Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How did Jiang Taigong seize Zhou Wenwang and how did the win-win deal come about?

How did Jiang Taigong seize Zhou Wenwang and how did the win-win deal come about?

When I was a child, I listened to storytelling, and I liked Fairy Biography best. I envy Jiang Taigong, who can pinch his fingers and count the gods, and dreams of becoming a fairy. Compared with Duke Zhou, another great politician at the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Taigong is more close to the people and more famous, and many folk customs are also related to Jiang Taigong. For example, when people build a new house on the beam, they always stick a red paper on the beam and write "Jiang Taigong is coming!" This has gradually become a common two-part allegorical saying: Jiang Taigong is here-God abdicates. This custom comes from the legend of Jiang Taigong. Legend has it that Jiang Taigong was selfless when he sealed the gods. In the end, all the gods were sealed, leaving him nowhere to go. No choice, he had to climb to the beam of the new house built by others.

Other places or people posted red paper "Jiang Taigong is here, everything is forgiven". This is another legend from Jiang Taigong. Legend has it that Jiang Taigong came to the same place three times and found that a family was always building a house. He was puzzled and asked his family, "Why does your family build a house every year?" The host said, "Don't mention it! My house was burned as soon as it was built, and it has been burned several times. " Jiang Taigong said, "Your family is on the beam this time. Let me have a look." And be careful to make more overnight cakes on the upper beam. On a bright day, Jiang Taigong asked bricklayers and carpenters to move the cake balls to the roof and throw them down. When villagers from all directions saw the cake balls, they all came for it, and it was very lively for a time. Afterwards, the host family asked Jiang Taigong why he did it. Jiang Taigong said: "When Liangliang was working, many people came to grab the cake. These people have various constellations. The zodiac is full, and Vulcan Bodhisattva does not dare to burn it. " Sure enough, the house has not been burned since it was built. Later, when people were building houses, they would throw cakes or cookies and paste red paper with the words "Jiang Taigong is here, and everything is forgiven". This means that with Jiang Taigong, everything is lucky. Thus, in the minds of ordinary people, Jiang Taigong is a model worker who knows everything, is good at handling various contradictions and is selfless.

Jiang Taigong did have some legendary and bizarre experiences in history, so it is not surprising that people deified him. Jiang Taigong was a figure in the late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty. Historical records? According to the records of Qi Taigong family, Taigong is a famous master in the East China Sea. His ancestors had a wide network of contacts, and he was the sage Siyue who assisted Dayu in water control. Later, at the dawn, he was enfeoffed to Ludi (in today's Shandong). April was surnamed Jiang, and some of the descendants of those concubines were Chiang, and some were named Shen or Lu. It's a branch of Lu. Some people say his surname is Lu. Therefore, he is sometimes called Lu Shang in history, but most people call him Jiang Shang. It is said that Jiang Shang was very old before he went to Zhou Wenwang, and the story of Jiang Taigong renting a house from Zhou Wenwang is also a household name. The so-called "Jiang Taigong fishing, willing to take the bait" is a double bait transaction in modern economics.

There are three versions of the story about how Jiang Taigong captured Zhou Wenwang. The first is that Jiang Shang sits by the Wei River all day, fishing like an ordinary old man every day, while Zhou Wenwang, like Wu Ding, dreams that there is an unborn talent somewhere who can help him achieve great things, so according to his instructions, he travels to Wei River with a tie and willingly gets hooked without bait in Jiang Taigong.

The second version says that when Zhou Wenwang was a Xibe, he would go out hunting one day. According to the custom at that time, you should do a divination before going out to see if hunting is appropriate and what you can catch. The divination results show that Zhou Wenwang's hunting this time is "neither a dragon nor a deer, nor a tiger or a tiger, and he has to be helped by the overlord." Xibo hurried out to hunt, without looking at the rabbits, squirrels and deer in the bushes, but all the way to see where there were maverick weirdos. Sure enough, I met Jiang Shang who was fishing with a straight hook at the water's edge on the north bank of Wei River. Jiang Shang sat by the water like a dead tree with a fishing rod in his hand. The hook is not only straight, but also three feet away from the water. At first glance, this is not fishing. As if telepathic, Xibe Jichang knew at a glance that this was an alien. And said hello to him, said a few words, he understood each other's meaning, so Xibe Jichang let Jiang Shang sit in his carriage and drove back to the palace. It seems that the dialogue between wise people can get information from each other without language, a look and a few expressions, and there are also allusions in Buddhism. According to historical records, King Wen was very happy when he saw it, and said, "Since my predecessor Taigong said that' there are saints, Zhou Bichang thrives', this child is really evil! I have been looking forward to my son for a long time. Therefore, posthumous title: King Taigong, and treated him with teacher's courtesy. "

