Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - Write a short story about parents and children.

Write a short story about parents and children.

A. A short story about parent-child communication must be a short story ~ ~ ~

Here are a few communication fables that can be told through online search.


A fierce conflict broke out between the lion and the tiger. In the end, both sides lost. When the lion was dying, he said to the tiger, "If you hadn't insisted on grabbing my territory, we wouldn't have fallen into this situation." The tiger said in surprise, "I never wanted to rob your territory." I always thought you wanted to invade me. "

Communication! People can't live in this world in isolation. In this colorful world, people should learn to communicate and understand. Lions and tigers don't communicate and exercise their behavior according to their own wishes, and the consequence is to sacrifice their own lives, which is a very heavy price. Imagine that if we had communicated before and understood each other's wishes, I think the outcome would have changed a lot. I remember an advertisement on TV that said, "Fifty years ago, we communicated with a city, now we communicate with a world, and in 2008 we communicate with a dream!" It seems that the meaning of communication is profound. Communication originally refers to digging a ditch to connect two waters. Later used to refer to the communication between the two sides; It also means unblocking each other's opinions. It seems that communication can link things smoothly, which is true. Our conversations with everyone, parents, friends, teachers, colleagues and leaders, are just exchanges. In order to buy what we want, we need money to communicate with parents, go out to play with friends, communicate with friends, solve a difficult problem, communicate with teachers, complete a project and communicate with colleagues to meet our work needs. . . . . . If we don't communicate and act according to reckless voluntary behavior, I think everything will fail. If you do things independently, without unity and contact with the outside world, I think success is impossible. Learn to communicate and consider problems from an objective perspective. Communication is a very important prerequisite and cannot be followed. In this way, success is always inevitable


Two crows scolded each other in the tree. The more they scold, the more fierce they become. Finally, a crow picked up something and hit another crow. That thing fell apart after it hit each other. At this time, the crow who threw things discovered that it was an unhatched egg that he had knocked out.

Be careful! Because the crow was reckless and found that it was his own child who was thrown out, it was useless to regret it. This is all due to carelessness. The opposite of caution is recklessness. "Don't make a move, be careful, be careful to make the ship never fail. Impulse is the devil. " Listening to this, it seems that there are reminders in my ears all day, whether it is parents, friends or leaders. This is really true. We all know and understand this, but sometimes we can't help ourselves, and our subjective initiative can't be changed according to the objective laws of things. Indeed, so we should accumulate every little thing in our life, change, think, do things seriously, think over the problem carefully, and don't make the mistake that the square of 4 equals 8 again. People who often watch TV and pay attention to legal programs know that many people break the law because they are too narrow-minded and impulsive and do not consider the consequences. As a result, the price is heavy. Even if life cannot be saved, it is easier said than done. Yes, I said it's easy here, but sometimes it's reckless when things happen. I didn't consider the consequences, so I didn't give examples. There are many small reckless things, but in short, I want to say that I am doing it. Try to imagine this crow's tears, think about relatives and friends, we will never live for ourselves, and our recklessness will make a big mistake. Who can bear the consequences and hurt themselves alone? Don't!


The lamb invited the puppy to dinner. He prepared a table of fresh grass. As a result, the puppy barely ate two bites and couldn't eat any more. A few days later, the puppy invited the lamb to dinner. The dog thought, I can't be as stingy as a lamb. I must treat it with the most splendid banquet. So the dog prepared a table of good ribs, and the lamb couldn't eat a bite.

Transpose! Lambs are herbivores and puppies are carnivores. How can a puppy like eating grass and a lamb eat meat? It's a bit like an absurd fable about coke, but this absurd coke thing does often happen around us. I think doing bad things with kindness is similar to this kind of mistake. It seems that there has been a topic of empathy in recent years. I remember a sketch called & gt. At present, many majors and occupations are trying to understand the gap between occupations at all levels through role transformation. As the saying goes, I don't know until I change. You are shocked when you change. Many people have affirmed this attitude and this idea. Indeed, this society is not a society that goes its own way. If you want to develop, the country needs to develop, and you also need to develop yourself. A very traditional story is to sell insurance and study your own business with your heart. I don't think it's a sales promotion anymore. In that case, nine times out of ten I will be rejected. To put it bluntly, why should I buy your insurance? I have to add something to the "what" here, and the results are often different. Understanding customers' hobbies, psychology and personality are all required courses for salespeople. Some managers love China chess and salesmen very much. They study for months and talk business with them. It's chess, which it likes. Finally, it succeeded in making a big deal. Now, he is also the gold medal salesman of the company. Hobbies are often the product of developing friendly relations between the two people who are the easiest to get along with. This is empathy, not thinking of yourself, but thinking of others. There are many such examples. In short, empathy, in an embarrassing situation, at the end of one's rope, may be full of vitality, more than four.

