Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Common psychological phenomena in life

Common psychological phenomena in life

Phenomenon 1: "broken window theory" This is an interesting phenomenon in life. Some people call it "broken window theory". When a row of intact glass windows is damaged and one window is not repaired in time, other intact glass windows will be damaged one after another, and finally this row of intact glass windows will become broken window walls. When your first classmate accidentally rings his mobile phone and is not scolded or stopped by the teacher, other students default that the teacher will not blame or stop this behavior, and at the same time, because this behavior can cause others to laugh and bring some satisfaction, they will follow suit. PSYTOPIC suggested that if you want to stop a phenomenon, you should stop it or punish it when it first appears. Phenomenon 2: the "influence" trap This is the application of influence including "reciprocity", "high-level authority" and "reasoning". 1. Put my bag at the door, make a wish in front of the Buddha, listen to Master's voice, bow down devoutly, and let me close my eyes: form a sense of authority that the Buddha land is a holy place, and "they" are "Buddhists". 2. Send two free incense sticks, recite the scriptures for me, and write down your wishes in the amulet and merit book, so that Master can pray for me devoutly every day: to remove resistance and rejection. Let the parties feel "owed". 3. Fill in sesame oil, public funds and be independent. Under the above two conditions, the master's truth is natural. PSYTOPIC suggests that it is easy to escape when encountering such events. If you accidentally fall into it, since others have already paid for the service, it is also appropriate to pay a little money; If you measure too much, it depends on your improvisation. Phenomenon 3: How to improve learning efficiency? It's a matter of lifestyle. After running 1000 meters, do you feel overwhelmed to participate in the sprint race of1000 meters? It is difficult to play the best level without rest. The same is true of learning. There are many factors that affect efficiency, among which time and willingness are more important. The longer the time, the lower the efficiency, the weaker the will and the lower the efficiency. PSYTOPIC suggested that in order to improve efficiency, we might as well shorten the learning period and improve the individual's willingness to learn. Generally speaking, the concentration time of adolescence is 40 minutes to 45 minutes, which is also the usual classroom setting time. It's hard to stay focused every once in a while. What we need to do at this time is to "put it down" and rest for 15 minutes before continuing. Encyclopedia of Psychology: The best way to persuade others or make embarrassing demands on 1 law is for several people to put pressure on each other at the same time. So how many people does it take to get the other side to seek common ground? Previous experimental results show that the number of people who can trigger synchronization behavior is at least 3 ~ 4. When two people speak the same language to induce someone to seek common ground, almost no one will make the wrong choice. If the number of people increases to three, the rate of seeking common ground will rise rapidly. The best effect is that four out of five people agree. The number of people increased to 8 or 15, and the rate of seeking common ground remained almost unchanged. However, this persuasion method is greatly restricted by the environment, and it is difficult to play a role in one-on-one negotiation or when there are many people on the other side. When the other party is a person, two supporters can be invited to participate in the negotiation in advance, and the other party can be induced to seek common ground by exchanging opinions at the negotiation table. This phenomenon can often be seen in card games. Card games are usually played by four people. If the time is ripe, some people will suggest raising the amount of gambling or introducing new rules, while others will raise objections. At this time, if two other people can be brought in and three people can deal with one person together, then the rest will change their views because they are outnumbered and be persuaded by the majority. Napoleon, the defeated man of Klebitz, once said, "Victory lies in sufficient troops." From this perspective, the principle of "more wins than less" should be a law that existed before Kleujibitz. In today's society, people's psychology is changing to varying degrees, and their desires are random. Psychological tests show that the following pictures are related to everyone's psychological endurance. The stronger the psychological endurance, the slower the picture turns. The United States used this as a psychological test for criminal suspects. What he sees is a high-speed rotation, while what most old people and children see is a still picture. Please measure yourself. See how much your psychological endurance is, so that you can better adjust your mentality. Psychology 166 Phenomenon: Long Knowledge 1 Archimedes and Brewing Effect In ancient Greece, the king made a crown out of pure gold, but he suspected