According to the third edition, Jiang Taigong is well-read and knowledgeable. After he became a nobleman, he also served in the court of Shang Zhouwang. There is no way to see Zhou Wang, he is wandering in Wang Zizhong. After extensive and comprehensive investigation, he finally met Xibo Ji Chang by the Weihe River. He thought Xibo Hou was most angry with himself and went to him.

Jiang Taigong had a far-reaching political influence in the early Zhou Dynasty, and his main achievement was to give advice to the King of Wu, support Zhou's crusade against Dongyi and develop Shandong Peninsula. When Tai Shigong described this history, he wrote that Zhou Wenwang "conspired with Lu Shang to tilt Xiu De's commercial politics, which involved many military powers and intrigues, so the words of later generations and the yin power of the Zhou Dynasty were based on Tai Gong." Jiang Taigong is known as the originator of military strategists, and the handed down Six Outlooks is also named after Jiang Taigong.

After Zhou Wenwang's death, King Wu acceded to the throne, and he still treated Jiang Taigong with courtesy and obeyed Jiang Taigong. "Teacher is king, friend is bully, and acts are death. The greatest wisdom of a monarch who can seize and rule the world is that he can hire people better than himself to help him, which is the key to being invincible in the world. Those who can be assisted by friends with similar intelligence and similar aspirations can dominate one side at most. Those who are narrow-minded and jealous of talents can only make use of their talents and moral qualities, and when they meet the last generation, they will inevitably die. A careful study of ancient history shows that no one can escape this rule. Needless to say, Zhou Wenwang's own moral quality is noble. It is said that the Book of Changes developed from the Book of Changes, from eight diagrams to sixty-four hexagrams. Such intellectual wisdom has reached the state of transformation, and he is still fighting for it. He visited the sages all over the world, saluted the corporal, and invited the heady Jiang Taigong as his teacher. At that time, Zhou Wang was completely different. Zhou Wang has a high IQ, and he is also an athlete. He is healthy, strong and a beast. Tai Shigong said to him: "Those who are satisfied are enough to refuse to remonstrate, and their words are enough to make mistakes. People and ministers praise their abilities, and the world is high, thinking that they are all under themselves. "Because of Zhou Wang's high IQ, the minister refused, and he had every reason to refuse. And rhetoric, whitewash, treat ministers, always feel that they are very capable, thinking that the world's intelligence is not as good as their own. Such a self-righteous king, with a polite corporal, modest Xibo contest, the result is clear at a glance. Zhou Wenwang's own virtue is extraordinary, and his son is not simple. Zhou Wenwang's second son, Zhou Wuwang, is a virtuous man at home. He continues to take Jiang Taigong as his counselor and uses his younger brother Ji Dan as Taizai. Zhao Gong, Bi Gong, Kang Shu, Ji Dan and other good ministers all took office, which was a temporary choice and their national strength was booming. Strive to unite more vassal States, isolate the Shang Dynasty, and strengthen their own strength.

History is such a legend. Whenever a wise god (or a family) comes to this world, there must be a tyrant (or a family) who harms this world. Sometimes it's hard to say whether the hero created the situation or the situation created the hero. It is said that under the tyrant's rule, the Shang Dynasty was more corrupt politically, but it still had strong military strength. King Wu sized up the situation, actively prepared to destroy the commercial conditions and waited for the opportunity. Nine years after he ascended the throne, he held the famous "Meng (Meng) Jin" in history. In addition to the vassal States notified by the prince of Wu, there were many uninvited guests, and the scene was very grand. At the scene of the alliance, many governors proposed to attack immediately and take Song. King Wu crossed the Yellow River with a great army on impulse. At this time, King Wu calmed down, analyzed the enemy's strength, ordered the whole army to return, and warned everyone not to act hastily. At the same time, featuring to accept Jiang Shang's opinion, constantly send people to Chao Ge for information.

