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Will boils recur?

Infectious molluscum, known as rat milk in Chinese medicine, is commonly known as wart.

The infectious molluscum virus that causes this disease belongs to a DNA virus of Poxvirus family, and humans and apes are the only hosts. The disease can be spread in the following ways.

1) Close contact and transmission, such as close contact with infected mothers and children living in groups in daily life.

2) Sexual contact spread, spread through direct contact on the surface of sexual organs.

3) Indirect contact spread in public places, such as public baths or swimming pools.

4) self-inoculation, which prolongs the patient's own rash by scratching and self-inoculation.

[Clinical manifestations]

Common in children and young people. At the beginning of the disease, it is a hemispherical or hemispherical papule with the size of rice grain, which gradually increases to the size of pea, with a concave center or umbilical fossa. The surface is waxy, gray, pearl-colored, reddish or normal in color. At first, the texture is tough, and then it gradually softens. After the center of the top of the wart is punctured, a white cheese-like substance can be squeezed out, which is called soft wart. The number of skin lesions varies, scattered, not integrated with each other, and consciously itchy.

The damage of this disease can occur in any part of the skin, especially in children's face, trunk and limbs. Adults infected through sexual contact are prone to occur in the external genitalia, medial muscles, pubic bone, buttocks and around anus, and occasionally in the mucosa of lips, tongue and cheeks. Due to scratching and self-inoculation, the rash can be distributed in lines and strips. In the third trimester of pregnancy, the number of lesions can increase.

The disease is occasionally keratinized, similar to small skin angle, and often secondary to bacterial infection. If the eyelid has skin lesions, it may be accompanied by reactive conjunctivitis or keratitis. [western medicine therapy]

1) Under aseptic conditions, puncture the top of the wart, and squeeze out or remove the soft wart; Or use toothed forceps and curved vascular forceps to clamp the wart and pull it out. Then apply 2% tincture of iodine or carbolic acid or 3.3% trichloroacetic acid, and press to stop bleeding.

2) topical 0. 1% tretinoin alcohol or 0.05% ~ 0. 1% viaminate cream, twice a day for 2 weeks.

3) External application of 3% phthalamide ointment or liniment, 2 ~ 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

4)% Toona sinensis tincture for external application. Not for pregnant women, not for facial skin lesions. Don't apply liquid medicine to normal skin.

5) external use 1% 5- fluorouracil dimethyl sulfoxide solution, 1 ~ 2 times, daily 1 time.

6) Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.

7) carbon dioxide laser cauterization gasification treatment.

8) electrocautery treatment.

9) A single huge skin lesion can be removed by surgery.

10) Infectious molluscum with secondary infection can often subside by itself. Avoid scratching to prevent diffusion before settlement. Antibiotics can be used to treat serious infections.

If you don't pay attention to personal hygiene, there will be the possibility of recurrence.