Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - "Why is Buddhism richer than Taoism?

"Why is Buddhism richer than Taoism?

Why is Buddhism richer than Taoism?

Quanzhen Daochang Liang Xingyang


Chatting with disciples, I discussed the current situation of Taoism, including temples, the way of spreading Taoism and the living conditions of Taoist friends. One of the problems is that Taoism has no money, and it can't be as big as Buddhism, and it is deeply rooted in people's hearts and the living standards of Taoist priests. Many of these are because of money. Taoism has no money to spread Taoism, but monks have to spend a lot of money on loans to drive luxury cars.

For example, drivers of scenic spots in some temples earn hundreds or hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. The big monk's bracelets are all one or two million, and there are one or two million chains hanging around his neck. Compared with Taoism, they are so rich that they are simply rich. Taoist temples and practitioners are poor, including clothes, which are not as good as Buddhism. Neither the standard of living nor the number of believers can keep up with Buddhism. As many Taoists feel, why is Taoism developing so well, why are people so rich and why is it so hard to cultivate? Why are so many temples downtown? Why are Buddhist temples so majestic and few Taoist temples? Why are they here? With what?

It doesn't really matter. Although these situations involve money, it really doesn't matter much. From the perspective of Tao, money is just a tool. If you only see money, you only see money, but you don't see Tao. You didn't see the inner meaning behind money, only saw its meaning and didn't think of why.

Ask your heart:

A sentence like this: "The fragrance is far away, and the taste is near", a religion, whether Buddhism or Taoism, may be divided into beauty and ugliness from a distance. If you agree with it, from a distance, you will magnify both beauty and ugliness a thousand times; When you look deeply, you will find the beauty and ugliness. There is no perfect goodness in the world, including Buddhism and Taoism. It's just that we should improve ourselves through practice and promote the existence of truth, goodness and beauty.

In the process of discovery, even if the initial intention is firm, after all kinds of difficulties, especially the frustration after the beauty is destroyed, many people change their initial intentions and question their choices. After questioning, they may sink, give up, collude or be more determined; See more and see more to really understand.

There is a saying in Buddhism: "It is not difficult to become a Buddha without changing your initial heart", which greatly appreciates the initial heart of the practitioner, but it also reflects a real reality. There are very few people who don't change their minds, just like those who become buddhas and immortals. Only in this process can we truly recognize ourselves, reach the Tao naturally and be fearless.

Many people have forgotten their own mind, their original firmness, and slowly fall into confusion again. Even if they are nominally monks and Taoist priests, even if they wear gold embroidered robes, they have millions of chains around their necks and ride tens of millions of luxury cars, they are just laymen.

No matter which Taoist temple has money or which monk or Taoist priest has money, these are all foreign things. You only see money, you only say it's because you only see money, not that anyone is lofty and dirty and who treats money as a joke. Many things can't be done without money, but money can't be used as everything to declare.


Not without money, not without money. This is the world. We saw many Taoist friends go to Hongdao and many Taoist temples do things. It's really not because they have money, but because they are willing to take money to Hongdao instead of taking money to lend or do other things. I believe everyone has heard the news that religious loans can't get back the money. They make money for the sake of money, not to preach Buddhism.

Sometimes people say that I have money to do these things, and Taoist priests have money; But the truth behind it may make you feel incredible. I am really not rich. Taoism is not only our rich temples and Taoist priests. It's just that we are willing to do more things and make more people with this money. Maybe we won't be able to continue that day and need someone else to go to Hongdao.

Looking back, did Buddhism have money from the beginning? Even though there are many problems in Buddhism, such as the phenomenon that monks buy luxury cars or loans, and all kinds of bad situations appear, this happens only because of money. Taoism is rich, and according to the present situation and the general level of Taoists, it may be worse than Buddhism.

It's not that Taoism is noble, great and firm, but because Taoism doesn't have that much money, and it doesn't have the opportunity to do so, and it doesn't have the opportunity to drive a luxury car to borrow money. Either Taoism, natural justice, Taoism or moral owner. Just like the rich have a lot of money to spend on drinking, the poor have no money to support drinking, and they have neither the heart nor the financial resources.

This statement is realistic and intuitive. Just as the rich are not born bad people who are greedy for money, and the poor are not born good people, there are also good people and bad people in Buddhism and Taoism. If you have money, you will have such a problem. Just because we reflect on the existence of problems does not mean that we can deny that there will be no such problems if we have money. When we see the problems in Buddhism, we don't want to denigrate Buddhism or flaunt Taoism, but to learn and understand. All good religions are good, and Buddhism and Taoism are good.