Piggy began to learn to make cakes, but the cakes she made were always not delicious. He asked the rooster master, and the rooster thought about it and asked him what was the raw material for making the cake. Piggy said that in order to avoid wasting, he used some eggs that were going to go bad. The rooster said to the pig, "Remember, only good ingredients can make a good cake."

Happy! I don't quite understand the happy meaning of this fable, but I always feel that there are similar things: my parents bought some fruits, some of which were good and some were bad. They always like to eat the bad first. The good ones are in the refrigerator, and the bad ones are not finished yet. Okay, if it's left for a long time, it's broken. It's stale. Finally, I haven't eaten a good fresh fruit. The food is a little bad. I always feel that these two stories are very similar. Perhaps the definition of happiness lies in mood. Perhaps the pig was unhappy because he couldn't make a good cake in order to save bad eggs. After the guidance of the rooster master, he understood the truth and discovered the true meaning of happiness. The same is true of good or bad fruit. If we can eat good fruit first and effectively save the bad, we may be happy, or we may be able to grasp happiness and not lose happiness because of small things. Happiness is actually hovering around us. Don't let happiness slip away from us because of some subjective wrong ideas and unreasonable logical arrangements. Seize happiness and enjoy life. We are so young, frustration can't crush us, pressure can't crush us, gossip can't corrode us, as long as we believe in the true meaning of happiness and hold on to it, we will always be happy!

B. A short story about the companionship and love between parents and children. Grade?One

A mother and her son live together. There was an explosion next door, and his son was deaf. The child who loves music and violin is in a calm state. Mother insisted that he learn the piano, always listening to him play the piano under the cherry tree, recording it, then going a long way to ask the teacher for advice, and then coming back to guide his deaf and dumb son who had no music teacher willing to accept it.

Later, the mother spent a lot of money to buy a hearing aid for her son and sent him to do rehabilitation training. When my son can speak and listen and come back to play the piano for his mother, he found that his mother didn't respond. Only then did he know that his hearing declined early in the morning. In order to practice sign language with him, his mother stopped talking and became deaf.

C. A short story between parents and children at home

Examples of parents educating their children

Example 1: The child is unruly.

Parents often give in because they want to give their children love. Here we tell the story of a woman writer Astrid Lindegren, The Flying Carlson: Mr. Carlson, a fat uncle, plays with a seven-year-old child every day. The child really wants to be like Carlson: Carlson is greedy and arrogant, and sometimes he even makes a steam engine explode. When we told the children such a scene, we also laughed. However, if this becomes a reality, when your son or daughter also uses this kind of excessive behavior to provoke? What are we going to do?

Christina Lutz said: "Then there may be some misunderstandings between parents. The whole world is saying that children need freedom to grow up, but this freedom is definitely not without boundaries. Children also need direction, which needs the guidance of parents. "Many parents find it difficult, such as eating chocolate before meals, or children with poor math scores still want to watch TV. Parents usually give in to these things. They don't discuss with their children, but buy what they like generously. This practice is simple and time-saving, but it is only temporary. Because children will make you feel more and more tired: they will form the habit of mastering a lot of power. It is becoming more and more difficult for parents to try to discuss with their children.

Psychologists suggest

You have to ask yourself if you are consistent with your children, and you have to think about the reasons for such a quick compromise. Do you want to make up for the time you are not together in this way? Or are you afraid that strict education methods will lead to being disliked?