The so-called evil in heaven can still be violated; You can't live if you commit a crime. King Wu sharpened his sword, but Shang Zhouwang still thought his world was as safe as a safe. Kiko and Huizi advised, one was killed and the other was imprisoned. When a surname defected, Shao Shi saw that Zhou Wang was hopeless and fled with sacrificial vessels from the ancestral temple of Shang Dynasty. People looked askance and closed their mouths. National subjugation is imminent.

King featuring and Jiang Shang knew everything about Chao Ge's every move. After research, they thought that the conditions were ripe to destroy the merchants, and decided to send troops to attack them, and informed the vassal states to March on Chao Ge. Before we set out, the Taishi divined a divination, which seemed like a catastrophe. Seeing this ominous sign, the officials were shocked. A man named Jiang Shang pushed his way through the crowd and demanded a March. Without the support of King Wu, I'm afraid the cutting will be delayed. At the critical moment, King Wu was not superstitious about ghosts and gods, and made a decision immediately. He led 300 chariots, 3,000 guards and 45,000 soldiers to March on Song, so there was the battle of Makino. King Wu made a mobilization report to the whole army before the war, swore an oath, recounted Shang Zhouwang's sins, explained the justice of attacking Zhou Wang, encouraged the soldiers to bravely kill the enemy, and warned them that if they ran away, their families would be unlucky. After the decisive battle began, Zhou Jun had high morale and fought bravely.

Later rulers, ninety-nine percent of Torre's confidants became their opponents, but Zhou Wuwang was as broad-minded as his father, so he didn't have to doubt people, and he didn't doubt people. His younger brother, Ji Dan, is also brilliant and politically skillful. If he were an asshole king, he would have sent his capable brother to poor areas, suitable for all ages. What's even more outrageous is that he simply killed all potential political opponents. On the other hand, Zhou Wuwang reused Duke Ji Dan of Zhou and even passed the throne to him. Jiang Taigong and Duke Zhou lived up to King Wu's hopes. King Wu died young, and he was only a teenager when he succeeded to the throne. It was the Duke of Zhou, Jiang Shang, Zhao Gong and other old ministers who defeated him and led to the rule of Cheng Kang. It can be seen that the mind of managers is more important than wisdom!

Jiang Taigong is regarded as a symbol of wisdom by later generations, and he is really outstanding in management and contingency planning. Historical records? Qi Taigong family: Taigong was enfeoffed to Qi. He started from Zhoudu to the countryside and walked slowly all the way. On the way, he met a Qi native and casually said, "Why are you walking so slowly?" Immediately alert, speed up the pace, and soon came to Qi. At that time, other neighboring regimes also coveted this fertile soil. If he comes ten and a half days late, I'm afraid his country will be occupied by others. Jiang Taigong has three principles in treating qi: because of its vulgarity; The ceremony is simple; Industry and commerce are good for fish and salt. Because of its vulgarity, it is seeking truth from facts and adapting to local conditions; In fact, the simple ceremony is that the government should not interfere too much in people's lives and should not levy too many taxes. Above two points, industry and commerce will benefit from fish and salt. Qi is surrounded by mountains, and there are fish and salt merchants. According to the actual situation, the state macro-control encourages the development of industry and commerce, which makes Qi rich.

At the beginning of the establishment of Zhou Chengwang, Duke Zhou assisted the government. Cai Shu, who had no auxiliary political power in the Zhou royal family, suffered from pink eye and encouraged Yin Lao to rebel in an attempt to interfere in the political situation. Duke Zhou immediately contacted his old comrades who had cut Zhou in the past. Jiang Taigong sized up the situation and stood firmly on the side of Duke Zhou. Without the support of Jiang Taigong and others, I'm afraid the subsequent Crusades and the great enfeoffment system would be out of the question. After the rebellion in Guancai was put down, Duke Zhou did not forget the help of Taigong, and ordered Taigong to say, "It is really necessary to levy it in the east to the sea, in the west to the river, in the south to Muling, and in the north to Emperor Wu, five kings and nine uncles." Qi was thus conquered and became a big country. At the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, there was a big country named Wang, which was the first one. The trust and cooperation among Jiang Taigong, Zhou Wenwang, Zhou Wuwang and the Duke of Zhou also became a model of imperial relations in China history. Later generations have much appreciation for the friendship with, among which "Xuan Yuan" by Fang, a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty, is the most appropriate and true:

Zhang Zhou chased Weibin and brought Lv Wang home.

If the operator and influence, congenital destruction does not violate.