Seeking truth:

People should first understand themselves rationally and face the world rationally. Buddhism really wasn't so rich from the beginning. Thanks to the efforts of eminent monks and contemporary monks, believers are willing to support and do more Buddhist things. Although there are many problems when you are rich, at present, it is always more powerful than Taoism and more popular with the public. Whether it is superstition or belief, Buddhism always has its own way to let the world know about it.

The world is fair, you can bear as much as you have the ability and mind, and you can get as much as your heart can really control the resources; If you can't spend so much resources or money at your disposal, it means that your mentality and ability can't reach this level. Don't make excuses for your situation, it is the performance of the weak; If you are a pig farmer in the mountains, and the pattern is limited to the mountains, you will get carried away immediately if you give you millions of cash, and you don't know what to do, whether to marry Cui Hua in your village or Xiao Fang in a neighboring village or raise more pigs.

In the final analysis, the reason why Taoism has no money is because the whole Taoist atmosphere and various developments are unable to bear so much money, and Buddhism is unable to bear so much money, which has not reached the width and breadth of really having so much money. This is reality, naked reality. When all the ills of Taoism cannot be solved, there can be no better situation. The world is so fair, complaining and admiring Buddhism, which is meaningless. If we want to really spread the word, we must clearly realize this. At least, we must first realize that money is only a tool to spread the word. We practice for Tao, not for making money.

Don't mistake me for a Buddhist spy. I am a serious Taoist. Don't mistake me for asking a monk to write it for me. I should have the courage to know myself. Only by knowing the shortcomings can we make up for them. Only through reflection can I truly understand myself and correct myself.

When we can really promote Taoism in a reasonable way, when people around you think you are fashionable rather than weird when they see you practicing Buddhism, and when they see that Taoist priests are friends who don't chase fortune-telling, Taoism can develop better. All these require each of us to really calm down and do it. We need to remind ourselves all the time, practice and improve ourselves constantly, and then influence others.

Because we are Taoists, because we deeply love Taoism and traditional culture, we feel sad and painful about the present situation of Taoism, so we will continue to do more. After sadness and pain, we need to do it in a down-to-earth manner. Entering the door is very simple, kind, sincere and natural.

Seeking the truth:

When people around you think that becoming a monk is a scam, when people don't know what true Taoism means, when the reputation of Taoist priests is constantly being corrupted by real Taoist priests or fake Taoist priests, when onlookers still look at Taoism with different eyes, when your parents and elders can't understand the significance of your choice to be a Taoist priest, when people around you think that believing in Buddhism is a belief or superstition, when Taoism is still full of all kinds of magic sticks, When many young people in Secondary Two are still keen on setting up schools to cultivate immortals and seeking beautiful women to accompany them, when there is no correct channel for them to know the real Taoism, never expect Taoism to be richer than Buddhism, and never expect Taoism to make better use of the tool of money than Buddhism, because Taoism does not deserve to have so many believers and so much financial resources.

You are an ordinary person who works hard. One day, you may climb to the top of your life. You are an ordinary person. You won10 million pounds in the lottery. You may have gained wealth in an instant, but you have lost the qualification to climb higher, because the wealth at that time was out of your control, and you were no longer your true self.

So do Buddhism and Taoism. When you have money beyond the present realm, beggars will only waste it if they find a golden rice bowl. In the eyes of us Taoists, Taoism is our belief. We must have a firm belief that Taoism will be better and develop better. Then it is necessary to practice hard, instead of expecting a pie to fall from the sky. Taoism will become rich and willful overnight.

The process of monasticism inevitably involves money. Connect these with practice and the real pursuit of Tao. The result of practice is not castles in the air, but the money we have accumulated in the process of practice, or you can become immortal without blowing dust. You are just a castle in the air, which is not good for monasticism.

When we talk about the wrong way, we should really recognize ourselves on the basis of rationality, not to say that we should recognize the advantages of Taoism, but also the shortcomings of Taoism. Only by knowing, can we truly understand ourselves, can Taoism really develop and really open people's hearts. When Taoism can take on more responsibilities, accommodate more contents and integrate into the existence of Taoism, money is really no longer a problem.

We need to consider how much we can bear, how much we can bear, how big the pattern is, and money is just a tool. We should learn to see the inner meaning from the back of the amount of money, instead of judging practice by the amount of money we finally get. Don't deny your heart. You don't practice for money or luxury cars. Everything is foreign. Do not forget your initiative mind.

Perhaps the development of Taoism needs the efforts of one generation or even several generations, and Taoists need to constantly try and find new ways, but the present situation does not prevent us from knowing ourselves now, or practicing and upgrading ourselves. This should be the true meaning of Taoism and encourage you.