Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Huaian Fortune _ Huaian Fortune-teller

Huaian Fortune _ Huaian Fortune-teller

Help find some celebrities and their stories.

Qian Xuesen (1911-) is a modern scientist in China. Originally from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, he was born in Shanghai. Studying in America, engaged in rocket research under the guidance of Carmen, the founder of modern mechanics. After returning to China, 65438-0955 devoted himself to the establishment of China's mechanics and space industry. Member of the Department of Mathematical Physics of China Academy of Sciences, researcher of the Institute of Mechanics, the first director, and the first director of the theoretical and applied mechanics Society of China. From 65438 to 0958, he served as the deputy director of the National Defense Science and Technology Committee of China People's Liberation Army, and did a lot of work for the scientific and technological development of our army.

He made pioneering contributions in many fields of mechanics. In aerodynamics, the similarity law of transonic flow is put forward, and the concept of hypersonic flow is put forward for the first time with Carmen, which provides a theoretical basis for aircraft to overcome thermal barrier and sound barrier in the early stage. Another example is the Carmen-Qian Xuesen formula used in the design of high subsonic aircraft. In the late 1930s, together with Carmen, he proposed a new nonlinear instability theory for spherical shells and cylindrical shells. After returning home, he advocated that the macroscopic mechanical properties of matter should be determined from the microscopic laws of matter, named it Physical Mechanics, compiled a monograph, Lectures on Physical Mechanics, and organized forces to carry out research. In terms of rocket and jet propulsion, he proposed and realized the use of rockets as boosters to shorten the take-off runway of aircraft, and did a series of pioneering work for long-range rocket propulsion. 1949, he first proposed the idea of a nuclear rocket. In the early 1950s, he established a new discipline "Control" in Wiener, which lasted for several years, and then quickly developed into a new technical science-"Engineering Cybernetics". He also advocated the establishment of "systematics" on the basis of Bergfeld's "general system theory". Therefore, he is not only an expert in mechanics and rockets, but also an advocate of many interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary disciplines, and put forward many new viewpoints on scientific system and scientific methodology.

Lizheng avenue

Li Zhengdao was born in Shanghai. He likes reading since he was a child. He can't put down his books all day. He even took his book to the bathroom. Sometimes he doesn't bring toilet paper, but he never forgets them. During the Anti-Japanese War, he went to the southwest to study, and lost all his clothes along the way, but he didn't lose any books, and he lost more and more every time. 1946, 20-year-old Li Zhengdao went to the United States to study. He was only a sophomore at that time, but after a rigorous examination, he was admitted to the graduate school of the University of Chicago. Three years later, he passed the defense of his doctoral thesis with "special insights and achievements" and was known as "Dr. Child prodigy" at the age of 23. Li Zhengdao's outstanding contribution to modern physics is: 1956. In cooperation with Yang Zhenning, he deeply studied the puzzling mystery of θ-τ at that time and put forward the "Li Yiyang hypothesis", that is, parity may not be conserved in the weak interaction of elementary particles. Later, this hypothesis was confirmed by the experiment of Wu Jianxiong, a female physicist in China, thus overthrowing the law of parity conservation, which was regarded as the golden rule in the physics field in the past, and exploring the micro for mankind. He also won the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics. This is the first time that a scientific work won the Nobel Prize in the second year after its publication. Prior to this, Li Zhengdao was the second youngest Nobel Prize winner in history. Other important works of Li Zhengdao include: 1949. In cooperation with M. Rosenblat and Yang Zhenning, he proposed the universal Fermi weak interaction and the existence of intermediate bosons. 195 1 points out that there is no turbulence in two-dimensional space in hydraulics. 1952 cooperated with D. Piness to study the structure of polaron in solid state physics. In the same year, he cooperated with Yang Zhenning to put forward Yang Zhenning-Li Zhengdao Theorem and Li Yang Monocycle Theorem about phase transition in statistical physics. 1954, the famous "Lie model" theory in quantum field theory was published. 1957 cooperated with R. Ohmae and Yang Zhenning to put forward the possible future of CP non-conservation and time non-inversion. In the same year, he cooperated with Yang Zhenning to put forward the two-component neutrino theory. 1959 cooperated with Yang Zhenning to study the molecular motion theory of hard-sphere Bose gas, which contributed to the study of superfluidity of ammonia ⅱ. In the same year, we cooperated to analyze the role of high-energy neutrinos and determined the direction of a large number of experiments and theoretical work in this field for more than 20 years. 1962 cooperated with Yang Zhenning to study the irreversibility of electromagnetic interaction of charged vector mesons. 1964 cooperated with M. Nauenber to study the problem that infrared divergence can be completely offset in the process of no (static) mass particles. This work is also called Lee-Naumburg Theorem, or combined with the work under Wood, it is called KLN Theorem. The field algebra theory was put forward in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s, the problem of CP spontaneous breaking was studied. Non-topological solitons are discovered and studied, and the soliton packet model theory of hadron structure is established. For the color limit phenomenon, the concept of vacuum "color dielectric constant" is also proposed. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, we continued to study path integration, lattice specification and time as a dynamic variable. Then the foundation of discrete mechanics was established.

