Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - See fortune-telling eyebrows _ see fortune-telling eyebrows?

See fortune-telling eyebrows _ see fortune-telling eyebrows?

Nine kinds of bones that can bring good luck

Geomorphology is an indispensable part of geomorphology. The head is the ancestor of all kinds, and the bone shape of the head is the most important in life. We often see in some faces that the quality of faces represents the level of life. In fortune telling, you can see the fate of your life from the characteristics of your joints. Do you want to know how your face predicts the fate of your life? You might as well get to know it with me.


The cheekbone is an extremely important part of the head, and it is a protruding bone under the eyes. The cheekbones should be full and bright. Be plump, but not too abrupt, too low and too dull. This is a bad sign. Zygomatic bones generally represent a person's ambition, with great ideas and rights. It will be more expensive if the cheekbones are good. If it is a woman, the cheekbones will not be too abrupt, too developed and too full, and it will not be too good for marriage.

Yima bone

This bone is between the end of the eye and the temple. Most of the prominent bones here are life-long opportunities. A noble person can grasp the important opportunities in life. People with this kind of backbone are generally stable and rich, not inferior in life, respected and have more opportunities than normal people.

Sun-moon horn bone

The forehead is higher than the protruding part of the eyebrows. These two parts are more expensive and can be seen together. If this person's eyebrows are delicate, his eyes are black and white, and his sun and moon are full, many people are intelligent, smart and have a particularly strong learning ability. Teenagers' intelligence can surpass ordinary people, and many of them are developed in adolescence.

Ordinary bone

There are bones on both sides of the sun and the moon that are flush with the ears, which are called general bones. People with such bones are bold, brave and adventurous. People with generals have developed careers all their lives, are suitable for entrepreneurial development and have many advantages.

Dragon palace bone

The circle around the orbit is the keel. Many people are persistent, patient and dedicated. No matter how big or small their careers are, they will succeed all their lives and perform better among their peers, but don't be too crowded or too sudden here.

Fuxi bone

From the bridge of the nose to the bone shape of the top of the head, some people say it should be from the top of the head to the back of the head. It looks like a hidden rhinoceros horn, so it is called Fu rhinoceros bone. Actually, it's not that exaggerated. People who have a hidden rhinoceros bone are diligent, which is a sign of wealth. To sum up, the mountain roots are tall and straight, and Tang Yin is full and straight into the sky. Of course, Fu Xigu also needs the help of two eyebrows. If the eyebrows are too bad, they will not be too good.

Giant Gu Ao

The protruding bone behind the ear extends to the back of the head. Most people with this kind of skeleton are strong, versatile, brave and majestic. In ancient times, people thought that having this bone was a versatile person and minister, but in modern times, it can also be outstanding and independent.

Dragon horn bone