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Indian fortune-telling movies

In India, having a high caste means having wealth, freedom and rights, and during the epidemic, it means having a gold medal to avoid death. Then, can the low caste pretend to be a high caste, or achieve a class leap and reach the peak of life?

Where does the caste system come from? After the Aryans entered the Ganges River valley, they gradually settled in India and began their farming life. The stable farming life has given birth to many occupations, and the rise of manufacturing and handicrafts has promoted the development of commerce, with the emergence of merchant groups, fairs and trade centers. At this time, three classes appeared, namely, soldiers, priests and tribesmen. However, the concept of caste did not exist. It was not until Aryans were afraid that they would be assimilated by the Dasa people that they began to ponder how to distinguish themselves from the Dasa people in some way.

The Sanskrit word "caste" is "Varna", which means "skin color". At first, it was to distinguish Aryan whites from Dassault blacks in color. The original three classes of Aryans gradually formed three castes, and non-Aryans formed a fourth caste.

In order to convince Dasa people that their status was low, Aryans put a mysterious veil on the caste system. In Rigveda, Brahma gave birth to Brahma from his mouth, Shatuo from his arms, Vedas from his legs and sudra from his feet. So your caste and status are innate and cannot be changed, which greatly weakens the resistance consciousness of Dasa people. Since then, the "four-part format" of the caste system has been formed, which has been in use ever since.

The division of caste The highest-ranking Brahmins are monks and priests. Monks are not the monks we remember. They are a special profession in India, responsible for religious ceremonies and large-scale sacrificial activities. Religion is sacred and inviolable in the hearts of Indians, so monks who are proficient in complex rituals have become the highest class, above the general public.

Followed by Khrushchev, Khrushchev was a soldier first, and now most of them are princes and nobles. During the period of peace and prosperity, the imperial power expanded greatly, and the royal family, as the ruler and protector, was also above the people.

The third layer is the Vedas, and the Vedas are civilians. In the past, farmers could engage in modern agriculture, animal husbandry and commerce and participate in religious ceremonies, but they had no political rights.

Sudra, the lowest class, is a Dasa, or a hybrid of Aryan and Dasa. As untouchables with no afterlife, they have no right to be protected politically, legally and religiously, and can only engage in low-level occupations such as servants, toilet cleaners and street sweepers.

There is a saying in India whether a low caste can pass for a high caste. The higher the caste, the whiter the skin, and there are obvious differences between people of high caste and people of low caste in skin color, clothing, temperament and speech. People around you can also judge whether this person belongs to a high caste by asking about occupation, residence and other information. If they are untouchables, they will be banned from entering shopping malls, restaurants and entertainment places, as well as using public swimming pools, bathing places and some main roads. Therefore, it is impossible for people of low caste to pretend to be high caste.

After the establishment of the caste system, all levels are hereditary, and caste members are branded from birth, which also gives him a specific position and professional scope in the future. Members of low castes can not only engage in decent jobs, but also can not guarantee the most basic education and housing. Therefore, most Dalits in India's vast slums are illiterate. So can the caste status be improved by intermarriage? The answer is also no.

According to different regions, castes are divided into many sub-castes, and then according to different settlements, sub-castes are divided into settlement castes, and settlement castes are divided into various clans that practice exogamy. In other words, you can only marry people from sub-castes or settled castes of the same caste, and it is impossible for highland castes to marry. Unless a high-caste man secretly loves a low-caste woman, a high-caste woman cannot marry a man who likes a low-caste man. But this kind of situation is rare, because there is almost no chance for high caste and low caste to meet, let alone intermarry.

The caste system has changed. You may wonder why India still pursues this ancient system after 2 1 century. The caste system has been explicitly abolished in the Indian Constitution, but it is deeply rooted in society and Indian society has been unable to get rid of it. Nehru once opposed the caste system, but he needed the support of high-caste dignitaries when he was in power. Therefore, he can only improve and compromise the caste system, and the segregation between castes is alleviated.

In traditional Indian society, caste system is closely related to occupation, but in modern society, various occupations emerge one after another, the education level is getting higher and higher, and the occupation choice has been liberated to a certain extent. However, although people of low caste can get decent jobs, it is difficult to be reused.

Take Bollywood as an example. Most Bollywood actors come from noble families or high castes. Although people from the Vedas also have the opportunity to become actors, some newly-built drama academies are also open to low castes. But they will hardly become the protagonists of movies or TV series, mainly supporting roles and walk-ons. Take Aamir Hussain Khan, a famous Indian national treasure actor, as an example. His mother belongs to Brahman and his father belongs to Khrushchev. Both of them are of high caste, so he is a nobleman. In addition, his father, uncle and cousin are film producers and directors, so that he can not only enjoy a good deductive education, but also have a smooth sailing in his deductive career and director career. So when he openly opposes the caste system in India, it will have a great impact, which is also ironic.

How serious is caste discrimination and segregation in India at present? There is a line in an anti-caste film in India: "We don't drink the water touched by untouchables, we can't touch them, even if their shadows can't fall on us."

The film shows only a small part of the real society, and the real situation is far more exaggerated than we thought. It is said that people of low caste meet flight attendants of high caste by plane, dare not ask the flight attendants to provide any service, and don't eat or drink for hours.

There are many things in China that people can't understand. This society seems to be out of touch with the rapidly developing world. The caste system has restricted the development of India to a certain extent, but people with low castes have followed suit, while people with high castes have no intention of changing the status quo. I don't know how long this society will exist.