Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Do your best composition this time.

Do your best composition this time.

No matter in study, work or life, everyone will inevitably come into contact with composition, which is a kind of comprehensive and creative speech activity. Do you know how to write a standardized composition? The following is my best composition this time (generally 10), I hope it will help you.

This time, do your best composition 1. We are born with a fixed appearance. Some people are beautiful, others are flawed. They are very inferior. They always live in the ridicule of others, are excluded by others because of their own defects, and even are included in the "list" by some people. How sad they should be; Because of some shortcomings, I was nicknamed by others. Always walk with your head down and don't want to see others pointing fingers; Don't communicate with others, for fear that others will laugh at you. ...

We can't change our looks, but we can show our smiles! No matter how many shortcomings we have, we can have a beautiful heart and treat life with an optimistic and positive attitude. If you want others to respect yourself, you must respect yourself first. We can hold our heads high and impress others. Maybe you are not the most beautiful one, but you can smile at others and laugh at yourself with the most confidence.

When we encounter some difficult things, we always say, "Nothing, we'll do it tomorrow." We always relax ourselves and tolerate ourselves, but in the end it is ourselves who suffer. Why can't we learn the lesson? We always say, "Tomorrow …" But how many tomorrows do we have? We always procrastinate and make many excuses. Not necessarily tomorrow. We cannot predict tomorrow, but we can grasp today! We don't need to arrange everything to be done on a certain day and finish what we should do that day. We can make every day meaningful.

Our life will not be smooth sailing, there will always be some difficulties and setbacks. Just like a road, there may be flowers and plants on the road, or there may be a thorny jungle. We don't know what the front will look like, let alone where the so-called end point is. When we reach the obstacle, we can go through it and make a detour, but we can't go back the way we came. There will always be thorns on the road of life. We can't do everything smoothly, but we can try our best! We can use our own efforts to open up our own path. Looking back halfway, I won't regret it, and I won't regret my original decision. Near the end, I will not complain about the past, I will not regret my previous choice, even if it is not as beautiful as I thought, I will sigh: "I tried my best." Some people say that after everyone is born, God has set a good life for him. Come to think of it, haven't we always liked fortune telling? Reach out and look at the lifeline before coming to my senses. Destiny is in our own hands ...

We don't want a brilliant life, we don't want to be as great as scientists, we just want to try our best to be ourselves and live the most wonderful life!

Do your best composition this time. I am an ordinary middle school student. I never wanted to be a celebrity or a hero, but I am determined to do my best.

My life, like others, is full of worldly happiness, anger, sadness and joy, but the difference is that happiness gives me an optimistic personality; Anger taught me patience; Sadness is that I have learned to be strong; Music makes me more open. It is also the joys and sorrows of this life that make me understand; Living is to live the value of life; If you want to do it, be your best self. Be the best of yourself, live a graceful demeanour and show the value of life incisively and vividly.

When someone is in trouble, help him with your warm hand, praise his climbing with a smiling face, and evaluate his success with sincere appreciation. In this way, we will feel warmth, recognition and appreciation ourselves. At this time, the clear sky in everyone's heart will be full of colorful sunshine. When faced with the choice between life and death, it is like an old antelope, trading its own death for the life of the next generation. Turn finite into infinite with action, and freeze the moment into eternity. Hit the spark of life with action and build an eternal bridge of "blood love".

Do your best, don't feel inferior and miserable because of your smallness. If the grass feels inferior because there are no trees, how can there be the vast and boundless magnificence of grassland in the world? If the stream suffers from inferiority because it is not as vast as the sea, how can it be magnificent? Please try to face up to your smallness, because even if you are a dust, you are real. Please try to ignore yourself, because you always regard yourself as a pearl, and sometimes you are afraid of being buried. Only when you treat yourself like dirt and let everyone step on yourself can you experience ordinary happiness.

