Fortune Telling Collection - Fortune-telling birth date - WeChat WeChat official account Mid-Autumn Festival article material

WeChat WeChat official account Mid-Autumn Festival article material

WeChat WeChat official account Mid-Autumn Festival article material

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The source of the Mid-Autumn Festival WeChat official account article material 1

There are many theories about the origin of Mid-Autumn Festival. The word Mid-Autumn Festival first appeared in Zhou Li. The Book of Rites and the Moon Order said: "The Mid-Autumn Festival moon nourishes aging and follows the porridge diet."

One theory originated from the sacrificial activities of ancient emperors. It is recorded in the Book of Rites that "the sun rises in spring and the moon sets in autumn", and the moon is a sacrifice to the moon, indicating that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, emperors began to offer sacrifices to the moon and Yue Bai. Later, aristocratic officials and scholars followed suit and gradually spread to the people.

Second, the origin of Mid-Autumn Festival is related to agricultural production. Autumn is the harvest season. The word "autumn" is interpreted as "autumn when crops are ripe" In the Mid-Autumn Festival in August, crops and various fruits are maturing one after another. In order to celebrate the harvest and express their joy, farmers regard the Mid-Autumn Festival as a festival. "Mid-Autumn Festival" means the middle of autumn. August in the lunar calendar is a month in autumn, and the 15th is a day in this month. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival may be a custom passed down from the ancient Autumn Newspaper.

Some historians have also pointed out that the origin of Mid-Autumn Festival should be August 15th, 13th year of Tang Jun's great cause at the end of Sui Dynasty. Pei Ji and Tang Jun, with the idea of a full moon, successfully invented moon cakes and distributed them to the army as military salaries, which successfully solved the problem of military rations derived from absorbing a large number of anti-Sui rebels.

Mid-Autumn Festival WeChat official account article material 2 Mongolian

Mongolians love to play the game of chasing the moon. People are riding horses and galloping on the grassland in the silver moonlight. They galloped west, and the moon rose in the east and set in the west. Persistent Mongolian riders, until the moon goes down, "chasing the moon" is more than that.


The custom of Tibetan compatriots in some parts of Tibet to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival is "searching for the moon". That night, young men, women and dolls, along the river, followed the bright moon reflected in the water, took pictures of the moon shadows in the surrounding ponds, and then went home to eat moon cakes.

Dong nationality in Guangxi

The Dong people in Guangxi have the custom of "walking on the moon". On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, Song Lusheng and the dance teams from various cottages walked all the way to the nearby cottages, and spent a long night enjoying the moon, singing and dancing with the villagers.

Deang nationality in Yunnan

Yunnan Deang people "string the moon". Young men and women of De 'ang nationality in Luxi, Yunnan Province, when the Mid-Autumn Moon is high and exceptionally bright, the hills are blocked, and the melodious sound of cucurbits comes from time to time. Young men and women gather together to "string the moon" and pour out their hearts. Some also set an engagement by sending betel nuts and tea through "string month".

Yi nationality in Yunnan

The traditional custom of Yunnan Yi people to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival is to "jump on the moon". At night, men, women and children in this ethnic village gather in the open space of the mountain village. Girls wearing belts and veils, boys wearing cloth belts, old people, old women and children all sang and danced enthusiastically, especially the duet of young men and women expressing their love, as if the moon had been moved by it, which made it even more charming and bright.

Gelao (GL)

On the "Tiger Day" before the festival, the Gelao people slaughtered a bull in the whole village, leaving the heart of the bull for the Mid-Autumn Festival night to worship their ancestors and welcome the new valley. They call it "August Festival".

Korean nation

Koreans use wooden poles and pine branches to build a "moon-watching frame". When the bright moon is lifted off, please invite several elected old people to board the moon viewing frame. After watching the moon, the old man will light up the moon-watching frame, play the flute for a long time and dance the "peasant dance" together.

Zhuang nationality in western Guangxi

The activity of "offering sacrifices to the moon and asking god" of Zhuang nationality in western Guangxi is more typical. Every year in the middle of August in the summer calendar, some are on the Mid-Autumn Festival night. People set up an altar in the open air at the end of the village to offer sacrifices and incense burners. On the right side of the table, a branch or bamboo branch about a foot high symbolizes a tree and is also a ladder for the moon god to descend to earth. There are ancient moon myth factors preserved here. The whole activity is divided into: inviting the moon god to descend to earth, with one or two women as the spokespersons of the moon god; God and man sing to each other; Luna divination fortune-telling; Singers sing mantras and send the moon god back to heaven in four stages.

nautical/sea mile

Li people call Mid-Autumn Festival "August Meeting" or "Sound Adjustment". At that time, a song and dance party will be held in each market town, and young men and women in each village will be led by a "turn around" (that is, the leader). Moon cakes, sweet cake, cookies, flower towels, colored fans and vests will be presented to each other in droves. In the evening, they gather around the fire, roast game, drink rice wine and sing duets. Unmarried young people take the opportunity to find their future partners.

