Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Tortoise shell fortune-telling _ tortoise shell fortune-telling map daquan

Tortoise shell fortune-telling _ tortoise shell fortune-telling map daquan

How to identify the turtle's age?

There are three ways to judge the age of a turtle:

1. Look at the belly spots of turtles in the sky. Each belly point has a circular line, and each circle represents a year (some have two circles or no circles).

2. Look at the carapace on the back (thirteen hexagons). There are circles on each shell, and each circle represents a year. But now many turtles are artificially fed in greenhouses. Although the turtle is very big, it is difficult to see the growth line.

3. According to the number of concentric rings on the tortoise shell, every 1 circle represents 1 growth cycle for one year, plus 1 (born at 1 year when the shell was broken), which is the age of the tortoise.

Other methods:

Look at the midline of the abdominal nail:

Generally, the middle line of tortoise shell under 5 years (some 6 years) is white or light silvery white straight thick line. With the increase of age, the middle line of tortoise shell will gradually become deeper, thinner and curved.

When a turtle is over 5 years old, the midline will be as thin as a hair. When it is over 7 years old, the midline will bend, depending on the thickness and shape of the throat shield:

Throat shield and adult turtle shield are relatively thin and peaceful. With the increase of turtle age, the thickness of the throat shield will gradually increase and the shape will gradually bend inward. Generally speaking, the throat shield and shield of turtles over 5 years old will behave like this.

When the glans penis shrinks into the shell, look at the wrinkles in the neck:

When the tortoise is frightened, its head will shrink into its shell to protect itself. However, when the glans of different ages contract, the neck wrinkles are different. The older the turtle, the more obvious the neck wrinkles. The neck wrinkles of turtle 12 years old are quite obvious.

Skin that shrinks together is similar to wrinkles in the elderly.

Look at the boils next to the cloaca at the tail:

Generally speaking, the furuncle next to the cloacal hole of soft-shelled turtle that has not reached gonadal maturity is a small and smooth particle, but once soft-shelled turtle reaches gonadal maturity, the furuncle next to cloacal hole is a sharp particle, which is really stable for southern stone turtle for about 8 years.

Of course, different turtle species, ring marks during hatching and other factors will also affect the accuracy of age.

For old turtles or turtles with ambiguous rings, only the approximate age can be estimated.

Generally speaking, judging the sex of the turtle, the female turtle has a short and wide carapace, a flat carapace, no depression in the center, a thin and short tail, a thin tail base, a genital hole near the rear edge of the carapace, and a shallow notch formed by the two anal shields of the carapace with a large notch angle. On the other hand, the carapace of the male turtle is long and narrow, the center of the carapace is slightly concave inward, the tail is thick and long, and the tail base is thick. The vent hole is far away from the posterior edge of the carapace, and the incision formed by the anal shield of the carapace is deep and the incision angle is small. On the whole, for most adult turtles in the same year, the male turtle is thin and small, and the female turtle is round, thick and big.