Jingrun Chen

Chen Jingrun's name is familiar to everyone. Maybe some students have seen Uncle Chen Jingrun.

Some students may say that I live in the same building as Uncle Chen, while others may say that I live in the same building as Chen.

My uncle's son is a classmate. We often play and study together. Yes, Uncle Chen Jingrun is us.

People of an era died early because of physical reasons, and he left us for only a year or two.

Uncle Chen Jingrun is from Fuzhou, Fujian. When he was a child, his family only depended on his father for a little money.

Living on a small salary is very difficult. Uncle Chen Jingrun often wears coarse clothes and is good at dressing up.

When he is old, he doesn't need a pen to write. He uses a pencil, and the pencil head must be very short. All the difficulties

No matter how hard the conditions are, it doesn't affect Uncle Chen Jingrun's study. Uncle Chen is always the best in the class.

People. 1948, on the eve of liberation, Uncle Chen entered Huaying Middle School in Fuzhou (now Fujian Normal University).

Become a high school student. Uncle Chen is still absorbed in his studies. He is a famous student in his class.

Reading fan.

Uncle Chen concentrates on his studies and is willing to delve into them, especially math and physics. Mathematics is what Uncle Chen is most interested in.

Interesting major, in math class, he is always absorbed and meticulous. In high school, Uncle Chen met him.

A teacher named He, He Laoshi, is recognized as a "strict teacher" in the whole school. He had to leave every class for his students.

A lot of homework, sometimes even leaving dozens of exercises for students to choose from. Uncle Chen always leaves nothing.

After all, in his study, he didn't know what opportunism was.

Uncle Chen Jingrun loves reading. In high school, he read a lot of books. Now decades have passed.

In the middle school library, there are many books signed by Uncle Chen, such as The University.

Series calculus, Duff physics, Harvard university handout introduction to advanced algebra, practice

Using mechanics and Hawkes' algebra. These books inspire groups of students to study hard.


Uncle Chen loves reading, but he is never confined to reading. He often has to memorize what he understands, and these things are all in his mind.

I have memorized many principles, formulas and theorems of mathematics and physics, and I can recite them at any time when I use them. Once,

At the teacher's request, Uncle Chen Jingrun recited a chemistry book in just a few days.

The students admire him very much, and the teacher likes the student very much.

Uncle Chen Jingrun is good at self-study and likes to ask questions from teachers. He taught himself many reference books,

Not only learn questions about elementary mathematics from teachers, but also often ask teachers for advanced mathematics.

He borrowed many books from his teacher, such as the detailed explanation of differential problems and the preliminary theory of set theory.

Wait, in middle school, Uncle Chen Jingrun's hard-working spirit left a deep impression on the teacher.

Chu Hsi

In the list of biologists in China, there is a colleague in the 20th century, and he is Zhu.

