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Ask the real estate agent for invoicing skills?

I. Introduction to Telephone Appointment ①

The pace of life in modern society is very fast, and many people are in a hurry every day. Therefore, real estate agents should express the characteristics of services or products simply and smoothly when calling to meet customers, not too detailed. Only by letting customers know the overall situation first can they quickly respond whether they are interested or not, so as to quickly adjust their speaking strategies.

② The language should be clear.

This requires real estate agents to be clear-headed, logically rigorous and expressed in fresh and smooth language, so that people can understand it as soon as they listen.

3 sincere attitude.

Real estate agents should be honest and trustworthy at all times. When making an appointment by telephone, it is easy for customers to hear whether the attitude of the real estate agent is sincere on the phone. Real estate agents can win the respect and trust of customers only by being honest with each other, so as to win the opportunity of interview.

4 have feelings.

When a real estate agent calls, he must pay attention to integrating his feelings into his voice, which makes people feel that his voice is soft and pleasant. Imagine what it would feel like to speak in a harsh and cold voice.

⑤ Respect the recipient.

In many cases, the person who answers the phone is usually not the customer who the real estate agent wants to make an appointment. What should I do? Brokers should take it seriously and try to establish a good relationship with the person who answers the phone. Even assistants or secretaries should show respect and should not be looked down upon.

Second, the matters needing attention when meeting customers

(1) gentle and honest

Whether it is a telephone appointment or a face-to-face interview, real estate agents should maintain a gentle, modest and polite attitude. Don't use any disrespectful or excessive words. Any slack and relaxation may cause a strong reaction from customers.

(2) Don't give up easily

When making an appointment or meeting by telephone, real estate agents can judge the character and temperament of new customers from their nonverbal expressions such as words, expressions, voices and intonations, and decide how to provide the best service accordingly. When trying to meet, remember to stick to it and don't give up easily or even be pessimistic and disappointed because of some minor setbacks. We should make full use of our communication skills and personality charm and strive for the opportunity to meet each other.

(3) Careful and thoughtful

After making an appointment with the client, the real estate agent should pay attention to some details, such as the time, place and person of the appointment.

If the advance booking time is too long, it should be reconfirmed 1-2 days before the meeting, which is helpful to remind customers.

If you make an oral appointment, you should send another email or fax to the customer so as to remember the time and place of the appointment and keep it on time.

(4) Pay attention to the art of speaking

Real estate agents must pay attention to the art of speaking when making appointments, especially telephone appointments.

(1) Gentle and relaxed tone

When you speak, you should keep a proper speed and a soft tone, which makes people feel relaxed. Don't use any didactic words and tone, which will affect customers' mood and make them disgusted.

Pay attention to your language habits.

Make it clear on the phone to avoid the frequent occurrence of catchphrases and some modal particles. Try to use some vivid, concise and clear language when making a phone call, and customers will understand it as soon as they listen. In addition, you should also pay attention to keep up with the customer's speaking speed. Be careful not to use ambiguous words and dialects.

3 smile.

On the phone, you smile. Although the customer can't see it, you can feel it. When you make a phone call, you should be full of emotion, even if you don't cadence, don't be cold, and leave the impression of "spirit, enthusiasm and neatness" to customers.

(5) Be good at listening

Real estate agents must pay attention to the telephone and get the information they need from customers. The words of customers often reveal a lot of highly targeted information, and brokers must be good at grasping it. In addition, if customers are not given the opportunity to express their opinions, it is easy to cause customers' resentment.

(6) Make good use of questioning skills

In the process of brokerage activities, real estate agents need certain language skills, whether meeting customers or conducting business negotiations. When making an appointment by telephone, we should be good at using questioning skills to make customers talk more, so as to keep changing and guess the customer's mentality.

(1) Exploratory inquiry

This method is mainly used in the primary stage. After the call is connected, first introduce the situation of the subordinate units, and then tentatively ask questions.

② inductive inquiry

This method is mainly used in the medium term. After the customer understands the goods, he will ask questions according to the situation and guide him to the next link.

③ Imagination inquiry

This method is a post-query technique. Some questions can be preset, so that customers can express their approval to the enterprise to which the broker belongs, or to the products and services, so that the probability of being rejected when making an appointment request is small.

(7) ? "Choose one from two" agreed time

When a customer agrees to make an appointment, he usually adopts the method of "choosing one from the other", so that the customer can choose the time instead of letting him determine the time. In this way, brokers can take the initiative, thus effectively avoiding indefinite postponement under the pretext of "no time".

Although there is an appointment, due to some unpredictable reasons, sometimes both parties will change the time. At this time, the real estate agent will specify another time in the same way. The ideal method is to specify it before the last appointment date.

