Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A monk told me how to deal with the troubles of both sexes.

A monk told me how to deal with the troubles of both sexes.

Thought-provoking This is a monk's answer to a question of interest to his family. Personally, I feel very good. "In the end, I decided to surpass it in my life. I didn't continue to indulge. In the future, I need to face the challenges of various habits accumulated in the past, but I am willing to face it bravely like the previous sages and actively surpass it. " Many friends asked me what I would think of sexual desire after becoming a monk. This is indeed a question that many people are interested in. A person shaves his hair, takes off all enchanting costumes, is willing to abide by the commandments that people in the world seem almost inhuman, eats "grass" without meat flavor, recites "spells" that no one can understand, and has to sit for so long for no reason. How on earth do these people live and for what? Don't they have desires? How do they treat desire? Among them, the most interesting thing must be the desire of both sexes. People in the world don't understand that once you shave your hair, it's like washing a stain with water and shaving off your desire? Now I'm telling you, no! Shaving your hair doesn't get rid of the habit of desire. However, a person who is really rational, cautious, takes his life seriously, is responsible for his future and chooses to become a monk must be very aware of the benefits of becoming a monk. Buddhism is by no means just a Buddha statue in the eyes of most people, or a monk who cleared the lamp before the ancient Buddha, or a believer who blindly worships for fame, wealth and marriage. If you don't know it deeply, you'll never know the secret. If you don't study and practice, you will always be a poor and superstitious person, just like you are guarding a peerless treasure but don't know its value. When I first studied Buddhism, many troubles and pains in the past, just like waking up from a dream, vanished. I sat there with my heart broken. I see. You got it? I can tell you that becoming a monk is the wisest choice in my life, a happy choice and an extremely positive investment. I never quit your life, never chose to escape, never refused any upcoming problems. On the contrary, I will use the wisdom developed under the guidance of Buddhism to treat and deal with problems better and more effectively. Although I am only a beginner, I am still a baby compared with so many great winners. Although I am a Buddhist baby, I have already felt the light brought by Buddhism. This light does not come from any Buddha or bodhisattva, but from myself. It is the light of natural wisdom that I gradually gave out after I was a little awake. I honestly answered my friend, desire, I still have it. I will still look at good-looking people. If I meet someone with karma, I will still love because of karma, but what will I do differently from before? The law of causality is a universal law without doubt. Today's encounter and attraction have a long history. It is not necessarily the romantic vows in the movie that led to today's reunion. You may have a grudge in this life, to take revenge; Maybe he used to be a creditor and came to pay his debts today; Maybe they used to be grandparents, but they met again in this life because of their persistence; Perhaps once father and son or mother and daughter, this life continues the unfinished fate; Perhaps passers-by passing by are greedy for each other's beauty and get this reward in this life; Maybe ... whatever you can imagine and can't imagine, western countries call it "butterfly effect" In this life, you will meet this person and your lust will be aroused. Karma is incredible. When karma comes, you can't help falling in love with each other almost illogically and missing each other day and night. You just feel that you want each other, you need to satisfy each other, you need each other's desires, and you don't realize that your heart runs naturally under the laws of the universe. The Buddha told us this law in detail in various ways thousands of years ago. When you understand it, then observe it. I see! Similarly, when karma is exhausted, it is useless to try to keep it at the top of the lung. If you should go, you will still go, and everything will disappear in the void. You are silly, staring at the void, recalling the past, struggling with inner pain, thinking about so many unsatisfied desires, complaining and sinking. What will happen if I meet such a karma? I tell you: we are still ordinary people, because we still have long-standing habits. Because of this karma and the laws of the universe, when I meet the destiny takes a hand's person, I still can't help thinking inside. I tried to repel these thoughts, but I found that the harder I tried to repel them, the stronger they became. The initial action and reaction are also the laws of the universe. Well, sit down, don't force yourself, lean comfortably on the cushion, tilt your head like a teenager and start thinking. Imagine me and this predestined relationship, just like the most perfect fairy tale that everyone yearns for, combined together, lived a happy life, gave birth to a group of children, and then gave birth to a lot of grandchildren, and then I got old, and then I died of old age. What would I think if I lay dying in bed at the last moment? In this fantasy, I experienced from young to old, and I experienced the satisfaction of desire. When I was 30 years old, I made this life decision. For this decision, I spent my whole life with the remaining decades. What did I get when I died? At that time, when we were together, the passion of love soon faded, and we were attracted to each other because we didn't know each other, imagining each other as a sacred hero or angel in our own love fairy tale, spotless; Later, because of understanding, I discovered that the other party was mortal. In the face of