Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling Feng Shui Record _ Fortune-telling Feng Shui Video

Fortune-telling Feng Shui Record _ Fortune-telling Feng Shui Video

How to Look at Feng Shui with Eight Diagrams

Many people are still studying this gossip to see if Feng Shui is good. But I don't know what gossip feng shui is, how it is formed and how it is used. So what is feng shui gossip, and is it easy to use? In particular, your birthday determines your life. Some people think it's superstition, others like it. A person's birthday is full of information, which can predict a person's wealth, career, marriage, children, injuries and so on. Now let's analyze: geomantic omen, also known as "geomantic omen", ancient people think that the wind direction and current around the foundation of houses and cemeteries can affect the fortune of people living here or buried in this place, and it also refers to the method of looking at each other's graves. In the modern society where traditional culture and progressive culture collide and depend on each other in the new period, Modern Chinese Dictionary writes: "Feng Shui refers to the geographical situation of residential bases and cemeteries, such as the direction of mountains and rivers. Some people who believe in fortune telling believe that the quality of geomantic omen can lead to the rise and fall of their families and future generations. How to look at Feng Shui, Eight Diagrams and Eight Diagrams Feng Shui: Tai Chi gives birth to two instruments, two instruments give birth to four images, and four images give birth to eight diagrams. First of all, we must understand that gossip refers to eight directions respectively. From due north to due east, it refers to Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun and Right respectively. Why not use innate gossip and gossip the day after tomorrow? Teacher Xu Mozhai said that many houses are not old houses with two or three floors, but floors. The door of each floor, "said Miss Xu Mozhai. Now many houses are floors, not two or three-story old houses. The doors of each floor face in different directions. For example, in some home plans, the door is located in the direction of true north. Some home plans show that the door faces south. The auspicious position and the fierce position change with the direction of the door. As the ancients said, the wind and water turn. Every family's geomantic omen is based on congenital fixation to observe whether the acquired rotation law is good or bad. Therefore, the gossip the day after tomorrow is the modern feng shui. After answering this question, it is to confirm the auspicious position and fierce position of the house through the position of the gate. Bedroom, kitchen and living room are not suitable for fierce positions. Bedrooms and kitchens are closely related to the owner's health. These places should be kept clean. If the bedroom is in a fierce position, the owner will have health problems such as insomnia and dreaminess. Wenchang had better set up a study. Kyrgyzstan is not suitable for setting up dirty places such as toilets and warehouses. If the toilet is located in Kyrgyzstan, it will affect the fortune of career and love. Looking at Feng Shui with gossip needs to pay attention to good or bad luck, and there are many places to pay attention to, such as the color of decoration, the taboo of decoration, and the placement of mascots such as Feng Shui plants. According to gossip, geomantic omen with gossip as its source is basically equivalent to saying that the basis of geomantic omen is gossip, and the geomantic omen map divided according to gossip is the collective name of innate gossip and the acquired gossip. In China, there is a custom that has been inherited to this day. Before building houses, temples, cemeteries or repairing bridges and roads, geographers (commonly known as Mr. Geography) are usually invited to check the ins and outs of the terrain location, use "compass compass" to detect the direction, and then select acupoints on a certain day, so the planned architectural pattern will be mixed, and ground will be broken on a certain auspicious day. Congenital Bagua Map Congenital Bagua Map is a geomantic stereogram relative to acquired Bagua Map. This is in line with the cosmology of heaven and earth. Therefore, when building a house, especially a tall building, we usually use the congenital map first, so that we can find the wind direction and water flow that every layout of the building to be built should conform to, which is also the basis of Feng Shui. From an early age, we were taught to grasp the key point of development, but also all aspects of the problem. Therefore, for the external structure of the house, we should first put forward an overall planning scheme, and innate gossip is an essential theoretical tool for this work. Looking at Feng Shui in gossip the day after tomorrow is just like looking at a map. It is a bird's-eye view, which mainly focuses on the placement of every object, that is, the specific internal layout of the house. According to the characteristics that Nanyang is a fire, the northern light is weak and the water is cold, the basis of house lighting is put forward. At the same time, the gas field transformation mechanism of fire, earth and water in Shui Mu has been formed. Arranging objects according to the acquired gossip can naturally enhance the gas field of each part and realize the realm of harmony between man and nature, which is an important basis according to Feng Shui. Dear, some birthdays can help your life. Don't think I'm exaggerating, sometimes it is. When I was young, my parents would take us to see Feng Shui, or invite Feng Shui masters to our home. Older people prefer it. It is superstition for young people, but it must not be superstition. Sometimes it will play a role! Is it easy to use geomantic omen in gossip? Now you probably know everything. What is its function? So sometimes don't think it's superstition.