Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What unforgettable movie pictures do you have in mind?

What unforgettable movie pictures do you have in mind?

The movie picture I will never forget in my mind is the last conversation between Jack and Ruth in Titanic:

Never give up! Not only for myself, but also for him!

The boat came, but Jack couldn't see it. ...

Jack sleeps in the sea. ...

Living is sincere love for him!

I am glad to be able to answer this question. I will simply answer the question of the subject myself. For reference only.

As a movie fan born in 1980s and 1990s, in the final analysis, if anyone has that movie that you will never forget, it may only be a classic Hong Kong action movie.

Hello, I'm taking a snapshot, and I'm glad to answer your question.

For me who like movies, many classic scenes can't be forgotten in my mind. These scenes may stay in my memory for a lifetime. Below I will list some scenes to explain why they will make me unforgettable.

1 hachi: the story of a dog

Lao Ba is waiting at the station.

The master's wife came to the station.

Hachi closed his eyes forever.

I believe many people are familiar with these pictures. Every time I think of these photos, my heart trembles. Hachi is waiting for his master to come home outside the station. This is a lifetime, until the end of his life. The relationship between this man and the dog is pure and flawless, how beautiful it is and how regrettable it is. I am also a person who especially likes small animals in my life. When I was a child, I had cats, dogs and ducklings, but they didn't accompany me for a long time in various accidents. Later, I was a little afraid to keep a pet. Although I like it very much, the taste of parting is hard to accept. Many people should have the same idea as me.

2 "The Pursuit of Happyness"

Sleeping in the public toilet with my son and crying.

Teach children to work hard to realize their ideals.

Photos of clapping in the crowd

The hero was homeless because of failure and bankruptcy, so he had to take his son to live in a public toilet temporarily. At this time, the hero cried because of the bad situation, guilt for his son and confusion about the future. Behind the hero education. Don't let those who have accomplished nothing tell you that you can't achieve great things. If you have a dream, you should work hard to realize it. This sentence touched me a lot. I was hit by setbacks, such as losing my job and finding the way forward. It also made me feel depressed and self-denying. But that doesn't solve the problem. As the protagonist said, if you have a dream, you should work hard to realize it. If you do it, you may not succeed, and if you don't do it, you will not succeed. The hero behind seized the opportunity, worked hard and became a formal employee of the securities company. He cried and applauded in the crowd. He shed tears because he was happy and applauded because of the harvest.

3 "Beautiful Life"

Master just strode to death.

This is a great movie, and it can also make people laugh and cry. The men in the play lied that they were playing a game in order to convince their sons that this is a beautiful world. This is an exaggerated and random picture of the hero being escorted by Nazi soldiers and shot. In order not to let his son hiding in the box see the problem, it is also a farewell picture between his father and son.

4 Infernal Affairs Ⅰ

The confrontation between undercover and undercover on the rooftop

The two people on the rooftop are struggling alone in their hearts. In the world of infernal affairs, good people and bad people are mixed and difficult to distinguish. This is an absolutely classic gangster film and a masterpiece of Hong Kong gangster film. I sometimes ask myself if I can bear loneliness for the sake of my faith. My answer is difficult! It's really hard! !

5 "The True Color of Heroes I"

The death of Mark.

I believe many Hong Kong fans are familiar with this picture. This is Mark's last shot. Of course, there are many classic lines in the movie. For example, Mark said to Song Zihao, "I have been waiting for three years, and I just want to wait for an opportunity. I want to catch my breath, not to prove that I am great, but to tell others that I must get what I lost back! " I still have a boiling passion when I think about it now. The trilogy "True colors of heroes" is very classic, and you can never get tired of watching it!

6 dying

Farewell of leukemia patient Yong Cheng

After Yong Cheng came out of the court, leukemia patients saw each other off. Regardless of their own danger, everyone took off their masks and paid tribute to the "drug god" in their hearts. I also watched this movie with a heavy heart, which reflected many practical problems. "Expensive medicine" and "poor illness" are problems that patients have to face, and how helpless patients are in the face of these problems. ...

