Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What kinds of postures appear when walking, probably because of poor health, so it is recommended to see a doctor?

What kinds of postures appear when walking, probably because of poor health, so it is recommended to see a doctor?

Normal people's walking gait is to coordinate various functions of the body, which is composed of nervous system, joint system and muscle tissue to maintain normal state. Problems in any link can be shown in human gait. When diseases occur in the human body system, typical abnormal gait will appear, which implies that some specific diseases can be diagnosed by observation. Gait changes may also indicate pathological changes in muscle tissue and nervous system.

Penguin step, scientific name panic gait or small broken step, is characterized by small stride, leaning forward, walking without swinging hands and relatively stiff face. If these conditions occur, it is difficult to determine whether it is Parkinson's disease or some tumors in the brain. Scissors gait, scissors gait mainly occurs in patients with cerebrovascular disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage or spinal cord injury. These patients often have some motor dysfunction, such as leg weakness. If the patient is recovering, he will walk around.

When the mop walks, it is normal for the patient to walk on one leg. But due to muscle or nerve dysfunction, the other leg will be slowly dragged over. This gait is easily associated with sciatica and other diseases. If the situation is serious, these patients' diseases will develop into intermittent claudication. Drunk gait, usually unable to walk in a straight line, is called ataxia gait. People with this gait should be highly suspicious of brain tumors, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebellar lesions.

Magnetic gait is a gait in which the feet can't be lifted and always walk on the ground, which is similar to walking in a magnetic field when the feet can't be lifted easily. Many experts say that people with this gait often lose their balance and even fall down. For the elderly, falling is a big problem, which may lead to spinal fracture, many complications, disability and even death. Healthy people generally stride, even if they walk, they will feel strong, but at a slower speed. When you walk, you can always keep your head up and chest out, and your heels land first, which looks very smooth and light step by step. Generally speaking, I am in good health.