this person who eats and drinks Lazarus in life, no matter what, I can no longer regard the other person as a hero or an angel, and my passion is gone. Everything is routine. The other party is not much different from his brothers and sisters except that he requires the other party to be "loyal" to satisfy his possessiveness and vanity. However, you ask all lovers, when you are honest with your heart, do you still "love" each other as you did at the beginning? Have you ever been possessed by a soul? Have you ever cheated on me? Do you sometimes want to be free? If you are still young and beautiful, do you want to find new passion? Love, I don't know when, has become a family relationship and a responsibility entrusted by social order. If at this time, there is no social responsibility and moral responsibility, and there is a Prince Charming and Snow White, who persistently pursue you with a huge family fortune and promise to take care of you, are you happy? Want to follow him/her? If not, congratulations. You must be willing to give yourself to others. You are one of the few Mahayana castes. Well, I will experience all this with this fate, from passion to affection, and I have found myself a relative. After giving birth to a group of children, I changed from a woman who focused on dressing up and satisfying herself to a "yellow-faced woman" who ignored herself and devoted all her energy to taking care of her family. Although I still frequent beauty salons, years have left a mark on my face, and there is no way to stop it. I worry about my children's diet and education every day, and occasionally I am sensitive to my husband's attitude because I am old. The children grow up day by day, and if they are lucky, they all get ahead, and then they have a happy family. At this time, my hair has turned white. If I'm lucky, my husband is still my husband. I didn't become someone else's husband halfway. They were white-haired and wrinkled. They used to walk around the children every day, but now they are relatives who only visit once in a while. If you are lucky, the child is still filial and cares about the health of this old parent; Unfortunately, when I meet those "neet" children, I think about what I can get from my parents every day, and I even wish my parents would die and inherit the inheritance as soon as possible. Well, up to now, I have been eating and drinking, and I have gone out for a walk with the rest of my strength. When I met energetic young people on the road, I understood what "old deathless" meant. Unfortunately, you may have to worry about your livelihood when you get old. In addition to memories, it is memories, and these memories are full of deep sadness. Memories belong to youth, and aging is an unchangeable despair. Two people, one must die first, the other must die alone, hehe, there are also two goals, but one must die first; Even if it keeps driving, there will be a day when it won't move. Death, apart from accidents, usually has two ways, one is disease and the other is natural death. If you die of illness, you don't need to think that you will experience extreme pain, be swallowed up by illness in fear, and die in helplessness. If I die of old age like my grandfather, I am very lucky. I'm not sick at all. I sat there playing with the children, and then died peacefully like a sleep. Even people around me didn't notice that he was dead. Death is death, no matter what way, the result on earth is the same. Before you die, look back on your life and ask yourself, what did you get? What is yours? I can't even say a word in this desperate moment. I vaguely see my relatives and friends crying, and my grandchildren dare not avoid it, and there is no more intimacy in the past. An indescribable weak body, no longer have the strength to do anything, and then all kinds of liquids in the body flow out uncontrollably, and then I feel extremely dry. At this time, my vision and consciousness began to blur, and I couldn't even distinguish my relatives and friends. Then it became more and more difficult to breathe, and various illusions began to appear. What I did passed like a movie, and then I fainted in fear or happiness ... when I woke up again, I was floating in the air. Seeing that I have been attached to my body and called a corpse, the tears of my relatives and friends have long since disappeared. Everyone is preparing for the funeral. Strangely, I can know what others are thinking, and I obviously feel that the children seem to be very sad on the surface. In fact, their hearts are planning how to get more inheritance, and their grandchildren are having a good time as usual. One month after the funeral, people who had been in close contact seemed to forget their existence and move on with their lives. Since then, I have disappeared from this world, as if I had never appeared. Loss, loneliness and confusion are full of this so-called "yin body". Under normal circumstances, it takes 49 days at most, and then you will find a place to be reborn next time. Some people who see their parents copulating (not necessarily human, but also animals) will be reincarnated as men or males if they lust after their mothers at this time; If you lust after your father, you will be reincarnated as a woman or a woman. It is incredible that some people become hungry ghosts because of an idea, but we have all experienced it, but we just don't remember it. Hungry ghosts feel this way because they are insatiable. Hungry ghosts will never have enough to eat and are in a state of extreme hunger and thirst for a long time. If you are curious, you can try not eating or drinking at all for two days to see if you can stand it, but the hunger of hungry ghosts is far less comfortable than that of human beings for a few days. Some people will feel hell because of the habit of hatred and the extremely evil things they have done. If you don't believe it, it won't happen. If you don't believe me, you can try hard to do bad