6, close to customers

When approaching customers, the main task of brokers is to briefly introduce the brokerage business and attract customers' attention and interest. At the same time, in the process of approaching customers, brokers should also understand customers' needs, clarify customers' real purchase motives, and propose appropriate products and services to effectively meet customers' needs.

(1) Basic requirements

Approaching customers is based on a clear agreement and a clear goal. Real estate agents must grasp the basic requirements of contacting customers, so as to conduct contacts and interviews smoothly.

There are three basic requirements for approaching customers:

Approaching must attract the attention of customers.

Proximity must interest customers.

The approach must be smoothly transferred to the interview.

(2) Close to customers

Common methods to approach customers are:

① Curious approach method

In the real estate brokerage business, real estate agents can first arouse the curiosity of customers, arouse their attention and interest, and then find common topics from them and quickly turn to the interview stage. This method is to use people's curiosity to arouse customers' attention and interest in the products and services provided by real estate agents or brokers, so as to get close to customers.

② Interest approach method

This method is to use the customer's psychology of getting close to real estate commodities, so as to get close to real estate agents.

If the broker can't provide some benefits to the customer, the customer will not be interested in it. When using the interest approach method, the stated product benefits must be realistic and cannot be exaggerated. In addition, the benefits of products must be comparable, so that customers can make comparisons when making decisions.

③ Problem-based Teaching Method

This method refers to arousing customers' interest and then transferring to the interview. Brokers can ask a question first, and then ask other questions according to the actual reaction of customers, step by step, close to each other. Of course, this problem must be to the point, highlight the key points, and seize the hearts of customers at once.

(3) Precautions

What must be paid attention to when approaching customers:

(1) Avoid unfavorable meeting days.

Generally don't visit customers on the second day of rest, because customers are usually very busy that day and have a lot of things to deal with.

(2) Avoid unfavorable meeting time.

Avoid coming to the door right after work. It's best to go to work one hour late, when the morning meeting or preparation work is over.

Don't meet customers at or near lunch.

It is not appropriate to visit at the end of work.

In short, contact is a two-way communication process, and real estate agents must attract customers' attention and interest in order to win the opportunity to interview customers.

Third, interview skills with customers.

Negotiatable negotiation is a continuation of approaching customers, with the purpose of persuading customers to facilitate transactions.

1, interview principle

Only when real estate agents master some necessary interview principles in the formal interview process can they effectively choose and use various interview skills to convince customers and promote the success of the transaction. The basic principles that real estate agents should follow are:

(1) pertinence

When interviewing clients, real estate agents should proceed from the business purpose, so that the interview environment, negotiation process, negotiators and the characteristics of the business itself are targeted.

(2) Authenticity

Real estate agents should truthfully introduce real estate products in the interview process, be responsible for customers, and must not play tricks or deceive customers.

(3) flexibility

Real estate agents should be analyzed according to the specific situation, and they should act according to the time, place and person.

(4) professionalism

Real estate agents must be familiar with business knowledge, strive to express flexibly in interviews, answer customers' questions very professionally, and win customers' trust and cooperation.

(5) enthusiasm

Real estate agents should actively introduce relevant information to customers, actively communicate with customers, increase their trust, and thus enhance their persuasiveness.

2. Interview method

There are two main interview methods: prompt method and demonstration method. Prompt interview is mainly oral interview, and demonstration interview is mainly non-verbal interview.

(1) prompt interview method

The main forms of prompt interview method are:

① Oral prompt method

By providing customers with conceptual stimulation, they can respond quickly and make customers make decisions immediately, so as to reach a deal quickly.

When applying this method, we should pay attention to the main motivation of directly attracting customers. Clients' motives are varied, so it is impossible for real estate agents to appeal to all the clients' motives at the same time, only the main ones. Because sometimes one or two sentences or a few keywords are enough, a long speech may cause customers' disgust.

② Direct prompt method

Direct prompt method is the main motivation for customers. Real estate agents directly persuade customers to accept their own suggestions, show the advantages and characteristics of products, put forward ways and means to solve problems, and seek breakthroughs on key issues.

It is worth noting that in the process of applying this law, we must respect the personality of customers and avoid directly offending customers.

③ Positive prompt method

Positive prompt method refers to an interview method in which real estate agents convince customers in other positive ways.

The positive prompt method is mainly used to directly prompt the advantages and vested interests of real estate commodities. As long as it is used properly, it is very convincing.

When using this method, we should pay more attention to the use of positive judgment, actively remind customers and avoid negative hints. In order to arouse the customer's reaction, sometimes you can use some questioning tone.