Foreign customs

Korean peninsula

Korean is called "(Mid-Autumn Festival)" (Mid-Autumn Festival) (Mid-Autumn Festival) (Mid-Autumn Festival). This is a day to sweep graves and offer sacrifices to ancestors with newly harvested grains and fruits. Going home to visit relatives and giving gifts to relatives and friends is also a custom to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Therefore, the Mid-Autumn Festival on the Korean Peninsula is also called "KoreanThanksgivingDay" in English.

Viet Nam

Mid-Autumn Festival is also a festival for Vietnamese children. That night, the children listened to the legend about A Gui and went to see the lion dance. Some even asked their father to buy him a lion to dance and play with their friends. Vietnamese children have to travel and play with carp lanterns on Mid-Autumn Festival night, which also indicates the meaning of "jumping the dragon gate" when they grow up.


The traditional Mid-Autumn Festival in Japan is called Fifteen Nights, also called the Moon of Mid-Autumn Festival. Japanese people eat zongzi while enjoying the moon, which is called "seeing zongzi on the moon". Because this period is the harvest season of various crops, in order to express gratitude to nature, the Japanese will hold various celebrations. Japanese people will also enjoy the moon, which is called "seeing the moon". Jiaozi, Miscanthus, Taro, etc. enjoying the moon will be displayed in the house.


Besides offering sacrifices to ancestors and Yue Bai, Ryukyu people also offer sacrifices to stoves during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank the Kitchen God for keeping your home safe within one year. In addition to eating moon cakes, they will also eat a kind of food called blowing cakes, which is a kind of rice cake wrapped in red beans. In addition, there are tug-of-war and lion dance customs.

Mid-Autumn Festival is also a time for family reunion. People will go home for dinner and get together. They will worship their ancestors and thank them for their protection. They also eat certain foods, many of which are related to the moon and reunion. These foods are also sacrifices to the moon. For example, China people (Han nationality), Vietnamese people (Jing nationality) and Ryukyu people all have the custom of eating moon cakes. Some people in Guangdong and Hong Kong will use mooncakes instead of mooncakes. Japanese (Yamato) will eat moon jiaozi, and some areas will fry sunny side up. Moon cakes, moon cakes, moon cakes and one-sided fried moon cakes are all round and represent the full moon. Koreans eat half-moon-shaped pine chips, symbolizing that the moon turns from deficit to surplus. Ryukyu people eat moon cakes and blow cakes. In addition, seasonal fruits and other crops, such as carambola, grapefruit, taro, chestnut, water chestnut, pear, persimmon, etc., are farmers' harvest in autumn in farming society, and are also food and sacrifices for Mid-Autumn Festival.


Singapore is a country with an overwhelming Chinese population and has always attached great importance to the annual Mid-Autumn Festival. For Chinese in Singapore, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a godsend opportunity to connect feelings and express gratitude. Friends, relatives and business partners exchange moon cakes to express greetings and wishes.

Malaysia, Philippines

Eating moon cakes, enjoying the moon and carrying lanterns are the Mid-Autumn Festival customs handed down from generation to generation by Chinese in Malaysia. Mid-Autumn Festival

Recently, time-honored merchants from all over Malaysia have launched various kinds of moon cakes. There are mooncake counters in major shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur, the capital, and mooncake advertisements in newspapers and TV stations are overwhelming, creating a festive atmosphere to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Chinese communities in some places in Kuala Lumpur are holding lantern parades to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. In addition to dragon and lion dances, there are floats carrying Chang 'e and the Seven Fairies, among which artists and young people in bright costumes are singing and dancing.

Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festival that overseas Chinese living in the Philippines attach great importance to. Chinatown in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is very lively, and local overseas Chinese hold activities to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Lanterns are hung on the main commercial streets of overseas Chinese communities, colorful banners are hung on the main intersections and bridges entering Chinatown, and many shops sell all kinds of moon cakes made by themselves or imported from China. Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations include dragon dance parade, national costume parade, lantern parade and float parade.

Mid-Autumn Festival WeChat official account article material 3 South

There is a custom of Mid-Autumn Festival Yue Bai in Chaoshan, Guangdong, which is mainly aimed at women and children. As the saying goes, "men are dissatisfied with the moon, and women don't sacrifice stoves." There is also the custom of eating taro in the Mid-Autumn Festival. There is a saying in Chaoshan: "River to mouth, taro to eat." August is the harvest season of taro, and farmers are used to using taro to worship their ancestors. Of course, this has something to do with farming, but there is also a popular folk legend: 1279, Mongolian nobles destroyed the Southern Song Dynasty, established the Yuan Dynasty, and brutally ruled the Han people. Mafa defended Chaozhou against the Yuan Dynasty. After the city was broken, the people were slaughtered. In order not to forget the suffering of Hu people's rule, later generations used taro as a homonym with "Hu tou", which looked like a human head, in order to pay homage to their ancestors and pass it on from generation to generation, and it still exists today. Burning towers on the night of Mid-Autumn Festival is also very popular in some places.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the folk customs in Jiangnan are also varied. Nanjing people love to eat moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival, so they must eat osmanthus duck, a famous Jinling dish. "Sweet-scented osmanthus duck" should be listed in Gui Xiang. It is fat but not greasy and delicious. After drinking, you must eat a small piece of sugar taro and pour cinnamon pulp on it. Beauty speaks for itself. "Guijiang" was named after Qu Yuan's "Helping the North to close its doors and drink Guijiang" in Chu Ci Shao Si Ming. Cinnamon pulp is a kind of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is picked around the Mid-Autumn Festival and pickled with sugar and sour plum. Jiangnan women are good at turning poems and songs into delicacies on the table. People in Nanjing enjoy the moon with their families, which is called "celebrating reunion", the group sitting and drinking is called "full moon", and the market trip is called "walking on the moon".