To be the best you can be, you must have the determination and noble character to surpass yourself. It is necessary to achieve the realm of "above the plum, between the bamboos, virtuous and sincere, with high quality and elegance". You know, your strongest opponent is not others, but yourself. Only by constantly surpassing ourselves can we reach the peak of success.

To be the best you can be, you must set up lofty ideals and determine your own direction. Because life without dreams is terrible, and youth without ideals is pale. Ideal determines attitude, and attitude determines achievement. If you have lofty ideals, you must have a clear direction. Sailors sailing in the vast sea will not be buried at the bottom of the sea because of their direction; Travelers trudge on the vast Gobi desert, and it is precisely because of the direction that they will not be exposed to the wilderness; It is precisely because of the direction that scholars who seek the light of hope in endless exploration will not miss their success and regret for life.

I am who I am, the unique me. So, I didn't imitate others, I just need to try my best to be myself and broaden the width of my life for the colorful colors on my life map. Actually, life is not a process of discovery, but a process of creation. You don't need to find yourself, but you need to create yourself and create the best of yourself.

Do your best this time. We have been growing since we came into this world. In the process of growing up, we will gradually find that people around us are so similar and so different from us. Similar, because we belong to the same race-human. We will be happy, we will be sad, and we will feel it with our heart; The difference is that although most of us accept the same cognition, in this case, we have different ideas and different understandings of things. So we have different views on things and different behaviors. This is also the reason why you quarrel about one thing, because you have different views from others.

In fact, our initial understanding of the world is to know the world from the surrounding environment. And these views formed since childhood will more or less have an impact on our future outlook on life and world. There may even be such a situation that your views are not recognized by others. So, at this time, will you choose to change your opinion or change the opinion of others? If you think, choose the right one. However, how do you know that you have chosen the right one? What you think is right, others think it is wrong. Or you will choose to follow blindly and follow the crowd. However, is it interesting to live blindly according to other people's ideas and have no own views? Truth is sometimes in the hands of a few people! To master the truth is to have your own thoughts and be yourself!

Why do you want to be yourself? Every life is unique. It is necessary for us to keep our uniqueness on this populous planet. Then why do you want to be your best self? Whenever we want to do something, we should try our best to do it. Doing things like this, let alone being yourself. To be the best of yourself is to give yourself a promise, a goal and a motivation to work hard. Therefore, we should be the best ourselves.

Being yourself doesn't mean being unconventional and breaking the rules. But under the premise of not affecting the vast majority of people and not following the principles, we should play our own style, publicize our own personality and show our own advantages. Of course, this does not mean that you are completely opposite to others, but that you should adopt the advantages of others and use them in your own way. Until the advantages of others completely become your method.

To be the best of yourself is to pursue your own ideals on the basis of being yourself, and always be ready to pay everything for it. Some people say that there is no best, only better. Of course, we can also see that being the best you can be, this degree of assurance: when you go through all kinds of hardships, you finally reach a relative level of your own knowledge, understanding and mastery, which has been with you until you spend your life with you. Well, congratulations, you've become your best self. Of course, if you are constantly pursuing a new life and getting rid of your old self, congratulations: you are constantly filling your gaps on the road of "being the best yourself" and working hard towards the goal of "being the best yourself".

Don't think twice, don't hesitate, and don't worry about other people's opinions. Be yourself and believe that you are the best. In this way, everyone will be the best of themselves.

Last summer, my mother saw that I didn't get up until eight or nine o'clock every day to wash. She always compared me with others, saying that XXX got up early and always got the first place in the exam, telling me to study. But I'm used to being lazy. I'm too self-aware. I always feel that I can't compare with others, and I always advocate that "the score is not high, just get by." In order to turn my iron into steel, my mother decided to send me to my uncle's house in the country for "labor reform" I did Sarah laugh in my heart. Iron is iron after all, and no matter how it is transformed, it will not become steel. But I'm happy to go sightseeing in the countryside.

My mother never imagined that my uncle's family treated me as a guest of honor and wouldn't let me get involved in any dirty work. I still live a mouth-to-mouth life, and it's really cool without my mother's nagging!