that craftsmen mixed silver in Wang Guanzhong. But the problem is that this crown is as heavy as when it was given to the goldsmith. No one knows whether the goldsmith is playing tricks. The king handed this difficult problem to Archimedes. Archimedes thought hard to solve this problem. At first, he tried many ideas, but all failed. One day, when he went to take a bath, he sat in the bathtub, so that he could see the water overflowing and feel his body being gently lifted. He suddenly realized that he had solved the problem by using the principle of buoyancy. Whether scientists or ordinary people, in the process of solving problems, they will find the phenomenon of "putting the difficult problem aside for a while and getting a satisfactory answer". Psychologists call it the "brewing effect". Archimedes found that the law of buoyancy is a classic story of brewing effect. In daily life, we often feel helpless about a difficult problem and don't know where to start. At this point, thinking has entered the "brewing stage". Until one day, when we put aside the immediate problem and do other things, the inexplicable answer suddenly appeared in front of us, which made us exclaim like Archimedes. At this time, the "brewing effect" opened the "flower of thinking" and produced the "fruit of the answer". The ancient poem says that "there is no way for mountains and rivers to be suspicious, and there is another village in the dark", which is a portrayal of this psychology. Psychologists believe that in the brewing process, there is potential conscious reasoning, subconsciously combining the relevant information stored in memory. The reason why people suddenly find the answer at rest is because individuals have eliminated the psychological tension in the early stage, forgotten the incorrect thinking that led to the deadlock, and have a creative mentality. So, if you are faced with a difficult problem, you might as well put it aside and go for a walk and have tea with your friends. Perhaps the answer will really be "as easy as blowing off dust." Aronson effect means that people like those who like, reward and praise themselves more and more, and dislike those who seem to be decreasing. The experiment is divided into four groups, and people give different evaluations to a person to observe which group someone likes best. The first group always praises, the second group always belittles, the third group praises first, and the fourth group praises first. Results After experiments on dozens of people, it was found that most people had the highest degree of affection for the fourth group and the lowest degree of affection for the third group. The aronson effect is used to remind people that in their daily work and life, we should try our best to avoid the reversal of their bad impression caused by the improper performance of others. Similarly, it also reminds us to avoid being influenced by others to form a wrong attitude in the process of forming an impression on others. Example 1, effective use behind the dormitory building, there is a broken-down car parked. Every time it is 7 o'clock in the evening, the children in the compound climb into the carriage and jump. The noise was deafening. The more adults take care of it, the happier the children will jump and the audience will be helpless. On this day, a man said to the children, "Children, in today's competition, the loudest prize is a toy pistol." The children shouted and jumped, and the best one won the prize. The next day, my friend came to the car again and said, "Let's continue the game today. The prize is two toffee." The children were very unhappy when they saw the prize plummet. No one jumped hard, and the voice was sparse and weak. On the third day, my friend said to the children, "Today's prize is two peanuts." All the children jumped out of the car and said, "stop jumping, stop jumping, it's boring." Go home and watch TV. " Analysis: In the case of "difficulty in frontal attack", the "decreasing reward method" can play a wonderful psychological effect. Counter-example Xiaogang was assigned to work in a unit after graduating from college. As soon as he entered the company, he made up his mind to make a positive performance and leave a very good first impression on the leaders and colleagues. Therefore, he went to the unit to fetch water and sweep the floor in advance every day, and volunteered to work overtime on holidays. Some tasks assigned by the leader are obviously arduous, but he also takes the initiative to undertake them. Originally, it is understandable that young people who have just started working take the initiative to express themselves. But the problem is that Xiaogang's performance at this time is far from his true ideological consciousness, consistent attitude and behavior pattern, and is mixed with "over-performance" elements. So it is difficult to have long-term persistence. Before long, Xiaogang stopped pumping water and mopping the floor, and was often late, and he was even more critical of the tasks assigned by the leaders. As a result, the impression of leaders and colleagues on him changed from good to bad, even worse than those young people who didn't perform well when they first arrived. Because everyone has a "high expectation and high standard" for him, and everyone thinks that his initial positive performance is "fake" and "honesty" is the "core quality" used by our society to evaluate a person. 