Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The palm features of successful people are completely exposed.

The palm features of successful people are completely exposed.

Fortune-telling by palm reading is a wonderful flower in China's geomantic culture. It is said that the future destiny is in your own hands, or is it really in your own hands? In your own hands? . Next, I will tell you what are the characteristics of successful people's palms. Welcome to learn from them.

Palmistry characteristics of successful people 1. Wisdom line's clear and profound people, people with this kind of line, have the spirit of doing things with all their might, and have the sense of smell like a hound. As long as their prey is locked, they will hold it tightly until it enters their pockets. It is this kind of work that makes it easy to gain fame and status.

Second, wisdom line and wisdom line are very close to the lifeline, which originated in the upper part, indicating that this person is full of passion and confidence in his career and life. In order to live a good life, he will work hard to make money. He is also a capable group, so it is easier and easier to make money.

Third, a person with a mole in the center of his palm is rare among ten thousand people, which shows that this person has unlimited wealth? Good fortune, the more money you count, the less you care about too many details, only care about the overall situation and have leadership skills.

Jupiter Mountain, Saturn Mountain, Sun Mountain and Mercury Mountain under the four fingers are obviously developed, especially the center is slightly concave and the whole palm is slightly polished. The master has the ability to achieve great things, and he is a talent at the level of chairman.

A person's palm is big but not stiff, strong and firm, weak and elastic. If the emotional line can be clear and profound, it means that this person will achieve something in the future, win high honors and honor his ancestors.

There are two or three success lines, even more, which belong to multi-angle management, multi-head development and multi-faceted success. However, if a person's time and energy are limited and his strength is scattered, the success rate will inevitably be discounted. It is better to concentrate his spirit and strength and pursue higher achievements.

The success line is thin, short, weak, bent, broken, with island stripes or many horizontal stripes, which shows that you are not working hard enough, thus affecting your success. This kind of person meets someone who is stronger than himself and wants to knock him down; Or you have an ideal and a plan, but you don't want to suffer and don't implement it.

There are many lines of success, but they are all small and have a strong artistic temperament. He is very popular and appreciated by the opposite sex. His interests are too wide and easy to learn, but after learning, he changed to other interests.

Palm 1, a man with soft, thick and elastic palms.

If the palms are soft, thick and elastic when shaking hands, such a man is lucky, pragmatic, honest, persistent, flexible and resourceful.

This kind of man is easy to succeed in everything he does, not because of his good luck, but because of his unyielding personality, perseverance in everything he does and perseverance in seeking money, so he can grasp his fortune and make a fortune.

2. A very rich man.

In palm reading, the root of the little finger is called Mercury Hill, and the vertical line here is called Fortune Line.

Wealth line is an important symbol of good or bad fortune. If the fortune line is deep and strong, and some people even have many deep and straight fortune lines, it means good fortune. People with such palms will become rich.

3. A man with a sunken palm like a cornucopia.

Speaking of which, men can flatten their palms. If there is an obvious depression in the palm after flattening, it is best to drop some water in the depression of the palm so as not to leak. This is called a cornucopia.

This kind of man has a strong ability to gather money and manage money, and can keep money. If they are rich, they will know how to save and do some investment and financial management, so that the accumulation of wealth will be more abundant.

4. A man with his fingers together and no seams.

Hold out all four fingers except the thumb and put them together. If there is no gap in the middle, not even a sesame seed will fall out. Such a man has a strong ability to save money.

They are especially good at managing money, don't spend and consume blindly, and are also very careful in life. Such a man will surprise you occasionally and be rich.

5. A man with a spindle of grain in his hand.

If the palmprint can be combined into a ladder shape and sealed tightly, it belongs to a big treasury.

With a treasury, it means that you have a lot of money and more savings, which means that you have the possibility of becoming rich, and it is easy to own many assets, such as houses and cars. Such people are not short of money, which not only brings good luck to themselves, but also brings good luck to their husband's family.

6. People with more money.

What is a money tattoo? What is the national treasury?

Money line, also known as money line, refers to many thin diagonal lines between the little finger and the ring finger. If these lines are deeper and more, they represent wealth and money, and people have inexhaustible money in their lives.

The treasury is that the lines in the hand are intertwined to form a big square or triangle, and even multiple squares or triangles are formed in the hand.