④ Logical prompt method

Logical prompt method is an effective interview method, which mainly appeals to customers' rational thinking. When it is used, customers can be persuaded in most cases by considering the decision-making process of customers' behavior, making logical reasoning from the standpoint of customers, convincing people through scientific analysis and speaking with numbers. The combination of emotion and reason is the best choice. Brokers should not only convince people by reasoning, but also use emotional art to influence people.

(2) Demonstration and prompt method

Due to the increasing amount of information to be transmitted in real estate brokerage business, real estate brokers often use demonstration methods in interviews with customers in order to save time or make the information transmitted more authentic and reliable.

① House display

In the real estate brokerage business, real estate brokers often show the real estate model and introduce its surrounding situation and value when interviewing customers. Brokers should focus on the status quo, combine the advantages of scene recommendation, strengthen the advantages of real estate scenes, guide guests on how to space and decorate, and then remind customers of the layout of model houses, induce their purchase motives and stimulate their desire to buy.

② Graphic demonstration

In the process of real estate brokerage activities, real estate brokers can persuade customers to buy real estate products through the demonstration of written materials and pictures such as computers, televisions and projectors. The pictures are intuitive, vivid and vivid, and are easily accepted and understood by customers.

With the development of the times, more and more media are available, and brokers can even integrate pictures, words, sounds and images. And comprehensive display, received a good demonstration effect.

3. Interview skills

(1) greetings

Under normal circumstances, real estate agents sit down with customers to talk. Real estate agents should make a decisive decision and make full use of their time to speak first in order to gain the initiative in the talks. Many times, preemptive strike is a good way to defeat the enemy.

In face-to-face brokerage business negotiations, we must say the first sentence well. The first sentence is as important as a detailed self-introduction. When you say the first sentence, you should naturally turn the greeting to the topic. In order to prevent customers from thinking about other issues, the first few sentences must be vivid and powerful, not sloppy. Only in this way can the interview be conducted effectively and lay a solid foundation for the final transaction.

If the customer takes the initiative to come to the door, he may want the real estate agent to bid first, or wait for him to speak his mind first and then wait and see. At this time, the broker can let the customer speak first, and then make corresponding feedback after finding out the details of the customer.

(2) Ask questions

In the interview, asking questions is a very useful way of talking, which can attract customers' attention, make them pay attention to these problems, guide customers' thinking and get all kinds of information they need.

(1) Ways of asking questions

In different periods of real estate brokerage business, real estate agents should ask different questions according to the actual situation, or understand the real intentions of customers or meet their needs.

Real estate agents can know the real attitude of customers, confirm customers' needs and understand customers' willingness to talk through exploratory questions, thus expanding the probability of transaction.

When the customer raises an objection and refuses, the real estate agent should consider this situation in advance and ask some questions accordingly to urge the customer to make the opposite answer. The real estate agent can ask some questions to make the customer admit that he has a certain demand, and this demand agent will help him solve it.

In business negotiation, in order to remind and urge customers to make early decisions, brokers can use a selective "trap" to let customers choose the most suitable one from multiple alternatives. This way of asking questions allows customers to make choices within a certain range, which is actually to let customers accept at least one plan.

Only by getting the customer's approval can we better promote the transaction. In order to achieve this goal, real estate agents sometimes give gifts. Is Gu Yan rich and timid? Br & gt(2) Choice of Problems

During the interview, the broker should seize the opportunity to ask the customer more inspection questions. This can test whether the customer has the intention to make a deal. There are three kinds of customers' responses to this test question: affirmative answer, negative answer and noncommittal answer. As long as the broker's question is put forward correctly and expressed properly, no matter how the customer answers it, it will not hinder the final transaction. Even if the answer is no, it is only practical and has nothing to do with the overall situation. If the answer is noncommittal, it means that the trading time is not yet mature, and brokers need to be more convincing.

Step 3 listen

In an interview, listening carefully is often more important than chattering. Learn to listen and explore the psychological activities of customers, observe and find their interests, so as to confirm the real needs of customers and constantly adjust their conversation.

For real estate agents, only by listening attentively to customers' speeches can customers feel valued, thus revealing their true intentions. Brokers consciously create this good atmosphere to improve the chances of closing a deal.

Be patient when listening. Even if the customer's opinion is incorrect, listen to show respect and don't interrupt the customer's conversation casually. In addition, we should have a certain discernment of what customers say, so as to adjust our thinking in time and do a good job of persuasion in a targeted manner.

In addition to listening carefully, there must be feedback. For example, nodding, tilting, eye contact, taking summary notes, repeating keywords or asking questions, etc. Let the customer feel that you are listening carefully, and you at least partially agree with what he said, so that he will be willing to confide more and communicate with you more.

