Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Palm reading reveals men and women's "money snatchers" What is a money snatcher?

Palm reading reveals men and women's "money snatchers" What is a money snatcher?

When I first entered middle school, the little girl behind the seat would say: I will tell your fortune and read your palm. If you have a rising line, your career will be good, you can earn money, your emotional line is not good, you may get divorced, and so on. It can be seen that palmistry has a deep mass base in China, and even teenagers can learn it. Nowadays, palmistry is an outstanding research. Regardless of men and women, we are most concerned about whether our hands are money-grabbing hands, and what men's hands are as rich as cotton and women's hands are as rich as firewood. Is that so? Let's take a look at your palm and palm print first!

Broadly speaking, men and women are just the opposite. Men's hands should have been thick and thin, but such men's hands generally have a hard fortune. A man's hand grasping money is like a woman's hand. It is fleshy and thick, and the fingers should not be too thin and dry, and the knuckles should not be thick. Men's hands are as thick and fleshy as cotton, which shows that men can easily earn money or get ancestors. Women's hands are the best, long and thin, and sand-colored jade fingers are the best, just like jade hands in jewelry ring advertisements. But in fact, according to the author's observation, rich women's hands are not necessarily bony, and many buns-shaped palms are also rich women. Even if divorced, they can get a sum of money from their husbands. Speaking of palm reading, it is probably a fortune-telling method recognized all over the world. What fortune-telling horoscope is China's, Tarot astrology is western, and only palm reading is shared by people all over the world! It is said that palm reading has a long history. According to archaeological sites all over India, palmistry was very popular in ancient India, and Gypsies were also masters of palmistry.

Palmistry has a long history in China, and it was very popular as early as the Zhou Dynasty. A relatively complete palmistry was the palmistry in the Western Han Dynasty, which was the most systematic palmistry in China at that time. Use hand shapes and hand prints to judge the good or bad of a lifetime, and so on. The thickness and grain of the hand will change with time, and we can also discuss the past and predict the future fortune from the change of the hand grain. Good hand prints can make us prepare for good luck in advance, while bad hand prints can make us plan ahead.

Men and women who want to rob money cannot have plastic surgery on their hands. Although wealth is in the sky, whether we can catch money or not depends on our own efforts. And those women whose hands are like firewood, don't show off in an ostentatious manner too early, and don't be discouraged by those buns whose hands look ugly. Maybe one day you will be a pair of hands for money!