One day, my uncle and his family went to work in the fields. I'm bored and wandering in the mountains. I play with mountain springs, chat with wild flowers and sing with birds ... I have a good time. Suddenly, I found a hare and quickly caught up with it. Unexpectedly, I slipped and fell off the cliff. Several pieces of skin were scraped on the arms and legs, and blood was oozing out. Looking at the cliff, I thought, it's so steep that I can't climb it anyway with my ability. Help? But in this deep forest, where did you get the mobile phone? Crying for help? But besides my shouts, it was my shouts that echoed in the valley. Just waiting for my uncle's house to come to me? What if they can't find me during the day? Do I have to spend the night here? And this wound will become inflamed if it is not treated in time.

No, I can't wait. I must climb the cliff by myself. I can do it! After making up my mind, I climbed up step by step. Sweat is dripping down, the wound hurts, my legs are shaking all the time, but I have been cheering for myself, I can do it, I will do it! With this belief, I climbed the cliff. Standing on the top of the cliff, I suddenly understood a simple truth: some things are not as difficult as they seem. As long as you have confidence and perseverance, you can still "smooth". Be the best of yourself, I can! I can't help but give myself a thumbs up.

Since then, I have deleted the words "I can't" from my dictionary. At six o'clock in the morning, I will say to myself that I can get up on my own initiative; After washing, I will say to myself, I can take the initiative to study; When the exam results are not ideal, I will say to myself that I can catch up; When I have conflicts with my classmates, I will say to myself that I can tolerate others; In my spare time, I will tell myself that I can help my parents with housework ... My classmates and teachers think I am a different person, and my mother laughs and says that my iron has finally turned into steel. But I think, maybe, I am a piece of steel, but I didn't think of myself as steel before.

Friend, now I firmly believe that I can be the best myself! I believe you can, too!

The five people who did the best in this composition are not gods after all, and the perfection in hope is kindness after all; Knowing yourself, not forgetting your true colors, and being your best self are the proper values of life.

"When is the moon in spring flowers? How much do you know about the past? The small building was easterly again last night, and the national heritage was unbearable to look back on the bright moon. Carved fences and jade bricks should still exist, but Zhu Yan changed them. How much sadness can you have? Like a river flowing eastward. It's profound and meaningful. For thousands of years, Li Houzhu's poems in the Southern Tang Dynasty made people cry. Your poems are not conventional. If you are a heart-and-soul poet, how much praise will your poems give to future generations! Regrettably, as the late king of the country, you were insatiable in your palace and lived a luxurious life. You have neither the ambition to work hard nor the heart to bear the burden of humiliation. Your country is ruined and your poems are sad and thought-provoking. What is the real you, the best you? Asking the spring in the distance may tell me the answer?

A river of spring water said with tears in the waves of regret: a gentleman is indomitable, or "live as a hero and die as a ghost!" " ",or confused, can't bear to look back at the bright moon. If you don't do the best, there will definitely be no best result!

"Have you seen how the water of the Yellow River flows from the sky to the sea and never returns? Have you seen the lovely hair in the bright mirror in the high room, although it is still silky black in the morning, it turns into snow at night? Oh, let a man with spirit take risks where he wants to go, and never point his golden cup at the moon empty! . Since God has given talents, let them be used! , spin one thousand silver, all back! Li Bai, a great poet, was bold and open-minded, despised powerful people, refused to condescend, and even let Gao Lishi, the eunuch leader prized by Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, take off his shoes for him. Nature is slandered and cannot be reused. Fortunately, Li Bai doesn't like being an official. He knows his true self. He said, "If you go to heaven, you will laugh, and my generation will be poor." He bid farewell to officialdom and wandered around the world. Li Bai, the true self, never lost himself, and the best poetry has always been his greatest comfort.