Zhu, whose real name is 1900, is a native of Linhai County, Zhejiang Province.

Zhu was studious and helpful since he was a child, and was deeply loved by teachers and classmates. He is eager to participate.

Public welfare work, but it never affected his study. He was the first in the exam and later got excellent grades.

He was admitted to the Sixth Provincial Middle School in Linhai. But such an excellent student was expelled from school.

Yes, just because he participated in the May 4th Movement .. 19 19 and was a student cadre.

Zhu is angry. He felt that his country was too dark and backward. He vowed to work hard.

Seek a way to save the country by your own strength. 1920, Zhu, this person is ... 20 years old, let's go. He thought

Work-study program in France.

Living frugally outside, at that time, he changed his name to Zhu. He said:

"I have neither hidden jade nor a penny. I am really poor! From now on, my name is not Yu Wen.

My name is Zhu.

"I have neither hidden jade nor a penny. I am really poor! From now on, my name is not Yu Wen.

My name is Zhu.

You have had a long day.

After five years of hard work, Zhu finally got enough money for school. 1925,

Zhu became a student in the biology department of Montreux University in France, and his tutor was a famous biologist.

Professor Badron, a scientist. Professor Badron is glad that Zhu is still studying hard and getting excellent results.

Huan is a student. When Zhu was unable to go to school because he had exhausted his savings, Badron asked him to stay.

The laboratory became his assistant, which created good conditions for Zhu's later research.

With unremitting efforts, Zhu conducted experiments and research seriously, and soon, from Badelong's

Assistant, became an indispensable partner of Badron, and in just a few years, Zhu and Bader United.

The name was announced.

14 test paper, Zhu has finished reading it.

After seven years' study, I got my doctorate. Zhu was in France.

Academic circles have also gained some fame.

193 1 year, when the September 18th Incident broke out, Zhu was washed white in a foreign country, and his heart was on fire.

Looking forward to returning to China, he wants to build his motherland with his own hands. He bought a batch of scientific research instruments and books.

Books, in

1932 resolutely returned to China. Seize all the time to teach, write, research and experiment, and he will put

The seeds of science were sown on the land of the motherland.

Zhu's greatest achievement is to cultivate a new generation of frogs. These frogs, only mothers, don't.

Father. Then, he used the world's first toad without parents to lay eggs and breed, and produced the first batch of "no"

Toads with grandfathers. This is an innovation that scientists in many countries have worked hard to study but failed.


In order to make scientific research directly serve people's production and life, Zhu devoted himself to putting Indian castor silkworm.

Bring it to China. This kind of silkworm doesn't have to eat mulberry leaves, only wild leaves. This kind of silkworm has strong reproductive ability and is successful.

High activity rate. It's just that this kind of silkworm doesn't hibernate in winter and needs more "rations" than ordinary silkworms, but ask

The problem is that there are no castor leaves in winter in our country. In order to solve this problem, Zhu racked his brains to find a way.

How many sleepless nights and how many times I forgot to eat, Zhu was finally cultivated with Indian silkworms and wild silkworms.

The new castor silkworm has the habit of hibernating and eating wild leaves. This kind of silkworm does not compete with grain and cotton, and does not compete with the owner for land.

Hard work for the people, less input and more output, has always been deeply loved by sericulture farmers. Everyone respects him and loves him.

Wear him, but just as people share the joy of success with Professor Zhu, Professor Zhu is exhausted. 1962.


On July 24th, Professor Zhu left us forever. People remember him and will never forget what he did for everyone.

The contribution of.

Yuan-tseh Lee


10 month

On June 5th, Professor Li Yuanzhe, a Chinese American, made great contributions to chemistry.

Won the Nobel Prize. He is the fourth person to win this honor after Yang Zhenning, Li Zhengdao and Ding Zhaozhong.

Chinese Americans. He once again proved to the world that China people should not be underestimated.

Li Yuanzhe can achieve today's achievements without strict family education and his efforts.

Yuan-tseh Lee

He started reading at the age of three. Every time he learns a word, he shows it to his mother from newspapers and books.