These worries are groundless, because children need the support of their parents to adapt to society. When you know this, it is easy to introduce family rules and pay attention to ensuring their implementation. You should dare to be consistent!

Example 2: The child has a bad temper and is aggressive.

No one is always full of friendship and peace. Christina Lutz said: "The tension with children is often related to the feeling of being unloved and the wishes of parents." Psychologists call this phenomenon "shadow". In other words, we always want to emphasize our positive side and hide our dark side. Children tend to grasp this dark side of their parents and take it as an example. For example, eleven-year-old Molly. She has always been a lovely child, never really "terrible two years old". But since entering adolescence, she has created a bad atmosphere at home. She is always slamming the door, sulking, complaining, and even threatening to blackmail her classmates at school. And her mother said: "We are very close to our children and resolve conflicts peacefully." .

Christina Lutz thinks, "Maybe this is the problem. Because no one is always full of friendship and peace. Aggression has also accumulated to the moment when it needs to break out. " Some children attack themselves. She said: "Anorexia is an aggressive manifestation. In this way, children inform the outside world, especially girls, that they use their bodies to stop growing and want to be parents forever. "

Psychologists suggest

You should ask yourself: Is there any public quarrel in your family? Or trying to give children the feeling of "avoiding quarrels" and "restraining themselves", for example, trying to avoid public quarrels with life partners? If you want to help your children, you must find out why they are like this. You should also ask yourself why I look forward to harmony and easy compromise. Think back to my childhood: Have you ever thought about being an obedient little princess, or dare you be Pippi Longstocking?

If you can recognize your behavior pattern, then you can easily control it. When there is an argument, you can encourage it, not just preach harmony. You can let your child know that you want to live a high life and give him a message to liberate yourself: be yourself and don't change yourself for your love for me!

Case 3: The child is too timid.

Children who are well sheltered start school, and they will encounter problems. "Timid children often have parents who won't let go," recalls Cristina Lutz, who met a case in the clinic. "Nana only knows that her mother has been there. For example, she only dares to skate when her mother is standing below and can catch her. Mom never said, "Try it yourself! " .

Children whose parents are overprotective give people the first impression that they are very good and gregarious. They won't encounter problems when they are in kindergarten. But in primary school, they will feel uneasy because they are far away from their parents. Nana's situation is dramatic: she had nausea, vomiting and headache in the first grade, but these symptoms will disappear during the holiday. At the age of twelve, she had a strong school phobia. Christian Lutz said: Nana dropped out of school for a year for fear of vomiting in front of her classmates. After talking to Nana's mother several times, we knew that she was the core of the problem. Because she couldn't give up, she subconsciously hindered her daughter. When Nana's mother herself didn't have time to take care of Nana because she was going to school, her school phobia almost disappeared at once.

Psychologists suggest

For example, on your way to school, you repeat "Be careful when crossing the road" or "Don't be run over by a car" every day. Your excessive worry has left such an impression on your child. Mom and Dad don't believe that I can do it myself, and maybe I am really incompetent. But if you say "You are smart, smart, I know you will be careful when crossing the road". In this way, children will understand that parents believe that I will do the right thing. Parents should learn to say goodbye to their children gradually and encourage their children to be independent. There is no need to worry about this kind of independence, because our greatest wish is that children can step into society with confidence?

D. Write a touching story about my parents and me!

Twenty-four filial piety _ both loyalty and filial piety

In the Ming Dynasty, the prefect of Hunan sank to Xu, and he had an only daughter named Shen Yunying. Smart and studious since childhood, I learned a good martial arts from my father. Because his father led the soldiers to sudden death on the battlefield, Shen Yunying was only 17 years old. She climbed to the heights and shouted, "Although I am a little woman, I will die to fulfill my father's legacy of guarding the city.". I hope that all the soldiers and civilians will defend their hometown. " Everyone was deeply moved and vowed to recover lost ground. The siege was quickly lifted and victory was achieved. Shen Yunying found his father's body and cried loudly. All the soldiers and civilians put on mourning clothes and attended the funeral. The imperial court appointed Shen as the deputy governor, appointed Shen Yunying as the guerrilla general, and continued to guard the Daozhou government. Later, people built a memorial hall for her with both loyalty and filial piety. There is a poem that says:

The new army besieged the city and surrounded the righteous soldiers, and Emei was Khan Ma Qingcheng; Father hates two snows, and the name of loyalty and filial piety lasts forever.