So we read the heroism and emotion of "one day, I will ride the wind and waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea" and "this trip is more difficult than climbing the sky"; I read the pessimistic and philosophical thoughts of "But since the water is still flowing, even though we cut it with a sword, sadness will come back, even though we drown them with wine" and "People who were sober in the past and saints are forgotten" ... What a misfortune it would be if Li Bai forgot his true colors, pursued his career and lost his best self! How many beautiful poems we will lose, and how many brilliant stars will be missing in the sky of our poems!

To be true to yourself is to be the best of yourself, so that you can have a shining life and leave immortal light and shadow in your own sky and historical sky.

Do your best this time. Life is divided into three levels-primitive level, comparative level and highest level.

The original level is born in a family, has no pursuit, lives step by step, and replicates his own days; The comparison level is that you have dreams in your heart, work harder than others, and finally achieve a better self; The highest level is the person who has gone through the storm and paid several times the efforts of others, and finally stood on the top of the mountain and looked down on the strong.

To be the best you can be, you must stand the wind, frost, rain and snow. If the young eagle wants to soar for nine days, it must undergo some hard training at the edge of the cliff, break its beak and shed its feathers, and then it can be full-fledged and soar in the sky. "So the sky will fall to the people of Sri Lanka, so we must first suffer their hearts, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies, empty their bodies and disrupt their actions." To achieve great things, we must first learn to forge ahead. Sun Shuai 'ao lived in the wilderness of Haidian, Yan Hui lived in a mean alley, where she ate pot paste, and Prissy was humiliated only in the street. But the difference between them and ordinary people in trouble is that they can carry on with heavy burdens, be refreshed in the fire and achieve great things.

To be the best you can be, you must be able to resist loneliness. Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in the mountains for more than ten years, studied in Sang Ma, lived alone in the thatched cottage and observed the situation in the world. Nobody cares about it for ten years. Every time Liu visited the thatched cottage, Wolong came out of the mountain, and the scales flew, grasping the situation in the world, leveling the barbarians, taking Xishu and taking the black silk scarf of the feather fan. In the process of strategizing, he is thousands of miles away and goes down in history.

To be the best you can be, you can't lose your way in adversity, but learn to learn from it. Lian Po felt sorry for Lin Xiangru, but after realizing his mistake, he offered a humble apology and was courteous. Although Gou Jian, the King of Yue, was captured in Fu Cha, he spent his whole life in prison, reflecting on his own failure, and finally got revenge and destroyed the State of Wu, becoming the overlord of a generation.

To be the best you can be, you must have an unshakable goal and belief, know your own shortcomings in the flowers, look up at the bright starry sky in the sewer, seize the opportunity like the east wind, reflect on yourself and discipline yourself.

Life is diverse, and what you become depends on the individual. If you want to stand on the top of the mountain, see the mountains, bow to the world, watch the red sun and stand in the clouds, then use your own efforts to get the best of yourself.


This time, do your best composition. 7. Daylight is not everywhere, and youth has just arrived. Moss is as small as one meter and blooms like a peony. -inscription

Black, endless black.

I galloped on the track, and the biting cold wind roared in my ears. They seemed to crush me and laugh at me. Every cell in my body is shouting, every skin is trembling, and they seem to swallow me into endless darkness.

The teacher's voice seems to come from the other side of the abyss,' there are still two laps, hold on!'

Insist? I raised my two overwhelmed legs and my arms swayed feebly. Sweat soaked my clothes and landed on the 1500 track, shaking with red.

Maybe I shouldn't come to this competition, and I'm beginning to regret my rash decision-yes! I am the slowest runner in our class. I always fall behind in the first half, and finally rush to the finish line in the eyes of my classmates. I am just the youngest in my class, swaying humbly in the cold environment like moss.

Then stop! Stop your progress, stop waving your arms and enjoy a moment of coolness under the big tree. It's okay to give up like this.

Suddenly, the wind brought the teacher's encouragement and struck the string in my memory. I remember my parents once said to me: be the best you can be, even if you are in adversity, even if you are as small as moss.

