Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Running composition in the fourth grade of primary school

Running composition in the fourth grade of primary school

In our daily study, work or life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative way in which people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in memory in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following are nine essays on running in the fourth grade of primary school, which are for reference only and I hope to help you.

Everyone knows that the little white rabbit lost. From then on, the little white rabbit was very unconvinced. He thought, well, I'm obviously much faster than you. So the little white rabbit knocked on the door of the little turtle's house. The little turtle opened the door and saw the little white rabbit say, "Little white rabbit, what brings you here?" The little white rabbit said, "I've come to have another race with you." It didn't count last time, but I was too careless. " The little turtle said, "Good! Only this time I have to decide. " The little white rabbit said, it's a deal. "

At noon the next day, the sun was shining, and the white rabbit and the tortoise were all sweaty, as if they had been underwater. At the referee's whistle, the little turtle ran forward with all his strength, and the little white rabbit skipped behind. Here is the little turtle leading the way.

Suddenly, a very urgent river stopped the little white rabbit. The rabbit can't swim. He's spinning around in circles, not knowing what to do. It jumped, no! ! It's too dangerous, but I can't swim at all; Climb the tree and jump over it, but I can't. I'll fall and get hurt. What should I do? Just as the little rabbit was still trying to find a way, the little turtle caught up with him. The little rabbit was as anxious as an ant on hot bricks. The little white rabbit suddenly found a piece of broken wood floating in the distance. The little white rabbit saw hope. She jumped on the wood and swam to the other side with the help of it. She is about to reach the shore. When the white rabbit met the whirlpool, the wood spun and hit a stone. Fortunately, the little white rabbit was quick of eye and load, jumped hard and flew to the little turtle. The little turtle was wet and slippery, and the little white rabbit fell down. Willy-nilly, the little white rabbit ran to the finish line.

In the race between the tortoise and the hare, the hare was defeated by the tortoise for being sleepy. The rabbit was worried and thought, am I really not as good as the tortoise? From then on, the rabbit made up his mind not to sleep and planned to run a second race with the tortoise.

On this day, the rabbit looked for the tortoise and wanted to have another game with the tortoise. Suddenly, the tortoise jumped out of nowhere and frightened the rabbit. The rabbit said to the tortoise, "Tortoise, let's race again!" " The tortoise listened and thought, "If the rabbit loses, let's go to the competition." . I won the previous one. "He proudly said to the rabbit," OK, let's have another game. " Hearing this, the rabbit thought: The tortoise is sure to lose this time. They came to the place where the competition was held, and they were going to compete in the same way. The game is about to start. The tortoise found something wrong and said to the rabbit, "Rabbit, who will be our referee?" "The rabbit, eager to compete, had a brainwave and thought of his neighbor's pony. So they invited the pony. The enthusiastic pony shouted, "Ready … to go." Just as he shouted, the rabbit had run far and the tortoise was still crawling slowly.

After a long time, a big "?" Appear in the turtle's mind. Number. Why did the rabbit run so far and didn't see the original tree? The tortoise shouted, "Rabbit, why didn't you see the original tree after running so far?" When we used to compete, the trees weren't that far away? "The rabbit listened and thought: Will the tortoise cheat me? But its screaming voice seems to be anxious. So the rabbit stopped and shouted to the tortoise, "Yes, I haven't seen a tree after running so far!" "What's the matter?" The confused rabbit had to turn around and look for the shadow of the tree with the tortoise. Looking for a long time, they didn't even see a small tree, but they found dead stumps one by one. It turns out that all the trees have been cut down by humans. They had to leave their familiar places sadly and go home separately.

In this way, there will be no competition between turtles and rabbits, and it will be impossible to tell the winner. But they made up and decided never to compete, but to protect every tree in the forest together.

The rabbit was not convinced, so he went to the tortoise to compete. The tortoise modestly agreed.

The next morning, the rabbit invited the elephant to be the referee, and the referee was next to the audience, including monkeys, chickens, ducklings, kittens and other small animals. "Ready, run!" The referee said loudly. The game has already started, and the voice just fell, rabbit.

The child ran forward like a bullet and soon disappeared, while the tortoise just walked slowly for one meter.

