Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Selected English broadcasts

Selected English broadcasts

Second, multiple-choice questions (* * 15 small questions, ***75.0 points)

I feel depressed at the thought of teaching algebra and geometry.

The thought of teaching algebra and geometry scares me.



pass by


Answer analysis: the answer is that d panic at is a fixed collocation = what is shocking, and the reason behind at is shocking;


transitive verb

1. Surprise; Surprise; disappoint

She was depressed at the thought that she might fail the history exam.

The thought that she might fail the history exam depressed her.

I was depressed to learn that she failed again.

I was surprised to learn that she failed again.


1. surprised; Astonished; Frustrated; Lose courage

I felt very depressed when I heard the news.

The news shocked me greatly.

To their dismay, the door was locked.

To their surprise, the door was locked.

"Someone stole my house!" She said gloomily.

"Someone stole our house!" She said in horror.

I was depressed when I recognized Mrs Bates' voice.

I felt depressed when I recognized Mrs Bates' voice.

The headmaster and I obviously seldom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Sentence meaning: The headmaster and I obviously have nothing in common.

In the same


by contrast


Answer analysis: fixed collocation: little in common, little in common.

Sentence meaning: The headmaster and I obviously have nothing in common.

I mumbled, "Don't _ _ _ _ _ _ is too important for the game.

I muttered not to pay too much attention to those games.

stick on




Attach too much importance to something and attach great importance to a certain time.

enclose herewith

Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

1. Paste; Department; Enclosed please find.

The worker connected a cable.

Workers connect cables.

He attached a check to the order.

He attached a check to the order.

transitive verb

1. Fix and attach to (something).

2. Think important (or significance, value, weight, etc. ); attach importance to

Take part in (sometimes unwelcome or uninvited), be with, pester.

Have a connection with ... ...

5. knot and pick; Stick; Fasten, fasten, fasten; Packing; connect to

She put labels on all the bags.

She attached labels to all the bags.

6. [Attachment to yourself] Attachment; Join (a political party, group, etc.). ), become a member of, become a member of; Bring together

7. make love; Make love or attachment.

8. Attribute ... Right (fault liability, etc.). )

9. (formal) appointment, appointment, appointment, assignment; [Often passive] Change (someone) into (to) temporarily or permanently.

His new company sent him to the company's sales department.

His new company sent him to work in the sales department.

The intransitive verb vi.

1. Subordinate, subsidiary; Affiliated, affiliated, belonging to (belonging to)

2. Accompanying; band together

All local farmers are opposed to building a new airport on their fertile farmland.

What does this sentence mean? All the local farmers protested against building the airport on their fertile farmland.


go on



Guard against sth. Protest against sth.



1. protest; opposition

I can't turn a blind eye to this matter without protesting.

I can't turn a blind eye to this matter, I want to protest.

Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

Other pronunciations: [pr? Test]

1. Declaration; protest

They formally protested.

They formally protested.

He protested against the decision made by the Committee.

He protested against the resolution made by the Committee.

The defendant claimed that he was innocent.

The defendant declared that he was innocent.

2. Express firmness; Defend oneself/explain oneself

The bell is ringing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I have time to read my test paper.

The bell rang before we could check my test paper.



be like

earlier times

Answer analysis: fill in the conjunctions that lead to the adverbial of time, before, before ...

earlier times

Preposition prep

1. (indicating position) is in front of …

The man standing in front of the blackboard is our English teacher.

The man standing in front of the blackboard is our English teacher.

Before (indicating time) ..

We get up before sunrise.

We get up before the sun rises.

3. (indicating comparison) is superior to, prior to

You must pay attention to this problem first.

You should pay attention to this problem first.

4. (indicating order) comes first, (order or arrangement) comes first.

My name comes before him on the list.

My name comes before him on the list.

5. To study for and be judged by.

The criminal case was submitted to the court for trial.

That criminal case has been sent to the court.

6. Indicates facing or approaching.

7. Face to face

8. Express your reaction to someone or something.


Before 1 ...

It will be some time before we know all the results.

It will be some time before we know all the results.

Until ...

3. avoid; or

4. (I would rather ... than)


1. Before; Past; Previously; Past; already

We have seen that film before.

We have seen that film before.

It suddenly occurred to me that I had seen him somewhere before.

I suddenly realized that I had seen him somewhere.

Before we could check my test paper, the bell rang.

This student is much smarter than when he first appeared.

The student proved that he was much smarter than when he first appeared.





Answer analysis: according to the meaning of the sentence, prove that the answer is proved.


transitive verb

1. Proof

They can't prove these doubts.

They can't confirm these suspicions.

How do you prove that you are right?

How do you prove that you are right?

2. inspection; test

Students are required to prove the purity of copper.

Students are required to test the purity of copper.

He has never solved this problem.

Sentence meaning: He really never thought of a solution (work out+ noun usage).

be away from home

along with



Answer analysis: calculate = solve; Manufacturing; Work out (a solution); Solve (a riddle)

take exercise

1. Solve and answer; solve

This problem cannot be solved.