Twenty-four Filial Piety _ Looking at the clouds and thinking of relatives

There was a man named Di Renjie in the Tang Dynasty. He grew up in a poor family and was diligent and eager to learn. Later, he became Prime Minister K.

E. touching stories between parents and children also have their own feelings!

A mother sighed to me: it's really annoying to be a mother as tired as me ... I asked her a question: how to say not tired?

However, most parents lack a lasting and in-depth understanding of their children and education. I suddenly realized that I had to deal with it quickly. Seeing the children's disappointments, I began to worry about their college entrance examination ten years later, their marriage fifteen years later and their career twenty years later. ...

And this kind of worry itself will ruin the child's future. Parents are worried because they have been paying attention to their children intermittently. If children have problems, they will pay more attention. If there are no obvious problems, they will pay less attention. There is a lack of macro control over children's education. I have no idea what to do and what not to do. Therefore, there is a lack of certainty about the future development of children. If you're not sure, panic.

Choosing to grow up with children means re-examining the three most basic relationships, facing life problems, seeking answers and improving yourself. We are either 18 years old or adults in the true sense. At some point, we are just super children. We have accumulated a lot of hidden injuries in our growth, and many growth tasks have not been completed. Getting along with children once again surfaced, which is also a good clue. When we feel sleepy and at a loss, we might as well stop and see what is holding us back.

When we stop escaping and face the problem bravely, it means leaving the psychological comfort zone and entering an uncertain state. The most beautiful flowers in the world bloom on the hardest branches, and growth is the process of breaking cocoons into butterflies. Growth means adventure and pain, which is the main reason why we avoid growth.

In this process, there will be pain, confusion and anxiety, but as long as you keep thinking, you will eventually find a solution. In the face of confusion, reading will open a window, so it is necessary for us to know some psychological knowledge. Fortunately, the quality of popular psychology works is getting higher and higher now. We will find that after each problem is solved, our life will become more transparent and smoother, and we will not trip over the same stone again. Behind every dilemma, there is a hidden gift of life.

I always feel that the methods and skills of education are just the tip of the iceberg for children to become successful. Sometimes, children's education is about basic skills, as well as parents' attitude towards life and feelings about life. In other words, parents will participate in education for life.

Judging from the current situation, mothers have a heavier educational responsibility. So I always advised my mother that when people reach middle age, the road should be wider and wider. It is a very happy thing to wash your hands and cook soup until it falls into the dust. However, just knowing the daily necessities will get farther and farther away from the children's spiritual world.

The king of educating children is to cultivate themselves persistently. The most ideal state-what children know, we understand; What children don't understand, we do. At least, we have to have an intersection with children. This long search process is not only for yourself, but also for children. Children's starting point is their parents' shoulders. Therefore, children will never have the same starting line.

Therefore, I respect those parents who are studious and never give up their self-growth.

F. What are the touching stories with parents?

Growing up, my father didn't care much about me, and the discipline basically fell on my mother, so my understanding of maternal love was more profound and complicated. For me, maternal love is more memorable than fatherly love, so I have this article.

Maybe she was born in a rural area, and she was doomed to be really bad at expressing her feelings, so my mother looked very cold. Growing up, she urged me to grow up under scolding and sticks. Many times, I think even dogs are inferior to her. In her words, "it's useless for a dog to wag its tail when it meets its owner!" " I was scolded by her all day: "What did I do when I was your age, and you are still like a child?" Being called a slacker and a black sheep all day is actually just a matter of children being playful! Many times when I was lazy, she grabbed my ear and hit me hard. I can't help thinking that since you don't love me, I might as well die. I was disheartened many times, but I really put the knife rest around my neck. I just don't have the courage to cut it off for fear of pain!

On the day of high school, I will go on a long trip. I hope my mother can say a few warm farewell words. Even if it's such a common word as "pay more attention to your health and put on more clothes when you are cold", I will feel much warmer, but my mother just silently gave me money and sent me to the door without saying anything. I left silently, feeling a little lost.