These are some unforgettable movie pictures in my mind. Of course, there are many classic movies, and there are many unforgettable pictures that have not been written because of space constraints. Let's call it a day. I believe everyone has their own unforgettable movie pictures in their hearts. When I think of these pictures, I will try my best to come to my heart, and I can't calm down for a long time.

I'm glad to answer your question. There are many classic movies, and many classic scenes are impressive, but what impresses me most so far is the old appearance of Hachi waiting alone in front of the station in "Faithful Dog Hachi".

The movie "Eight Dogs in China" shocked me so much that I stopped watching any movies about dogs until now. I like dogs myself. There were many dogs in my family when I was a child. How can I put it? My family is busy making money, and there may be many places where I can't take care of these little lives. I always feel sorry for them, and sometimes I can dream about them in my dreams. The film is full of tears. I didn't think it was a movie for a moment, but I always thought it was true. Whenever I recall the face of this photo, my heart is always uncomfortable. Now this society is impetuous, and what is lacking most is true feelings. Society is changing and people's hearts are changing, but we should be glad that the relationship between dogs and people remains the same.

The content of the film is not dramatic, but a true and plain story. What can it bring us? I think it's "cherish the present", cherish everything around you, whether it's people or animals, you never know what will happen tomorrow, don't leave any regrets for yourself, it's not easy to really know!

▂▄▅▆▇█ Wonderful answer █▇▆▅▄▂

First of all, thank you very much for answering this question here. Let me take you into this question. Now let's discuss it together.

Speaking of some pictures that I can't forget, it really reminds me of some ups and downs when I watch movies. Although action movies are mostly slapstick or funny actions, some emotional pictures can still stimulate some emotions. Next, I recommend it to everyone and let's communicate together.

1, never admit defeat (Jackie Chan)

Wen Zhong, a policeman played by Jackie Chan, persuaded his colleagues and decided to negotiate with the bar criminals who violently took hostages. At this time, the negotiation was undoubtedly very dangerous, but he persisted. At this time, his expression is enough to show his determination, courage and eagerness to save people.

2. Fuse (Donnie Yen)

Donnie Yen plays the policeman Ma Jun, a ruthless policeman who hates evil. Facing the gangster Tony and others, my blood boils. This sniper action, is it the answer to the game of eating chicken now? Friends are familiar with it, haha!

3.TheOne (Jet Li)

The movie "Savior" tells that there are multiple parallel spaces in the universe, and everyone has multiple copies. One day, Jet Li's "Bad EULAN SPA01 SPA0 1" began to kill copies of other parallel spaces by hook or by crook in order to strengthen himself. What I like is this picture of Bad EULAN SPA01 SPA0 1. The police pointed a gun at him, but the eyes of Bad EULAN SPA01 SPA0 1 clearly said, I don't know who doesn't want to live! The expression that I am the savior and I have everything under control is super shocking!

4. Champion Su (Stephen Chow)

In the movie, Su Can, played by Stephen Chow, became a beggar with his father because his martial arts were abolished. One day it snowed heavily. Dad has a fever because the ruined temple doesn't need to be cold. Su Can went out to beg, and dad robbed others of food because of hunger. The officers and men made fun of Su Can for helping his father out of trouble.

5, outsmart Weihushan (Zhang Hanyu)

Zhang Hanyu plays Yang Zirong in the film. I think this scene is unforgettable, so forget it.

The answers to this question shared above are all personal opinions and suggestions. I hope the answer to this question I shared can help everyone.

Meanwhile, I hope you like my sharing. If you have a better answer to this question, please share your comments and discuss this topic together.

Finally, here I am. I wish you all a happy life, good health, a prosperous family and everything, a big fortune every year and a prosperous business. Thank you!

Say three classic pictures.

I believe many people were scared by the smile of the last little girl. I thought you saw the truth and guessed the answer, but I didn't expect the final reversal to be here. The real behind-the-scenes protagonist is a teenage girl. Assuming that she was the murderer, she recorded the modus operandi and details of the crime in detail in the form of notes, and deliberately let her adoptive father read the notes, killing her classmate's gay father by her adoptive father's hand. After Qin Feng and his gang found out the murderer, they forced their adoptive father who loved them to be abnormal. It is hard to imagine that such a case was plotted by a weak and quiet underage girl, which is why her smile is so creepy.

