Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the morphological characteristics and living habits of the ten sisters (white-waisted wenbirds)

What are the morphological characteristics and living habits of the ten sisters (white-waisted wenbirds)

The ten sisters are the common names of white-waisted birds, also known as fortune-telling birds and cuckoos, belonging to passeriformes and ornithidae.

Morphological characteristics of (1)

The upper body, throat and chest of the ten sisters are chestnut brown, with light feather lines, white waist and abdomen, black tail and pointed wedge shape. The ten sisters cultivated artificially have red mouths and feet, as well as colors and camel colors.

① Male and female identification: The feathers of the ten sisters are similar in color, so it is difficult to identify them from the appearance, but they can be identified from the songs. The female makes dumb and chirping sounds, while the male makes crackling sounds, and the chirping sounds are very loud.

② Variety characteristics: Ten sisters are divided into three categories: ordinary ten sisters, variation ten sisters and Yimei ten sisters.

Ordinary ten sisters: with white and dark brown spots on their bodies and gentle temperament, they are very suitable for babysitting rare birds.

Variant Ten Sisters: White Ten Sisters, Black Ten Sisters, Tea Sisters and Third Sisters.

Ten sisters in Yimei: Feathers are very rare in various colors. And Brahma and Deputy Prime Minister.

(2) Ecological characteristics

Ten wild sisters often live in bushes and rice fields near plains and foothills, and in bushes or bamboo forests around ponds. In nature, more than a dozen live together, or live in a nest or stand on a branch.

(3) Living habits

Sister Shiye mainly eats plant seeds, especially rice. They are birds that feed on grain, especially like to eat immature ears of grain in breeding season, and also eat grass seeds and insects in winter and spring. The nests of ten sisters are often built on evergreen trees such as pine trees and fir trees. The nest is shaped like a flask, made of bamboo leaves, pine needles and hay, with a neck-shaped entrance and exit on the side. Ten sisters can breed many times a year, the breeding period is 4- 10 month, and each nest lays 4-7 eggs, and the eggs are pure white and dull. Male and female parents nest alternately. Under normal circumstances, chicks hatch after 14 days, and the brooding period is about 22 days.