With this in mind, I slowly opened my eyes ravaged by the wind. "The last lap!" I quickened my pace. Time passed slowly on the track, and a silent tug-of-war was launched with me.

This time, do your best!

I wiped the sweat on my head roughly with my hand and ran to Hope. In the rapid change of light and shadow, the classmate in front of me has already crossed the finish line, and I lost, but my steps have not stopped, because I know that as long as I try my best, I will have no regrets.

When I finally crossed the finish line, I collapsed to the ground and the wind rustled in my ear. I let the sun slap my face wantonly, which is the winner's dance. I opened my own moss. In this most difficult environment, the Soviet Union is independent, not flowing horizontally.

In a flash, I suddenly understood that the moss in my heart will never be defeated-as I insisted, I will always be the best myself.

I opened my eyes, and my eyes were bright.

What makes us is not our ability, but our choice. Harry Potter

I stood at the starting line, my legs trembled slightly. Although I had made full preparations before, I still felt at a loss after running around-sweat soaked my clothes, wet the broken hair on my forehead and clung to my skin. My chest is floating up and down, and my heart is almost jumping out. My brain is blank, and with the hot weather, every cell in my body is shouting-I can't do it!

"naturally, come on!" There was a heartbreaking refueling sound in my ear, and I suddenly woke up. It suddenly occurred to me that I was running in the gym in the morning. I remember my parents encouraged me last night and said, "You can do it. You have to show your best." I remember my friends just patted me on the shoulder and cheered me up with a trusting smile ... I can't live up to their trust and expectations, so I must stick to it and be the best I can be! Thought of here, my will is a little firm.

A classmate has crossed the finish line, and I am still nearly 50 meters away, and my body is getting heavier and heavier. What shall we do? My confidence is shaken again-I can't win the game anyway, so I'd better give up. I'm already very tired. The word "give up" reminds me of the regret of last year's sports meeting.

The same race, the same distance, but at the last moment of last year, I chose to give up and clumsily walked to the finish line, just to find a moment's rest. But afterwards, my friends' concerned eyes, my parents' kind words of reproach and my teacher's unintentional jokes made me feel extremely guilty and regretful ... no! I can't let history repeat itself, I want to prove myself, I can!

I gritted my teeth and let the sweat flow freely. The enthusiasm in my heart supports my tired body, clenches my fist and strode to the finish line. Finally, I did it, I tried my best!

Being the best of yourself is an encouragement to yourself, a road ahead with flashing lights in the distance, and a real call from the other side of youth. What is the best self? I have been here, I have struggled, and I don't regret it. In the future study and life, I will also choose to be the best myself. I won't back down when I encounter difficulties, I will stick to it.

This is not only a long-distance running, but also a test of will. I see, you should always be your best self.

Next time, I will definitely choose this one again!

Do your best composition this time 9 Anna, an ordinary Swedish poetess, has such a poem: "Of course I see those people in Europe, men and women sitting at the table. I was born only to grow up only to be Anna in the world. " I was deeply moved by her powerful voice. Perhaps each of us has the greatest mission in this world, that is to be the best of ourselves.

I once saw a saying: "People live to die one day, which may be a pessimistic statement, but if we try our best to understand it, there may be another scene. We live to die one day without regret, and die peacefully like autumn leaves after a gorgeous life like summer flowers." In this life, just a few decades, we just want to be the best of ourselves.

I have seen a movie called "Ugly Woman Turn Over". It tells the story of a girl who chose to have a full-body plastic surgery for her beloved because of her obesity and ugliness. After plastic surgery, she became a famous singer with her beautiful appearance and good voice. Since then, she has been living as Jenny. She can no longer secretly look at the person she has secretly loved for a long time, she can no longer worry about her figure as before, she can no longer secretly hide behind the scenes and lip-synch for others, but her best friend has left her. She can't recognize her father. She abandoned her past life and herself. Finally, she got up the courage to clarify the facts to everyone, became Hannah again, found herself back, and did her best.