This question cannot be answered.

She solved the problem effortlessly.

She solved the problem without any difficulty.

If you know the length and width, the area can be easily calculated.

If you know the length and width, the area can be easily calculated.

The labor cost is almost 10 shilling per hour.

The cost paid to workers is estimated to be almost 10 shilling per hour.

I can't figure out how to do it.

I can't figure out what to do.

Can you find out where we are on the map?

Can you find our present position on the map?

2. Produce results; develop

The plan turned out badly.

The plan didn't go well.

Everything went according to plan.

Everything is going according to plan.

take exercise

These athletes exercise in the gym for two hours every day.

These athletes exercise in the gym for two hours every day.

4. manufacturing; take exercise

Soon we worked out a plan acceptable to everyone.

It didn't take us long to work out a plan acceptable to everyone.

The plan has been worked out and can be implemented as soon as it is notified.

The plan has been drawn up and can be put into practice immediately.

5. exhausted; waste gas

He never seems to feel tired.

He never seems to get tired.

6. Know someone's nature

You are very cunning. I don't know you.

You are so cunning that I really can't see through you.

7. Employees who work outside the home

Jimmy started exercising when he was ten years old.

Jimmy left home to be an employee when he was ten years old.

Once you understand why you are suitable for this job, it's easy to make a convincing application.

Once you know what job you are suitable for, it will be much easier to write a convincing job application.

He quickly expressed his disagreement, which made me understand that he disagreed with this practical method.

His quick expression of disapproval told me that he didn't agree with this practical method.




tell about

Tell us, tell us.


Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

1. Say; speak of

You can totally say that.

You can totally say that.

He glared at her angrily, but said nothing.

He stared at her but said nothing.

He said that he had never been to Tokyo.

He said that he had never been to Tokyo.

transitive verb

1. Description; Display; Statement; Written materials or visible things provide information; show

What do these figures mean?

What do these numbers mean?

I told you how to use it.

I will explain how to use it.

2. for example; Hypothesis theory

It is said that there was a big flood.

It is said that there was a big flood.

3. reading; Recite; list

4. express, express (opinions)

5. Show, express, express (thoughts, feelings)

Step 6 find out ...

It's hard to say what went wrong.

It's hard to say what the problem is.

7. Assert, conclude, claim

I think her plan is better.

I think her plan is a good idea.

8. guess, say, approximate, estimate

I think he will come at 9 o'clock.

I estimate that he will be back at nine o'clock.

9. Reporting and claiming; Preview; trailer


1. The right to decide and speak

He doesn't have much say in choosing holidays.

Don't let him have too much say in choosing holidays.

Talk, talk

3. what to say; What you said.

4. The order of speaking

5. the opportunity to speak

6. Right to speak

7. [Decision power] Decision power


1. (expressing surprise or excitement) Hey, oops.

No part of speech for the time being

1. (attract others' attention, make suggestions or comments) Hey, I said.

The intransitive verb vi.

1. Speak; announce

Express your views.

I don't want to say it in front of reporters.

I don't want to talk about my opinion in front of reporters.


1. About

For example, 45 inches.

About 45 inches tall.

2. For example, for example

Are there any books, for example, magazines?

Any book will do, such as a magazine.

He tried to show me how it worked, but he couldn't get it back on the rope.

He tried to show me how it worked, but he couldn't pull the thread back.





Answer analysis: how to use, how to use, how to use.


Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

1. Work

He has been working hard all day.

He works hard all day.

Step 2 operate, operate

All the telephones don't work properly today.

All the phones are out of order today.

I know how to operate this machine.

I know how to start this machine.

3. (make) have an impact

If this plan is successful, most farmers in this area will become rich.

If this plan is successful, most farmers in this area will become rich.

The newspaper said that this new drug can work miracles.

The newspaper said that the new medicine had miraculous effects.


1. Work, labor, homework

I have a lot of work to do.

I have a lot of work to do.

2. Occupation

She devoted her life to excellent work.

She devoted herself to charity.

3. Work results and products

Villagers sell their works to tourists.

Villagers sell handicrafts to tourists.

4. Works

She is reading a new book about acupuncture.

She is reading a new book about acupuncture therapy.

5. Factory

The factory is closed for the Christmas holiday.

These factories are closed during Christmas.

Step 6 work

If you push something hard and move it, you have done work.

If you push something hard and move it, you have done work.

7. responsibility; operating duty

8. Work; handicrafts

9. Materials (or documents, etc. ) required for work

10. Work place; Work unit; workplace

1; Action result

12. Works; works

13. architecture; Repair; build

14. Moving parts (of a machine, etc.). )

15. Everything; Full set of articles

transitive verb

1. Do physical (or mental) work; Labor; work

2. be employed by; Engage in the work of

3. strive for; Strive for; Strive to obtain

4. Management and operation (profit)

5. Start and operate (machines, equipment, etc.). ); put in force

6. Very useful; Produce the expected result (or effect)

7. Make it work; Cause (by effort), produce

8. Molding (by extrusion, stretching, hammering, etc.), setting.

9. twitch; Seizure; shake

10. (Gradually) move (to a certain position); Change (gradually) into (a certain state)

1 1. Draw (or weave, braid, etc.) with a certain material. )

Adjective adj

1. Work, work

I can use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to accept this fact.

