Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What is androgyny?

What is androgyny?

There are three conditions: abnormal sex chromosomes, abnormal gonadal differentiation and drug reasons.

Androgyny, namely hermaphrodite, probably refers to the eunuchs in ancient China. Bisexuality, as its name implies, has the gender characteristics of both sexes. This kind of person may be rare, but it does exist. Some people have breasts only for women, but they also have Adam's apple and beard only for men. Some bisexual people even have bisexual reproductive organs. There are about three reasons, as follows.

The first and most common is sex chromosome abnormality.

As we all know, the male chromosome is 46XY and the female chromosome is 46XX, but it is possible that for some reason, the chromosome will mutate and appear 47XX or 45XY, so there will be gender abnormality. This chromosomal abnormality may be caused by inbreeding or fetal development. This situation is the most common, but it is also the most serious. Children with this disease may be born no different from normal fetuses, preferring to be male or female.

The second is abnormal gonadal differentiation.

Maybe the child's ovaries and testicles are dislocated in the new differentiation process, and they may become male or female. In this case, the gender characteristics are not particularly obvious. If you hide it well, you can continue to live a normal life and go to the hospital for treatment. It should be very good as long as you adjust it through hormones.

The third possibility is drugs.

For example, if women consume too much androgen, some characteristics of men may appear, or if men consume too much estrogen, their voices will become thinner and thinner, and their breasts will become bigger and bigger. This situation is generally due to improper medication, or because you want to use this medicine yourself. In this case, you just need to stop taking the medicine and you can recover slowly.

There are two kinds of "intersex", one is true intersex and the other is false intersex. True hermaphrodites have two sets of chromosomes, xy and xx, which have both male and female physiological functions. There is only one set of chromosomes in the body of a pseudohermaphrodite. Although they have the characteristics of another sex in vitro, they do not have the physiological functions of both men and women.

Both real and fake intersex people can be treated, but they should be found and treated as soon as possible. Especially true hermaphrodites, after early detection, doctors can choose a well-developed physiological function for treatment, remove their redundant organs or repair their incomplete organs according to their physiological conditions. In this way, it is conducive to his (her) development and growth, so that he can enjoy the life and rights of a normal person.