. This kind of situation, if compared with the situation that unbelief in Li Mu and disinformation led to national subjugation, can be seen that Qin Shihuang, as a monarch, was good at employing people and had the courage to make up for it, which had a great impact on historical development.

Qin Shihuang's contribution also lies in laying the foundation of a multi-ethnic feudal country. Some policies and measures implemented after Qin's reunification not only affected the feudal society in the next two thousand years, but also affected the present, such as the unification of characters. The unified measures and systems adopted by Qin Shihuang were bold innovations in the historical development at that time. He not only changed the political culture of the separatist regime, but also made the feudal society and economy develop smoothly. But also changed the inherent historical tradition of Qin in many ways. For example, the State of Qin has always been regarded as a backward area in the West by the Central Plains countries, and Qin Xiaogong is also troubled by this. Although the forces of Qin entered the Central Plains after the Prince of Zhao, the main ruling areas and base areas have not yet left the customs. By the time of Qin Shihuang, its territory had reached an unprecedented level. Faced with this situation, Qin Shihuang created various systems on the basis of the Qin system, but he was not confined to the inherent systems and traditions of Qin, which shows that his political vision was far-reaching. Most of the systems formulated by the Qin dynasty were inherited later, which can prove that these systems and measures were adapted to the historical situation at that time. Qin Shihuang, who created these systems, could not have done this if his political vision did not go beyond the limitations of Qin in the western frontier.

In the history of Qin State, Qin Shihuang is an important figure in the development history of Qin State after Qin Mugong and Shang Yang. In the history of China, Qin Shihuang was also a representative figure who initiated an era.

But Qin Shihuang was still a rare tyrant. Qin Shihuang's cruelty can't be explained only by the general reason of "the nature of the landlord class". Tang Zhen once said: "Since Qin Dynasty, emperors have been thieves" ("Hidden Book Language"), and this view is correct. But the "thief" Qin Shihuang seems to be more tyrannical and guilty than other emperors. He is not only extravagant, but also causes the suffering of the broad masses of people; What is conducive to reunification is measures. Although it was beneficial to social development in the long run, it became a catastrophe at that time, such as the construction of the Great Wall. For decades, hundreds of thousands of people were recruited to do extremely heavy work. From the following records, we can see how terrible the pain caused by the burden of swinging labor is. Yang Tinglie, a A Qing writer, wrote in Fang County Records that a hairy "hairy man" was discovered. It is said that their ancestors were migrant workers who escaped the labor of Qin Shihuang to build the Great Wall. Because they hide in the deep mountains and forests, they are covered with long hair. It is said that when they met the long-haired man, he asked you first, "Is the Great Wall finished?" Is Qin Huang still there? He replied, "The Great Wall is not finished, and Qin Shihuang is still there! "Long-haired men will scare away. Of course, this record can only be regarded as a folk legend. However, if there is no such cruel reality in history, this terrible legend will never appear. It reflects that what Qin Shihuang did was based on the cruel exploitation and oppression of the broad masses of working people, which far exceeded the degree that society could bear, making it difficult to maintain the simple reproduction of society, so even some measures conducive to historical development caused disasters to the people at that time.

The cruelty of Qin Shihuang's rule is closely related to the historical tradition of Qin State. Qin was founded as a nomadic people. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Qin has been in an environment of fighting against the enemy. "Qin people suffer hardships" is caused by history, and the "cruelty" of the rulers is also consistent with the cruel reality of this war. From Qin Xianggong to Shang Yang and then to Qin Shihuang, its ruling methods have been extremely cruel: "Yi San ancestor" and "Yi Jiuzu", which are extremely rare in other vassal States. There are hundreds of martyrs recorded in Qin alone. Qin Shihuang completed the plan of the former monarchs to unify China, and at the same time, the cruel rule of Qin reached its peak. However, emphasizing the tradition of Qin does not mean exempting Qin Shihuang from personal guilt. His cruel personality, ambition and success, especially after reunification, are important reasons for aggravating people's disasters. Because of this, and because he pushed the social economy to the point of collapse at that time, the Qin Dynasty became an extremely dark dynasty in history.

Qin Shihuang is such a historical figure: he is not only a politician with great contributions, but also a tyrant.