Mom pointed out that with the passage of time, he had learned a lot of words at an early age and could read books and newspapers. Yuan-tseh Lee

He loved reading since childhood and bought books with pocket money given by his parents.

Li Yuanzhe went to elementary school in Hsinchu and got excellent grades at that time. Later, he went to middle school.

I am most interested in chemistry. Whether learning chemical principles or doing chemical experiments, you often forget it as soon as you sit down.

Time is up.

Because of his excellent grades, after graduating from high school, Li Yuanzhe was sent to the Medical College of Taiwan Province Provincial University by his family and friends.

Friends are happy for him, because a doctor is a respected profession with a stable and rich income. Yuan-tseh Lee

He declined the walk because his ideal was to make achievements in chemical research. All his friends advised him, "You

Do you really care about your job? Aren't you afraid that you can't support your family and live in poverty? "Li Yuanzhe said firmly," Get out.

The road is opened by yourself. "

1955, Li Yuanzhe was admitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University with excellent results, and transferred to the Department of Chemistry the following year.

Departmental learning. After realizing his wish, Li Yuanzhe studied harder and devoted himself to his work. Because of chemical decomposition

Without physics, he took courses such as electronics and electromagnetism in the physics department, with a big learning task, Li.

Life in Yuan Zhe is more tiring. At that time, the living conditions were quite difficult, and 10 people were crowded in a dormitory.

Rest, there is only one table in the room. In order to study, they have to put everything on the table when reading.

In bed, when you sleep at night, put things back. The school food is also very poor, and the breakfast is porridge.

A bowl of peanuts

15 capsules; Lunch is rotten fish, seaweed, winter melon soup and so on. Eggs,

You can eat one a week with vegetables. The conditions are difficult, but the enthusiasm is infinite. Li Yuanzhe is very big.

Part of the time was spent in the laboratory. Some students went to see him in the evening and were called by the dormitory to stop him in the morning.

But his classmates came to the dormitory early the next morning, and he left anyway. Not even in Li Yuanzhe on Sunday.

Sleep in the library

It opens at 8: 00, in order to get a seat, Li Yuanzhe.

I get up at six or seven.

Bring some dry food and he will sit down.

16 hours, at night

12, library closed, Li Yuan.

Zhe Cai reluctantly came out. Walking out of the library gate, it was dark outside, only the starlight overhead.

Brilliant Li Yuanzhe looked up at the sky, and his heart was very excited. He had such a good learning opportunity for himself.

Also very satisfied. Through this unremitting study, Li Yuanzhe laid a solid foundation for his future career development.

And a solid foundation.

1957, graduated from Li Yuanzhe University and entered the Institute of Atomic Science in Tsinghua University, Taiwan Province for further study.

He got a master's degree in chemistry, and then he went on to study at the University of California, Berkeley, and got a doctor's degree in chemistry.

Degree. After graduation, Li Yuanzhe studied chemistry at the University of Chicago and the University of California, Berkeley.

A professor in the department. That was Li Yuanzhe.

In his early thirties, he is one of the youngest professors in the school and has a successful career.

His achievements are outstanding and he is quite influential in American chemistry. Professor Li Yuanzhe is famous for his rigorous academic attitude.

The world. As a scientist, he never allowed himself to be a little careless. For any problem, he

Must be clear, clear. He has a heavy workload and works almost every day.

Over 16 hours. When doing experiments, I stayed up all night, trying to eat, and I felt very tired.

I didn't go to the lab for a while, so that once I went home, my little daughter naively asked, "Uncle,

Who are you looking for? "

Li Yuanzhe is always so absorbed in his work that he forgets his life. But who can't help but say,

Professor Li Yuanzhe can achieve today's achievements because of this selfless spirit?


Among the first generation of female meteorologists in China, there was a Naxi girl, Zhang. Zhang

Born in Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, girls were not allowed to study in Lijiang at that time, so we

How did Zhang become a meteorologist? You must start from scratch.

Zhang is the head of the family.