An hour later, the rabbit came to a small river. It can't swim. What shall we do? After a while, the slow little turtle comes. The tortoise saw the rabbit standing by the river. The tortoise went over and said, "Rabbit, what's wrong with you!" " The rabbit said, "Brother Tortoise, I can't swim." . I can't get through. The tortoise said, "Come on my back!" " ! But you must stop and let's run together. "The rabbit nodded. Who knows that the tortoise carried the rabbit to the shore, but the rabbit broke his promise and ran away by himself. The tortoise had to reach the finish line slowly by himself. After a while, the rabbit came to a river again. The tortoise came, and when he saw the rabbit, he wanted to scold it. The rabbit had no choice but to ask the tortoise to help him carry it. The tortoise looked at the rabbit piteously and held it in his arms. When we reached the shore, the rabbit stopped running. Rabbit said, "Brother Tortoise, let's unite and get along well!"! " "

The tortoise nodded. Suddenly, it began to rain cats and dogs. The tortoise said, "Don't be afraid, I have a turtle shell!" " "The tortoise took off its shell in a hurry. The two of them walked slowly towards the finish line.

They became good friends.

Composition 4 of the fourth grade competition in primary school: the first episode: the setting of the challenge book.

Since the tortoise won the race, the rabbit has been very uncomfortable. One day, the rabbit saw the turtle's QQ online and said to the turtle, "Boy, last time you embarrassed me, I'll give you another one." The tortoise casually replied, "compare, compare." Will this great master be afraid of you? " The rabbit flew into a rage and immediately wrote a challenge. So the showdown is about to begin.

Episode 2: Prepare for War in an All-round Way

A few days before the war, the tortoise didn't go out either. Assemble things at home all day. Sister pig, the neighbor, is going crazy, thinking, "It's so noisy every day, don't think I'll kill this turtle and chop it up." The day before the war, the tortoise finally went out. At this time, Sister Pig cut off the willow tree in the garden with a knife and stared at the tortoise mercilessly. The tortoise goes to the animal gymnasium. Stay tuned for the next episode: the ultimate showdown.

Episode 3: the ultimate showdown

Hey! The animal gymnasium is crowded with people. If you don't buy a ticket earlier, it is estimated that finding an empty seat in it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. In this competition, the Lion King rented 100 artificial animal satellite for live TV broadcast. Of course, those animals who live far away will not miss this good opportunity and will turn on the TV to watch the live broadcast. At the end of the day, the electricity consumption of all TV sets reached 654.38 billion kilowatts. Ok, let's see what the tortoise and the rabbit are doing. Strange! The turtle's pocket is bulging, and I don't know what's inside. The rabbit has put on his sneakers and clothes. Everything was ready, only to hear the starter bear roar and the rabbit flew out like an arrow. The tortoise pressed a button on the shoe and flew out. It turns out that those shoes are supersonic shoes, and the tortoise wants to win with high technology. The rabbit ran and thought, "Hum, I'm not afraid of high technology." Before I finished speaking, I saw a flash of white light around me and the tortoise disappeared. When the rabbit ran breathlessly to the finish line, the tortoise was already waiting for it on the podium.

The rabbit sighed, "God, I didn't have a rest this time. Why can't I win? Since I was born in, why should I be born in Liang? "

As we all know, the rabbit was far ahead in the last race between the tortoise and the hare, but it was because he was a little lazy that he slept. The tortoise took advantage and won the first place, but he didn't finish the race. After that game, the rabbit was unconvinced and decided to play another game with the tortoise.

On this day, the rabbit led a huge rabbit family to the tortoise. The tortoise was not afraid to see the huge rabbit family, but also greeted the rabbit family slowly (worthy of being the world champion of animals). "hello! Hello everyone! What can I do for you? " "Hum! You little turtle! Last time I let you take advantage, today, I'm here to challenge you! Just next week! You must come next week! I want to hit you! Beat you a little turtle! "

That night, the rabbit called all the rabbits in the rabbit family and said to everyone, "Brothers, we must win this time! You can't lose the face of the rabbit family, you must let that turtle have a good end! " "Then we have to set a trap. As long as that turtle enters the trap we set, it will definitely lose! " "No, it's just a trap. It's impossible to get that hateful and cunning turtle. After all, the trap can't move and won't improvise! " "With that, we can also send people to do everything possible to stop the hateful and cunning tortoise from moving forward, so that the tortoise must be better than a trap and can stop people more. Then, you have enough time to reach the end. " "Ha ha ha ha! Then let's set traps and stop people now. "

In fact, the rabbits don't know that their most important person-the designer of the trap and the organizer of stopping people-is a spy sent by the tortoise family.

