Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities?

Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities?

Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities?

Banks had better go to big cities or small cities. Graduates who have just entered the society generally choose more stable jobs. Next, I would like to share a message with you, whether it is better for banks to go to big cities or small cities. Let's have a look!

Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities? 1 a large and high-quality enterprise often has branches all over the country, which will bring you more choices, such as many state-owned enterprises, the most common of which is banks. You just need to choose the city you want to stay in and register a branch there.

Let's talk about the difference between banks in small cities and big cities. Different branches of the same bank are self-financing. Each bank's headquarters is in a different city, not necessarily Beijing, and the benefits of branches headquartered in cities are of course better. For example, the employee welfare income of Nanjing Branch of Bank of Nanjing is relatively good, but big cities certainly have a set of assessment standards that are more suitable for employees in big cities, and the living costs of employees will be comprehensively considered.

When you choose to apply for the city after graduation, you should consider your own needs comprehensively. Do you want to stay in a big city to find better opportunities, broaden your horizons and try to settle down, or do you want to be comfortable, stay in a small city and live a life with a house and a car? Resignation in a big city is also superior to that in a small city, which is the charm of a big city! If you are young, if you want to fight for it, if you are not in a hurry to get married and have children, you can learn more about the city you love on the relatively safe platform of the bank.

Cities are big and small, but your heart should have a support point. As long as you have determination, you can always settle down. You can respect your heart when you choose, because there will be more and more things to consider and more scruples after work. Learn to cheer for yourself!

Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities? Everyone answers other people's questions from their own perspective. That big V is a high-income group who lives by writing, with an annual income of about 30 million to 50 million.

With his own income, he invested all his main assets in real estate in first-tier cities, then collected rent and continued to invest circularly. There is nothing wrong with this logic itself.

Obviously, his income is very high, and he is a cash cow himself. Even if a large amount of funds lose liquidity for a long time, it is impossible to affect his life.

But if it falls on a reader, there is no standard answer to this question.

The reason is simple, because you may not be able to pay the down payment, or you are not qualified to buy a house in Beijing and Shanghai at all, or your income is very low and unstable, and you are not sure about the mortgage for decades.

So people's situation is different, so there is no panacea.

Life is like playing mahjong. People may get 80 thousand, but 80 thousand is a useless card for you

So any suggestion, you should look at it in combination with the conditions.

For example, in the first two articles, I wrote that the reason why I left a foreign company is very simple. I don't hate risks.

The so-called hedging, you can go to the bank to do a test.

Any high-risk investment product, they will give you a risk model test. In fact, the main thing is to know the range of principal loss that you can bear.

Some people can bear a very low loss, such as 10% loss, and he will be very boring.

Some people are single, he may lose 100%, or even be in debt 1000%, and he doesn't care.

The latter is non-risk aversion.

I am willing to gamble my whole future, because I think the products of foreign companies are too expensive and lack market competitiveness. In the long run, private enterprises will infiltrate from low-end and mid-end to high-end, and surround cities from rural areas, breaking one by one.

Now that the general trend has been determined, it is no big deal to sacrifice some short-term salary and benefits.

Of course, this is my character, and there was no financial burden in those days. My family can at least take care of themselves financially. If you have a heavy family burden as soon as you graduate, you may not be able to do it.

This is the premise.

I think first-tier cities or non-first-tier cities are good.

The most important thing is that the job opportunities you face are not necessarily the pursuit of a city.

I know that many people hold the view that cities are stocks, which is actually based on the fact that housing prices in each city have risen differently in the past decade or two.

For example, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai, because of the high housing prices, people think that they chose this city that year. No matter what they do, as long as they buy a suite, the price of that house represents all their achievements in the past ten years.

But in fact, if you draw a curve on this matter, I'm afraid it may not be as you think.

Let's go back to more than ten years ago.

In fact, before 2008, housing prices in Wenzhou were very expensive.

More expensive than Beijing, more expensive than Shenzhen and more expensive than Shanghai.

Of course, there is no comparison now.

When making any decision, you can't be wise after the event. Those who are wise after the event are often like pigs before.

Just because you think Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are expensive now doesn't mean it will be expensive in the future.

Just like ten years ago, you thought Wenzhou was expensive, but it doesn't mean it will be like this ten years later.

Please note that I am not giving you a prediction, nor am I singing down the housing prices in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. I'm just teaching you the way to think.

If you go back to more than ten years ago, according to this idea of who is expensive, it is obvious that you will stay in Wenzhou or choose to go to Wenzhou for development.

However, in the early years, the housing price in Wenzhou was high because most of the import and export trade was done by Wenzhou people, and they made money in the early days.

After making money, first push the house price in Wenzhou to the highest, and then push the house price in Hangzhou, where the provincial capital is located, to a high level.

At that time, the housing prices in Hangzhou were more expensive than those in North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Then, they speculate on real estate all over the country. Real estate is like a dammed lake, and water always spreads from one point to other value depressions.

But then we can see that both Wenzhou and Hangzhou were swallowed up by warmth from 10 to 15, far away from the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

This truth is also very simple. After the financial crisis in 2008, foreign trade was not good, and Wenzhou people didn't have that much cash.

Therefore, it is not so easy to predict the future housing price of a city, and it is very naive to predict whose housing price is more expensive.