things. In the end, it is yourself who suffers, not anyone else's business. You can never imagine the pain of hell. If you are interested, you can find some descriptions in Buddhist books. If you want to test yourself, you can prick yourself with a needle and burn yourself, and take off your clothes in the snow for a while in the cold winter. If you can't even stand this, the suffering of hell is not so childish. Go back to my death and imagine if I could go back to 30 and start all over again. What would I choose? I came back to reality. I'm in my early thirties, and I still have a choice. I want to face this choice seriously, and I don't want to do something that I regret. How pitiful the world is! Like a madman, people are addicted to satisfying their desires by hook or by crook, regardless of the terrible consequences. Even if they struggle uneasily, their bodies still can't control their crazy behavior. Fortunately, when I was not too old, I came across the Book of Buddhist Words. He used to be a mortal, no different from me now, but he didn't indulge in the status quo, but thought, thought and rethought rationally. Finally, one day, something wonderful happened. He discovered another world, far beyond his eyes, ears and body. To be precise, fortunately, I don't need to feel for myself like the Buddha. With the guidance of my predecessors' experience, I can see the truth quickly and easily as long as I am willing. Not only that, I want to make my life more meaningful. I shouldn't live for my desires. I am willing to devote the rest of my life. Although I am still an ordinary person, I am willing to do my bit to help all beings get rid of their pain. Not only human beings, even an ant or an insect, have the same god as me and are equally afraid of pain and death. If you ask me why I am a vegetarian, I will tell you now, if you can't stand the pain of knife cutting, these animals can't stand it; If you can't accept that your loved ones are cut alive and cooked alive, how can you bear the pain of these animals who also have relatives? What's more, cause and effect are not empty. If you kill them today, they will get double rewards in the future. Your wealth, illness and accidents are all the results of your past misdeeds. I can only tell you, because you are blessed. You used to do more good things than bad things. Animals are not so lucky. Even if my mouth is thirsty, they can't understand it, and they can't wake up. But people have opportunities, because people can understand, people can think, and people can decide when to control their behavior. Looking at my dress, I feel extremely gratified at the moment. Finally, I decided to surpass it in my life. I didn't continue to indulge. In the future, I need to face the challenges of various habits accumulated in the past, but I am willing to face them bravely and actively surpass them like previous sages. Being a monk is easy and safe, because I am no longer bound by secular values. I gained unprecedented freedom, did what I wanted, and learned to help all beings. Although my strength is limited, my happiness is infinite. I deeply regret my past mistakes, and I will never do it again. Although habits sometimes make me make mistakes repeatedly, I will realize it more and more quickly and then continue to repent. There will be fewer and fewer mistakes until I stop making mistakes. As long as you persist in this way, you can feel at ease before going to bed and lying in bed every day. Even if death comes now, I have no regrets, no darkness and no fear. The only memory I face is my love for all beings and this wonderful light. Do you want to know what kind of world I will feel in the afterlife with this mentality? If you are not strong enough, at least you will feel that you will be born in a happy, wealthy and harmonious family for the rest of your life, and you will get a beautiful and gentle person and be loved by people. The stronger ones will continue to reincarnate and become monks, continue their practice in this life, and then get the final awakening; The most powerful thing is to realize the truth of the universe in this life and wake up completely from the dream of reincarnation. My friends, as well as those who don't want to wake up, think it's all right now. One day, you will understand. Remember that Buddhism can help you at this time. Some people will be troubled. Now that you have a family and children, do you want to abandon your family and children and become monks? Not necessarily. It would be great if you could give up your little love, your superior life, your wife and children, become a monk and practice for the benefit of all beings, just like the Buddha in those days. More people can't do this. To do one's duty is to understand this karma, but the mind can be greatly changed. I no longer perform my obligations helplessly, but turn to compassion and bodhicitta. While being guided by Buddhist wisdom, I can improve my heart and wisdom in my daily life, so that people around me can feel more happiness and warmth because of myself. Practice is in life, and it is impossible to practice without life and people. You don't need a fortune teller. Look at your present situation, and you will know what you did in the past. You need to reverse it. It can't be solved by fortune telling. It can't be improved by quick success or unscrupulous means. There is no need to continue to go crazy, stop to think, and then improve your behavior through repentance and good deeds, conform to the laws of the universe, create your own bright future, and reduce the results brought about by your past misdeeds. The most wonderful thing is that no matter how stubborn you are, or unwilling to change, your heart is silently yearning and willing to do good, and you will get unspeakable happiness from it. Do you know what that is? It was not given to you by others, nor was it influenced by others. At that time, you had a deep light and never left you. We call it the mind!