The first time I went to study abroad, I couldn't speak, and I was far from home, so I was infinitely lonely. I remember that in the second week of school, one day the weather suddenly turned cold, and the parents of many students near my home sent clothes or snacks. I saw it in my eyes and remembered the time when my parents came to visit me at school in the past ten years. Since the first grade of primary school, I have been alone every time I start school, and I have to report to school with my tuition. Does mom have me in her heart? Isn't she worried about me? Does she love me? Where is her love reflected? Thinking about it, I shed tears involuntarily, feeling sad and angry: "Why is my mother so cruel?"

Life is getting closer and closer to my classmates, and I no longer feel so lonely. Later, I gradually found that my adaptability is quite strong. Unlike some students who cry when they are homesick, they can't wash clothes and fold quilts, and their personal life is very chaotic. I accidentally found that I still have these advantages: many students think that life problems that are difficult to solve are easy to get used to. Who gave me this ability? When did I become so different from others? Is this brought by mom's education? Does a mother have any reason for her cruelty? Three years in high school, I have never had a definite answer to these questions.

In September 2002, I set foot on the train to Guilin alone. The night before departure, my father carefully asked if you wanted to accompany me. I smiled and said, "If you want to go to Guilin together, then come with me. If you don't want to, I will be alone. " The next day, my father sent me to the station. The bus came, my father waved goodbye, and I waved and turned and strode on the bus. Looking at my father's sad appearance, I have no feeling of parting! My heart is so cold? Traveling away from home, why is there no sadness of separation? When did I become so strong?

I went to college and joined many clubs, and gradually found that my ability to handle affairs was outstanding, much more sophisticated than many students from the city. I realized that this was created from a small environment. In the final analysis, my mother's "ruthlessness" actually has many benefits! I secretly appreciate my mother's cruelty for many years. She forces herself to be independent and self-reliant, unlike many children of the same age, who depend on others for everything and have no opinions. Slowly, I remembered something. ...

I remember having dinner this summer night. My mother gently asked me if I was healthy at school. I smiled and said, "You're not worried about me, are you?" Mother said gloomily, "How can you not worry?" A person is so far away that no one takes care of him. "My heart suddenly shrank, my eyes were sour, and my tears suddenly came out. How long have I been waiting? It turns out that my mother loves me deeply! Her words made my heart sour and warm, and I was speechless for a long time. Is it regret? Is it moving? I can't tell you such a complicated experience! Mom! Why haven't you shown your love for so many years! Do you want to express it? Still not good at expressing? Let me misunderstand for so many years!

In the past four years, my mother has called me three times, and the first two times added up to less than two minutes. For the first time, she asked me if I needed a telephone in the village or at home. The second time, he told me that the phone was still at home, for fear that I could not get in touch with something. Tell me the number and I'll hang up. How I want to talk to my mother! But I don't know what to say. Relatively speechless, my mother simply, as soon as the phone hangs up, it's over! I remember once calling home more than two months later. As soon as my mother got through, she blamed me for not calling home for so long. I asked, "Then why didn't you call me?" Mom didn't speak, so I said, "I don't know what to say when I call." Didn't dad say that everything is safe without sound training? " Mother murmured, "I'm afraid you're at home!" " I can't go on. ...

When I came home this summer, my mother asked me to drive her to tell her fortune. I wonder why my mother suddenly believes this. When the fortune-teller said that my mother had a minor illness in recent years and that her body would get better in a few years, and that her mother was not a short-lived person, my mother murmured, "I thought I wouldn't stay long." I was shocked! When I came back and chatted with my father, I realized that my mother had a bad cough recently, and sometimes she coughed and bled. Yes, my mother has been in poor health and always coughs. I asked my father why he didn't go to see a doctor. Dad said with a wry smile, "Yes, the doctor said it was nothing serious." His eyes flickered.

A few days later, I was looking for clothes in the closet. I accidentally dropped a medical record book from my clothes. When I opened it, I found it belonged to my mother. After briefly describing his illness, he wrote the doctor's advice: "It is recommended to be hospitalized ..."