Of the five girls, she ranks third, because grandma has been looking forward to having a grandson and eyes.

Seeing that Qi Jing was a girl again, I raised her as a boy. Qi Jing has been dressed as a boy since he was a child.

Yes, there is also a part of her personality that looks like a boy. Qi Jing

When I was 6 years old, I met many people of my age.

All the boys took up their schoolbags and went to school. She was envious and clamored for school. Parents are different.

It means that her mother said to her, "What books do girls read? Do you think there are girls in school? " But, Joe

Mother likes Qi Jing, which satisfies Qi Jing's wish to go to school.

Qi Jing finally sat in the classroom and became the only girl in the school. She studies very hard,

So the results are always far ahead of those boys. Boys are unconvinced, naughty and often

Bullying Jingqi. At this moment, my grandmother stood up. Although the old man is old and weak, she can study hard for her granddaughter.

The old man insisted on picking up his granddaughter every day, so that he later sat outside the classroom and watched her read.

The old man's wish, granddaughter did not live up to, Qi Jing studied harder and ranked first for a long time.

She loves reading and knows more and more.

One day, Qi Jing suddenly remembered a past event: Lijiang, her hometown, is located at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain and beside Jinsha River.

Because of the humid climate, rainy summer and changeable weather in mountainous areas, people are always hard to prevent.

Lightning and flash floods kill people every summer. One summer, her mother took her to see her grandmother.

Because I was on the road and happened to be with the villagers. On the way, Qi Jing remembered her grandmother who loved her, and she didn't want to leave.

After so many days, grandma cried and wanted to go home. My mother had no choice but to go home with her. Who knows?

That day coincided with a flash flood, and all the villagers who accompanied them were killed by the flood. People say that Qi Jing is "lucky",

The fortune teller also said that Qi Jing was a "star" and so lucky that even Lei Gong and Dian Mu dared not touch her.


After reading this book, Qi Jing no longer believed the fortune teller's nonsense, but it was born in her young mind.

Many questions arise: Where does the rain come from? Why is it sometimes sunny, but sometimes lightning and thunder,

It is raining cats and dogs. How she wishes people could control the wind and rain, so that many villagers don't have to suffer from thunderstorms.

Ah! Young Qi Jing didn't know that meteorology was a special science, but her heart was full of it.

Yearning for meteorological science.

1948, Zhang is a sophomore in junior high school. Because of her hard work, she got a point.

Straight is excellent. In this year, she set off with the cavalry with the desire to learn. She is going to study in this city.

Learn more knowledge and be a useful person when you grow up. Qi Jing entered Kunming Jianmin Middle School, and then,

He was admitted to senior three of Kunming Girls' Middle School. Entering a girls' school and not being bullied by boys is a new problem.

Here we go again. Qi Jing is a Naxi girl. At that time, the Naxi nationality was a poor and backward nationality, and the Han nationality was very

Look down on Naxi people. Although Qi Jing didn't wear Naxi costume for a long time and couldn't speak Naxi language,

The fact that she is a Naxi nationality was discovered by her classmates. The students discriminated against her and called her a "mountain man".

Man Zi ". Without grandma's protection, Qi Jing didn't give in, and there was only one thought in his heart.

Fa: She should study hard, increase her talents and broaden her knowledge. She must live up to her grandmother who loves her, and so must she.

Naxi people win glory. With hard work, Qi Jing soon stood out, and her classmates stopped laughing at her.

Join the league and be in

At the end of 50 years, he was admitted to China Civil Aviation School without graduating from high school.

From Yunnan to Tianjin, Qi Jing seems to be in an ocean of books. She insists on reading every day.

Look, I hate wasting a little time. Because of her outstanding performance, 1953, Qi Jing was transferred to the Nanjing Military Region.

Like studying in a cadre school, Qi Jing's childhood wish has come true. After graduation, she worked as a meteorologist in Shanghai Civil Aviation Administration.

Observers can finally predict the weather changes and become the first "clairvoyance" and "shun" of Naxi nationality.

Wind ears. "