3 Implication effect Implication effect refers to an implicit and abstract indirect method that affects people's psychology and behavior in a non-confrontational way, thus inducing people to act or accept certain opinions in a certain way, so that their thoughts and behaviors meet the expected goals of the suggester. Generally speaking, children are more receptive to hints than XXXXX. Language suggestion is often used in management. For example, the class teacher's praise of good behavior in collective occasions will play a suggestive role for other students. You can also use gestures, eye contact, tapping on the table, pausing, raising or lowering the volume and so on. Experienced class teachers often choose suitable movies, TV and literary works according to students' shortcomings and mistakes, which is equivalent to students watching and chatting, or telling students some targeted stories, which can produce good results. 4 Antai Effect Antai is the Hercules in ancient Greek mythology, with infinite strength and invincible. Because as long as he leans on the earth, he can draw infinite strength from the mother earth. His opponent discovered the secret, lured him off the ground and killed him in the air. Therefore, we should learn to rely on everyone and the collective. 5 Hint Effect The so-called "hint effect" is to exert influence on the psychology and behavior of others in an implicit and indirect way, so that the hinted person will act unconsciously according to the wishes of the suggester ... This is the so-called "hint effect". Children are more receptive to hints than XXXXX. In the process of music classroom teaching, teachers can improve the teaching effect through language suggestion, action suggestion, expression suggestion and self suggestion. Language suggestion-positive language can make people produce positive emotions and change negative mentality, so teachers can consciously cheer up their children with words such as "You are really smart" and "You can do it", and can also encourage students to encourage each other, such as: I am great! () Zhong: You are great! L: You can, too! (XX X) Crowd: Me too! (XX X) Action suggestion-Music is an invisible and intangible abstract art, and it is more difficult for students at a lower stage to grasp the emotional and ideological connotation of music works. At this time, suggestions for action are particularly important. Teachers can hint students with body movements, so that students can understand music works faster. For example, when expressing musical feelings, teachers can gently swing their bodies left and right to express soft and stretched music and nod their heads slightly to express cheerful and lively music. Suggestions-There are many performance links in low-level music teaching in primary schools, including singing performance, rhythm performance and musical instrument performance, including group performance, group performance and individual performance in form. In these links, teachers should give full play to the role of expression suggestion. When students are performing, if the teacher smiles at them, it is a great encouragement to the students, and you can see the affirmation and praise in the eyes of the teacher. In the process of training students' intonation, Kodaly's gestures can make students have a more intuitive understanding of abstract pitch. One class always missed the last sound "5" when learning the third sentence of the song "Lovely Sheep". So when I sing these bars, I make melody with my hands. At the last note "5", my hand was raised, and the students naturally sang in situ. After a few times, I can fully grasp it. Self-suggestion-Teachers should also educate students to learn self-suggestion, so that students can better play their autonomy in the music learning experience. Some students will feel miserable when they encounter listening practice! Terrible! ""it's too difficult! "Self-suggestion, such as self-suggestion, maintains anxiety in learning, thus interfering with the normal level of play. Once this thinking habit is formed, it will seriously hinder the teaching effect. Therefore, teachers should let students learn positive self-suggestion and think that they can do it. In addition, the teacher's classroom display is also an objective and true attitude suggestion, which is reflected in the teacher's mental state and the degree of investment in the performance of music works. 6 placebo effect the so-called placebo refers to a drug-like preparation composed of neutral substances that have neither curative effect nor toxic and side effects. Placebo is mostly composed of inert substances such as glucose and starch, and has no pharmacological effect. Placebo can have a good positive response to those patients who are eager for treatment and have full trust in medical staff, and have the expected efficacy. This reaction is called the placebo effect. People who are prone to corresponding psychological and physiological reactions when using placebos are called "placebos responders". This kind of person is characterized by sociability, strong dependence, susceptibility to suggestion, lack of self-confidence, and constant concern for various physiological changes and discomfort, hypochondriasis and nervousness. 