It turned out that after the tortoise accepted the challenge, it also called the tortoise of the tortoise family to deal with the rabbit family, which was much more powerful than the rabbit! "

On the day of the game. Both the rabbit and the tortoise arrived at the competition site on time. The rabbit is full of confidence, but the tortoise shows a sinister smile. The race started, and the rabbit rushed out at a speed of 100 meters. Along the way, he cut off the bridge on the edge of the cliff; Sink one of the two boats by the lake to the bottom of the lake and row the other boat by yourself; Cut off the vines hanging from the cliff ... let's take a look at the tortoise: the tortoise started the ftl engine after jogging for a while (it was really hidden). My foot didn't touch the ground at all, and I knew that the trap stopped people, so it didn't work at all, and I rushed up unimpeded. In a short time, it passed the far-ahead rabbit and crossed the finish line.

"Yes!" The turtles of the tortoise family cheered. "damn it! Actually lost! " Rabbits of rabbit family are dejected and despondent.

In the end, the rabbits were defeated by the "trick" of my turtles.

Since the tortoise beat the rabbit, it became famous overnight. Many advertisements want the tortoise to talk to people today, such as mm advertisements, which can still fight after eating rabbit legs. So turtles have fans all over the world. What about rabbits? A slip of the foot makes an everlasting regret. It practices running on the hillside every day. According to Mrs. Squirrel, the rabbit's neighbor, "The rabbit has been practicing hard on the hillside since it lost to the tortoise, because it is too hard, and sometimes it doesn't sleep for 24 hours." Now the rabbit wrote a challenge letter to the tortoise. The rabbit swore in front of the reporter that if he lost to the tortoise again, he would be the tortoise's servant for life.

On the day of the game, the audience was packed, and the referee gave an order: "Ready-bang!" The rabbit flew out like a wild horse when it heard the gunshot, but what about the tortoise? Still walking slowly, the tortoise fans shouted, "tortoise, tortoise, hurry up." But the tortoise is still very slow, and the audience seems to have lost interest in the game, because the outcome is already known. At this time, I don't know who popped up a sentence: "The outcome has not been announced yet. There is an Internet cafe in the middle of the game. Many people are addicted to it. Let's see if the rabbit can pass. " This sentence aroused everyone's interest. At this time, the rabbit has arrived at the Internet cafe. Miss Fox, the owner of the Internet cafe, greeted him and said, "Mr. Rabbit, where are you in such a hurry?" The rabbit said, "I am competing with the tortoise." Miss Fox laughed after hearing this: "Race with the tortoise, the tortoise is so slow. Go in and have a rest. I'll show you here." The rabbit was a little moved: "But I have no money." Miss Fox said, "It's so tacky to come and spend money with me. It's my treat this time. " Miss fox pulled the rabbit in. As soon as the rabbit played, it was confused by the games in the computer. Although Miss Fox repeatedly reminded the rabbit that the tortoise was halfway up the mountain, the rabbit said, "Play a little longer." Finally, the rabbit had enough fun and caught up with it at once, overtaking the tortoise, but the tortoise had a problem on the way. It turned out that a fortune teller saw the turtle's shell was useful and took it off and threw it away. Coincidentally, the fortune teller used to be a shot putter and threw the turtle to the finish line. The tortoise won. Of course, in the end, the tortoise found its shell.

If you see a turtle in the forest, it is often followed by a rabbit.

Usually, I don't pay much attention to the passage of time in my study and life, thinking that there is always time to burn, and we are racing against time.

Today, I learned the article Race against Time, which made me really understand: "Nothing in time will come back;" If you insist on racing against time, you can succeed. "

I feel very ashamed to think of myself from this. I can also put off the homework assigned by the teacher at school, thinking that I have plenty of time to go home, so I will write it when I get home. Back home, I met a good TV series and wanted to watch it; Sometimes I want to play computer games. In this way, I practice two big characters after finishing my homework, and sometimes I have to finish the exercises and homework assigned by the teacher in English class, composition class and Olympic Mathematics class. I always go to bed late every night.

Through the study of this article, I feel that the key to my embarrassment lies in not grasping the time. If I can hurry up, play less at school and try to finish the homework assigned by the teacher at school, so that I can spare more time to do other things when I get home.

If I can seize the time and finish the learning tasks assigned by the teacher first, I can squeeze out more time to learn writing brush and hard pen calligraphy, learn Olympic Mathematics, composition and English well, and read more extracurricular books. In this way, I can learn more knowledge than others in the same time. In this way, I am ahead of schedule. I firmly believe that those who are ahead of the times must be winners.