I was shocked. I thought of my father's evasive eyes, strange fortune-telling, my mother's melancholy face, and sudden words. I stood there and felt very uncomfortable. My mother, what kind of person are you? You love your children deeply, but you never express it. You silently sacrificed so much for your children, but you never said a word. It's so hard that you don't even care about your own life in order to save your child's tuition. What kind of maternal love is this? Simple? Deep? Great!

In fact, my mother's love for herself has not changed, and it is still so deep, but her stupidity and carelessness have made her ignore and misunderstand this feeling. I want to go. Since high school, my mother has stopped scolding herself, and the tuition and fees given are not as useful as before. She always gives more and asks if it is enough. Many things are gradually discussed with her, and her opinions are gradually sought, but why has she never thought about it or found it, but she has always stubbornly doubted the sincerity of maternal love?

A mother always loves her children deeply, but the children may not realize this or understand this affection in time. This is the sorrow of many mothers and children. To sum up, just because: maternal love is speechless!

G. Parent-child stories between parents and children

The Story of China's Traditional Copy Festival is a little book specially painted for children. Many great painters used their magic pens,

Take readers into the atmosphere full of ideals and vitality in the 1980 s, and even into the long-standing and unforgettable traditional culture.

The carefully adapted words are catchy, telling the origin and customs of one traditional festival after another. "Picking up the interest of traditional festivals" supplements more traditional cultural knowledge, making the book more valuable and richer in content. This set of picture books that have stood the test of time and market can be recommended to young readers. I believe you will not be disappointed.

H. Happy stories between first-grade children and their parents

In an instant, time flies. My daughter has grown up and grown taller. I used to think that she was a little girl in kindergarten, but when I had the right to go to primary school, I really felt that I couldn't look down on her. I must do everything by myself first.

Pay attention to her. When you go out, you should also consider whether you have time to study and play games with her. Of course, you should also pay attention to whether this will help her life or study. Of course, this is related to the strong support of your teachers at school.

Has a lot to do with encouragement. I didn't pay so much attention to children's thoughts and learning before, but now I am gradually entering a new stage with my daughter. Watching her recite, draw, write and do arithmetic sometimes makes me feel very tired, but it is also very fulfilling.

True happiness, that kind of feeling is unspeakable happiness with fatigue.

First, ask for a short story of about 200 words about parents' love for their children! Thank you!

The story happened between a prisoner and his mother. On the day of visiting the prison, an old mother from a poor mountainous area visited her son after riding a donkey cart, car and train. Among the colorful objects of the visitors, the old mother took out sunflower seeds wrapped in white cloth and gave them to her son. Sunflower seeds were fried, and the old mother ate them all. No skin, shiny like a dense bird tongue.

The son who served his sentence took this pile of sunflower seeds and his hands began to shake. Mother also has no words, lifted her skirt and wiped her eyes. She visited her son all the way, sold her eggs and pigs, and saved a lot of money to make up for the trip. Before coming, after the hard work during the day, I ate melon seeds under kerosene lamps at night. Looking at the chewed melon seeds together, there are more and more like hills, and no one wants to eat them by himself. More than ten kilograms of melon seeds have been on for many nights.

The son who served his sentence hung his head. As a strong young man, it's time to support his mother, but he can't. Among all the visitors, his mother was in rags. Mother's bite of melon seeds contains a thousand words. The son plopped down in front of his mother, and he regretted it.

J. Write a short story with your parents in 70 words.

When I was a child, I was naughty and often did things that made my parents angry. They always blame me, but I never listen to them. I think they are too strict with me. But one day I changed. My parents often tell me to be careful when I go out, but I always think they are too worried. There is a traffic light on my way home by bus. That day, when I walked to the crossroads, it turned red. But no car crossed the road. So I crossed the road before the light turned green. Just then, a car rushed towards me, and I panicked and stood there motionless. Fortunately, the driver braked suddenly and I was not injured. But I'm really scared. I can't imagine what would happen if the car didn't stop in time. I told my parents about this experience, and at first they blamed me as usual. I didn't say a word. They realized that I was frightened and comforted me patiently. Finally, I realized that what they said and did was for my own good. Since then, I have been more careful and listened to my parents.