7 Barnum Effect (Hint Effect) My friend once asked me, what is the most difficult thing in the world? I said it was the hardest to make money, and he shook his head. Goldbach conjecture? He shook his head again. I say I give up, you tell me. He said mysteriously that he knew himself. Indeed, those thoughtful philosophers also say so. Who am I, where am I from and where am I going? People began to ask themselves these questions from ancient Greece, but they didn't get satisfactory results. However, even so, people never stop pursuing themselves. Because of this, people often lose themselves and are easily hinted by the information around them, and take other people's words and deeds as a reference for their actions. Conformity psychology is a typical proof. In fact, people are influenced and hinted by others all the time in their lives. For example, on the bus, you will find this phenomenon: a person yawns with his mouth wide open, and several people around him can't help yawning. Some people don't yawn because there is no suggestion. Who are easily influenced? This can be checked by a simple test. Let people reach out their hands horizontally, palms up and close their eyes. Tell him that now he has a hydrogen balloon tied to his left hand, which has been floating upwards; He tied a big stone to his right hand and fell down. Three minutes later, look at the gap between his hands. The greater the distance, the stronger the hint. Knowing oneself, psychologically called self-perception, is a process in which individuals know themselves. In this process, people are more likely to be hinted by external information, which leads to the deviation of self-perception. In daily life, it is impossible for people to reflect on themselves all the time, and it is impossible to observe themselves as outsiders all the time. Because of this, individuals use external information to know themselves. Individuals are easily hinted by external information when they know themselves, so they often can't perceive themselves correctly. Psychological research reveals that it is easy for people to believe that a general and general personality description is particularly suitable for them. Even though this description is empty, he still thinks it reflects his personality. There was once a psychologist who used a common sentence that was suitable for almost anyone to let college students judge whether it was suitable for them. Results Most college students think that this sentence describes themselves in detail and accurately. The following paragraph is the material of psychologists. Do you think it suits you too? You really need others to like and respect you. You tend to criticize yourself. You have many abilities that can be your strengths, but you also have some shortcomings, but you can usually overcome them. You have some difficulties with XXXXX. Although you look calm on the outside, you are really anxious on the inside. You sometimes doubt whether the decision you made or the thing you did was correct. You like some changes in your life and hate being limited. You are proud of being able to think independently, and you won't accept other people's suggestions without sufficient evidence. You think it unwise to expose yourself too much in front of others. Sometimes you are outgoing, kind and sociable, and sometimes you are introverted, cautious and silent. Some of your ambitions are often unrealistic. This is actually a hat suitable for anyone's head. A famous technician named Shoman barnum commented on his performance, saying that he was very popular, because the program contained ingredients that everyone liked, so he made "people get cheated every minute". People often think that a generalization and general description of personality reveals their own characteristics very accurately, which is called "Barnum effect" in psychology. After giving a group of people the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Questionnaire (MMPI), a psychologist showed the participants two results and asked them to decide which one was their own. In fact, one is the result of the participants themselves and the other is the average result of most people's answers. Participants actually thought that the latter expressed their personality characteristics more accurately. Barnum effect is very common in life. Take fortune telling as an example. After consulting fortune tellers, many people think that what fortune tellers say is "very accurate". In fact, those who turn to fortune tellers are easily influenced. When people are depressed, they lose control of their lives, so their sense of security is also affected. An insecure person's psychological dependence is also greatly enhanced, and the suggestibility is stronger than usual. In addition, fortune tellers are good at trying to figure out people's inner feelings and can understand the feelings of help seekers a little, and help seekers will immediately feel a kind of spiritual comfort. The fortune teller's next general and harmless words can convince the helper.