Wipe off the mottled stains on the mirror and stand still. I haven't seen myself like this for a long time. A scratch on the door extends upward and ends at the boundary of childhood. Suddenly, I found myself tall and grown up, and everything seemed to be yesterday, near and far. Always racing with yourself, today is yesterday, tomorrow is today, surpassing yourself again and again and examining yourself. In this way, I have been moving forward, moving forward towards tomorrow.

There are always differences between people. Don't blindly fantasize about surpassing many people, and don't put temporary success or failure in fate. We don't need to argue or criticize ourselves. As long as I live happily every day, utilitarianism will eventually dissipate for me, and I should never argue with others. As long as we surpass ourselves and make a little progress every day, there will always be a future in which mountains are piled up and water droplets merge into the ocean.

Success is very important and sweet for everyone, but everyone is easy to get lost. Don't always love yesterday, don't always turn your back on the sun, face the shadow, turn around, face the backlight in the dusk, and go all out to tomorrow. Yesterday was just frozen at that moment. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I will walk by and cast my shadow on the distant horizon in one breath. Yesterday is yesterday after all.

When people reach a certain level, they always want to know what is beyond the mountain and what is at the end of the desert. No one can give you the answer, only when I leave. Beyond the mountain is hope, and at the end of the desert is an oasis. Imprisoned in his own traces all his life, he is always as lonely as a child. I may have never seen the other side of the mountain in my life, but I can only leave silently with endless sadness.

Life is a blank manuscript, I want to write it myself; Life is an oil lamp, and I must light it myself. Life is a competition, and I have to fight it myself. The familiar distant mountains have edges and corners again. In the early winter morning, the smoke from the kitchen started again, and the sun cut through the sky. Yes, another day, another day. Pack your bags and stand at the starting line. The moment when the starting gun goes off, it passes like a meteor. That kind of beauty is called transcendence.

Since the last race, the rabbit was lazy and let the tortoise win narrowly. The rabbit became very modest and got up early every morning to run hard, while the tortoise …

Turtles behave in the opposite way to rabbits. It just narrowly beat the rabbit, but it shows off everywhere in front of everyone, boasting that even the rabbit can't outrun me. As a result, it began to pay no attention to anyone, and it was no longer as down-to-earth as before.

The rabbit lost to the tortoise because of its laziness and was discriminated against by other animals. The rabbit felt unwilling, so he challenged the tortoise again, which was also a race.

A few days later, the tortoise and the rabbit stood side by side on the runway again, and there was a heated discussion under the stage: "The tortoise won the rabbit last time, and it will definitely win this time." "Not necessarily, I heard that the tortoise is very proud now!" "I think the rabbit will win."

As the referee gave the order, the rabbit ran out like an arrow. But turtles are different. It walks slowly, just like walking, waving to the audience outside. At present, the rabbit has tossed the turtle for hundreds of meters, but the turtle is still very leisurely, with a smug expression on his face, as if he believed he would win, and the rabbit fell asleep on the side of the road like last time. The rabbit ran with the results of its usual training. Finally, the rabbit reached the finish line first. The audience outside told the tortoise that the rabbit was nearing the end, and the tortoise really made efforts and began to run hard. But when the tortoise reached the finish line, the rabbit had already got there first. At this time, the rabbit said seriously, "Pride makes people retrogress, while modesty makes people progress." Finally, the tortoise suddenly realized.

This story tells us: never be proud, be modest and be down-to-earth like a rabbit. Because pride makes people retrogress, modesty makes people progress.

Since the tortoise defeated the white rabbit last time, it has been very proud, thinking that the tortoise is the fastest animal.

It walks in the forest with a gold trophy on its back every day. When it meets people, it says, "I hit rabbits!" " "

In this way, the animals are very dissatisfied with it.

Year after year, day after day, the little turtle has become an old turtle, full of children and grandchildren.

The old turtle told his son and grandson about the race and said to them, "We turtles are the fastest." His son and grandson also believe that what the elders said is not wrong.

One day, a notice was posted in the forest:

We will race against another forest, and those who win glory for us will have bonuses; Anyone who insults us will be fined!

The old tortoise saw it and said to his children and grandchildren, "It's time for us to win glory for the tortoise family. Running slowly will show your nobility and bonus! " "

The old turtle led a group of little turtles to sign up.

The game has started. The tortoise ran, stopped, slept for a while, picked the fruit and ate it for a while, and finally came.

The old tortoise was very surprised, but he had no choice but to pay the fine.

After that, there were fewer admirers and flatterers at home, and the animals in the forest ignored it.

When the old tortoise died, he always wondered why his descendants won the last place.