I can accept this fact.





Answer analysis: accept it frankly

Calm; calm

Adjective adj

1. (Water surface) calm, (weather) no wind.

The sea is calm now.

Now the sea is calm.

2. Calm, calm; Quiet, calm down

Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

1. (make) calm; Calm (down)

Soon, he calmed down a little.

He soon calmed down a little.

Now please calm down.

Please be quiet now.

They tried their best to calm her down.

They tried their best to calm her down.


1. Calm down; Calm; calm

2. Calm down; quiet

There is no wind in meteorology, and the wind force is zero.

transitive verb

1. Make it quiet; Calm down; Calm down; Relieve (pain, etc)

She must take sedatives to calm her nerves.

She must take sedatives to calm her nerves.

The intransitive verb vi.

1. Quiet; Calm down; quiet

The gale finally died down.

The gale finally stopped.

There are still some situations, and I am not sure that my decision is correct.

Sentence meaning: There are cases, and I'm not sure my decision is correct.

Above in



along with

Answer analysis: preposition+relative pronoun, in +which

There is no surgical patient that I am not qualified to treat. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is as good or better as any surgeon.

There is no surgical patient I am not qualified to treat, just like other surgeons, even better than them.

(better than any surgeon)

treat cordially




Answer analysis: treat any earth as well or better.

She was created _ _ _ _ _ _ _ everything about us.

He was asked to tell us everything.


tell about



Answer analysis: Active manufacturing should not be taken with you, but passively added and told.

The young farmer went to the west to try his _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

The young farmer went to the west to try his luck.





Answer analysis: Try his four tones to take a chance.



1. Opportunity, luck, turn the corner.

Luckily, he won the game.

He won the game by luck.

2. The future; destiny

That gypsy old woman can tell fortune.

That gypsy old woman tells fortune.

Luck smiles at us.

Fate smiles at us.

3. Things, changes; Changing trend, destiny, opportunity (of an individual, family, country, etc.) )

Huge wealth, property, money, money.

After his rich uncle died, he inherited a large fortune.

After his rich uncle died, he inherited a large fortune.

5. luck, opportunity

6. [Often plural] Fate, situation, ups and downs, changes (in life events)

7. Destiny, heaven; Tell sb's fortune

8. Luck, good luck, success and prosperity

9. Have money, have money; A lot of money (or property); Very rich, very rich.

10. status (determined by property), status, precious status

1 1. [often F-] the god of fate

12. [f-] Fortune (a large-scale business monthly published by Life-Times Publishing Company in the United States)

What would you do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A case of pneumonia?

Sentence meaning: Tell an example of how to treat lung disease (treatment+disease).

Treatment (only emphasizing the therapeutic effect)

Cure (emphasizing the result of treatment, meaning cure, cure)



Answer analysis: Be kind to treatment.

100% guarantee accuracy, still hope to adopt, thank you!


transitive verb

1. cure, cure (human or animal); Cure (a disease)

He said he could cure my illness, but I still doubt him.

He said he could cure my illness, but I still don't believe him.

Eliminate and correct

Solve (a problem)

Correct (sb's bad behavior)

5. Process and store (food or tobacco) (by smoking, salting, etc.). )


1. Cure, treatment and course of treatment

Doctors can't guarantee a cure.

Doctors can't guarantee a cure.

2. Drugs; therapy

3. Measures to solve problems and improve bad conditions.

treat cordially


1. hospitality, hospitality; Hospitality provided by the host; Treat guests; Give entertainment to

She is cooking fish as a treat.

She is cooking fish to entertain guests.

2. Pleasure, fun; Rare happiness; Happy thing

These performances are a great enjoyment to me.

It is a great pleasure for me to watch these performances.

transitive verb

1. Hospitality

He is very kind to me.

He is very kind to me.

Please take this matter seriously.

Please take this matter seriously.

deal with

Water is chemically treated.

This water is chemically treated.

Explore, discuss and discuss

This book deals with the problem of economic development.

This book discusses the problem of economic development.

4. treat ... as ... as if

They regard me as their own child.

They treat me like their own children.

He thinks money is of little value.

He doesn't think money is of much value.

stand treat

The dentist is treating my teeth.

The dentist treated my teeth.

6. Handling, protection and preservation (through the use of chemicals or chemical reactions)

7. please (guest); Buy (something to enjoy)

Transitive verbs. &; The intransitive verb vi.

1. Entertain, entertain

Today is my treat.

Today is my treat.

On New Year's Day, he treated them to a sumptuous dinner.

On New Year's Day, he treated them to a big meal.

The intransitive verb vi.

1. Discussion; Discuss (used with of)

This book deals with the caste system in India.

This book deals with the caste system in India.

2. negotiation; Deliberate; Consultation; negotiate

They will make peace talks with the enemy.

They will hold peace talks with the enemy.