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there were Moon Tower and Moon Bridge in Nanjing. In the Qing Dynasty, there was a moon-watching building under Lion Mountain, all of which were for people to enjoy the moon, and most people played the Moon Bridge. When the bright moon is high, people go to the Moon Tower to play the Moon Bridge, so as to enjoy watching the Jade Rabbit. "Xiyue Bridge" is located in the Confucius Temple on Qinhuai River, next to the mansion of Ma Xianglan, a famous prostitute. On this night, the literati gathered on the bridge to play the flute, sing songs and reminisce about Niuzhu playing with the moon and writing poems for the moon, so it was called playing with the moon bridge. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, it gradually declined. Later generations have a poem saying: "The romantic Southern Song Dynasty has been exhausted, leaving the west wind to be a long Banqiao, but remember to take the Yuren Bridge and teach the flute under the moon." Longbanqiao, the original Moon Bridge. In recent years, the Confucius Temple in Nanjing has been renovated, some pavilions and pavilions in the Ming and Qing Dynasties have been restored, and the rivers have been dredged. Until the Mid-Autumn Festival, you can enjoy playing with the moon together.

In Wuxi County, Jiangsu Province, incense is burned on Mid-Autumn Festival night. There are silks around the incense barrel, which depicts the scenery in the Moon Palace. There are incense sticks made of thread Kaori with paper kuixing and colorful flags on them. Shanghainese Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet with Sweet-scented osmanthus honey wine.

On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival in Ji 'an County, Jiangxi Province, every village burns crocks with straw. When the crock is red, put the vinegar in it. At this time, the whole village will smell a fragrance. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in Xincheng County, grass lanterns are hung from the evening of August 1 1 to August 17. On the Mid-Autumn Festival in Wuyuan, children build a hollow pagoda with bricks. Curtains, plaques and other decorations are hung on the tower, and a table is placed in front of the tower, displaying various utensils to worship the "tower god". At night, lights and candles are lit inside and out. Children in Jixi Mid-Autumn Festival play Mid-Autumn firecrackers. Mid-Autumn Festival firecrackers are braided with straw, picked up and smashed stones after soaking, making a loud noise, which is a custom in Youlong. A fire dragon is a dragon made of grass with incense in it. When you visit the dragon, there are gongs and drums teams. They tour the village before being sent to the river.

In Sichuan province, in addition to eating moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival, people also eat cakes, ducks, sesame cakes and honey cakes. In some places, orange lanterns are also lit and hung at the door to celebrate. There are also children who burn incense on grapefruit and dance along the street, which is called "dancing meteor ball" Jiading County's Mid-Autumn Festival is called "Guanyin Club" for offering sacrifices to land gods and performing zaju, vocal music and cultural relics.


On August 15, farmers in Qingyun County, Shandong Province offered sacrifices to the god of land valley, which was called "Young Miao Society". Zhucheng, Linyi, Jimo and other places have to pay homage to their ancestors in addition to the moon. Landlords in guanxian, Laiyang, Guangrao and Postal City also entertain their tenants in the Mid-Autumn Festival. Jimo Mid-Autumn Festival eats a kind of holiday food called "Wheat Arrow". Banquet for son-in-law at Mid-Autumn Festival in Lu 'an, Shanxi. Datong county calls moon cakes reunion cakes, and it is a custom to keep vigil on Mid-Autumn Festival night.

Wanquan County, Hebei Province called the Mid-Autumn Festival "Little New Year's Day", and there were pictures of Xing Jun and Guan Di reading the Spring and Autumn Festival at night on moonlight paper. Hejian county people think that the rain in Mid-Autumn Festival is bitter rain. If it rains in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the local people think that vegetables must be terrible.

On the Mid-Autumn Festival night in Xixiang County, Shaanxi Province, men row boats and climb cliffs, while women set up banquets. No matter rich or poor, people should eat watermelons. On Mid-Autumn Festival, drummers blow drums along the door to ask for money. In Luochuan county, parents lead students to bring gifts to their husbands, and there are more lunches than school dinners.

Some places have also formed many special Mid-Autumn Festival customs. In addition to enjoying the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon and eating moon cakes, there are dragon dances in Hong Kong, piling towers in Anhui, Mid-Autumn Festival in Guangzhou, burning towers in Jinjiang, moon-watching in Shihu, Suzhou, moon-dancing in Dai and Miao, moon-stealing dishes by Dong and dancing in Gaoshan.