This line by Master Xing is so classic that basically everyone can blurt it out. I thought it was just a bad excuse for Supreme Treasure to perfunctory Xia Zi, but not only Xia Zi, but also the people who watched the movie were deeply moved. How much love do you have? You don't know how to cherish it until you lose it. If you miss it once, it may be a lifetime.

Andy only relied on this humble pickaxe and kept digging every night for nearly twenty years. Finally, he dug a tunnel and escaped from the prison. The roar in the storm is his cry for success in fate, his persistent pride in himself in the past 20 years, and the sound of victory in pursuing freedom. I think nothing is more suitable to describe him than this sentence: give me liberty or give me death.

In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy finally climbed the sewer nearly 500 meters through his own efforts for 20 years, and finally left the prison. The feeling of being free has really infected me and I can't express it in words.

When Titanic faced Ross's life-and-death choice, Jack chose Ross, and the last conversation was so touching.

Listen, winning the boat ticket is the happiest thing in my life. I'm lucky to know you, Ross. I am very satisfied.

I have another wish. You must promise to live and never give up. No matter what happens, no matter how hopeless, promise me Ross, promise me you will do it!

Ruth: I promise.

Jack's last words: I will do it.

It is necessary for "loyal dog Hachi" to accidentally make Parker become attached to Hachi, and then wait for Parker at the station every day. It's more like waiting for its only relative. When it sees Parker, it will jump on him excitedly and spoil him. Later, Parker died of a sudden myocardial infarction at school. However, for Hachi, he didn't know that waiting was the only thing he could do. He waited for nine years day after day, year after year.

Your Name When the person who haunted him suddenly appeared, he was so excited that he was at a loss. When they passed by, they felt each other, speechless and uncertain. When the boy summoned up his courage and asked, So ... I seem to have seen you somewhere, the girl cried, Me too. Finally, they both said, Your name is.


I have three unforgettable movie pictures in my mind, namely:

The first is the picture before the heroine Mara committed suicide on the bridge in Broken Blue Bridge.

Roy, who was waiting for his lover, received the bad news of Roy's death in the battlefield and was forced to betray himself when his life was unsustainable. Then I met Roy at the station. As usual, the man took care of Mara and took her home. Mara, the heroine, couldn't stand her betrayal of love and broke the blue bridge.

The vows of eternal love languish, and the flowers on the moon will never be seen, so a love ended, leaving too many regrets in the name of love.

Second, the bow figure of Truman when he left the "world" in The Truman Show.

For more than ten years, he was "consumed" without knowing it. But when Truman found out the truth, he didn't get angry. Instead, he calmly bowed to the audience in front of the TV and said as usual: Good morning, good afternoon and good night. The inescapable time has become an infinite cycle, and the inescapable space has become a Truman Show.

Third, 1900 when the last ship of Legend exploded.

The passengers on the ship saw the American mainland as if they saw a vault, even though there was an unparalleled pianist behind them. Compared with the passengers, the pianist 1900 decided to stick to the principle until it was blown up. It is the principle of 1900 and his action to stick to oneself and not be tempted by money and fame.

I think the most memorable movie pictures should be found in classics, such as Titanic. The ship sank and everyone was running for their lives, but some people insisted on giving priority to women. It's really shocking here, full of humanity and gentlemanly atmosphere.

Jack, the hero, and Rose, the heroine, finally found their true love, but they encountered all kinds of dangers because of the sinking of the Titanic. Two people finally found a floating board, but this board can only be ridden by one person. Finally, Jack shook Ross's hand and let me know what love is.

"Young and Dangerous 3 Absolute Monarch" has always felt that the crow in this film is the biggest highlight, and the role is perfectly shaped. What impressed me the most was the part where the crow "educated" his younger brother at first, really kicking and punching, and even "teaching" Guan Er. It can be seen that his fierce and violent figure made the role more divided.

Love between Grandparents, starring Jimmy Lin, is a very insulting film. The most profound thing is that Jimmy Lin explained to his father in bed in order to save his brother from falling from the tree. It's so sad. He especially wants grandpa's approval, but he is always misunderstood. Unexpectedly, it was the end of his life to open his heart and talk to his grandfather and get his approval.