(4) Answer questions

In the process of interviewing customers, customers have many questions to answer; In the process of asking questions, customers' answers are biased and need to be corrected and guided. These need to be handled by real estate agents. In the process of answering questions, we need to pay attention to the following aspects:

(1) Calm down.

In the interview process, real estate agents should keep calm and take it seriously, regardless of whether the customer has no intention of asking questions or attacking for no reason.

② Concise and to the point

Adjust the speaking speed according to whether the customer can understand your conversation and the understanding of important issues in the conversation. When introducing some main information to customers, the speed of speech should be slowed down appropriately and the key points should be emphasized. The answer should be concise, as long as it can tell the truth thoroughly.

③ Avoid positive arguments.

Real estate agents should respect customers everywhere in the interview, and don't race against time with customers, which is a big taboo in brokerage business. This is likely to lose a chance to clinch a deal, because no negotiation can reach an agreement through argument.

④ Avoid direct refutation.

When the two sides disagree in the interview, the broker should avoid direct conflict with the client under any circumstances. This is likely to dampen the customer's self-esteem and make the interview atmosphere tense and even unsustainable.

(5) customer psychological analysis and coping strategies

When interviewing customers, real estate agents must pay attention to analyzing the psychological state of customers, put themselves in their shoes, master the necessary contingency strategies, and stimulate customers' desire to clinch a deal. This paper focuses on the analysis of the psychology of buyers, mainly including the following types:

① Mature and robust type

This kind of customers usually have rich knowledge of buying houses, more investment experience, and a better understanding of the performance of the house itself and the market conditions of various properties. When negotiating with sales staff or real estate agents, they are often thoughtful, calm and steady; When in doubt, I like to get to the bottom of it, and it is not easy to be persuaded by salespeople or brokers.

Coping strategies: These customers are usually conscientious people, who will do something with their own experience and will not be easily persuaded by real estate agents. If real estate agents treat each other with sincerity, explain the performance of services or products in detail and reasonably, and produce sufficient and accurate evidence, they will gain the trust and cooperation of customers.

② Cautious type

This kind of customer is characterized by serious appearance and cold response. Repeated reading of brochures and posters, cordial inquiries from salespeople or brokers, not showing enthusiasm, and even pretending not to know for fear of leaking secrets.

Coping strategy: In the face of such customers, real estate agents should not only introduce the products in detail, but also break the customers' guard with a cordial and sincere attitude. Communicate feelings with customers, it is best to gossip, gradually understand the customer's family status, economic income, purchase willingness and preferences, win the trust and dependence of customers, and then cut to the subject.

③ indecisive type

This kind of customers do not have high requirements for the real estate products themselves, but make up their minds repeatedly, without a certain backbone. He may like the third floor for a while, the fifth floor for a while, and then think it's good to have flower beds on the ground floor. Such customers are not picky about the performance of the house and have a strong desire to buy, but they don't know what they like. They all seem to like it, but they can't decide which house to choose at last.

Coping strategy: For such customers, real estate agents should let customers make decisions as soon as possible and make up their minds. Real estate agents should "cut the gordian knot" and don't repeatedly recommend too many properties to customers for their choice. They might as well persuade customers to choose a house with decisive tone and expert theory according to their actual situation, so as to persuade customers to give up other choices, so as to seize the good opportunity and promote the success of the transaction.

④ fault-finding type

This type of customers think too carefully and like to find faults, regardless of building materials, architectural modeling and style, orientation, color, public facilities and area. Haggle over every ounce, buckle east and subtract west, haggle over every ounce for price, and be arrogant.

Coping strategy: Never be "soft-hearted" to such customers, but "fight poison with poison", overwhelm the other side in momentum, and don't give in, otherwise the other side will push your luck. Emphasize excellent product quality and payment methods to each other? Preferential, give small benefits first, and promote their quick decision.

⑤ Inexperienced type

This kind of customers are generally buying a house for the first time, and they know nothing or little about the performance of the product itself. They like to ask questions and often say some layman's words. If you don't know anything about the basic concepts such as building area and interior area, you have neither architectural knowledge nor market common sense, and you lack the basic concepts of the real estate market and the price levels of various properties. The most common thing is to admire the splendor of the model house, only feel the appearance, but know nothing about the internal structure, various sizes and convenience of use, so of course we can't care about these issues.

Coping strategies: For this kind of customers, real estate agents should take pains to introduce real estate brochures to customers, take the initiative to introduce relevant real estate knowledge to customers, and at the same time take the initiative to show their business performance, good reputation and professional ability to customers, thus eliminating and dispelling customers' doubts about real estate agents and generating a sense of trust and dependence. This sense of security is probably the key to the success of the transaction.