Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What's the name of chicken tongue?

What's the name of chicken tongue?

What are the characteristics of chicken's tongue?

Chicken's tongue is small, sharp and triangular. In addition, chicken tongue mucosa basically has no taste function, and chickens mainly rely on vision and touch to get food; The salivary glands of chickens are well developed and secrete a lot, so they can eat dry powder or granular substances quickly.

Chickens grow by eating feed and vegetables, worms and broken rice. Mixed drinks for chickens. According to its nutritional requirements, it needs higher energy and higher protein. In the general diet, grains (corn, broken rice, etc. ) accounts for 50 ~ 60%; 5- 10% bran (rice bran, wheat bran, etc. ); 20-25% oil cake (peanut cake, bean cake, sesame cake, etc.). ); Animal feed (fish meal, meat meal, etc. ) 7-20%; 4-5% of bone powder and shell powder; 0.3-0.5% salt. Green feed should be fed separately, especially when there is no vitamin additive, and the feeding amount should not be interrupted, which is about 30 ~ 50% of the concentrate.

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Sunlight irradiation can increase the temperature, increase the appetite of chickens, facilitate digestion, promote calcium and phosphorus metabolism, maintain the normal growth and development of chickens and kill bacteria. However, strong light and long time (including artificial lighting) are easy to make chicks exercise excessively and get no proper rest, which will affect their normal development. Therefore, shading measures should be taken to make chicks get proper rest, which is beneficial to digestion, weight gain and molting, and can also prevent bad habits such as anal pecking and feather pecking.

The temperature of newly hatched chickens is 3℃ lower than that of adult chickens, and it takes 10 days to reach the normal temperature. In addition, the chicken's fluff is short and thin, so it can't keep out the cold, so its adaptability to the environment is not strong. It is necessary to rely on artificial heat preservation to make the chicken grow and develop normally. 1-30-day-old chickens should be kept warm and placed in a clean and hygienic environment. Chickens over 30 days old are basically full of feathers and can keep warm.

Baidu encyclopedia-chicken (chicken)