Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Yuan Shu proclaimed himself a fortune teller.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself a fortune teller.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself a fortune teller.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor in Shouchun, with the title of Zhong Jia. Change Jiujiang satrap to Huainan Yin (this will sound like the chief executive of Gyeonggi Administrative Office). There are three officials and nine officials, as well as civil and military officials. Sacrifice heaven in the southern suburbs and land in the northern suburbs like an emperor.

Pei Gui is the nephew of Emperor Han Ling who was executed for murdering eunuchs when he became an official. When he was young, he and Yuan Shu were good friends. Yuan Shu wrote to Chen Gui to work for him, and held Chen Gui's second son Chen Ying hostage. Be determined to win. Chen Gui wrote back to Yuan Shu, saying, "General Cao will restore the power of the imperial court and get rid of stubborn diseases. I always thought that you would help the Han Dynasty with Qi Xin. I don't expect you to do your best. If I have to abolish my public office for personal gain, Ah Fu will rebel, even if I die. " Yuan Shu will appoint Jin Shang, a former Yanzhou secretariat, as Qiu; Kim escaped before he did it. Later, Shanxi merchants were caught and killed by Yuan Shu.

In March, the imperial court issued a letter ordering Kong Rong, the great master, to observe the festival, to worship Yuan Shao as the general, and to supervise Jizhou, Qingzhou, Youzhou and Bingzhou.

Summer, May, locust plague.

Yuan Shu sent an emissary Han Yin to tell Lu Bu that he proclaimed himself emperor, and took this opportunity to ask Lu Bu's daughter to marry Yuan Shu's son. Lu Bu asked her to go back to Shouchun with Han Yin. Chen Gui was worried that Yuan Shu and Lu Bu would unite and the disaster would be even more difficult to calm down, so he advised Lu Bu: "Cao Cao welcomes the son of heaven and assists in state affairs. The general should make concerted efforts with him to discuss great plans. If you marry Yuan Shu now, you will inevitably attract the name of injustice and there will be a dangerous situation. " Lyu3 bu4 also resented Yuan Shu's refusal to accept himself. Lyu3 bu4' s daughter is already on the road with Han Yin. Lyu3 bu4 will take her back, refuse this marriage, put Han Yin in the torture device, send her to Xudu, and behead her in the market.

Chen Gui wanted his son Chen Deng to see Cao Cao, but Lu Bu strongly disagreed. At this time, Lu Bu was appointed as the left general, and Cao Cao personally wrote to Lu Bu, giving him great encouragement and wooing. Lyu3 bu4 exultation, immediately sent Chen Deng with Shane's memorial and reply to Cao Cao's letter, to the capital. When Chen Deng met Cao Cao, he pointed out that Lu Bu was foolhardy, and it was better to plan ahead than to go lightly. Cao Cao said: "Lu Bu's ambition is hard to maintain for a long time. No one can see his hypocrisy except you. " Immediately, Chen Gui was promoted to Zhong 2,000 stone, and Chen Deng was the magistrate of Guangling. Before leaving, Cao Cao held Chen Deng's hand and said, "I entrust you with the affairs of the East." Ordered him to contact the Ministry of magic secretly as an insider.

When Lu Bu asked Chen Deng to ask the court to appoint him as a shepherd in Xuzhou, the request was rejected. When Chen Deng came back, Lu Bu was furious, pulled out his halberd, slammed the console table and shouted, "Your father advised me to unite with Cao Cao and refused Yuan Shujia's marriage. Now, my request has been rejected, but your father and son have been promoted to rank and knighthood, and I have been betrayed by you! " Chen Deng answered slowly and quietly: "I met Cao Cao and said to him,' Raising a general is like raising a tiger. You must feed him, or he will eat people. "But, Cao Cao said,' You're not right. Actually, it's the same as keeping an eagle. Only when he is hungry will he obey orders. If he is full, he will fly high and have nowhere to see. This is what Cao Cao said. "Lyu3 bu4 anger calm down.

Yuan Shu sent generals Zhang Xun and Qiao Yan. In order to unite Han Xian and Yang Feng, and there are tens of thousands of infantry, cooperate with Pi, and attack Lu Bu in seven ways. At that time, Lu Bu had 3,000 infantry and 400 war horses. I'm afraid he can't resist He said to Chen Gui, "Today, Yuan Shu's army was angered because of you. What should we do now? " Chen Gui said: "Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty, Yang Feng and Yuan Shu are only temporarily combined. Without permanent interests, they cannot maintain long-term unity. Let my son Chen Deng alienate them. They are like a flock of cocks, and they can't live on a branch. "

Using Chen Gui's stratagem, Lu Bu wrote to Han Xian and Yang Feng, saying, "The two generals personally escorted the son of heaven out of the customs, and I personally killed Dong Zhuo. Both of them made great contributions to the country. How can you be a thief with Yuan Shu now! It's better for everyone to work together in Qi Xin to break Yuan Shu and die. " And promised to give Yuan Shu's military supplies and grain to the two of them. Han Xian and Yang Feng were overjoyed when they received the letter, so they changed their minds and joined hands with Lu Bu.

When Lu Bu's army went a hundred paces away from Zhang Xun's camp, Han Xian and Yang Feng's men defected at the same time, shouting and rushing to Zhang Xun's camp together. Zhang Xun and others fled for their lives, while Lu Bu's army came after Yuan Shu's ten generals. The rest were killed or drowned, and Yuan Shu's army was almost wiped out. Lyu3 bu4 took advantage of the situation to join hands with Han Xian and Yang Feng, went to Shouchun, arrived in Zhongli by land and water, burned and looted along the way, crossed the Huaihe River and returned to the north shore, leaving letters to insult Yuan Shu. Yuan Shu personally led the troops cavalry five thousand, in the south bank of the Huaihe River. Lyu3 bu4' s cavalry laughed loudly on the north shore and then retreated.

Cang Ba, the leader of Mount Tai thieves, went to Juxian to attack the evil Xiao Jian, captured Juxian and got the treasure of Xiao Jian. Cang Ba promised to give some to Lu Bu, but he didn't honor it, so Lu Bu asked for it himself. Lu Bu's general Gao Shun dissuaded Lu Bu, saying, "Generals are famous far and near, and they are afraid from far and near. He can't get what he wants, so why ask for property himself! If not, wouldn't it be detrimental to your reputation! " Lu bu didn't listen. After Lu Bu arrived in Juxian County, Cang Ba and others didn't know Lu Bu's purpose, so they stuck to the city and resisted Lu Bu. Lu Bu returned empty-handed.

Seibel is honest and prestigious, and seldom speaks. He has more than 700 soldiers under his command, who win every battle, so-called "trap camp". Lu Bu later alienated Seibel, because Xu Wei was his relative, and he gave Seibel's men to Xu Wei for command. Give it to Seibel when you need to take the lead, but Seibel never resents it. Lu Bu's temperament is capricious. Seibel often advised him: "The general refuses to think carefully, gains and losses are impermanent, and he always makes mistakes. How can this mistake be made again? " Lu Bu knew that he was loyal to himself, but he couldn't accept his advice.