Perhaps many times, we forget to appreciate ourselves, always dissatisfied with ourselves and lack self-confidence; Perhaps many times, we like imagination too much to accept reality; Perhaps many times, we will be at a loss, don't know the real purpose of living, don't know how to live, and live for whom. In fact, everything will change when we begin to love ourselves. Love the truest self, be the best self, be yourself, live in this world and prove the best self to everyone, which is our ultimate goal in this life. No matter which way you take, it is a struggle, and it is also your responsibility and responsibility.

In order to be the best of himself, Tao Yuanming went to nature and sought the belonging of his soul. Qu Yuan went to Miluo River for patriotism. Sanmao wandered all his life because he yearned for freedom; Kim chose to wait and remembered Lin for a lifetime. Freedom and casualness is the highest realm of our life, and how many worldly obstacles there are in this realm, as long as we choose our own path, it is worthwhile, because this is the best self.

To be your best self, you can hesitate, but you can't give up. We can change, but not degenerate. We can have dreams, but not just dreams. We should work towards our ideals step by step, improve ourselves again and again, be worthy of life and be the best of ourselves.

This time, do your best to write the composition 10. In life, such an embarrassing phenomenon often occurs. Those who are "self-righteous and cocky" gradually feel guilty when they say others are not, and finally find themselves making mistakes in their own ways. Then quit awkwardly. In life, such a thing, seemingly ordinary, reflects a truth to us; Be the best yourself, and you can collide with the best others or things.

Only by being the best self and not afraid of being laughed at by others can we collide with the best self and things.

Eric Wang, an actor, is well known by the public because of his high-rated ipartment Middle School. However, his acting career has been tepid, but it became an instant hit because of his narrow escape. It is precisely because he has always insisted on being the best of himself. As an actor, he has always wanted to break through and surpass himself. He turned down the invitation of ipartment, which has high ratings, and devoted himself to playing the role of the middle road in "You can't live but you can't die". He integrated into the life of leukemia patients, felt their spiritual world, and let himself experience leukemia hungrily. He played the role incisively and vividly, and brought his acting skills to the extreme. Although he is not the protagonist, he insists on being the best himself. Since its launch, To Live and Die has been well received by people from all walks of life and praised and recommended by countless people on the Internet. Eric Wang said that when he refused to play ipartment, many people attacked him as "arrogant, conceited and self-righteous", but Eric Wang ignored him and insisted on being the best of himself. In the end, he collided with a classic character like a narrow escape, such a beautiful thing.

Being the best self and not afraid of others' doubts can collide with the best self and things.

Tu Youyou, a well-known female pharmacologist in China, has been troubled for a long time about how to treat malaria that broke out after World War II, and has been trying and failing. In this regard, fewer and fewer people support her, and more and more people question her. After 190 failed experiments, Tu Youyou suddenly thought of an ancient book "Elbow Backup Emergency Prescription", which recorded a kind of grass-Artemisia annua. After careful study, she decided to give it a try. At this time, there were many voices of opposition. "Artemisia annua is just a common weed in the mountains. What does it have to do with medicine? " But Tu Youyou was afraid of being questioned by others, so she decided to give it a try and be the best self with a clear conscience. On one occasion, in constant attempts, she thought of a method of extracting artemisinin with ether at low temperature. In clinical trials, the treatment rate is as high as 100%, which makes everyone stunned. Tu Youyou became famous, and almost everyone knew her achievements. Tu Youyou was awarded the highest prize "Nobel Prize in Medicine" by the medical community. The physician who insisted on being the best of himself collided with the best of his patients.

In life, we always worry about other people's evaluation and ignore being ourselves, thus getting ourselves into unnecessary difficulties, and being a person and doing things is often unsatisfactory. I hope we can all be our best selves and do our best to be human and do things. I believe that only by being our best selves can we collide with the best people or things.