But if someone tells you what to see, such as land, planning, population, it's actually just as naive, but it's covered with a little data.

To put it bluntly, the former is called blind fortune telling, and the latter is called computer fortune telling.

There are many illiterate people in this world who believe that computers can tell fortune. Of course, I believe that our readers are high-level, and their hearts are failing.

In fact, there are many factors that can affect housing prices, not only land, planning, population, GDP, but also local policies, habits, or folk customs, as well as monetary policy, exchange rate, international trade, and even industrial changes.

When there are many parameters that can affect a thing, no one dares to clap his chest and say what will happen in three years and five years.

Because the change of these factors will lead to the change of everything.

I tell you these details, that is, if you regard life as a "stock" in the city, you might as well buy stocks directly.

Just as you believe in Google, Tencent and Amazon, isn't the latter more mobile?

Why not just use all your income to buy Tencent shares? What is the difference between this and your "stock" nature in the city?

Of course, you should notice that my three companies are all metaphors or teaching you the principle of thinking. I didn't recommend any company's stock, and I didn't recommend you to hold it for a long time.

Therefore, in my opinion, the most important thing for a person is to choose job opportunities.

If I go back in time and go back to the time when I just graduated, I think job opportunities are the most important.

Everyone may have different views on the definition of opportunity.

Some people may think that it is a great opportunity for Goldman Sachs to make an offer, because investment banks usually have a lot of money, so-called buying a car for two years, buying a house for three years and retiring.

But when I was young, I might prefer something that made my passion burn.

If it doesn't completely meet the ideal, then settle for second best, if not, settle for second best.

Most of the things I have done, no matter where I go, make my passion burn.

For example, I am very excited about writing code, because I can think about it day and night.

When I just graduated, I used to drive home at night, thinking about a BUG on the way, and I bumped into a bus.

This shows that writing programs can immerse me in it.

Of course, what immersed me more later was high-frequency trading.

You know, I never recommend high-frequency trading. Usually, investors should adopt a long-term model, just like the way of Las Vegas mentioned by Big V, so the transaction cost is the lowest.

In fact, all the surviving high-frequency traders I have seen are gifted. Also known as God's reward for food.

Heaven rewards diligence, which means that 99% of his skills are born and have been used since he discovered them himself. In contrast, the grandfathers' reward for food depends entirely on practice the day after tomorrow.

People who are immersed in things usually do better.

This truth is very simple, and it can be clearer by analogy.

For example, I later brought a marketing team, products, pre-sales and sales, but I really didn't get any results.

We say that the core achievement of the market is not that you have risen quickly, but that you have won a big deal to talk about.

Obviously, I'm not angry about it.

This made me absent-minded. In other words, I watched 65,438+00 hours of works, but in fact, only 65,438+0 hours were devoted to them.

Then think about it, even if you work every day in 007, you will only work 365 hours a year.

But on the other hand, for things you are immersed in, such as trading, you have been working for 10 hours, and you have really worked for 10 hours. In the same year, you worked 3650 hours, ten times.

The difference between immersion and non-immersion, with the passage of time, can quickly widen the distance.

That's why I don't care about the market and concentrate on investing.

Because the more passionate you are, the easier it is to produce results, and the more results you produce, which in turn affects you and makes you more motivated and passionate.

There will be positive feedback.

Just like the big V that our readers ask.

The reason why people are big V is largely because they have advantages from the beginning. For example, people may be journalists, screenwriters, writers and so on from the beginning.

People may earn hundreds of thousands in their early years, millions later and tens of millions later. His income is linked to his hard writing, so he is more and more motivated.

Then you said that you should also learn from him. Your writing may have no readers.

Maybe you've been writing for ten years and only a few hundred people read it, so it's hard for you to persist for another twenty or thirty years.

Even if there is no income problem, you can't stand the long emotional silence.

Therefore, my conclusion is vividly portrayed here.

It is most important to do what can make you burn. Other people's opinions are of little reference value.

For example, a high-frequency trader will tell you that first-tier cities are worthless to him. Think about it, can't you trade on a cruise ship? Floating on five continents and four oceans can make money. What other cities do you care about?

But if you ask a financial manager, he will surely tell you that you must be in a global financial center. Because all the clients are there. The clients are in new york and London, and you stay in Xishuangbanna. What if someone wants to see you?

So, where to choose is not the first thing to consider.

Don't think about these things at first. First of all, try to visit various occupations to see if you are interested and if people might want you.

After many matches, find one that can make you burn as much as possible and give it a try.

It may not be appropriate to try once, but it may be transformed in a few years. After some days, some detours and attempts, try what you want to do and what you are suitable for, and slowly let it enter a virtuous circle.

When you enter a virtuous circle, your career will tell you where is best for you.

Is it better for banks to go to big cities or small cities?

Advantages: there are many outlets, and it is convenient to handle business access in different places. More controlled by the state, dare not cause more trouble.

Disadvantages: the service is poor, the interest rate will only be the lowest, and some service fees will be charged, such as annual card fee and SMS notification fee.

Small bank

Advantages: the interest rate will be higher than that of big banks, and many services are free, such as annual fee, SMS notification fee and inter-bank transfer fee. And the service attitude will be better.

Disadvantages: there are not enough outlets, and sometimes working in different places will be restricted. In addition, when promoting the agent's wealth management products, some small banks may have some factors such as inadequate supervision and high risks.