Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Poems or famous sayings about love

Poems or famous sayings about love

Li Bai in Tang Dynasty

My hair barely covers my forehead. I am picking flowers and paying by my door.

When you, my love, ride a bamboo horse, run in circles and throw your childhood.

We live in an alley in Qingkan. We are all young and happy.

When I was fourteen, I became your wife, and I was too shy to laugh.

I bowed my head and went to the dark corner, unwilling to pay attention to your thousands of calls.

But at the age of fifteen, I raised my eyebrows and laughed, knowing that no dust can seal our love.

Even to death, I will wait for you in my post, and I will not lose heart in the silent watchtower.

When I was sixteen years old, you embarked on a long journey, crossing the Qingtang Canyon full of rocks and swirling water.

Then in the fifth month, I couldn't help it anymore. The ape shouted in the sky.

I looked at the place where you walked, your footprints in front of our door, each hidden under the green moss.

Hiding under the moss is too deep to sweep away, and the first autumn wind adds leaves.

In August, butterflies are yellow and only fly to the west garden grass.

Because of all this, my heart is broken, and I am worried that my bright cheeks will fade.

Oh, finally, when you come back through three Pa areas, send me a message home in advance! .

I'll pick you up, and I won't mind the distance, all the way to Sha Changfeng.

Translation of original poems

When I was young, my hair just covered my forehead, and I met you riding a bamboo horse, and you were also young.

Naturally, we are surrounded by tables and chairs, holding green plums and playing happily. Living in Nanjing's long trunk line also makes me

Children have more opportunities to get along. Although I am still young, my feelings have become harmonious and intimate, without any suspicion.

When I married you at the age of fourteen, I was too ashamed to laugh. I don't even know my own mistakes.

Embarrassed and helpless, I often face the shadow of the wall with my head down. Even if you gently call me a thousand times, I don't have the courage to answer.

At first glance.

However, your patience has made me mature and understand. By the time I was fifteen, I could be tender and affectionate to you.

Love is really profound, that is, turning to dust and fly ash with you willingly. I often think that we will all be like in

Waiting for the lover's tail under the bridge is the same in life, even if it is destroyed, it will not give up love. I never thought that one day I would be watched.

Futai, waiting for you hopelessly in the distance.

Sixteen-year-old, you are going to travel far from home. This trip will pass through Qutang Gorge, one of the sinister Three Gorges, where there are five

In June, the river will flood the rocks in this area, so sailing is prone to accidents. You must be careful and never take it lightly.

It's dangerous. My thoughts accompany you all the way along the Three Gorges, as if you can also hear the cries of apes on both sides of the strait.

Now we have to leave and stay, and the footprints left in front of the door give birth to moss, which is too thick and too thick.

Unable to clear. The fallen leaves suddenly fell, and the autumn wind blew early this year, which made the coolness deeper. You can still see butterflies in August.

I only flew over the grass in the West Garden, but I still received your letter. Watching the seasons change makes me feel more sad than sleepy.

Worried about the city, what can you do? So I feel that I am getting haggard and older every day.

When are you going to return to your hometown from Baxian, Badong and Brazil? Please be sure to write back in advance. I

As soon as I got the news, I'll meet you here in Anhui, 700 miles away, though it's a long way.

Even if the earth is extremely dangerous, it will not shake my mind at all.

Tang cuihao

Tell me, where do you live? ? Near here, next to the fishing pond? .

Let's catch our boat together and see if we belong to the same town. ..

Translation of original poems

You met by chance on the road,

I want to ask, I don't know where my home is.

My family lives in Hengtang, which is very close to Changganli.

I ran into you on the river and saw your face.

I stopped when I heard your accent,

Just asking, we may be fellow villagers.

Operator ①

I live at the source of the Yangtze River.

You live at the end of the Yangtze River. ③

I miss you every day,

* * * Drink Yangtze River water.

When will the water stop?

When did this hatred ever happen?

May your heart be the same as mine,

I will not be lovesick. ④

(1) The rule of naming words is transferred to "fortune teller". Su Shi's ci is the main body in the ci book. and

Named "Hundred Feet Building", "Plum Wind Wall", "Hanging a Tree on the Moon" and so on. Double tone, 44 words, rhyming.

② Yangtze River Head: refers to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. ③ Yangtze River tail: refers to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. (4) two sentences of "only wish": use care.

The meaning of "change my heart, change your heart, and we will know and cherish each other and remember each other deeply" in Complaining about Love. D: Between the lines. Zaici

Add one or two less critical words to the specified number of words to better express your ideas. This is the so-called interlining.

Also known as "adding sound"